How Many Are on Arimidex - More Seem to be on Femara

Different Ballgame
Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It seems that more women are on Femara than Arimidex. I am starting to feel very lonely.

I don't think there are any more than 6 on Arimidex, unless you are not posting. Naturally I am interested in Arimidex because I started it on Thursday, March 18, 2010. Since I am 69 years old, luckily have only a few aches and pains, I did not want to drive myself crazy when an ache or pain appeared wondering if it was a side affect to Arimidex or if it was my normal aging side affect.

I solved it by recording and describing all my aches and pains prior to taking Arimidex. I am calling it My Baseline for the Body Prior to Arimidex.

So far so good. No side affects. How are you doing?



  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    I took Arimidex for about 2 weeks
    I took Arimidex for about 2 weeks. My first onc gave it to me when he told me I was not going to have chemo and then I had to stop it because I did have to have chemo. My second and current onc gave me Femara and I am taking that now. I compared the 2 for side effects, cost and such, before I started taking the Femara. They were about the same but my current onc gave me a coupon for the first fill of Femara free and a discount card for refills only costing $10(up to $800 cost to the manufacture) I checked my insurance and the meds would have cost me $115 for 30 pills. Big savings. This may be why a lot are taking Femara.

    Hoping you have no side effects.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I took Arimidex for 5 years,
    I took Arimidex for 5 years, and finished a year ago this month.Funny thing is, I didn't know I was "supposed" to feel any SE, so any joint pain, tho minimal, I also attributed to being a woman of a certain age, with no estrogen! It didn't stop me from doing anything I wanted to do~ dancing, swimming with dolphins, zip-lining, being in a ping-pong tournament, doing half marathons and 5K's, etc etc. Since stopping the Arimidex, I don't have any joint pain~ so I guess it WAS a side affect, afterall! As they say, who knew????

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    chenheart said:

    I took Arimidex for 5 years,
    I took Arimidex for 5 years, and finished a year ago this month.Funny thing is, I didn't know I was "supposed" to feel any SE, so any joint pain, tho minimal, I also attributed to being a woman of a certain age, with no estrogen! It didn't stop me from doing anything I wanted to do~ dancing, swimming with dolphins, zip-lining, being in a ping-pong tournament, doing half marathons and 5K's, etc etc. Since stopping the Arimidex, I don't have any joint pain~ so I guess it WAS a side affect, afterall! As they say, who knew????


    Don't be lonely
    Hi Janelle,

    I have a prescription for Arimidex sitting on my dresser (wish I could leave it there:) I saw my meds onc last Thursday and she said to start now or after rads, whichever I wanted. I'm just waiting for my second placement appointment (that's what I tell myself:) to ask my rads onc if I can start now or should wait till after rads.

    I'll keep you abreast (ha ha -- still think that's funny).

  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    aisling8 said:

    Don't be lonely
    Hi Janelle,

    I have a prescription for Arimidex sitting on my dresser (wish I could leave it there:) I saw my meds onc last Thursday and she said to start now or after rads, whichever I wanted. I'm just waiting for my second placement appointment (that's what I tell myself:) to ask my rads onc if I can start now or should wait till after rads.

    I'll keep you abreast (ha ha -- still think that's funny).


    I Did Not Fill the Prescription Right Away - Then Lost It

    It took me one month to make the appointment to see the medical oncologist after I saw the radiation oncologist for my 4 week check-up following the end of radiations (8 weeks total).

    Then I did not fill the prescription because I wanted to get my wedding off. (Some women on Femara ended up with larger knuckles.) It took one week before I was able to remove my wedding rings. Then it took another week looking for the prescription which was misplaced or lost. So...I had to call the doctor's office asking them for another prescription.

    That's the saga of the beginning of taking Arimidex.

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Arimidex, yes
    Hi - I don't post much.....I've been taking Arimidex for 18 months. Joint pain, yes. I try not to let it stop me. I've also been through quite a lot of depression and anxiety. I don't know if the Arimidex is a factor. Anyway, it beats the odds of the alternative. Good luck with the Arimidex. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    lynn1950 said:

    Arimidex, yes
    Hi - I don't post much.....I've been taking Arimidex for 18 months. Joint pain, yes. I try not to let it stop me. I've also been through quite a lot of depression and anxiety. I don't know if the Arimidex is a factor. Anyway, it beats the odds of the alternative. Good luck with the Arimidex. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Have Been on Both
    I was on both for nearly 18 months total. Had severe muscle and joint pain. I'd wake up in the night and would be hurting down to my toes and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm now on tamoxefin even tho I'm post menopausal and I'm finding that's not much better. I figure all I can do is keep on with my daily exercising - it's not bad enough to take any OTC but what can you do? Maybe one day it will get better.....
  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79

    Have Been on Both
    I was on both for nearly 18 months total. Had severe muscle and joint pain. I'd wake up in the night and would be hurting down to my toes and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm now on tamoxefin even tho I'm post menopausal and I'm finding that's not much better. I figure all I can do is keep on with my daily exercising - it's not bad enough to take any OTC but what can you do? Maybe one day it will get better.....

    Arimidex sat on my desk 3 weeks
    before I talked myself into it. I'm very active and the thought of the joint pain scared me. I have some pain in my fingers and I get insomnia. Yes, I broke down and started it but it looked like a snake sitting there all those days. I'd be curious to know, I had some knee surgery a few months ago and I don't feel like I'm recovering as well as I should. Arimidex?..
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I don't feel alone now
    I've had a script for Arimidex for about a month now. I'm changing oncologists and have been procrastinating with that as well. It's all a combination of things actually. One is that my insurance is changed temporarily and it now costs me $50 to see a doctor, which as most of you know, is almost weekly and that's a big ouch. I'm presently getting radiation which will be over in a little over 2 weeks. My radiologist told me I don't have to take it until after radiation. I guess I'm looking for the opinion of another oncologist as I don't respect the opinion of my current one. I've been feeling great lately... back to exercising and feeling more like myself and I'm afraid to put a wrench in it. BUT I suppose it's time to make that decision. I don't get on here as much anymore because my mornings are hectic with exercising, going to radiation and then work, but I'll be watching this post. Thanks for posting, Janelle!

    Hugs, Mar
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member

    Arimidex sat on my desk 3 weeks
    before I talked myself into it. I'm very active and the thought of the joint pain scared me. I have some pain in my fingers and I get insomnia. Yes, I broke down and started it but it looked like a snake sitting there all those days. I'd be curious to know, I had some knee surgery a few months ago and I don't feel like I'm recovering as well as I should. Arimidex?..

    Ooo, I don't like that
    I need shoulder surgery and I will be taking Arimidex sometime after chemo. Did you have your knee surgery while you are on Arimidex, or have you been off of it for awhile?
  • smocksalot
    smocksalot Member Posts: 1
    I have been on Arimidex for a little over 2 years for my first breast cancer. The second one was ER negative so after my mastectomy, there is no treatment needed for that.
  • DianaLou
    DianaLou Member Posts: 30
    I have been on Arimidex
    I have been on Arimidex since January 15, 2010. I have a history of arthritis, so I am not sure which joint pains are from Arimidex. My biggest problem, however, is the hot flashes. Especially during the night. Will these taper off as time goes on? I hope I won't be experiencing these for the next 5 years. I read that Vitamin E has been helpful for some, but not for me.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I started taking armidex in feb.I have had a lot of hot flashes,insomia.And my hands have been hurting.But if anyone gets side effects it will be me.I am not sure if my hands hurting is one.but i know the insomia is.and the hot flashes .It started about a week after I started it.But I have herd if you hang in their,the side effects will get better,Good luck. Pat.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    It's Arimidex for me,
    however, I haven't started it yet. First, I'm scared! I hurt all over now, therefore.... Just had my dexascan today and I thought I would start some vitamins AND wait for warmer weather. How're those for excuses? I got my script on 3/9 and I get my meds through the mail so it's been sitting on the shelf for 2 weeks now.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    I Did Not Fill the Prescription Right Away - Then Lost It

    It took me one month to make the appointment to see the medical oncologist after I saw the radiation oncologist for my 4 week check-up following the end of radiations (8 weeks total).

    Then I did not fill the prescription because I wanted to get my wedding off. (Some women on Femara ended up with larger knuckles.) It took one week before I was able to remove my wedding rings. Then it took another week looking for the prescription which was misplaced or lost. So...I had to call the doctor's office asking them for another prescription.

    That's the saga of the beginning of taking Arimidex.


    I filled it...but have a
    I filled it...but have a hard time making myelf "remember" to take it. I scold myself and do better for while and then........:) I know it's time to get serious about taking it regularly...I had bad joint pain at not so much...but If it can help me prevent a reoccurance then I need to quit screwing around and take the darn stuff!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    It's Arimidex for me,
    however, I haven't started it yet. First, I'm scared! I hurt all over now, therefore.... Just had my dexascan today and I thought I would start some vitamins AND wait for warmer weather. How're those for excuses? I got my script on 3/9 and I get my meds through the mail so it's been sitting on the shelf for 2 weeks now.


    I've been on Arimidex for
    I've been on Arimidex for almost one year. I have had no side effects but I have had some bone density changes that are being treated with calcium, vitamin D and drinking more milk. Whatever bone changes there have been I don't feel them physically. I have had athritis since my thirties and it flairs now and again but doesn't seem any worse than usual. No hot flashes, mood changes or anything else. I felt when I started taking this, that if I had more problems than I was comfortable coping with I would just stop. But I was determined to try it because it will improve my chances of preventing a recurrence. So my suggestion to anyone who is on the fence, is to give it a go and if you develop side effects that impact your well being, then you can always stop taking it. this is just a suggestion and each of us has to decide what we feel is best for us.