my uncle

xxabexo300 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
My name is abby and my very close uncle has lung cancer.i found this out on friday right after school. my sister and i just right then broke down crying. last time i saw him was last summer when he taught** me how to give him a real hug because i am shy around family and so he hugged me to the point of squishing haha. and we always went quading it was so much fun and to know he cant do that anymore makes me want to cry. and right when i found out he had lung cancer i wish he was hugging me. i wish i could have done something it killed me to know i couldnt do anything. and the thought that he only had so much time to live was horrible. i just wish things like this wouldnt happen to the best of people. he hasn't died yet and i hope he doesn't anytime soon. my family is going to visit because he lives in maine and i live in mass. but i hope i get to spend a couple of days with him. i am happy that i have time to spend with him and that I can pray for him.


  • Stephanie123
    Stephanie123 Member Posts: 10
    Im Sorry Abby
    abby, i really hope everything with your uncle turns out okay...and you should spen as much time as possible with him cause you dont want to regret it so remeber this....

    Laugh your heart out..... Dance in the rain....Cherish the moment....Ignore the pain...Live, love, learn Forgive, and forget....Life is to short to live with regret!

    I hope everything turns out good and your uncle will be in my prayers!

  • PBJ Austin
    PBJ Austin Member Posts: 347 Member

    Im Sorry Abby
    abby, i really hope everything with your uncle turns out okay...and you should spen as much time as possible with him cause you dont want to regret it so remeber this....

    Laugh your heart out..... Dance in the rain....Cherish the moment....Ignore the pain...Live, love, learn Forgive, and forget....Life is to short to live with regret!

    I hope everything turns out good and your uncle will be in my prayers!


    Hugs to Abby
    Aw honey, you sound like a very sweet girl and I can see you love your uncle. Please know that cancer is not always a death sentence. A lot of people beat cancer and go on to live very long lives. They are coming up with new kinds of treatment every day so please try to be positive. I know it's hard, I have a sister with cancer. When we first found out all I could think about his that she might be gone in a few years. But now after a year of treatment she has made great progress and I think she is going to kick some cancer butt. There's no reason your uncle can't do the same.

    I'm sending you a big cybor hug, here it is. {{{{Abby}}}}

    Good luck to you sweetheart and you can talk to us on this board anytime you feel sad.