Second PSA Test Following IG/IMRT

WHW Member Posts: 189
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hello All,

I have not been here in a little while, but yesterday I received the latest results from my post IMRT PSA tests. My journey through this maze of PCa has been well documented here, so I figured an update was in order.

For clarity and for those that may come here looking for answers I am posting the short history of this journey.

Surgery September 2009, following surgery PSA tests 0.4, 0.53 and 0.6 So at 74 days following surgery I went for Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. I started IG/IMRT in December 2009 and completed 35 treatments (70 Gy total) in January 2010. PSA test a 6 weeks, 1.0 The RO said let's do another one in 30 days. That was yesterday and the results are 1.5

Seems like this little beast of mine has a mind of it's own. I have done all the right things and been seen by the best of the best in each step of the journey.

Looks like the RO and I are through with our association at this point. So the next step will be for me to meet with the head of the Medical Oncology Department at MD Anderson Orlando and figure out where we go from here.

I have been following the journey and successes of many of you and pray for your continued progress.

I still hold fast to my personal mantra, "EVERY DAY IS A BONUS, SO LIVE IT THAT WAY".

60 years old when diagnosed
PSA 11/07 3.0
PSA 5/09 6.4
Diagnosis confirmed July 9, 2009
12 Needle Biopsy = 9 clear , 3 postive
Gleason Score (3+4) 7 in all positive cores
da Vinci 9/17/09
Post Surgery Pathology: GS 4+3=7
Stage: T3a
Tumor Volume 12.5%
positive margin, extra-prostatic extension
30 day PSA 0.4, 50 day psa 0.53, 64 day psa 0.6
IMRT completed 1/15/10 35 treatments- 70Gy


  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    Sorry to hear that your
    Sorry to hear that your journey is off track a bit but you remain positive and that is good. I had my surgery on March 3 and it has already been recommended that I have 64 cy at 90 or 120 days out from surgery. I trust you are enjoying your new motor home and making the best… I am looking at Carolina Regional Cancer Center (close to my beach house) or just staying in Atlanta and having it done at St Joseph Hospital…another decision process for me as I am sure you can relate too…

    Anyway the best to you in your journey
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Sent you message on

    Sent you message on Healing well....But will say again...Stay positive as you are and beat the ***** out of the beast. We will be exchanging emails for many more years!!!
    Also best to your wife in her battle with her cancer also.

  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    bdhilton said:

    Sorry to hear that your
    Sorry to hear that your journey is off track a bit but you remain positive and that is good. I had my surgery on March 3 and it has already been recommended that I have 64 cy at 90 or 120 days out from surgery. I trust you are enjoying your new motor home and making the best… I am looking at Carolina Regional Cancer Center (close to my beach house) or just staying in Atlanta and having it done at St Joseph Hospital…another decision process for me as I am sure you can relate too…

    Anyway the best to you in your journey

    Sonny Sorry to hear about the PSA
    You are being tested and re-tested which needs to stop....sooner than later I wish all our prayers will get both Lynn and you clear and victorious against this crappy apponent. Here's to many years upon years of bonuses in that wonderful bonus mobile of yours! Come on by my neighborhood while your out and about!

    Thanks for the update!

    Randy in Indy
  • LBlanks
    LBlanks Member Posts: 44
    Hang in There ...

    Sorry to hear of this recent news, but keep on punching....

    Larry B.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I wish you the thoughts and payers are with you.........Ira
  • tdn123
    tdn123 Member Posts: 3
    PSA after IMRT
    Have you tried Ip6 & Inositol, the formula from Dr Shamsuddin ? (Google IP6 cell forte)

    I've been taking it for two weeks. will ask my surgeon for PSA check in two weeks (5/3/10)

    my Prostate cancer history:
    Pre-biopsy PSA = 14 ng/ml
    Biopsy gleason score = 9
    Radical prostatectomy August 09
    First PSA after surgery = 0.1 (3 mo after surgery)
    2nd PSA after surgery = 0.2 (PSA doubling in 3 months, not good !!)

    I consulted with 2 radiation oncologists but have not made any decision yet.

    The first one (he has IMRT machine) said : "we don't know where your cancer cells are, so we'll radiate your prostate bed & lymph nodes". Chance of success =50%"

    The second one (he has the tomo machine) said: "... chance for success = 25%. You need to be treated with combined hormone & radiation". My thoughts: "hormone therapy does not work, it will only cause a temporary reduction of PSA, so having hormone therapy masks the true results of radiation therapy".

    Another thought: Not knowing where the cancer cells are, and using radiation therapy is like using a missile to kill an entire village, not knowing where the terrorist is.

    My observation: The Drs don't know what they are doing, but I don't blame them. Cancer is still too complex for the medical profession !!

    My only hope: I start going to church and ask for God's help, for the minister & congregation prayers.
  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    God Bless You
    My prayers are going to you and all others as always. Keep fighting.

  • YerBlues
    YerBlues Member Posts: 5
    Rising PSA after radical prostatectomy
    I had daVinci robotic prostatectomy in early September 2009 after diagnosis in June (Gleason 4+4). Since then I have had two PSA tests, in October 2009 & January 2010, both of which were undetectable (< 0.1). I started IMRT on April 13 and it goes on until June 1. I had another PSA test last Friday, April 23. My Urologist contacted me today because my PSA has risen to 0.2. I am 51 years old and this news has knocked me sideways. I will continue the IMRT and see the Urologist a couple of weeks after that, and get another PSA.

    My Dad has been fighting this beast for 8 years and is now 85.

    My prayers are for everyone going through this and all cancers.

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    YerBlues said:

    Rising PSA after radical prostatectomy
    I had daVinci robotic prostatectomy in early September 2009 after diagnosis in June (Gleason 4+4). Since then I have had two PSA tests, in October 2009 & January 2010, both of which were undetectable (< 0.1). I started IMRT on April 13 and it goes on until June 1. I had another PSA test last Friday, April 23. My Urologist contacted me today because my PSA has risen to 0.2. I am 51 years old and this news has knocked me sideways. I will continue the IMRT and see the Urologist a couple of weeks after that, and get another PSA.

    My Dad has been fighting this beast for 8 years and is now 85.

    My prayers are for everyone going through this and all cancers.


    I am sure this is something
    I am sure this is something in the back of all of our minds IF or WHEN the PSA test will rise :-(...It is not clear as to why you would start your radiation without a PSA test showing a rise and then have a PSA test 2 weeks into your radiation? Can you explain-thanks
    RRMCJIM Member Posts: 149
    sorry to hear your battle with this beast is still ongoing ... I have you in my thoughts... sorry I didn't make it to Florida in Jan... went to Hawaii in Oct- Nov and after we got back the wife took ill. Still don't know with what. They did rule out Lou Gehrigs desease...that was a good thing....but we keep fighting the fight.... she has managed to gain a few pounds tho...
    all the best