Last rad day. What happens? Machine breaks. No Joke.

I'm tired 'cause of chemo, so I'm going for a nap.
Surprised they didn't just
Surprised they didn't just blow this last one off, Mick. The science is not so exact, I don't think, that they know exactly how many treatments, how much dosage, you need. I missed two of my 35 scheduled, in fact, and they did not extend the torture, I mean the rads.
In any event, one more day, maybe. Hang in there.
Take care,
Joe0 -
BummerHondo said:Hi Mick
Sorry to hear that, I know how you feel as we all want our last treatment day to be just that our last treatment day so we can start healing. You are close Mick the finish line is only a few steps away.
Thanks care my firend
Hang in there, Mick. You're almost to the finish line. My thoughts are with you.
Deb0 -
The End of TreatmentD Lewis said:Bummer
Hang in there, Mick. You're almost to the finish line. My thoughts are with you.
Use the time to recover a little, Mick. I was too sick for the rads in weeks #5 and 6, had two days the rad machine was down, and it all extended my treatment awhile. Thing is, my 35 became only 34, with the last 3 rads being partials (5 places instead of 20), so they altered my treatment towards the end. Use the time and Easter to recover as best you can, Mick, then let the last of it happen. It is what you gotta do, Mick, so just go with the flow. You're almost there.
kcass0 -
I know a littleKent Cass said:The End of Treatment
Use the time to recover a little, Mick. I was too sick for the rads in weeks #5 and 6, had two days the rad machine was down, and it all extended my treatment awhile. Thing is, my 35 became only 34, with the last 3 rads being partials (5 places instead of 20), so they altered my treatment towards the end. Use the time and Easter to recover as best you can, Mick, then let the last of it happen. It is what you gotta do, Mick, so just go with the flow. You're almost there.
Hey Mick,
Yea, I know a little bout it. Today was 12 straight days in a row and it feels like my head has been put in a turkey fryer. Hang in there.
Steve0 -
radsstevenl said:I know a little
Hey Mick,
Yea, I know a little bout it. Today was 12 straight days in a row and it feels like my head has been put in a turkey fryer. Hang in there.
Happened to me Mick but they fixed it while I was on the table, took about two hours, it was a computer glitch. They do change the locations of the rads close to the end. the doc told me that the last 7 sessions were tumor location specific, the tumor was undetectable with 2 weeks to go but the last rads, although in not so many places, was the most intense. I came up clear at my last ct scan and MRI and videostrobe too. Next up is another video and then a pet scan in September. I finished treatment last June. Denis0 -
Hi Mick!
This also
Hi Mick!
This also happened to my husband. We counted each day and put a slash through each one on the calendar. On his next to last day, the machine broke half way through his treatment. Not only did they give him an extra day for it- they added in 2 more to boot!! I dont think I have ever seen him so defeated!! He got through it, but it really stunk!! Hang in there Mick!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you- been there, done that----Herb and Lori0 -
Extra Days
WTG Mick, hopefully today was your last, either way, now that you've gone through the rest, I'm sure you can handle another day or so. I had to miss two days during mine due to the reaction with the Amifostine, so they extended me two additional days.
I can relate how glad you are to be finished. Just remember that you still have a few weeks of residual after effects, so don't let it get you down.
It can be somewhat anti-climatic in a way. You've had so much attention the last several months and now that you are finished it just seems really strange. All of a sudden no one is seeing you on a daily basis.
It takes a while to get back to your new "normal" but now you are on your way, every day is a day closer and a day past the treatments you have been enduring.
It's probably taken me close to ten months for my blood work and everything ot get back into the normal ranges, and I'm just starting to feel good and have most of my energy back that I had prior to treatment.
It's been a rough road for you and your body and takes time to flush all of that stuff out of you.
Glad that you have made it through and will keep you in my thoughts for good scans and great check-ups from here on out.
John0 -
Last Day MickSkiffin16 said:Extra Days
WTG Mick, hopefully today was your last, either way, now that you've gone through the rest, I'm sure you can handle another day or so. I had to miss two days during mine due to the reaction with the Amifostine, so they extended me two additional days.
I can relate how glad you are to be finished. Just remember that you still have a few weeks of residual after effects, so don't let it get you down.
It can be somewhat anti-climatic in a way. You've had so much attention the last several months and now that you are finished it just seems really strange. All of a sudden no one is seeing you on a daily basis.
It takes a while to get back to your new "normal" but now you are on your way, every day is a day closer and a day past the treatments you have been enduring.
It's probably taken me close to ten months for my blood work and everything ot get back into the normal ranges, and I'm just starting to feel good and have most of my energy back that I had prior to treatment.
It's been a rough road for you and your body and takes time to flush all of that stuff out of you.
Glad that you have made it through and will keep you in my thoughts for good scans and great check-ups from here on out.
Congratulations Mick- LAST day,hope all went well..
John- when did you finish rads? Do you think the amifostine helped?
(I have nothing to compare it to--curious how you see it)
What can you eat now?
My rads were over 3/9, Had improvement for a week then plateaued with increased pain down the throat, can't see if it is thrush which somehow I have avoided...
stacey0 -
Amifostinestaceya said:Last Day Mick
Congratulations Mick- LAST day,hope all went well..
John- when did you finish rads? Do you think the amifostine helped?
(I have nothing to compare it to--curious how you see it)
What can you eat now?
My rads were over 3/9, Had improvement for a week then plateaued with increased pain down the throat, can't see if it is thrush which somehow I have avoided...
Hi Stacey,
I finished last year June 18th. Like you I don't have much to compare it to since I did have the injections. I had to skip the last few though because I was getting high fevers.
I never had thrush, and I never had the thick ropey mucous I've heard of. It has taken up until a month ago maybe that I've started feeling good. I still have residual scarring or whatever I feel at times down in my throat, but all scans and scopes are clean. They said I'll have those residuals for awhile.
I have went through the really dry mouth at times, especially night and during the winter when using the heat in the house.
But, this last month or so, I can actually form saliva at will, it's clear and not white and foamy...LOL.
I can eat toast and most anything without sipping water constantly. I can eat a slice of toast with no water until I finish.
I can eat anything, just most doesn't taste as good as before or as intense, but I can taste most all flavors and definitely survive off of the taste that I have.
Some things used to lose their taste after a bite or two, that has passed. But there are things that just don't taste as good as before. I can't taste a lot of sweet things that I used to, but a few things I can, it's just trial and error, then trying again a few months later.
Anyways, I can eat anything that I want and I don't have a problem with swallowing anything. Some things do still require a washing down, but you'll figure those out.
I still have a little bottle of water with me in the car, but I don't have to have it when going into the store or other places like I once did.
Hoping you make great progress in the future also, it just takes time as I've heard on here, and now have experienced myself.
God Bless,
John0 -
You've come farHondo said:Hi Mick
I hope it is all over with your last treatment being today, now comes the healing part it might be a little slow but every day you will feel a little better.
Take care my friend
I remember your apprehension about the treatments and all the questions you had. Now you are bitching about the machine breaking down.(broke down on me 3 times) I mean this in a most wonderful way realizing that you are frustrated. But my God you are alive and for allintents and purposes done. Congratuations, anger can be a very useful emotion. I'm proud of you Mick!0 -
32ratface said:You've come far
I remember your apprehension about the treatments and all the questions you had. Now you are bitching about the machine breaking down.(broke down on me 3 times) I mean this in a most wonderful way realizing that you are frustrated. But my God you are alive and for allintents and purposes done. Congratuations, anger can be a very useful emotion. I'm proud of you Mick!
In the end the rad onco said "the machine is still down and I think you've had enough". So ended my treatments. Still 6 days out from last chemo and feeling tired. The mucous is still bad and I stay u all night hacking it all out so can catch catnaps during the day.
I got a suction unit that helps clear the mouth of mucous but the stuff lining the throat is the problem. No way to get it ut other than hacking, even with the machine.
I can tell that the radiation mouth sores are better but I am too impatient. They are like 1000 paper cuts. One by itself is tolerable, but when they cluster along with the thrush make it almost intolerable.
Dr says a couple more weeks of this is likely.
Mick0 -
So you wanted it to end with a bang and not a whimper?micktissue said:32
In the end the rad onco said "the machine is still down and I think you've had enough". So ended my treatments. Still 6 days out from last chemo and feeling tired. The mucous is still bad and I stay u all night hacking it all out so can catch catnaps during the day.
I got a suction unit that helps clear the mouth of mucous but the stuff lining the throat is the problem. No way to get it ut other than hacking, even with the machine.
I can tell that the radiation mouth sores are better but I am too impatient. They are like 1000 paper cuts. One by itself is tolerable, but when they cluster along with the thrush make it almost intolerable.
Dr says a couple more weeks of this is likely.
It is so good to hear from you. Congratulations are definitely in order. You have completed your treatments. Now, keep up the hard work healing.
Deb (Hump Day this Thursday: 2 of 3 Chemo's done, 19 of 38 Rads done)
ps: You know, I was kind of wondering exactly how you were using that suction unit to clear the mucous from your throat. Somehow, with our famous gag reflex, I couldn't picture you shoving that thing down your throat.0 -
EOTD Lewis said:So you wanted it to end with a bang and not a whimper?
It is so good to hear from you. Congratulations are definitely in order. You have completed your treatments. Now, keep up the hard work healing.
Deb (Hump Day this Thursday: 2 of 3 Chemo's done, 19 of 38 Rads done)
ps: You know, I was kind of wondering exactly how you were using that suction unit to clear the mucous from your throat. Somehow, with our famous gag reflex, I couldn't picture you shoving that thing down your throat.
Mick- kinda sorry to hear your rads have ended pre-maturely. Thing is, though, I was scheduled for 35, but only went thru 31 full H&N @ 20 places/session, and it ended with 3 more partials @ only 5 places/session. So, they did adjust my rads so that I got less than I was originally supposed to get.
Glad to hear it's over, Mick. Will still take awhile, but keep a positive outlook and the recovery will happen. I tell y'all I returned to work a month after my last rad, which I did in fact do, but I was still on an Ensure diet. Does take awhile. Be patient. The worst is over, my friend.
kcass0 -
Glad it is OVER!Kent Cass said:EOT
Mick- kinda sorry to hear your rads have ended pre-maturely. Thing is, though, I was scheduled for 35, but only went thru 31 full H&N @ 20 places/session, and it ended with 3 more partials @ only 5 places/session. So, they did adjust my rads so that I got less than I was originally supposed to get.
Glad to hear it's over, Mick. Will still take awhile, but keep a positive outlook and the recovery will happen. I tell y'all I returned to work a month after my last rad, which I did in fact do, but I was still on an Ensure diet. Does take awhile. Be patient. The worst is over, my friend.
Glad treatment is over for you!!
Stacey0 -
impatientKent Cass said:EOT
Mick- kinda sorry to hear your rads have ended pre-maturely. Thing is, though, I was scheduled for 35, but only went thru 31 full H&N @ 20 places/session, and it ended with 3 more partials @ only 5 places/session. So, they did adjust my rads so that I got less than I was originally supposed to get.
Glad to hear it's over, Mick. Will still take awhile, but keep a positive outlook and the recovery will happen. I tell y'all I returned to work a month after my last rad, which I did in fact do, but I was still on an Ensure diet. Does take awhile. Be patient. The worst is over, my friend.
Hi Kent. That's the problem. Even with the PEG I'm still losing a but of weight, but not as much as I was. Swallowing is almost there, but right now all feeding/drinking is with the PEG. I am depressed and I look for change daily and it just doesn't happen, so it's a bit of a cycle. I don't sleep well at night due to the mucus so I tend to cay nap during the day.
I am so skinny! I am sure I have lost muscle mass. Also with the depression I have thoughts of "do I still have cancer?" This is crazy making. living moment-to-moment is very hard and I feel so isolated from my family and friends. All I an do is spit, gag, hack, eat with the PEG, and sleep.
A good friend stopped by today and all I could do was weep when I saw him. He said, "I promise it wont be like this for very much longer." Man, this is hard.
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