Newcomer with questions on TAC chemo

caligirl1 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have soooo many questions, I don't even know where to start. I had a lumpectomy on Feb. 17th and mammosite rediation a week later. Now for the hard part. My chemo starts next Tuesday(TAC). I'd like to know what to expect. I'm reading a lot of scary stuff! What I dread most I think is the nausea. Any positive news out there!


  • tally
    tally Member Posts: 48
    I have my second TAC treatment next Thursday, but I can tell you what I have experienced so far. The nausea was not bad at all. My doctor gave me Emend in my IV during chemo and Emend tablets for day 2 and 3. It really worked. I was scared of the nausea to. The fatigue was worse than the nausea. About 4 or 5 days I was really tired. The third day was probably the worse but after that each day I felt better and stronger. I got the shot for white blood cells, NEULASTA, the day after chemo and it made my joints a little sore, kind of like when you have the flu. It wasn't really bad but I had been advised by others to have the shot in my stomach instead of my arm. I think that was a good idea. My taste was altered some by the chemo but that to improved each day. For me after about 5 days things got better and more normal. Today my hair has started coming out and my scalp is sore in spots. Just listen to your body and rest when you need to. When you feel like eating, do so and stay hydrated. Good luck. I'm praying for you.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    One thing to remember is

    One thing to remember is that everyone reacts differently to the chemo. I have had the AC twice now and up for my third. As for the nausea, for my first chemo, I took emend, had nausea preventitive in my pre-meds, took Lorazipam aftwards and had horrible nausea within an hour and a half of finishing the chemo. The second chemo the Oncologist gave me the maximum dose of nausea preventive medicine in my pre-meds and I barely had any nausea.

    For both chemos, by the afternoon of the day after chemo, I am fine. I usually get up and take a walk around the block to clear my head as I get a little dizzy. The neulasta shot gives me no problem at all. However by day 4 I have a sore throat which goes on down my oesophagus,have acid reflux and have a problem swallowing for days 5 and 6. By day 7 it is much better and my lips and the inside of my mouth start getting raw. This according to the Onc. is the chemo sloughing off fast growing cells in my mouth, throat and stomach. I also get a boil with each chemo on day 7 (for me, this is consistant whenever my immune systems hits a low even before chemo).

    Also for a week after chemo I can't sleep unless I take the Lorazipam which is not only for nausea but for sleeping and an anit-anxiety. It works very well for me.

    I do work through all of this but also make sure I get as much sleep as possible, exercise and eat as well as possible. My Onc. has told me that I appear to be very sensitive to the chemo.

    Whatever your reaction you must tell your Oncologist. Your premeds can be adjusted and they have all sort of meds to help you get through this. It doesn't have to be a nightmare.

    take care and best wishes.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Welcome, caligirl
    I had a different chemo cocktail than you're getting, so I can't comment on TAC specifically, but I just want to encourage you to not be overly worried about nausea -- they have so many drugs they can give you now, chemo isn't like what it used to be, or like what you see on tv.

    Like Mariam said, if one anti-nausea drug doesn't work, they can try another, or increase your dosage -- you just have to get through the first one, to see how your own body reacts, then they can adjust the drugs accordingly.

    Before I started chemo, my oncologist told me this: "Your hair is going to fall out -- there's nothing I can do about that. For everything else -- you get side effects, I got drugs." And he wasn't lying -- they really do have an arsenal now of drugs they can give you to help you feel as normal as possible during chemo.

  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I was on TAC; I started Oct. 15th and had my last of 6 on Feb. 4th. As has been said, everyone reacts differently, but I was never nauseous. I would always have my treatment on a Thursday and Friday I would feel fine. I would get my Neulasta shot after work on Friday and then feel very run down Saturday & Sunday. By Monday, I felt better and could go to work. After my 4th treatment, I never felt 'myself' again. I got very tired. Even just walking to the bathroom made me tired. I continued to work full time and didn't miss much time but it wasn't easy. My strength and stamina came back by around the 3rd to 4th week after finishing. Luckily, I didn't have many side effects. I know they scare you to death with all the 'possibilities'. Just know that it's temporary and you will feel like yourself again when it's all over! I'm going through radiation now. I have 5 more treatments and I'm done. I've actually been able to get back to my exercise routine. We gotta do what we gotta do and chemo today isn't nearly what it used to be. I wish you the best with little to no side effects!

    Hugs, Mar
  • cantthink
    cantthink Member Posts: 36
    Marlene_K said:

    I was on TAC; I started Oct. 15th and had my last of 6 on Feb. 4th. As has been said, everyone reacts differently, but I was never nauseous. I would always have my treatment on a Thursday and Friday I would feel fine. I would get my Neulasta shot after work on Friday and then feel very run down Saturday & Sunday. By Monday, I felt better and could go to work. After my 4th treatment, I never felt 'myself' again. I got very tired. Even just walking to the bathroom made me tired. I continued to work full time and didn't miss much time but it wasn't easy. My strength and stamina came back by around the 3rd to 4th week after finishing. Luckily, I didn't have many side effects. I know they scare you to death with all the 'possibilities'. Just know that it's temporary and you will feel like yourself again when it's all over! I'm going through radiation now. I have 5 more treatments and I'm done. I've actually been able to get back to my exercise routine. We gotta do what we gotta do and chemo today isn't nearly what it used to be. I wish you the best with little to no side effects!

    Hugs, Mar

    I did 6 TAC
    and lived to tell about it! It's been a month now, and every day I have more energy, whew! Nausea was not a big problem, (the other end was less predictable!) but my guts never felt right. My hands and feet lost some feeling, but I don't think I've lost any use of them, and I try to dance a bit, so I'd probably notice. That, general fear of all of it, and chemo-brain I found the worst, oh, and by number 6 I got pretty tired. I took l-glutamine for a few days before each infusion, about 10 grams a day, hoping that would help prevent neuropathy, I don't really know if it helped or not. I also held those blue ice packs and put my feet on them during treatments, and got very cold! I don't know if that helped either.
    Claritin some advise for the Neulasta, it worked great for me, some people use tylenol.
    Losing tastbuds it really weird, and really weird I found less and less interesting as time went on! Mostly take care of yourself, avoid salad bars, drink lots and take really good care of yourself. You'll have more questions probably, you've come to a very friendly place!
  • caligirl1
    caligirl1 Member Posts: 7
    Marlene_K said:

    I was on TAC; I started Oct. 15th and had my last of 6 on Feb. 4th. As has been said, everyone reacts differently, but I was never nauseous. I would always have my treatment on a Thursday and Friday I would feel fine. I would get my Neulasta shot after work on Friday and then feel very run down Saturday & Sunday. By Monday, I felt better and could go to work. After my 4th treatment, I never felt 'myself' again. I got very tired. Even just walking to the bathroom made me tired. I continued to work full time and didn't miss much time but it wasn't easy. My strength and stamina came back by around the 3rd to 4th week after finishing. Luckily, I didn't have many side effects. I know they scare you to death with all the 'possibilities'. Just know that it's temporary and you will feel like yourself again when it's all over! I'm going through radiation now. I have 5 more treatments and I'm done. I've actually been able to get back to my exercise routine. We gotta do what we gotta do and chemo today isn't nearly what it used to be. I wish you the best with little to no side effects!

    Hugs, Mar


    Thanks Marlene and all who have put my mind at ease. I am most grateful. It's good to know that your stamina does come back. I can't wait to put this behind me. Will keep posting on my treatments. Bless you all.
  • rm22111
    rm22111 Member Posts: 54
    what is ahead
    I had 4 treatments of act. Everyone that has replied so far addresses most things that I experienced. I will add my dentist gave me a tooth paste and mouth wash called biotene. When I started brushing with it it helped with the metalic taste and mouth issues I was having. It was also recommended on this site to get a satin pillow case. It feels good on a sensitive head and the hair just rolls off easily. Hope this helps some.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    tally said:

    I have my second TAC treatment next Thursday, but I can tell you what I have experienced so far. The nausea was not bad at all. My doctor gave me Emend in my IV during chemo and Emend tablets for day 2 and 3. It really worked. I was scared of the nausea to. The fatigue was worse than the nausea. About 4 or 5 days I was really tired. The third day was probably the worse but after that each day I felt better and stronger. I got the shot for white blood cells, NEULASTA, the day after chemo and it made my joints a little sore, kind of like when you have the flu. It wasn't really bad but I had been advised by others to have the shot in my stomach instead of my arm. I think that was a good idea. My taste was altered some by the chemo but that to improved each day. For me after about 5 days things got better and more normal. Today my hair has started coming out and my scalp is sore in spots. Just listen to your body and rest when you need to. When you feel like eating, do so and stay hydrated. Good luck. I'm praying for you.

    I didn't have to take chemo,
    I didn't have to take chemo, but, wanted to wish you the best of luck on it. Praying that you have no or very minimal side effects that you can easily handle.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    rm22111 said:

    what is ahead
    I had 4 treatments of act. Everyone that has replied so far addresses most things that I experienced. I will add my dentist gave me a tooth paste and mouth wash called biotene. When I started brushing with it it helped with the metalic taste and mouth issues I was having. It was also recommended on this site to get a satin pillow case. It feels good on a sensitive head and the hair just rolls off easily. Hope this helps some.


    Saltwater & baking soda
    This reminded me... something I read and did was to gargle with saltwater & baking soda. I did it every night since the night before my first treatment. I never got mouth sores and never lost my taste buds. Towards the end, I got a little lazy because I was so tired and I slacked on the gargling. After my 5th or 6th infusion (I can't remember... funny they say you forget and I guess I have, quickly lol), anyway I got the sores AND lost my tastebuds. When I resumed gargling, the sores started fading and I got my taste buds back, but I suffered for a while. It can't hurt as it's cheap and you won't be hurting anything.

    Good luck!

    Hugs, Mar
  • caligirl1
    caligirl1 Member Posts: 7
    Marlene_K said:

    Saltwater & baking soda
    This reminded me... something I read and did was to gargle with saltwater & baking soda. I did it every night since the night before my first treatment. I never got mouth sores and never lost my taste buds. Towards the end, I got a little lazy because I was so tired and I slacked on the gargling. After my 5th or 6th infusion (I can't remember... funny they say you forget and I guess I have, quickly lol), anyway I got the sores AND lost my tastebuds. When I resumed gargling, the sores started fading and I got my taste buds back, but I suffered for a while. It can't hurt as it's cheap and you won't be hurting anything.

    Good luck!

    Hugs, Mar

    Thanks so much! Can you tell
    Thanks so much! Can you tell me how much salt and baking soda you used?
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    caligirl1 said:

    Thanks so much! Can you tell
    Thanks so much! Can you tell me how much salt and baking soda you used?

    I used a four ounce glass
    I used a four ounce glass and put about a half teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda into warm water. I would alternate swishing it around in my mouth for about 30 seconds, then gargle until I stopped because I needed to breathe, lol. I would do this 3 times. Of course, I didn't finish the full glass, but whatever I did, it worked for me. I sure hope it does for you too!