
501 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
My brother 41 years old just told he had melanoma. Its start on his back seven month ago. He had removed it and it came back. He told Dr.dont send it in for testing didn’t have the money. Time went on and he started to get head pain. They said had mass on back left side of brain as big as the left side. They had brain surgery to remove it. He has mass in his left arm pit to. They are going to give him radiation to his brain. Is this the last stage and are they just trying to make him comfortable? They have not said any time frame. What I have read it doesn’t sound good. Do people every make it at this stage? If so what can he do?


  • maconga
    maconga Member Posts: 1
    brain melanom
    once melanoma has spread to the brain it is considered stage 4 and "incurable". Studies state that one has a 10-15% survival rate past one year. Most pass within one year. The important thing here is your brothers will to survive and his determination that one more year of survival is not enough!!! He must get in touch with some positive doctors! Not a doctor that tells him he will only live so many months! Melanoma is on the rise, however most oncologist are not up to date with current regimens to treat melanoma. You need a specialist!!!!! You need an oncologist that specializes in MELANOMA! Your brother is too young to accept "one more year of survival".......i tell you this because 2 weeks ago my father was diagnosed with two metastatic brain melanoma tumors. He had a skin melanoma removed from his back 28 yrs ago. My father is 55 yrs old and in good health. Found out he had this tumor after having seizure like activity once. no other signs or symptoms of any problems. Oncologist in macon ga told him he had 10-12 months to live. He stated the chemo and radiation was palliative (control symptoms) measures only. Instantly we researched other options and found a specialist at emory winship cancer intstitute in atlanta ga. Dr. D. Lawson specializes in Melanoma and has a team of other specialists that specialize in melanoma. i will reiterate again here....2 wks ago he was diagnosed with tumor in macon ga. had one surgically removed, the other inoperable. dischared from macon hospital 3-27, had 1st appt at emory 4-1 and scheduled for stereotactic surgery (gamma knife)4-8...That is excellent service! emory clinic was like a breath of fresh air! They inspire you with hope and let you know their job is to lengthen your life, but will not limit you to a number of months. ALL YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED HERE! I WILL POST AGAIN AFTER SURGERY TO LET YOU KNOW OUTCOME. IT TAKES 4 WKS TO SEE HOW WELL THE TUMOR RESPONDED TO RADIATION. kEEP POSTIVE THOUGHTS!