
4slurpee Member Posts: 41
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello all. I am curious if my current rash of dizziness may be related to chemo. or rads and am wondering if anyone has had these spells. Multiple times a day I can feel spinning for very short sessions. I am never sick and can function normally, in fact, you would not know this is happening by looking at me. However, it is very obvious to me. It is not seizures or a tumor (checked). It started during rads, but I don't know if it is related. It has been about three months now. Some days it is a lot, some days very few, however, it is every day. It is not related to movement either. Has anyone had these in relation to treatment or am I shooting in the wrong direction? I am sitting here attached to a forty eight hour EEG wondering if we are headed in the wrong direction (headed - hee hee - no pun intended).


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    To me it sounds like
    To me it sounds like veritgo. I suffer from veritgo and it can come on without warning. It's the spinning and over all dizziness. Can make you sick to. You should really call your doctor on this. Find out for sure what it is.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    dizzy dame
    Yup that's me! I have always been somewhat dizzy due to meds I had as a child for epilepsy, however it was never as bad as it became after chemo. Some chemo can cause the hairs in your ears to stop moving which effects hearing and the ability to be stable when walking. I have had to have several physical therapy sessions to help me regain come of my composure, hope this helps.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    RE said:

    dizzy dame
    Yup that's me! I have always been somewhat dizzy due to meds I had as a child for epilepsy, however it was never as bad as it became after chemo. Some chemo can cause the hairs in your ears to stop moving which effects hearing and the ability to be stable when walking. I have had to have several physical therapy sessions to help me regain come of my composure, hope this helps.


    Have you had your ears
    Have you had your ears checked? Before bc, I had a viral infection that caused dizziness. I've also had wax build up that caused dizziness. No fever or other symptons with these.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    RE said:

    dizzy dame
    Yup that's me! I have always been somewhat dizzy due to meds I had as a child for epilepsy, however it was never as bad as it became after chemo. Some chemo can cause the hairs in your ears to stop moving which effects hearing and the ability to be stable when walking. I have had to have several physical therapy sessions to help me regain come of my composure, hope this helps.


    You might want to have your
    You might want to have your ears checked and your blood pressure. Either of them can cause dizziness or light headiness. Let us know what you find out.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Diziness can be very mysterious. I went through a period where I was dizzy all the time, to the point where it was disrupting my life. This was years before cancer. I had every test in the book, from brain MRIs to vestibular studies of my inner ears, to sleep tests hooked up to an EEG. The only thing they could find was a small tear in my inner ear, but they couldn't really say if that was the problem. The problem went away on its own. It still crops up from time to time, but nothing like it used to be. I hope you find some answers and, better yet, relief. Hugs.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    mimivac said:

    Diziness can be very mysterious. I went through a period where I was dizzy all the time, to the point where it was disrupting my life. This was years before cancer. I had every test in the book, from brain MRIs to vestibular studies of my inner ears, to sleep tests hooked up to an EEG. The only thing they could find was a small tear in my inner ear, but they couldn't really say if that was the problem. The problem went away on its own. It still crops up from time to time, but nothing like it used to be. I hope you find some answers and, better yet, relief. Hugs.


    Is that your own hair. I Love it !!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Is that your own hair. I Love it !!

    Hey Kat!
    Yes, that's my own hair. It's grown in pretty well, but I have it flat ironed to keep it straight. I am wondering when this curl will grow out!
