“The Road to Ruin” – At the Financial Crossroads – A Sundance Update
craigrobinvan said:Sorry to hear this Craig.
I hope there is something in line with the suggestions made here that you can do to keep your treatment program on track.
Be well... Rob;in Vancouver
When a collector calls you tell them you can pay $10.00 a month and forget it they have to work with you . don't let them bully you around if it goes to collections it has already affected you credit score so get well and clean that stuff up later...0 -
That's all I can say! GAHHHHHHHHHH! I agree with others, get the treatment and worry about how it gets paid later. They do have to take $10 if that's all you can afford and it shows you are trying to pay it off. Bankruptcy can be something you consider in the future after you're all better.
mary0 -
Hang in there!
Hi Craig,
I am so saddened by this news, I hope that you will take everyone's advice and continue to get your scans. I think the idea of offering a payment of whatever you can afford is a good idea, and I don't think they will cut you off if you are making an effort to pay. Life is just so unfare at times, and I am so sorry that you have to go thru this on top of everything else. Big sunny hug from me!
Donna0 -
I am sorry
this saddens me to read. I always like to read your posts, so smart and hopeful they are. If I ever win the lottery you are on my list to give too. I hope and pray there is some resource or way for you to continue with the medical care you need and deserve. Keep your chin up.0 -
Oh, dear.
My dear Craig,
That is just so sad to read. You've spoken with your usual care for our feelings and with your good humor. I know, though, that deep inside is a scared cancer patient that needs something like this like a hole in the head. I wish you hadn't thought you needed to wait to tell us. You're always there for us, so don't feel you're a burden if you share your troubles.
I don't have any magic answers, but I will pray that the answers for you will come somehow.
Gail0 -
Craig,First of all I want
First of all I want to send you a big cyber ((hug)).
I am both at a loss for words + full of thoughts at the same time, if that is possible. I also want to say in advance that I am sorry if anything doesn't come out as I intend, I just got back from chemo when I saw your post.
Because I live in Canada, + have virtually all my cancer costs paid for I am distraught to think that your health could be jeopordized at all because of finances. Cancer is an expensive disease to have + I know how fortunate I am to not have to worry if I can pay for the next test treatment, etc. That being said I am trying to think (in my post-chemo mind) how you can get this CT scan. I am wondering if you have spoken to your DaVinci surgeon about this situation. I believe it would be in his best interest to keep you healthy for a VERY long time + he needs to monitor your progress. You are his "poster child". Not very many people would have the courage you had to be his very first patient to undergo this surgery + for that I believe he owes you. You have made him famous + given him immeasurable publicity. At a minimum, maybe he can direct you to some financial support. You are worth so much to your family + all of us here. By the way, I looked at the cost for your CT scan + thoought "wow, that seems like a lot!" I checked a hospital bill from a hospital stay last year, + saw 2 CT scans (pelvic + abdominal)billed from the hospital to the Ontario government was $200.90, so I think where you go must be making a HUGE profit!
I want to let you know you are on my mind + I will try to think of any other ways for you to get the CT you need. Please take good care of yourself; you are always there for everyone else + now we need to be there for you. Good luck with this issue.0 -
I hope you will reschedule your scan and surgery. The bills are always going to be there, small or large. There has to be a way.
Sometimes, the answer comes seemingly out of the blue, like when you put a difficult math problem on the back burner and then all of a sudden, "Eureka!"
I wish I had something wise and useful to offer. But only my hope that you'll not put treatment on hold. I know, easier said than done.
Holding you in the Light,
Aud0 -
Hi Craig
I am so sorry that you have gotten to this point. I fully understand because I like many others on the board are in a similar situation. I separated from my husband around the same time I was diagnosed with cancer. I receive child support for my youngest daughter only at this time even though I have 2 other children living with me. I qualify for nothing because I was a stay at home Mom for many years and didn't pay enough into social security. I can't even qualify for food stamps because my daughter works part time and puts us $20 over the limit. I sold my home 4 years ago and have been supplementing my income with that money and have finally run out. After I pay the rent I have very little left for bills, basic utilities, medical bills, food etc. I have no idea how I am going to cover these bills next month.
Last night, during another sleepless night worrying about this it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I will just not pay my rent. I'm moving in June anyway so what's the worst thing that could happen to me. They'd evict me? This is a complete stretch for me. I pride myself on being honest and doing the right thing. I don't lie and I would never dream of trying to get away with anything. However, I feel completely backed into a corner. I have tried to work within the system and have ended up with no help. I feel I have come too far and worked too hard to put my life on hold because I ran out of money 3 months too soon. I am not happy about this possible decision and not really sure I can pull it off, but at least it's an option.
Please reconsider and look at all the possibilities and options that are out there even if it means going against the grain or thinking outside the box. Since this possibility occurred to me last night I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I wish the same for you. When all is said and done it's life that counts and yours is much too valuable for money or lack of it to stop you from living.
Take care,
Jamie0 -
This Just Stinks
I'm so sorry that you have come to the point where you are postponing your scan and surgery for financial reasons. It just infuriates me that you or anyone else should be placed in such a position. You have already received some really good suggestions here. I've been racking my brain for suggestions,too. Why not contact ACS CAN (Cancer Action Network - www.acscan.org)? They might have some ideas on who to contact. Does your onc or any of your other specialists have a social worker or financial resource person who could point you in the right direction? I'll keep you in my prayers.
Joy0 -
Post is gone
I posted to this earlier today, and my post is gone. Nothing in it was offensive, just letting you know that I think you should offer to pay the people asking for money $10 per month. I know they want their money and if it takes years they can wait. You also might look at JPS or Parkland (not sure which county you are in) you could have your scan done there. Then take it to UTSW for the doctors to look at. (Have the scan done at a free standing MRI-CT scan place, they often will take the $10 a month plan.)
It is good that JPS advertises free services for those who can not pay, (in other words tax paying citizens like yourself are the ones who pay) but why should someone who pays their bills be denied or treated in a way that is horrible. WHY can the citizens of either Tarrant county or Dallas county pay for health care for people who do not choose care policies through their employers (this happens at the company I work for) yet people who try to provide for their own needs have to put up with this nonsense.
I say do what you need done, let the bill collectors call, but don't answer the phone. I would be willing to call the local news media-this would make a good story for them, or make a quilt and offer tickets for a chance to win it.
How come we have all these "race for a cure" or do this or that for a cure yet there is no help so people can keep going on!
Let me know how you are doing
Jan0 -
Sorry to hear
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm going to be there quickly myself, having lost my job just before my cancer was dx last year, and just starting to get the collections notices from last fall's hospital bills. I am hurrying to try and get what treatment I can before my COBRA insurance runs out in just a few more months. I liked the person who made the analogy about the difficult math problem that you have to put out of your mind for a while, and then later when you think you have forgotten all about it, your subconscious mind has been working on it and pops a new idea into your conscious. This also works for lost car keys in my life. Here's hoping you will get new ideas popping in your mind on this problem. And if you do, be sure to share them :-)
K0 -
Craig, as much as you know
Craig, as much as you know about this cancer, you understand that you must rely on the scans, and not just bloodwork. Screw the bills, your health comes first. I am quite sure your wife would rather have you around and could care less if you guys had a stack of bills through the roof. I don't like to hear you talk like this, I know your not giving up but giving in to bills will put you in a bad place. Use all of the advice given to you regarding calling the newspaper and letting them know that the hospital will not budge on working with you. Get something stirred up, with all the talk of healthcare it is the perfect time to do this. You are highly intelligent and you use that to work for you in this situation. If everything fails just don't pay them and get your scan!! Love ya, Patti0 -
The Mornin' After....
Such passion and compassion from you all:) Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and concerns. I will certainly consider them all. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue.
I certainly did not mean to upset you all, rather my intent was to just give you an update on where I was at since my surgery and that financial health crisis issues had finally caught up to me, as they had so many of you out there. Reading your stories was truly touching and made me think of a famous cinematic line from the movie, “Jaws.”
In the scene, Brody is chumming the waters trying to attract the shark, when suddenly Jaws comes out of the water…Brody backs up and tells Quint, “We’re gonna’ need a BIGGER boat.”
Seeing all of us facing these same issues is poignant about now – and we do need a bigger boat, ‘cause there are a lot of us out there facing this mess – and it is the last thing we should have to worry about. I’ve found that whether it’s a tornado or cancer, it’s never the EVENT itself, rather, it’s the fall out and after effects, where the real battle is waged and ultimately won or lost.
Just to clarify: the 2 bills out to Collections, are the bills from DaVinci from the new hospital. Consequently, this is where my current treatment and surgeries have been done. Not paying these bills, will only lead to them denying me services in the future. And I certainly would just give them $10 a month, but they will not accept any amounts lower than I quoted yesterday, and we have escalated to the management team. So, that’s the problem there.
Bankruptcy is out of the question – the institution I work with dictates that you have to handle your finances accordingly…failure to do so…
Disability I have used when I’ve been out with surgeries. LTD only pays 60% however and I have to pay for %10 of that, so I try and keep my career afloat at all costs – we’re just dead without it – and we need her income as well.
I meet with my new onc this Friday and plan to tell him everything and see what he says and go from there. I’ll get lab done and be able to check my results via PC at home, so we’ll see how that’s going.
I can talk with the DaVinci surgeon’s PA and maybe him too, to fill him in on what’s happening – and see if I can call in a marker, if not now, then maybe in 3 months.
And I’ll talk to the producer that ran my news story here in DFW just to “test the waters” and see what comes of that. You are right, Lisa and everyone – healthcare is a hot potato right now, so the timing might be good.
Another thought: I received a PM from someone very dear to our hearts offering to pay for the procedure – how very sweet! Of course, I politely declined as I can’t rob Peter to pay Paul. But, I was floored by this person’s compassion and concern. She really wanted to help me and I hope I did not hurt her feelings by not accepting. I won’t betray her confidence, but she is a well loved person, whom we followed closely and has experienced tremendous tragedy – that’s all that I can say, if I have not already given it away.
I also received a couple more PMs with offers to contribute – even one from a guy on the Head and Neck board, because I gave him some info on DaVinci and lung tumors and how that might relate to him.
The true goodness shines through with people when we’re in distress – I was flabbergasted by people I had not really met, offering to help me out. I mean, does it really get any better than that? Talk about “paying it forward.” The Cancer World ROCKS and in a good way.
All of these offers were 100% sincere and I really hated to hurt people’s feelings, because I know when people give with both hands, from their heart, that they want to help, they want to do good. It’s a lot of what I’ve spent my time talking about on this board. To personally experience it, is a cathartic experience, and one that will stay with me for a lifetime. How does one thank someone for being the kind of person, such as this? Wow!
So, you guys really responded yesterday – I spent most of the day thinking about all that you said, and could not even sleep last night, with thoughts and tears rolling down my cheeks, thinking about all of the amazing conversations that we had yesterday and seeing everyone coming back together again, united and working for a common cause. It really was quite inspiring and very moving.
I felt the momentum building and saw the wheels spinning around in each of your minds, searching for a solution. I’m not sure if I warrant that kind of attention, but it was humbling to see everyone’s care and concern. So, thank you everyone who contributed their time and feelings – I won’t forget it or you.
I will be ok – I’m not quitting, not giving up – just pulling over to reassess the situation. Most of you know the word QUIT is not in my vocabulary. A good way to remember me is this saying, “No matter what’s happenin’, Craig’s toes are always tappin’”
And now, I wanted to say something to each of you that posted:
I felt your enthusiasm yesterday, it was contagious – thank you for putting your heart and soul into your post. I will certainly contact the news station and talk to the producer. And dear Lisa, I do not have it hard as you said– your situation is much more dire than mine. Your health concerns me and you are one of our TOP PRIORITY patients right now. I see you paying out of pocket now too, and it breaks my heart. We need a great big “surgar daddy and mamma” to take care of all of us, so we can fight the fight and not the bureaucracy. Thank you for all that you said and for taking your time to worry about me, when you’ve got so much going on.
I did not want to be the one to bust your “chemoite” mood, I’m so glad you are feeling well and in good spirits. We will find a way for sure. Thank you for stoppin’ in at the post. Texas is a big place and don’t forget about Fredericksburg….always room for one more if you cross the border, LOL:)
Our first conversation yesterday…thank you for your thoughts and I’m sorry I got you teary. I like to knock on the “door to people’s hearts” – that where the LIFE is. And thank you for sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes my way.
Thanks for your suggestion, Steve. You’ve got a good memory about me and DaVinci – just when I thought that story was “yesterday’s news.” I appreciate your support and will contact the producer at the news station.
My Chicky:
Seeing your smiling face and hearing your voice, always makes me smile. That’s just the way you are! Your passion is comforting…I know you care and you know I will get it handled. Just a “Thorn” in your Lion’s paw:)
My boy, Phil. I always look forward to you stoppin’ in for a chat. Us Ol’Timers gotta’ stick together, right? I appreciate your continued support and I’ll take your sage advice and will hang in there.
Paula G:
“We gotta’ get a bigger boat.” You and JR can float along in mine until we can afford to upgrade:) Thank you for your support and tell your significant other, Howdy!
You are too kind – thank you as well for the information and your support. To quote you, “Certainly there must be an answer for all cancer patients in true need!” I definitely concur.
LouAnn, thank you for such a generous offer – as a former bounty hunter, I’m sure tracking down the scoundrels is what you do best – if anyone gives me anymore trouble, I’ll turn ‘em over to you for due process.
Sheri, always there for me in a pinch. You amaze me, just out of lung surgery and up and posting, offering advice – there is no stopping you, honey! Me, Kim, and Harley, all say thank you for your continued support. I’m so glad you are doing better. When I grow up one day, I hope to be as strong as you are.
First, it’s very nice to meet you. I appreciate your feelings on the matter. A lot of times when I post, I don’t’ realize how many people may be out there reading it. I’m glad that you have read some of my posts and that you liked them. Type in “Sundanceh” and hit the search button and some past posts will be displayed if you ever want to read them. I’m truly sorry about your financial dilemma as well. I start to get angry when you have to begin to compromise your healthcare after so many years of heavy fighting. The system is just wired together wrong. Too many of us suffer needlessly.
Cass, your compassion and concern is overwhelming to say the least. Such fire and passion in your post. I know you are genuinely concerned. I am also sorry that too are facing financial difficulties – it’s as big a disease as the cancer itself. I liked your Phoo-Phoo line. Many is the time I told Kim the same thing – we were happier when we first met and had a 450 sq. foot apartment with rented furniture. We had life experiences then and not things. Adulthood kind of sucks! I liked it better when we used to “play house.”
Another one of our TOP PRIORITY cases. How special it is to see you back on the board and posting with such fervor again. You are one of a kind – when they made you, they broke the mold, as the saying goes. Thank you so much for knocking on my door and posting as well. I do love your sayings – my 2 favorites are:
1. “When you are going through Hell, don’t stop – hit the gas.” From your very 1st post to
2. “Outwit.Outlast.Outplay” I watch Survivor with Kim and I’ve actually learned a lot
About human nature on that show. For my post, can we change it to:
Outwit-Outlast-OUTPAY. Hope you got a giggle from that one.
Thank you for your thoughts and support of me. I’ve found you to be very compassionate and a big support to me and so many others here. I wish all of the good things that life can offer you, **** and your daughter.
Good vibes received, Winney. Thank you for that. Your right, in reading all of these responses, it is clear how many of us face now, or will face this terrible situation, all as a result of the outrageous prices being charged for health care. I know you have had it rough, and hope things will turn around for all of us.
Thank you for your suggestion. It’s good to see you back on the board and posting. Your continued support is heartwarming. Glad you’ve got a plan that is working for you. I’ll get mine figured out in due time. Thanks for stopping by.
How are you? See, that rhymes:) You remember how long it took to get mail to you from the U.S. to Candada – I’m sure the mail is just as slow coming the other way. So, I’ll be checking the mailbox every day looking for your sparks, good mojo, and good old prayers.
How sweet you are! You have always been so supportive to anything that I’ve written and I always look to see if you post. Think about you and your sister and hope for the best. I’ll keep “journeying” just for you:)
Ah, my dear Jen. You now I’m a Texan and stubborn is my middle name. I’ll never quit – I’m just taking a break till I get a handle on this thing. I will tell you that it is nice to be “wanted.” Thank you for that and for your spirited post. Tell Nicki hi:)
You Canadiens are really good people, arent’ you? I find it cool that I have several friends across the border. You’ve got a good point – “Dr.DaVinci” might be able to help me out, I’ll have to check it out. You think he’s already forgotten about the guy who helped him get his certification? Who brought notoriety to his hospital? Who helped open the door for other lung patients? I’m so proud to have been a part of it and maybe he will be able to help me. Your last line of me being there for others – and now you guys being there for me, touched a soft spot in this ol’Grinch’s heart. How very sweet!
We’ll find something, Rob – thank you so much for your continued support. “I’ve learned how to take a beating”, right Rob? I’ve enjoyed many of the deep discussions we’ve had in the past – I find you to be a very deep person. Don’t go a changin’.
Letting out a roar sure feels better, doesn’t it, Mary. No worries though, I’ll keep the balls up in the air and will overcome this latest challenge.
I felt a warm breeze sweep over me last night – it was then I realized it was the Winds of Hawaii blowing across my face making me smile. How wonderful to see you again! Pull up a chair and let’s chat awhile:) Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support. You have given me and Kim. I’m still so touched by what you did at Christmas – I told Kim then, what kind of wonderful people I’ve met…they listen and then they surprise you. You are special – keep your treatments going too – one day I’m going to wing my way to Hawaii and see all of you – Kim’s trip of a lifetime – I look forward to it.
Hello to you and so nice to meet you! Thank you for your touching words. You are so sweet –how very moving that you would want to share part of your winnings with me – the world needs more people like you in it – you’ve got a heart as BIG as Texas.
What can I say about one of the sweetest women in the world? You and Lizzy do Carolina proud – with you gals, “I always have Carolina in my mind.” I always think back to your “France” post and it makes me smile. Seeing you on a post is like a port in the storm, you feel very comforted in the fact…I’ll always try to be there for you and everyone, if I am able.
Thank you too for your concern. I will get a handle on this. You keep “leaving that light on for me.” That way, I’ll know how to find you:)
Jamie, hello and thanks for your post. This has been a good post and has given me some insight as to how many of us are in trouble out there. We always tell each other to fight and fight on, but there’s more to it as time drags on, isn’t it?
Nice to meet you too, Joy. I can feel your expressions in your post – it is not right we have to go through this part of the process. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. I will be at the hospital this week and will talk to some people.
Thanks, Jan, for all of your suggestions! UTSW has been pretty good to me, but their billing department has not, LOL:) We’ll see what the 2 docs have to say when I can talk with them. Thank you for your continued support. Hope all is still going well for you and treatments remain tolerable. Pretty spring weather we’ve had a couple of days, huh?
I’m sorry “they” are catching up to you too. The minute I find something useful, I’ll be sure to let everyone know. Good idea getting stuff done before Cobra ends.
Patti, I’m hearing thunder claps in the background – wait a minute, it’s you. Wow, you brighten my day…seeing you suffer these past few months has made me very sad. A deep sadness…I stopped reaching out when I should have been checking in on you. Just knew you were in such pain and did not want to burden you with having to respond. Seeing the “fire in your gut” in this post, makes me feel much better. That’s my Patti – alive and spiritied, I’m just so touched by this. I know you don’t like to hear me talk like this – but after 6-years of this stuff, it’s still sometimes so much picking up the pieces. Money makes me sick and it drives this ol’ world to the extent of all else. Your words are so kind and meaningful – I thank you for thinking so much of me. I’ve always thought and think so highly of you – want so much for you to be well. I love you too – and you will always be my special “kindred spirit.” Nothing can ever change that.
Sis, I hope you can see now why you must be around. I see a new Sonia in your PM – one that’s alive and one that can make a difference. If it takes me to bring you out of “lurking” that must be the reason I’m still here. Thank you for your thoughts and on your willingness to reach out and help me. Stay strong for me and I’ll get things handled here in the Lone Star State.
Well, the responses were overwhelming and heartwarming! I certainly took it all to heart. I certainly did not feel so alone yesterday or today. I’ll let you know how it all plays out. I’ve been carrying this around for nearly 3 months, and wanted to say something, but with all the tragedies we experienced, and with people needing real help, I just felt guilty about talking about this, even though I could see it coming.
This was a good post, and it bother me that we have fought so hard, and there are many of us now, and maybe many more to come, who will face this. Reading your heartfelt stories has made me realize, how we are all tied at the hip in this thing – together we stand, or united we fall.
The board is at it’s best when we come together, united in a cause, each with our own perspectives and experiences, and we can apply them to helping and supporting each other. When all of this dials in and comes together, I still believe this is one beautiful place to be. It is the Diversity and the Personality that makes this place hum and click.
-Craig0 -
Oh,it is so painful.LikeSundanceh said:The Mornin' After....
Such passion and compassion from you all:) Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and concerns. I will certainly consider them all. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue.
I certainly did not mean to upset you all, rather my intent was to just give you an update on where I was at since my surgery and that financial health crisis issues had finally caught up to me, as they had so many of you out there. Reading your stories was truly touching and made me think of a famous cinematic line from the movie, “Jaws.”
In the scene, Brody is chumming the waters trying to attract the shark, when suddenly Jaws comes out of the water…Brody backs up and tells Quint, “We’re gonna’ need a BIGGER boat.”
Seeing all of us facing these same issues is poignant about now – and we do need a bigger boat, ‘cause there are a lot of us out there facing this mess – and it is the last thing we should have to worry about. I’ve found that whether it’s a tornado or cancer, it’s never the EVENT itself, rather, it’s the fall out and after effects, where the real battle is waged and ultimately won or lost.
Just to clarify: the 2 bills out to Collections, are the bills from DaVinci from the new hospital. Consequently, this is where my current treatment and surgeries have been done. Not paying these bills, will only lead to them denying me services in the future. And I certainly would just give them $10 a month, but they will not accept any amounts lower than I quoted yesterday, and we have escalated to the management team. So, that’s the problem there.
Bankruptcy is out of the question – the institution I work with dictates that you have to handle your finances accordingly…failure to do so…
Disability I have used when I’ve been out with surgeries. LTD only pays 60% however and I have to pay for %10 of that, so I try and keep my career afloat at all costs – we’re just dead without it – and we need her income as well.
I meet with my new onc this Friday and plan to tell him everything and see what he says and go from there. I’ll get lab done and be able to check my results via PC at home, so we’ll see how that’s going.
I can talk with the DaVinci surgeon’s PA and maybe him too, to fill him in on what’s happening – and see if I can call in a marker, if not now, then maybe in 3 months.
And I’ll talk to the producer that ran my news story here in DFW just to “test the waters” and see what comes of that. You are right, Lisa and everyone – healthcare is a hot potato right now, so the timing might be good.
Another thought: I received a PM from someone very dear to our hearts offering to pay for the procedure – how very sweet! Of course, I politely declined as I can’t rob Peter to pay Paul. But, I was floored by this person’s compassion and concern. She really wanted to help me and I hope I did not hurt her feelings by not accepting. I won’t betray her confidence, but she is a well loved person, whom we followed closely and has experienced tremendous tragedy – that’s all that I can say, if I have not already given it away.
I also received a couple more PMs with offers to contribute – even one from a guy on the Head and Neck board, because I gave him some info on DaVinci and lung tumors and how that might relate to him.
The true goodness shines through with people when we’re in distress – I was flabbergasted by people I had not really met, offering to help me out. I mean, does it really get any better than that? Talk about “paying it forward.” The Cancer World ROCKS and in a good way.
All of these offers were 100% sincere and I really hated to hurt people’s feelings, because I know when people give with both hands, from their heart, that they want to help, they want to do good. It’s a lot of what I’ve spent my time talking about on this board. To personally experience it, is a cathartic experience, and one that will stay with me for a lifetime. How does one thank someone for being the kind of person, such as this? Wow!
So, you guys really responded yesterday – I spent most of the day thinking about all that you said, and could not even sleep last night, with thoughts and tears rolling down my cheeks, thinking about all of the amazing conversations that we had yesterday and seeing everyone coming back together again, united and working for a common cause. It really was quite inspiring and very moving.
I felt the momentum building and saw the wheels spinning around in each of your minds, searching for a solution. I’m not sure if I warrant that kind of attention, but it was humbling to see everyone’s care and concern. So, thank you everyone who contributed their time and feelings – I won’t forget it or you.
I will be ok – I’m not quitting, not giving up – just pulling over to reassess the situation. Most of you know the word QUIT is not in my vocabulary. A good way to remember me is this saying, “No matter what’s happenin’, Craig’s toes are always tappin’”
And now, I wanted to say something to each of you that posted:
I felt your enthusiasm yesterday, it was contagious – thank you for putting your heart and soul into your post. I will certainly contact the news station and talk to the producer. And dear Lisa, I do not have it hard as you said– your situation is much more dire than mine. Your health concerns me and you are one of our TOP PRIORITY patients right now. I see you paying out of pocket now too, and it breaks my heart. We need a great big “surgar daddy and mamma” to take care of all of us, so we can fight the fight and not the bureaucracy. Thank you for all that you said and for taking your time to worry about me, when you’ve got so much going on.
I did not want to be the one to bust your “chemoite” mood, I’m so glad you are feeling well and in good spirits. We will find a way for sure. Thank you for stoppin’ in at the post. Texas is a big place and don’t forget about Fredericksburg….always room for one more if you cross the border, LOL:)
Our first conversation yesterday…thank you for your thoughts and I’m sorry I got you teary. I like to knock on the “door to people’s hearts” – that where the LIFE is. And thank you for sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes my way.
Thanks for your suggestion, Steve. You’ve got a good memory about me and DaVinci – just when I thought that story was “yesterday’s news.” I appreciate your support and will contact the producer at the news station.
My Chicky:
Seeing your smiling face and hearing your voice, always makes me smile. That’s just the way you are! Your passion is comforting…I know you care and you know I will get it handled. Just a “Thorn” in your Lion’s paw:)
My boy, Phil. I always look forward to you stoppin’ in for a chat. Us Ol’Timers gotta’ stick together, right? I appreciate your continued support and I’ll take your sage advice and will hang in there.
Paula G:
“We gotta’ get a bigger boat.” You and JR can float along in mine until we can afford to upgrade:) Thank you for your support and tell your significant other, Howdy!
You are too kind – thank you as well for the information and your support. To quote you, “Certainly there must be an answer for all cancer patients in true need!” I definitely concur.
LouAnn, thank you for such a generous offer – as a former bounty hunter, I’m sure tracking down the scoundrels is what you do best – if anyone gives me anymore trouble, I’ll turn ‘em over to you for due process.
Sheri, always there for me in a pinch. You amaze me, just out of lung surgery and up and posting, offering advice – there is no stopping you, honey! Me, Kim, and Harley, all say thank you for your continued support. I’m so glad you are doing better. When I grow up one day, I hope to be as strong as you are.
First, it’s very nice to meet you. I appreciate your feelings on the matter. A lot of times when I post, I don’t’ realize how many people may be out there reading it. I’m glad that you have read some of my posts and that you liked them. Type in “Sundanceh” and hit the search button and some past posts will be displayed if you ever want to read them. I’m truly sorry about your financial dilemma as well. I start to get angry when you have to begin to compromise your healthcare after so many years of heavy fighting. The system is just wired together wrong. Too many of us suffer needlessly.
Cass, your compassion and concern is overwhelming to say the least. Such fire and passion in your post. I know you are genuinely concerned. I am also sorry that too are facing financial difficulties – it’s as big a disease as the cancer itself. I liked your Phoo-Phoo line. Many is the time I told Kim the same thing – we were happier when we first met and had a 450 sq. foot apartment with rented furniture. We had life experiences then and not things. Adulthood kind of sucks! I liked it better when we used to “play house.”
Another one of our TOP PRIORITY cases. How special it is to see you back on the board and posting with such fervor again. You are one of a kind – when they made you, they broke the mold, as the saying goes. Thank you so much for knocking on my door and posting as well. I do love your sayings – my 2 favorites are:
1. “When you are going through Hell, don’t stop – hit the gas.” From your very 1st post to
2. “Outwit.Outlast.Outplay” I watch Survivor with Kim and I’ve actually learned a lot
About human nature on that show. For my post, can we change it to:
Outwit-Outlast-OUTPAY. Hope you got a giggle from that one.
Thank you for your thoughts and support of me. I’ve found you to be very compassionate and a big support to me and so many others here. I wish all of the good things that life can offer you, **** and your daughter.
Good vibes received, Winney. Thank you for that. Your right, in reading all of these responses, it is clear how many of us face now, or will face this terrible situation, all as a result of the outrageous prices being charged for health care. I know you have had it rough, and hope things will turn around for all of us.
Thank you for your suggestion. It’s good to see you back on the board and posting. Your continued support is heartwarming. Glad you’ve got a plan that is working for you. I’ll get mine figured out in due time. Thanks for stopping by.
How are you? See, that rhymes:) You remember how long it took to get mail to you from the U.S. to Candada – I’m sure the mail is just as slow coming the other way. So, I’ll be checking the mailbox every day looking for your sparks, good mojo, and good old prayers.
How sweet you are! You have always been so supportive to anything that I’ve written and I always look to see if you post. Think about you and your sister and hope for the best. I’ll keep “journeying” just for you:)
Ah, my dear Jen. You now I’m a Texan and stubborn is my middle name. I’ll never quit – I’m just taking a break till I get a handle on this thing. I will tell you that it is nice to be “wanted.” Thank you for that and for your spirited post. Tell Nicki hi:)
You Canadiens are really good people, arent’ you? I find it cool that I have several friends across the border. You’ve got a good point – “Dr.DaVinci” might be able to help me out, I’ll have to check it out. You think he’s already forgotten about the guy who helped him get his certification? Who brought notoriety to his hospital? Who helped open the door for other lung patients? I’m so proud to have been a part of it and maybe he will be able to help me. Your last line of me being there for others – and now you guys being there for me, touched a soft spot in this ol’Grinch’s heart. How very sweet!
We’ll find something, Rob – thank you so much for your continued support. “I’ve learned how to take a beating”, right Rob? I’ve enjoyed many of the deep discussions we’ve had in the past – I find you to be a very deep person. Don’t go a changin’.
Letting out a roar sure feels better, doesn’t it, Mary. No worries though, I’ll keep the balls up in the air and will overcome this latest challenge.
I felt a warm breeze sweep over me last night – it was then I realized it was the Winds of Hawaii blowing across my face making me smile. How wonderful to see you again! Pull up a chair and let’s chat awhile:) Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support. You have given me and Kim. I’m still so touched by what you did at Christmas – I told Kim then, what kind of wonderful people I’ve met…they listen and then they surprise you. You are special – keep your treatments going too – one day I’m going to wing my way to Hawaii and see all of you – Kim’s trip of a lifetime – I look forward to it.
Hello to you and so nice to meet you! Thank you for your touching words. You are so sweet –how very moving that you would want to share part of your winnings with me – the world needs more people like you in it – you’ve got a heart as BIG as Texas.
What can I say about one of the sweetest women in the world? You and Lizzy do Carolina proud – with you gals, “I always have Carolina in my mind.” I always think back to your “France” post and it makes me smile. Seeing you on a post is like a port in the storm, you feel very comforted in the fact…I’ll always try to be there for you and everyone, if I am able.
Thank you too for your concern. I will get a handle on this. You keep “leaving that light on for me.” That way, I’ll know how to find you:)
Jamie, hello and thanks for your post. This has been a good post and has given me some insight as to how many of us are in trouble out there. We always tell each other to fight and fight on, but there’s more to it as time drags on, isn’t it?
Nice to meet you too, Joy. I can feel your expressions in your post – it is not right we have to go through this part of the process. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. I will be at the hospital this week and will talk to some people.
Thanks, Jan, for all of your suggestions! UTSW has been pretty good to me, but their billing department has not, LOL:) We’ll see what the 2 docs have to say when I can talk with them. Thank you for your continued support. Hope all is still going well for you and treatments remain tolerable. Pretty spring weather we’ve had a couple of days, huh?
I’m sorry “they” are catching up to you too. The minute I find something useful, I’ll be sure to let everyone know. Good idea getting stuff done before Cobra ends.
Patti, I’m hearing thunder claps in the background – wait a minute, it’s you. Wow, you brighten my day…seeing you suffer these past few months has made me very sad. A deep sadness…I stopped reaching out when I should have been checking in on you. Just knew you were in such pain and did not want to burden you with having to respond. Seeing the “fire in your gut” in this post, makes me feel much better. That’s my Patti – alive and spiritied, I’m just so touched by this. I know you don’t like to hear me talk like this – but after 6-years of this stuff, it’s still sometimes so much picking up the pieces. Money makes me sick and it drives this ol’ world to the extent of all else. Your words are so kind and meaningful – I thank you for thinking so much of me. I’ve always thought and think so highly of you – want so much for you to be well. I love you too – and you will always be my special “kindred spirit.” Nothing can ever change that.
Sis, I hope you can see now why you must be around. I see a new Sonia in your PM – one that’s alive and one that can make a difference. If it takes me to bring you out of “lurking” that must be the reason I’m still here. Thank you for your thoughts and on your willingness to reach out and help me. Stay strong for me and I’ll get things handled here in the Lone Star State.
Well, the responses were overwhelming and heartwarming! I certainly took it all to heart. I certainly did not feel so alone yesterday or today. I’ll let you know how it all plays out. I’ve been carrying this around for nearly 3 months, and wanted to say something, but with all the tragedies we experienced, and with people needing real help, I just felt guilty about talking about this, even though I could see it coming.
This was a good post, and it bother me that we have fought so hard, and there are many of us now, and maybe many more to come, who will face this. Reading your heartfelt stories has made me realize, how we are all tied at the hip in this thing – together we stand, or united we fall.
The board is at it’s best when we come together, united in a cause, each with our own perspectives and experiences, and we can apply them to helping and supporting each other. When all of this dials in and comes together, I still believe this is one beautiful place to be. It is the Diversity and the Personality that makes this place hum and click.
Oh,it is so painful.Like everybody else says,it sucks.I hope the new "health care reform" would do something for you.I truly understand how hard it is.My husband's insurance has been mailing bills to us since the beginning of this year,it seems every other two weeks when we go to hospital,we have to stop at the first floor to pay bills.My husband says he has to work no matter what,otherwise who is going to pay for the medical bill?I told my husband many times,in this point,I feel I am useless because I can't bring any money home.I wish I could have a job,so he can rest at home and I make enough money to pay bills.This battle sucks out of everybody in many ways,not only physical pain,but aslo mentally frustration and desperation.My brother,please never feel hesitated to talk about something here,you know,the reason that we are being here is we have common ground,we may face the same problem in one way or another, or sooner or later.I hope you will work the financial problem out soon.I really hate to see you can't continue the treatment or the test.You are in my prayers.Wish you the best.Take care.Hugsss.0 -
Hi Craig,Sundanceh said:The Mornin' After....
Such passion and compassion from you all:) Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and concerns. I will certainly consider them all. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue.
I certainly did not mean to upset you all, rather my intent was to just give you an update on where I was at since my surgery and that financial health crisis issues had finally caught up to me, as they had so many of you out there. Reading your stories was truly touching and made me think of a famous cinematic line from the movie, “Jaws.”
In the scene, Brody is chumming the waters trying to attract the shark, when suddenly Jaws comes out of the water…Brody backs up and tells Quint, “We’re gonna’ need a BIGGER boat.”
Seeing all of us facing these same issues is poignant about now – and we do need a bigger boat, ‘cause there are a lot of us out there facing this mess – and it is the last thing we should have to worry about. I’ve found that whether it’s a tornado or cancer, it’s never the EVENT itself, rather, it’s the fall out and after effects, where the real battle is waged and ultimately won or lost.
Just to clarify: the 2 bills out to Collections, are the bills from DaVinci from the new hospital. Consequently, this is where my current treatment and surgeries have been done. Not paying these bills, will only lead to them denying me services in the future. And I certainly would just give them $10 a month, but they will not accept any amounts lower than I quoted yesterday, and we have escalated to the management team. So, that’s the problem there.
Bankruptcy is out of the question – the institution I work with dictates that you have to handle your finances accordingly…failure to do so…
Disability I have used when I’ve been out with surgeries. LTD only pays 60% however and I have to pay for %10 of that, so I try and keep my career afloat at all costs – we’re just dead without it – and we need her income as well.
I meet with my new onc this Friday and plan to tell him everything and see what he says and go from there. I’ll get lab done and be able to check my results via PC at home, so we’ll see how that’s going.
I can talk with the DaVinci surgeon’s PA and maybe him too, to fill him in on what’s happening – and see if I can call in a marker, if not now, then maybe in 3 months.
And I’ll talk to the producer that ran my news story here in DFW just to “test the waters” and see what comes of that. You are right, Lisa and everyone – healthcare is a hot potato right now, so the timing might be good.
Another thought: I received a PM from someone very dear to our hearts offering to pay for the procedure – how very sweet! Of course, I politely declined as I can’t rob Peter to pay Paul. But, I was floored by this person’s compassion and concern. She really wanted to help me and I hope I did not hurt her feelings by not accepting. I won’t betray her confidence, but she is a well loved person, whom we followed closely and has experienced tremendous tragedy – that’s all that I can say, if I have not already given it away.
I also received a couple more PMs with offers to contribute – even one from a guy on the Head and Neck board, because I gave him some info on DaVinci and lung tumors and how that might relate to him.
The true goodness shines through with people when we’re in distress – I was flabbergasted by people I had not really met, offering to help me out. I mean, does it really get any better than that? Talk about “paying it forward.” The Cancer World ROCKS and in a good way.
All of these offers were 100% sincere and I really hated to hurt people’s feelings, because I know when people give with both hands, from their heart, that they want to help, they want to do good. It’s a lot of what I’ve spent my time talking about on this board. To personally experience it, is a cathartic experience, and one that will stay with me for a lifetime. How does one thank someone for being the kind of person, such as this? Wow!
So, you guys really responded yesterday – I spent most of the day thinking about all that you said, and could not even sleep last night, with thoughts and tears rolling down my cheeks, thinking about all of the amazing conversations that we had yesterday and seeing everyone coming back together again, united and working for a common cause. It really was quite inspiring and very moving.
I felt the momentum building and saw the wheels spinning around in each of your minds, searching for a solution. I’m not sure if I warrant that kind of attention, but it was humbling to see everyone’s care and concern. So, thank you everyone who contributed their time and feelings – I won’t forget it or you.
I will be ok – I’m not quitting, not giving up – just pulling over to reassess the situation. Most of you know the word QUIT is not in my vocabulary. A good way to remember me is this saying, “No matter what’s happenin’, Craig’s toes are always tappin’”
And now, I wanted to say something to each of you that posted:
I felt your enthusiasm yesterday, it was contagious – thank you for putting your heart and soul into your post. I will certainly contact the news station and talk to the producer. And dear Lisa, I do not have it hard as you said– your situation is much more dire than mine. Your health concerns me and you are one of our TOP PRIORITY patients right now. I see you paying out of pocket now too, and it breaks my heart. We need a great big “surgar daddy and mamma” to take care of all of us, so we can fight the fight and not the bureaucracy. Thank you for all that you said and for taking your time to worry about me, when you’ve got so much going on.
I did not want to be the one to bust your “chemoite” mood, I’m so glad you are feeling well and in good spirits. We will find a way for sure. Thank you for stoppin’ in at the post. Texas is a big place and don’t forget about Fredericksburg….always room for one more if you cross the border, LOL:)
Our first conversation yesterday…thank you for your thoughts and I’m sorry I got you teary. I like to knock on the “door to people’s hearts” – that where the LIFE is. And thank you for sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes my way.
Thanks for your suggestion, Steve. You’ve got a good memory about me and DaVinci – just when I thought that story was “yesterday’s news.” I appreciate your support and will contact the producer at the news station.
My Chicky:
Seeing your smiling face and hearing your voice, always makes me smile. That’s just the way you are! Your passion is comforting…I know you care and you know I will get it handled. Just a “Thorn” in your Lion’s paw:)
My boy, Phil. I always look forward to you stoppin’ in for a chat. Us Ol’Timers gotta’ stick together, right? I appreciate your continued support and I’ll take your sage advice and will hang in there.
Paula G:
“We gotta’ get a bigger boat.” You and JR can float along in mine until we can afford to upgrade:) Thank you for your support and tell your significant other, Howdy!
You are too kind – thank you as well for the information and your support. To quote you, “Certainly there must be an answer for all cancer patients in true need!” I definitely concur.
LouAnn, thank you for such a generous offer – as a former bounty hunter, I’m sure tracking down the scoundrels is what you do best – if anyone gives me anymore trouble, I’ll turn ‘em over to you for due process.
Sheri, always there for me in a pinch. You amaze me, just out of lung surgery and up and posting, offering advice – there is no stopping you, honey! Me, Kim, and Harley, all say thank you for your continued support. I’m so glad you are doing better. When I grow up one day, I hope to be as strong as you are.
First, it’s very nice to meet you. I appreciate your feelings on the matter. A lot of times when I post, I don’t’ realize how many people may be out there reading it. I’m glad that you have read some of my posts and that you liked them. Type in “Sundanceh” and hit the search button and some past posts will be displayed if you ever want to read them. I’m truly sorry about your financial dilemma as well. I start to get angry when you have to begin to compromise your healthcare after so many years of heavy fighting. The system is just wired together wrong. Too many of us suffer needlessly.
Cass, your compassion and concern is overwhelming to say the least. Such fire and passion in your post. I know you are genuinely concerned. I am also sorry that too are facing financial difficulties – it’s as big a disease as the cancer itself. I liked your Phoo-Phoo line. Many is the time I told Kim the same thing – we were happier when we first met and had a 450 sq. foot apartment with rented furniture. We had life experiences then and not things. Adulthood kind of sucks! I liked it better when we used to “play house.”
Another one of our TOP PRIORITY cases. How special it is to see you back on the board and posting with such fervor again. You are one of a kind – when they made you, they broke the mold, as the saying goes. Thank you so much for knocking on my door and posting as well. I do love your sayings – my 2 favorites are:
1. “When you are going through Hell, don’t stop – hit the gas.” From your very 1st post to
2. “Outwit.Outlast.Outplay” I watch Survivor with Kim and I’ve actually learned a lot
About human nature on that show. For my post, can we change it to:
Outwit-Outlast-OUTPAY. Hope you got a giggle from that one.
Thank you for your thoughts and support of me. I’ve found you to be very compassionate and a big support to me and so many others here. I wish all of the good things that life can offer you, **** and your daughter.
Good vibes received, Winney. Thank you for that. Your right, in reading all of these responses, it is clear how many of us face now, or will face this terrible situation, all as a result of the outrageous prices being charged for health care. I know you have had it rough, and hope things will turn around for all of us.
Thank you for your suggestion. It’s good to see you back on the board and posting. Your continued support is heartwarming. Glad you’ve got a plan that is working for you. I’ll get mine figured out in due time. Thanks for stopping by.
How are you? See, that rhymes:) You remember how long it took to get mail to you from the U.S. to Candada – I’m sure the mail is just as slow coming the other way. So, I’ll be checking the mailbox every day looking for your sparks, good mojo, and good old prayers.
How sweet you are! You have always been so supportive to anything that I’ve written and I always look to see if you post. Think about you and your sister and hope for the best. I’ll keep “journeying” just for you:)
Ah, my dear Jen. You now I’m a Texan and stubborn is my middle name. I’ll never quit – I’m just taking a break till I get a handle on this thing. I will tell you that it is nice to be “wanted.” Thank you for that and for your spirited post. Tell Nicki hi:)
You Canadiens are really good people, arent’ you? I find it cool that I have several friends across the border. You’ve got a good point – “Dr.DaVinci” might be able to help me out, I’ll have to check it out. You think he’s already forgotten about the guy who helped him get his certification? Who brought notoriety to his hospital? Who helped open the door for other lung patients? I’m so proud to have been a part of it and maybe he will be able to help me. Your last line of me being there for others – and now you guys being there for me, touched a soft spot in this ol’Grinch’s heart. How very sweet!
We’ll find something, Rob – thank you so much for your continued support. “I’ve learned how to take a beating”, right Rob? I’ve enjoyed many of the deep discussions we’ve had in the past – I find you to be a very deep person. Don’t go a changin’.
Letting out a roar sure feels better, doesn’t it, Mary. No worries though, I’ll keep the balls up in the air and will overcome this latest challenge.
I felt a warm breeze sweep over me last night – it was then I realized it was the Winds of Hawaii blowing across my face making me smile. How wonderful to see you again! Pull up a chair and let’s chat awhile:) Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support. You have given me and Kim. I’m still so touched by what you did at Christmas – I told Kim then, what kind of wonderful people I’ve met…they listen and then they surprise you. You are special – keep your treatments going too – one day I’m going to wing my way to Hawaii and see all of you – Kim’s trip of a lifetime – I look forward to it.
Hello to you and so nice to meet you! Thank you for your touching words. You are so sweet –how very moving that you would want to share part of your winnings with me – the world needs more people like you in it – you’ve got a heart as BIG as Texas.
What can I say about one of the sweetest women in the world? You and Lizzy do Carolina proud – with you gals, “I always have Carolina in my mind.” I always think back to your “France” post and it makes me smile. Seeing you on a post is like a port in the storm, you feel very comforted in the fact…I’ll always try to be there for you and everyone, if I am able.
Thank you too for your concern. I will get a handle on this. You keep “leaving that light on for me.” That way, I’ll know how to find you:)
Jamie, hello and thanks for your post. This has been a good post and has given me some insight as to how many of us are in trouble out there. We always tell each other to fight and fight on, but there’s more to it as time drags on, isn’t it?
Nice to meet you too, Joy. I can feel your expressions in your post – it is not right we have to go through this part of the process. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. I will be at the hospital this week and will talk to some people.
Thanks, Jan, for all of your suggestions! UTSW has been pretty good to me, but their billing department has not, LOL:) We’ll see what the 2 docs have to say when I can talk with them. Thank you for your continued support. Hope all is still going well for you and treatments remain tolerable. Pretty spring weather we’ve had a couple of days, huh?
I’m sorry “they” are catching up to you too. The minute I find something useful, I’ll be sure to let everyone know. Good idea getting stuff done before Cobra ends.
Patti, I’m hearing thunder claps in the background – wait a minute, it’s you. Wow, you brighten my day…seeing you suffer these past few months has made me very sad. A deep sadness…I stopped reaching out when I should have been checking in on you. Just knew you were in such pain and did not want to burden you with having to respond. Seeing the “fire in your gut” in this post, makes me feel much better. That’s my Patti – alive and spiritied, I’m just so touched by this. I know you don’t like to hear me talk like this – but after 6-years of this stuff, it’s still sometimes so much picking up the pieces. Money makes me sick and it drives this ol’ world to the extent of all else. Your words are so kind and meaningful – I thank you for thinking so much of me. I’ve always thought and think so highly of you – want so much for you to be well. I love you too – and you will always be my special “kindred spirit.” Nothing can ever change that.
Sis, I hope you can see now why you must be around. I see a new Sonia in your PM – one that’s alive and one that can make a difference. If it takes me to bring you out of “lurking” that must be the reason I’m still here. Thank you for your thoughts and on your willingness to reach out and help me. Stay strong for me and I’ll get things handled here in the Lone Star State.
Well, the responses were overwhelming and heartwarming! I certainly took it all to heart. I certainly did not feel so alone yesterday or today. I’ll let you know how it all plays out. I’ve been carrying this around for nearly 3 months, and wanted to say something, but with all the tragedies we experienced, and with people needing real help, I just felt guilty about talking about this, even though I could see it coming.
This was a good post, and it bother me that we have fought so hard, and there are many of us now, and maybe many more to come, who will face this. Reading your heartfelt stories has made me realize, how we are all tied at the hip in this thing – together we stand, or united we fall.
The board is at it’s best when we come together, united in a cause, each with our own perspectives and experiences, and we can apply them to helping and supporting each other. When all of this dials in and comes together, I still believe this is one beautiful place to be. It is the Diversity and the Personality that makes this place hum and click.
Thanks for posting
Hi Craig,
Thanks for posting today + for all your kind words - I don't know how you do it, but you make everyone feel important + cared for; that's an amazing gift you have! I really do think your Dr. DaVinci should help you in some way. He needed to have a first patient for this proceudre + I don't think those are always easy to find. I think there has to be a way for you to use what you went through to your advantage financially. I have been racking my brains to think of alternatives for increased finances to pay for some this + came up with 2 ideas: 1) Get Harley employed - I know I already told you he is cute enough for modelling etc!
2) Would your house + location be suitable to take in a boarder or tenant? I know I have always thought if I needed to I would consider this option, preferably with someone I knew. Just some crazy thoughts on a beautiful sunny day!
PS I think it is wonderful that so many people want to help you financially, emotionally, etc. That says so much about you + the depth of feelings people have for you!0 -
so sorryAnneCan said:Hi Craig,
Thanks for posting
Hi Craig,
Thanks for posting today + for all your kind words - I don't know how you do it, but you make everyone feel important + cared for; that's an amazing gift you have! I really do think your Dr. DaVinci should help you in some way. He needed to have a first patient for this proceudre + I don't think those are always easy to find. I think there has to be a way for you to use what you went through to your advantage financially. I have been racking my brains to think of alternatives for increased finances to pay for some this + came up with 2 ideas: 1) Get Harley employed - I know I already told you he is cute enough for modelling etc!
2) Would your house + location be suitable to take in a boarder or tenant? I know I have always thought if I needed to I would consider this option, preferably with someone I knew. Just some crazy thoughts on a beautiful sunny day!
PS I think it is wonderful that so many people want to help you financially, emotionally, etc. That says so much about you + the depth of feelings people have for you!
Haven't been checking the board last couple of days, we were meeting with surg. onc.
Things will work out...I'm sure..you've come so far...thinking of you0 -
You are amazing!Sundanceh said:The Mornin' After....
Such passion and compassion from you all:) Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and concerns. I will certainly consider them all. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue.
I certainly did not mean to upset you all, rather my intent was to just give you an update on where I was at since my surgery and that financial health crisis issues had finally caught up to me, as they had so many of you out there. Reading your stories was truly touching and made me think of a famous cinematic line from the movie, “Jaws.”
In the scene, Brody is chumming the waters trying to attract the shark, when suddenly Jaws comes out of the water…Brody backs up and tells Quint, “We’re gonna’ need a BIGGER boat.”
Seeing all of us facing these same issues is poignant about now – and we do need a bigger boat, ‘cause there are a lot of us out there facing this mess – and it is the last thing we should have to worry about. I’ve found that whether it’s a tornado or cancer, it’s never the EVENT itself, rather, it’s the fall out and after effects, where the real battle is waged and ultimately won or lost.
Just to clarify: the 2 bills out to Collections, are the bills from DaVinci from the new hospital. Consequently, this is where my current treatment and surgeries have been done. Not paying these bills, will only lead to them denying me services in the future. And I certainly would just give them $10 a month, but they will not accept any amounts lower than I quoted yesterday, and we have escalated to the management team. So, that’s the problem there.
Bankruptcy is out of the question – the institution I work with dictates that you have to handle your finances accordingly…failure to do so…
Disability I have used when I’ve been out with surgeries. LTD only pays 60% however and I have to pay for %10 of that, so I try and keep my career afloat at all costs – we’re just dead without it – and we need her income as well.
I meet with my new onc this Friday and plan to tell him everything and see what he says and go from there. I’ll get lab done and be able to check my results via PC at home, so we’ll see how that’s going.
I can talk with the DaVinci surgeon’s PA and maybe him too, to fill him in on what’s happening – and see if I can call in a marker, if not now, then maybe in 3 months.
And I’ll talk to the producer that ran my news story here in DFW just to “test the waters” and see what comes of that. You are right, Lisa and everyone – healthcare is a hot potato right now, so the timing might be good.
Another thought: I received a PM from someone very dear to our hearts offering to pay for the procedure – how very sweet! Of course, I politely declined as I can’t rob Peter to pay Paul. But, I was floored by this person’s compassion and concern. She really wanted to help me and I hope I did not hurt her feelings by not accepting. I won’t betray her confidence, but she is a well loved person, whom we followed closely and has experienced tremendous tragedy – that’s all that I can say, if I have not already given it away.
I also received a couple more PMs with offers to contribute – even one from a guy on the Head and Neck board, because I gave him some info on DaVinci and lung tumors and how that might relate to him.
The true goodness shines through with people when we’re in distress – I was flabbergasted by people I had not really met, offering to help me out. I mean, does it really get any better than that? Talk about “paying it forward.” The Cancer World ROCKS and in a good way.
All of these offers were 100% sincere and I really hated to hurt people’s feelings, because I know when people give with both hands, from their heart, that they want to help, they want to do good. It’s a lot of what I’ve spent my time talking about on this board. To personally experience it, is a cathartic experience, and one that will stay with me for a lifetime. How does one thank someone for being the kind of person, such as this? Wow!
So, you guys really responded yesterday – I spent most of the day thinking about all that you said, and could not even sleep last night, with thoughts and tears rolling down my cheeks, thinking about all of the amazing conversations that we had yesterday and seeing everyone coming back together again, united and working for a common cause. It really was quite inspiring and very moving.
I felt the momentum building and saw the wheels spinning around in each of your minds, searching for a solution. I’m not sure if I warrant that kind of attention, but it was humbling to see everyone’s care and concern. So, thank you everyone who contributed their time and feelings – I won’t forget it or you.
I will be ok – I’m not quitting, not giving up – just pulling over to reassess the situation. Most of you know the word QUIT is not in my vocabulary. A good way to remember me is this saying, “No matter what’s happenin’, Craig’s toes are always tappin’”
And now, I wanted to say something to each of you that posted:
I felt your enthusiasm yesterday, it was contagious – thank you for putting your heart and soul into your post. I will certainly contact the news station and talk to the producer. And dear Lisa, I do not have it hard as you said– your situation is much more dire than mine. Your health concerns me and you are one of our TOP PRIORITY patients right now. I see you paying out of pocket now too, and it breaks my heart. We need a great big “surgar daddy and mamma” to take care of all of us, so we can fight the fight and not the bureaucracy. Thank you for all that you said and for taking your time to worry about me, when you’ve got so much going on.
I did not want to be the one to bust your “chemoite” mood, I’m so glad you are feeling well and in good spirits. We will find a way for sure. Thank you for stoppin’ in at the post. Texas is a big place and don’t forget about Fredericksburg….always room for one more if you cross the border, LOL:)
Our first conversation yesterday…thank you for your thoughts and I’m sorry I got you teary. I like to knock on the “door to people’s hearts” – that where the LIFE is. And thank you for sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes my way.
Thanks for your suggestion, Steve. You’ve got a good memory about me and DaVinci – just when I thought that story was “yesterday’s news.” I appreciate your support and will contact the producer at the news station.
My Chicky:
Seeing your smiling face and hearing your voice, always makes me smile. That’s just the way you are! Your passion is comforting…I know you care and you know I will get it handled. Just a “Thorn” in your Lion’s paw:)
My boy, Phil. I always look forward to you stoppin’ in for a chat. Us Ol’Timers gotta’ stick together, right? I appreciate your continued support and I’ll take your sage advice and will hang in there.
Paula G:
“We gotta’ get a bigger boat.” You and JR can float along in mine until we can afford to upgrade:) Thank you for your support and tell your significant other, Howdy!
You are too kind – thank you as well for the information and your support. To quote you, “Certainly there must be an answer for all cancer patients in true need!” I definitely concur.
LouAnn, thank you for such a generous offer – as a former bounty hunter, I’m sure tracking down the scoundrels is what you do best – if anyone gives me anymore trouble, I’ll turn ‘em over to you for due process.
Sheri, always there for me in a pinch. You amaze me, just out of lung surgery and up and posting, offering advice – there is no stopping you, honey! Me, Kim, and Harley, all say thank you for your continued support. I’m so glad you are doing better. When I grow up one day, I hope to be as strong as you are.
First, it’s very nice to meet you. I appreciate your feelings on the matter. A lot of times when I post, I don’t’ realize how many people may be out there reading it. I’m glad that you have read some of my posts and that you liked them. Type in “Sundanceh” and hit the search button and some past posts will be displayed if you ever want to read them. I’m truly sorry about your financial dilemma as well. I start to get angry when you have to begin to compromise your healthcare after so many years of heavy fighting. The system is just wired together wrong. Too many of us suffer needlessly.
Cass, your compassion and concern is overwhelming to say the least. Such fire and passion in your post. I know you are genuinely concerned. I am also sorry that too are facing financial difficulties – it’s as big a disease as the cancer itself. I liked your Phoo-Phoo line. Many is the time I told Kim the same thing – we were happier when we first met and had a 450 sq. foot apartment with rented furniture. We had life experiences then and not things. Adulthood kind of sucks! I liked it better when we used to “play house.”
Another one of our TOP PRIORITY cases. How special it is to see you back on the board and posting with such fervor again. You are one of a kind – when they made you, they broke the mold, as the saying goes. Thank you so much for knocking on my door and posting as well. I do love your sayings – my 2 favorites are:
1. “When you are going through Hell, don’t stop – hit the gas.” From your very 1st post to
2. “Outwit.Outlast.Outplay” I watch Survivor with Kim and I’ve actually learned a lot
About human nature on that show. For my post, can we change it to:
Outwit-Outlast-OUTPAY. Hope you got a giggle from that one.
Thank you for your thoughts and support of me. I’ve found you to be very compassionate and a big support to me and so many others here. I wish all of the good things that life can offer you, **** and your daughter.
Good vibes received, Winney. Thank you for that. Your right, in reading all of these responses, it is clear how many of us face now, or will face this terrible situation, all as a result of the outrageous prices being charged for health care. I know you have had it rough, and hope things will turn around for all of us.
Thank you for your suggestion. It’s good to see you back on the board and posting. Your continued support is heartwarming. Glad you’ve got a plan that is working for you. I’ll get mine figured out in due time. Thanks for stopping by.
How are you? See, that rhymes:) You remember how long it took to get mail to you from the U.S. to Candada – I’m sure the mail is just as slow coming the other way. So, I’ll be checking the mailbox every day looking for your sparks, good mojo, and good old prayers.
How sweet you are! You have always been so supportive to anything that I’ve written and I always look to see if you post. Think about you and your sister and hope for the best. I’ll keep “journeying” just for you:)
Ah, my dear Jen. You now I’m a Texan and stubborn is my middle name. I’ll never quit – I’m just taking a break till I get a handle on this thing. I will tell you that it is nice to be “wanted.” Thank you for that and for your spirited post. Tell Nicki hi:)
You Canadiens are really good people, arent’ you? I find it cool that I have several friends across the border. You’ve got a good point – “Dr.DaVinci” might be able to help me out, I’ll have to check it out. You think he’s already forgotten about the guy who helped him get his certification? Who brought notoriety to his hospital? Who helped open the door for other lung patients? I’m so proud to have been a part of it and maybe he will be able to help me. Your last line of me being there for others – and now you guys being there for me, touched a soft spot in this ol’Grinch’s heart. How very sweet!
We’ll find something, Rob – thank you so much for your continued support. “I’ve learned how to take a beating”, right Rob? I’ve enjoyed many of the deep discussions we’ve had in the past – I find you to be a very deep person. Don’t go a changin’.
Letting out a roar sure feels better, doesn’t it, Mary. No worries though, I’ll keep the balls up in the air and will overcome this latest challenge.
I felt a warm breeze sweep over me last night – it was then I realized it was the Winds of Hawaii blowing across my face making me smile. How wonderful to see you again! Pull up a chair and let’s chat awhile:) Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support. You have given me and Kim. I’m still so touched by what you did at Christmas – I told Kim then, what kind of wonderful people I’ve met…they listen and then they surprise you. You are special – keep your treatments going too – one day I’m going to wing my way to Hawaii and see all of you – Kim’s trip of a lifetime – I look forward to it.
Hello to you and so nice to meet you! Thank you for your touching words. You are so sweet –how very moving that you would want to share part of your winnings with me – the world needs more people like you in it – you’ve got a heart as BIG as Texas.
What can I say about one of the sweetest women in the world? You and Lizzy do Carolina proud – with you gals, “I always have Carolina in my mind.” I always think back to your “France” post and it makes me smile. Seeing you on a post is like a port in the storm, you feel very comforted in the fact…I’ll always try to be there for you and everyone, if I am able.
Thank you too for your concern. I will get a handle on this. You keep “leaving that light on for me.” That way, I’ll know how to find you:)
Jamie, hello and thanks for your post. This has been a good post and has given me some insight as to how many of us are in trouble out there. We always tell each other to fight and fight on, but there’s more to it as time drags on, isn’t it?
Nice to meet you too, Joy. I can feel your expressions in your post – it is not right we have to go through this part of the process. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. I will be at the hospital this week and will talk to some people.
Thanks, Jan, for all of your suggestions! UTSW has been pretty good to me, but their billing department has not, LOL:) We’ll see what the 2 docs have to say when I can talk with them. Thank you for your continued support. Hope all is still going well for you and treatments remain tolerable. Pretty spring weather we’ve had a couple of days, huh?
I’m sorry “they” are catching up to you too. The minute I find something useful, I’ll be sure to let everyone know. Good idea getting stuff done before Cobra ends.
Patti, I’m hearing thunder claps in the background – wait a minute, it’s you. Wow, you brighten my day…seeing you suffer these past few months has made me very sad. A deep sadness…I stopped reaching out when I should have been checking in on you. Just knew you were in such pain and did not want to burden you with having to respond. Seeing the “fire in your gut” in this post, makes me feel much better. That’s my Patti – alive and spiritied, I’m just so touched by this. I know you don’t like to hear me talk like this – but after 6-years of this stuff, it’s still sometimes so much picking up the pieces. Money makes me sick and it drives this ol’ world to the extent of all else. Your words are so kind and meaningful – I thank you for thinking so much of me. I’ve always thought and think so highly of you – want so much for you to be well. I love you too – and you will always be my special “kindred spirit.” Nothing can ever change that.
Sis, I hope you can see now why you must be around. I see a new Sonia in your PM – one that’s alive and one that can make a difference. If it takes me to bring you out of “lurking” that must be the reason I’m still here. Thank you for your thoughts and on your willingness to reach out and help me. Stay strong for me and I’ll get things handled here in the Lone Star State.
Well, the responses were overwhelming and heartwarming! I certainly took it all to heart. I certainly did not feel so alone yesterday or today. I’ll let you know how it all plays out. I’ve been carrying this around for nearly 3 months, and wanted to say something, but with all the tragedies we experienced, and with people needing real help, I just felt guilty about talking about this, even though I could see it coming.
This was a good post, and it bother me that we have fought so hard, and there are many of us now, and maybe many more to come, who will face this. Reading your heartfelt stories has made me realize, how we are all tied at the hip in this thing – together we stand, or united we fall.
The board is at it’s best when we come together, united in a cause, each with our own perspectives and experiences, and we can apply them to helping and supporting each other. When all of this dials in and comes together, I still believe this is one beautiful place to be. It is the Diversity and the Personality that makes this place hum and click.
I have not been on in the past few days and read your original post with sorrow and tears. Then I read all the posts on your behalf and felt such compassion and again tears flowed because so many have you are fighting vailiantly and with such courage and have given such great advice and words of encouragement. for your last post to be of thanks and encouragement to others is overwhelming!!! You are again, amazing! I am sorry for your difficulties and have no words to add to those posted. I wish I could help and would if there is a fundraiser - I am so in! Just let me know. In the meantime prayers are being offered up
Shanna0 -
Oh jeez...
Craig, I'm a bit speechless.
I wish I could win the lottery. Wouldn't that be wild? I know what you're talking about though. My insurance pays well, but not enough to cover what I can't. I'm still in the hole about $700 a month with co-pays and my neulasta injection. I can't afford it and will be making payments for years to come unless either I win the lottery, the ghost of Ed McMahon comes telling me I won publishers clearinghouse, or a dead relative leaves me a boatload of cash. Not gonna happen.
You Craig, are a rock. You've done this for a lot longer than I have. You were one of the first ones to respond when I first got on here. I'm just sad for you. Hell, I'm sad for all of us. Cancer is a disease that nobody can afford to have. It's a huge burden to all of our checkbooks.
I've come to view all of us a family. A family of people who are mostly pixels on my laptop. I love all of you and when anyone here hurts, it hurts all of us.
I don't have any solutions. I don't qualify for any cancer assistance, either. I give you my support and love.
Holly0 -
So Sorry
Craig, so sorry to hear of your money issues. It is ashame that hospitals think of the mighty dollar, dr.'s and hospitals say they care about their patients, but most only care as long as you can pay. Maybe your church or community can do some fundraisers and then put the money in an account for your medical bills. If you can't arrange this, maybe one of your family members or friends can help with that. I look forward to all your posts, please don't give up, keep up the fight and your faith in God! He does look out for us and He will help when He knows you can't handle it anymore. He is always there for us. God Bless and take care. Margaret0
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