some advice please

RandiK Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
My Mom just had her first treatment of carbo/taxol on Monday. She is over the nausea but now the muscles in her legs are spasming, that's the way she descibes it. Her Dr gave her vicodin for the pain, but does anybody know of anything else that can be done to help, and is this a normal side effect.


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I had muscle aches but it was relieved with tylenol. Is the vicodin working for her? Did she get an injection 24hrs after her treatment?
  • RandiK
    RandiK Member Posts: 31
    nancy591 said:

    I had muscle aches but it was relieved with tylenol. Is the vicodin working for her? Did she get an injection 24hrs after her treatment?

    the vicodin isn't really
    the vicodin isn't really helping with the leg spasms. no 24hrs after her treatment she was back home, 4hrs away from the hosp.
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    RandiK said:

    the vicodin isn't really
    the vicodin isn't really helping with the leg spasms. no 24hrs after her treatment she was back home, 4hrs away from the hosp.

    The injection I was referring to is Neulasta. Sometimes its given 24hrs after caro/taxol to boost wbc production. This can cause the aches.

    If her pain is uncontrolled I would contact the doctor. Although I didn't have much pain there are some people that do. SOrry I can't be more help.
  • Terri Harvey50
    Terri Harvey50 Member Posts: 5
    Leg pain
    Do you know if she had an injection 24-72 after the chemo? I received Neulasta injections 24-72 hours after my chemo. It is to keep the WBCs within normal to normal limits. It will make you ache all over, especially leg discomfort, cramping, flu-like symptoms. I always took Tylenol every 4 hours the day I received the injection and for the following 2-4 days until the aching stopped. Don't forget to drink plenty of water!!!!! It does make a difference. Have a good evening. :)
  • RandiK
    RandiK Member Posts: 31

    Leg pain
    Do you know if she had an injection 24-72 after the chemo? I received Neulasta injections 24-72 hours after my chemo. It is to keep the WBCs within normal to normal limits. It will make you ache all over, especially leg discomfort, cramping, flu-like symptoms. I always took Tylenol every 4 hours the day I received the injection and for the following 2-4 days until the aching stopped. Don't forget to drink plenty of water!!!!! It does make a difference. Have a good evening. :)

    No she didn't have that
    No she didn't have that injection. Guess we may have to call the Dr and see what else we might can do. Thanks guys.
  • Terri Harvey50
    Terri Harvey50 Member Posts: 5

    Leg pain
    Do you know if she had an injection 24-72 after the chemo? I received Neulasta injections 24-72 hours after my chemo. It is to keep the WBCs within normal to normal limits. It will make you ache all over, especially leg discomfort, cramping, flu-like symptoms. I always took Tylenol every 4 hours the day I received the injection and for the following 2-4 days until the aching stopped. Don't forget to drink plenty of water!!!!! It does make a difference. Have a good evening. :)

    Leg pain
    A call to her doctor is probably a good idea. I hope she feels better soon. I will keep her in my prayers.
  • marleyboo2
    marleyboo2 Member Posts: 59

    Leg pain
    A call to her doctor is probably a good idea. I hope she feels better soon. I will keep her in my prayers.

    Leg pain
    Hi. I had OVCA III and I will tell you that my legs ached so bad that I would writhe in agony there was nothing short of drugging me to sleep that alleviated the pain. Most did not have this but I did. I was in ER at least twice a month for something for 9 months. I was as sick as you can get. Today I believe I had a shortage of some thing like magnesium or patassium something that caused this. I wss tested for potassium problems and they supplemented me but I don't think it was enough. I wanted you to know the worst symptoms but as long as you are under a Drs. care GO to the Dr. anytime anything is so abnormal. Never feel that you don't have a right to go you absolutely do. I don't think I ever complained loudly enough. Good luck and don't hesitate to post!
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    RandiK said:

    No she didn't have that
    No she didn't have that injection. Guess we may have to call the Dr and see what else we might can do. Thanks guys.

    try different meds
    I can't remember the exact situation, but during a hospital discharge last year my Mom was given Flexoril (you'll have to check the spelling) for muscle spasms. It seems like it might not have worked miracles at the time, but it's been good to have around for occasional unexplained muscle craziness in her legs and back.
  • rebasheesh
    rebasheesh Member Posts: 2
    leg pain
    My body reacted differently to each treatment. I found the nurses at hospital/office were of great help.

    Although i did not want want to even stand much less walk. Walking helped with the leg cramps.
  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133

    leg pain
    My body reacted differently to each treatment. I found the nurses at hospital/office were of great help.

    Although i did not want want to even stand much less walk. Walking helped with the leg cramps.

    Leg Pain
    I had terrible bone pain in my legs. My husband would try massage, but it was in the bones, not just the muscles. I don't remember having spasms at all. Just terrible pain, especially in my knees and calves. Vicadin did help me some. I'm sorry she's having these horrible spasms!

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Bone pain
    I had it too. Deep bone pain but it does get better with each treatment. I did take the pain pills the first couple of doses. I think it is the bone marrow reacting which causes the lowering of blood counts. But the pain is real. Did your Mother start the anti nausea pills as soon as she got home? That is important with each treatment. Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    When I was on carbo/taxol I did two things with my legs pains etc. I used a heating pad on my legs until I was allowed in the tub, then I would sit in the tub with hot water. Both helped me. Sometimes I would take tylenol.

    Now this time around I am having back spasms (what a pain in the back) which is from the Neulasta shot. I am not one for pain pills, but once in a while tylenol. I go to a physical message therapist now 3-4 days after my neulasta shot. I have not had any spasm in my back if I get to her!

    Hope this helps.

  • advice please
    Since your Mother goes to MDAnderson, please consider getting signed up with your own personel & secure e-mail. I go to MDAnderson & with the e-mail you can send questions to your M.D. & nurse. You will find this to be very helpful in getting needed info. You will get your answer by e-mail or phone. You can go to your own web site for scheduling or changing appointments, getting test results, & much more info. I feel this is a great help - I also live several hours away from Houston. MC
  • catcan
    catcan Member Posts: 119
    Leg Pain

    I too had the severe bone pain that started on the 5th day after the chemo. My doctor gave me hydrocodone to take. It usually only lasted 5 days. My sister would come over and massage peppermint cream into my legs and would take wet towels and put in microwave to heat that also helped. Tell your mom to hang in there it willl get better.
  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221
    catcan said:

    Leg Pain

    I too had the severe bone pain that started on the 5th day after the chemo. My doctor gave me hydrocodone to take. It usually only lasted 5 days. My sister would come over and massage peppermint cream into my legs and would take wet towels and put in microwave to heat that also helped. Tell your mom to hang in there it willl get better.

    leg pain
    I have like a flu aches all over my body for couple days after my chemo and after injection for wbc. I take pain pill for those days. Ibuprofen 600 or hydrocodone. It is helping me. With best wishes. Zina.
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    I would definitely ask the
    I would definitely ask the doctor about the leg pain.

    I also had cramping pain but only after taking the "Neulasta" shot to boost the wbc after chemo. But since you are pretty sure she didn't have the shot, I would make a point to mention this development to the doctor. Just to be safe is all.

    Keep us updated please.
