Tamoxifen OR Arimidex???



  • lilyroset
    lilyroset Member Posts: 1

    Thanks so much everyone
    I think I decided that I better get my book out again that they gave me at diagnosis. Removing my ovaries sounds like a good idea to me now. What is one more surgery in my case? haha..I have been under the knife so many times it is funny!

    Anyway, I have till June 9th to study up on everything I guess - and try to understand everything better, man, why does it have to be so difficult? Oh and I am already having quite bad hot flashes before I start any pill!

    I so appreciate everything you have said and will continue to watch this site for any updates.

    Thank You,


    Arimidex / ovaries removed
    I too had chemo induced menopause. My onc. put me on Arimidex last July and I only had hot flashes for about 3 weeks. Come to find out, my body decided to start producing estrogen again. After reporting irregular bleeding, an ultrasound and a couple of rounds of blood tests to check hormone levels, my oncologist, surgeon and gynecologist finally agreed that the ovaries had to come out - sooner rather than later. I had the surgery 3 weeks ago and the hot flashes have returned with a vengeance. And yes, I'm still taking Arimidex. Sometimes when I think the side effects are going to get the best of me, I just remind myself that the side effects are better than the alternative. I wish you the best, whatever you decide.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757

    Aztec - Please Post to Let Us Know How You Are Doing in 3 Weeks

    Please be sure to let us know what happens to you in 3 weeks. We all have different reactions - some more - some less - some none.

    I hope you get better.


    Will Do
    Will do. Thanks.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    aztec45 said:

    Well Gang
    Well, Gang,

    I went in for chemo this past Friday and had a chance to speak with my Onc. I told him that I did not wish to take Femara anymore. He was alarmed. He pointed out that clinical trials show that Femara, Arimedix, and Tamoxifen are the best drugs to use to reduce the recurrence of breast cancer. I told him that I did not like how Femara made me very irritable almost combatative at times. That is not me. I am pretty laid back unless prevoked. The drug is also hurting my knees, ankles, and lower back. It is too difficult for me to do my job. The onc said he would take me off of the drug for 3 weeks. If I improve he will change my drug; if I do not improve he will more than likely run some tests to see what is going on.

    Let's hope I get better.


    Hi Aztec,
    Boy am I learning a lot about how Femara can effect mood. Do you ever just cry for no reason? How can you tell if that is from this Dx or not? Just need to know why I feel like I am going crazy. Femara has been in my bloodstream since beg. of Jan.
    Thanks for any input.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757

    Hi Aztec,
    Boy am I learning a lot about how Femara can effect mood. Do you ever just cry for no reason? How can you tell if that is from this Dx or not? Just need to know why I feel like I am going crazy. Femara has been in my bloodstream since beg. of Jan.
    Thanks for any input.

    Hello Lt Houst
    Hello, Lt. House,

    The mood swings is another big reason why I got off of it and I really don't plan to go back to it. I didn't have crying spells. I am already taking Citrolopram because when I was DX with breast cancer, I had crying spells. The Citrolopram helped that. I just would bite someone's head off for things that are really stupid but at the time, I would get so irritated I would jump down a person's throat. I checked to see if my blood pressure was high or if I was tired or if it was stress, but the thing I think that was causing my violent reactions was the Femara. So I am off of it. And I really don't care what the Onc proves or disproves, I don't intend to take it again. I will have him give me another drug to use in its place.

    Another think I recently encountered was dry skin. I mean dry skin on my body, my hands, my face and my lips, etc. That may not sound like a big deal but when it dried out my
    Hoo-Ha, it became a really big issue. My Onc said that this was cause by lack of estrogen. So they prescribed me a ring with a low dose of estrogen that I insert in my Hoo-Ha and leave in for 3 months. This should help with the dryness, but I am also wondering if it will help with my moods and my body aches. I will let you know.

    Take care,

  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Bone density
    Tracy, my onc had me get a bone density test as part of her decision about Tamox. vs. Arimidex. Because I have great bones, she felt I could handle the loss of bone mass that could come with taking Arimidex. (Plus, I am post-menopausal.)
  • JudyAS
    JudyAS Member Posts: 48
    Mama G said:

    onlly 5% ER positive
    and my onc still wants me to take the Arimidex. Anyone else in or around my category?
    Just wondering if it matters.

    Arimidex/Aromasin/femara and Tamoxifin
    I haven't been on here in awhile, but I want to know if there is any woman out there that is around the age of 70. I just turned 70 in February, I had a mastectomy last May, had ER Positive, 3 tumors, no cancer in my lymphnodes, I was in stage 2, had radiation for 6 weeks, started bleeding under the skin where the mastectomy was, they had to put a drain tube back in for 3 weeks, then I got an infection which spread up my chest and into my other breast. My oncology doctor waited until the infection was cleared up, he called me "atypical" which means I am different. Boy am I. He then put me on Arimidex and after 36 days I couldn't even walk across the room my joints hurt so bad and were so stiff I could hardly do anything. So I quit, went back to him he waited for about a month and then put me on Aromasin which I have now been on it for about 5 months, but the pain in my bones and joints are getting so bad it is putting me in a depression. I feel like my quality of life is being taken away. He wants me to be on it until September when I go back to him, but I don't know if I can go on like this. I feel horrible. At 70 I was a young person, at least in my mind. Now I feel like I am 90. He said the only other choice would be Tamoxifin, but that is for younger women not me. He didn't even mention Femara which has the same side effects. Anyone else out there having the problem at or near my age. I am getting very frustrator. I told my husband this morning I don't like living this way. What else can I do? I have even thought about stopping everything and taking my chances on the cancer not coming back. Stupid thought, huh.

  • dannie2356
    dannie2356 Member Posts: 2
    I know that the side effect of tamoxifen. The other plus is that it helps lower closter and strength bones. The other thing is that Tamoxifen also has a generic that will only cost you 4-25 at walmart.

  • dannie2356
    dannie2356 Member Posts: 2
    JudyAS said:

    Arimidex/Aromasin/femara and Tamoxifin
    I haven't been on here in awhile, but I want to know if there is any woman out there that is around the age of 70. I just turned 70 in February, I had a mastectomy last May, had ER Positive, 3 tumors, no cancer in my lymphnodes, I was in stage 2, had radiation for 6 weeks, started bleeding under the skin where the mastectomy was, they had to put a drain tube back in for 3 weeks, then I got an infection which spread up my chest and into my other breast. My oncology doctor waited until the infection was cleared up, he called me "atypical" which means I am different. Boy am I. He then put me on Arimidex and after 36 days I couldn't even walk across the room my joints hurt so bad and were so stiff I could hardly do anything. So I quit, went back to him he waited for about a month and then put me on Aromasin which I have now been on it for about 5 months, but the pain in my bones and joints are getting so bad it is putting me in a depression. I feel like my quality of life is being taken away. He wants me to be on it until September when I go back to him, but I don't know if I can go on like this. I feel horrible. At 70 I was a young person, at least in my mind. Now I feel like I am 90. He said the only other choice would be Tamoxifin, but that is for younger women not me. He didn't even mention Femara which has the same side effects. Anyone else out there having the problem at or near my age. I am getting very frustrator. I told my husband this morning I don't like living this way. What else can I do? I have even thought about stopping everything and taking my chances on the cancer not coming back. Stupid thought, huh.


    I don't understand my mom is in stage 4 and has it in her bones and Tamoxifin was one of the frist one that the doctor talked about.
  • reddebbb
    reddebbb Member Posts: 14
    tamoxifen vs arimidex
    my dr. suggested tamoxifen first and then arimidex. since i have osteoperosis he thought that would be the best way to go. good luck.
  • JudyAS
    JudyAS Member Posts: 48
    The arimidex
    Tracy, I have taken Arimidex that was the oncologists first choice. I took it for 36 days and had to go off it because it affected my joints so bad I could hardly walk. Then he put me on Aromasin, which I am going to have to go off it, I can't take it either, my hands are swelling so bad I had to try to get my rings off because they hurt. Even my skin hurts on my hands when I wash them. So now we will see what the next step will be.
    He talked about Tamoxifin, but that really is not for me because I am post menopausel, but he said he may try it, it is our last resort. So let me know what he decides for you and if you have any side effects. I pray you don't.

    God Bless Judy
  • blazytracy
    blazytracy Member Posts: 157
    Hi again - it is me!
    Wow, never expected such a response and I thank each and every one of you for all the helpful information!!! I will find this thread again on June 9th and let you all know what was decided. It is very, very confusing as to what everyone's "supposed" remedy is at the advice of their Dr. and why. I know everyone is different - no two people are alike...and then you read about all of the "like" (same) treatments...kind of scary!

    I am still recovering from Rads (very slowly) and very much look forward to NED! (I have no idea when the next "test" will be yet. Hang tough warriors, we can do it!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    aztec45 said:

    Well Gang
    Well, Gang,

    I went in for chemo this past Friday and had a chance to speak with my Onc. I told him that I did not wish to take Femara anymore. He was alarmed. He pointed out that clinical trials show that Femara, Arimedix, and Tamoxifen are the best drugs to use to reduce the recurrence of breast cancer. I told him that I did not like how Femara made me very irritable almost combatative at times. That is not me. I am pretty laid back unless prevoked. The drug is also hurting my knees, ankles, and lower back. It is too difficult for me to do my job. The onc said he would take me off of the drug for 3 weeks. If I improve he will change my drug; if I do not improve he will more than likely run some tests to see what is going on.

    Let's hope I get better.


    Praying that you get better
    Praying that you get better aztec45! Let us know if you find some improvement and what you decide to do next.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • blazytracy
    blazytracy Member Posts: 157
    Well - it has been decided!
    I start Monday on Tamoxifen. Totally not what I expected but my Doc. explained to me that since I had regular periods before Chemo, she is considering my pre-menopausal now. She also say that your periods should be stopped for at least a year in order to be post-menopausal.

    She said that I will be on Tamoxifen for at least a year and then we'll see if any change in treatment.

    She just called me yesterday (Friday) and told me to pick up the prescription on Monday!
    Wow! I thought I had until June 9th when my next appt was going to be before I started anything so this is quite a shock - I was not expecting her call.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    tamoxifen vs arimidex
    I was on tamoxifen for 7 years back in the 1980's and have now been on arimidex for 1 year.

    Here are symptoms I experienced (very unscientific and anecdotal):

    Tamoxifen: Fatigue, loss of libido (I was only 33 then so that was very noticeable), weight gain

    Arimidex: Neck pain, muscle aches, fatigue (fatigue the first month only), decreased vitamin D level (from 40 to 25 about 9 months after starting arimidex). I am now on 5000 IU Vit D (per endocrinologist) and neck pain and muscle aches are much better.

    None of the above is anywhere near as bad as chemo and definitely better than breast cancer.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Bumping This Up
    Just wanted to bump this up. I noticed a lot of questions about Tamoxifen, Arimidex, and Femera. I was on Femera for a couple of months but got off of it due to joint pain, irritability, and just out and out agression. It was messing with my work and my home life. I have been off of it for about three weeks and find out Friday what next steps are. For me, Femera is not in the plan.

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    JudyAS said:

    Arimidex/Aromasin/femara and Tamoxifin
    I haven't been on here in awhile, but I want to know if there is any woman out there that is around the age of 70. I just turned 70 in February, I had a mastectomy last May, had ER Positive, 3 tumors, no cancer in my lymphnodes, I was in stage 2, had radiation for 6 weeks, started bleeding under the skin where the mastectomy was, they had to put a drain tube back in for 3 weeks, then I got an infection which spread up my chest and into my other breast. My oncology doctor waited until the infection was cleared up, he called me "atypical" which means I am different. Boy am I. He then put me on Arimidex and after 36 days I couldn't even walk across the room my joints hurt so bad and were so stiff I could hardly do anything. So I quit, went back to him he waited for about a month and then put me on Aromasin which I have now been on it for about 5 months, but the pain in my bones and joints are getting so bad it is putting me in a depression. I feel like my quality of life is being taken away. He wants me to be on it until September when I go back to him, but I don't know if I can go on like this. I feel horrible. At 70 I was a young person, at least in my mind. Now I feel like I am 90. He said the only other choice would be Tamoxifin, but that is for younger women not me. He didn't even mention Femara which has the same side effects. Anyone else out there having the problem at or near my age. I am getting very frustrator. I told my husband this morning I don't like living this way. What else can I do? I have even thought about stopping everything and taking my chances on the cancer not coming back. Stupid thought, huh.


    Three out of Four
    I was dx two years ago at age 58. I started off on Femara and had severe joint pain to the point I wasn't sleeping at night. My onc switched me to Arimidex -same thing. Since last Oct. I've been taking Tamoxifen as my onc figured I wouldn't have any better luck with the other AI. The tamoxifen is somewhat better - I have more hot flashes but they have eased up a bit. I am sleeping better but instead of joint pain, it's more muscle pain. She says we may try one of the AI's after a year on Tamox. I don't like the side effects of any of these drugs but feel the alternative isn't too good either. Plus I'm one level above having osteoperosis so the AI drugs concern me.

    Judy, I hope you can find some relief from the aches and pains.

  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    Sher43009 said:

    I just looked it up in the
    I just looked it up in the "Breast Cancer Treatment Guidelines for Patients" from the ACS and NCCN booklet my surgeon gave me. Here's what it says:

    Drugs that lower estrogen levels - Aromatase Inhibitors

    Aromatase inhibitors stop estrogen production in postmenopausal women. Three drugs in this category have been approved for treatment of breast cancer: Armidex, Femara, and Aromasin. They work by blocking an enzyme that makes estrogen in postmenopausal women. They cannot stop the ovaries of premenopausal women from making estrogen. For this reason they are only effective and only used in postmenopausal women. For premonopausl women, tamoxifen remains the best drug to use.

    It goes on to say--That the aromatase inhibitors are not recommended for premenopausal women. Therefore, determining whether the patient is menopausal is important in making treatment decisions. This is not as simple as it may sound, because menstrual periods can stop as a side effect of treatment while the ovaries continue to make estrogen. Also sometimes chemotherapy stops the ovaries from making estrogen for a short period of time, but when the ovaries recover from the chemotherapy they start making estrogen again. Therefore, if the use of an armatase inhibitor is considered in a youny women who has intact overaries, repeated monitoring of hormone levels such as estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) may be required to make sure that the woman is truly post menopausal.

    I would talk with your doctor to determine which is best for you.

    Hope this helps.

    chemo is done, mastectomy is done, aromasin started
    about 3 weeks into chemo, and I will be on it for 5 years, 57yo/IBC radiation in 4 weeks
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Well - it has been decided!
    I start Monday on Tamoxifen. Totally not what I expected but my Doc. explained to me that since I had regular periods before Chemo, she is considering my pre-menopausal now. She also say that your periods should be stopped for at least a year in order to be post-menopausal.

    She said that I will be on Tamoxifen for at least a year and then we'll see if any change in treatment.

    She just called me yesterday (Friday) and told me to pick up the prescription on Monday!
    Wow! I thought I had until June 9th when my next appt was going to be before I started anything so this is quite a shock - I was not expecting her call.

    Good luck to you Tracy!

    Good luck to you Tracy!