“The Road to Ruin” – At the Financial Crossroads – A Sundance Update

Lots of things have been rollin’ around my head lately and I’ve been wrestling with big decisions that could affect the outcome of my future health situation. This has led to some deep thinking and some frustration on my part as I was deciding what to do. And reading some posts about insurance woes and the key role they play – literally holding our lives in their hands, has given me many things to ponder.
And then….this morning, it sort of all came together, as I had to do what I did not want to have to do and what I had been fighting against. It took just ONE phone call and now the attack plan has changed, and not necessarily for the better. Just sort of let the air out of my tires, and it felt like I was back out “on my own” trying to find the way again, after I hung up the phone with the nurse.
So, what happened?
Well, after nearly 6 long years of the battle, I finally came to the “Financial Crossroads” in my journey today. I cancelled my CT scan for this Friday, because I can no longer afford to pay for the scans anymore.
I also cancelled the lung surgery that was already scheduled as well.
I’ve prided myself on being able to stay afloat and get done what needed to be done – it all just becomes another monthly payment in the end. But therein, lies the problem.
After nearly 6 years, I am paying on close to 10 medical bills per month, for about $600 per month. Two other bills (at the new hospital) are on their way to Collections, because they want $138.70 for one of those and another $90 for the other one would add to that total, putting the price tag over $800 each and every month.
I have tried working with the hospital on a lower amount for both of the ones scheduled for Collections, but they won’t budge and I just can’t pull it out of my a$$ anymore.
I’m still paying on the CT scan from Oct2009, right before DaVinci surgery. Each CT costs me $753.00 out of my pocket. So, I’m due to have last year’s CT scan paid off in early 2011…you can see where this is going. Each CT scan done represents another YEAR of my life to pay that one off.
And since I’ve run out of “monthly payments” (for now), essentially, I’m Done and on hold for this stage of my journey until I can clear the way to get back in the fight and go some more.
Which brings me to this update:
Early in January, I had posted the results of a CT scan that was done for free (I had met my out of pocket deductibles) for that year and I said go ahead. Well, they found another tumor, as large as the previous 2 they had removed.
Many of you had posted back that it was probably scar tissue, or a granuloma. John23 jokingly referred to it as an “M&M.” I laughed at that one, very funny, and wish that were the case. But, it was not then – and it is not now.
The new tumor is located 6” further down from the previous 2 excised tumors. Since the previous 2 tumors were benign, I feel confident that this tumor more than likely is as well. What we do know is that the tumor was large in Jan2010 and is undoubtedly still growing – the question is “How big is it now?” A question that will have to wait awhile longer.
Could it be Cancer? Don’t know, probably not, but time will tell. One thing is for certain though, even if this tumor is benign, it is GROWING, and eventually I’ll have to deal with it. Gonna’ cost me another lung surgery to find out. Sort of like “playing poker” and “calling” – show me your hand.
It is frustrating to know that after all that I’ve gone through with rectal, liver, and lung surgeries, along with all of the radiation, CyberKnife, chemo infusions and pills, and lastly doing the DaVinci, becoming the 1st person in North Texas to do this procedure on the lungs, that it all boils down to a “piece of paper” with numerals written on, that makes All the Difference.
What’s even more frustrating is paying every month for a medical plan that you can NO LONGER USE. You gotta’ love it, right?
So far, I do not meet the monetary guidelines set forth by most organizations that offer assistance. We both work and either individually or combined, we exceed the limit. I also checked into our employee assistance program, but they do not cover “any” medical expenses whatsoever.
It’s all about the “Benjamins” – it is a “Money World” – you have to “pay to play.”
So, what is Craig’s GamePlan now?
Good question, what I plan on doing is continuing to get my bloodwork done – I’ll evaluate those results and look at my CEA numbers and take it from there – and hope for the best for now. As soon as I can get this addressed, I’m All In again!
I accept this “Stop in the Journey” as part of “Doin’ Business.”
Realistically, I would say that I might have to sit out the entire year with no CT scans. I’m going to hope that things will not get out of hand during that time and if the tumors continue to grow, that they grow slowly. You can send your best wishes for this.
I will remain positive during this time and by no means have I “mailed it in.” I’ll fight on until my last breath – that you can take to the bank

I’ll close with one last thought – and a funny story…
Last Thought:
I’ve read many posts over the last couple of days about “Scanxiety” and the apprehension that comes with waiting for your scan results. Many of you have had or are doing them right now. I certainly understand those thoughts and feelings all to well.
Right now, I wish that I had those same feelings that you do. Why? Because that would mean that I could have a scan and would be waiting on results as well.
We never REALIZE what we’re missing, until that option is no longer available, or is taken from us. Something to ponder about…a fresh perspective about a tried and true subject.
Funny Story:
When I was first diagnosed back in June 2004, I told the Onc, “It would be easier if I just died.” He said, “Craig, when do you think that will be?” And I so famously said, “When you can’t AFFORD the scans, treatments, and medicines….that’s WHEN.”
I want to thank each one of you for taking your time to share my thoughts with you today. It’s always a real pleasure to talk with you when I have something on my mind. It’s a comfort to know you are around to listen during those times and can understand what it is that I’m trying to convey. I carry my thoughts around as long as I can, then I remember the Board and know that I’ve got an outlet when things get overwhelming.
I should have told you sooner, but there are so many of you out there, with more dire stories than mine, and I feel I don’t want to burden any of you unnecessarily with something silly that I’ve got going on.
Things Happen for a Reason – and I’m sure it will all work itself out. I did not come this far over the past 6 years to be defeated by $$$’s.
Everyone take care and remember “You’ve still got a friend” in me. I’m watching so many of you out there – you are all an inspiration and I’m so proud of each one of you.
Keep firin’ as long as their are bullets in the chamber – leave it all on the table. Continued best wishes on each of your battles (CareGivers TOO) – and keep going for as long as you can – rest when you can – then get back after it when you can.
Cancer is like the fable of the “Tortoise and the Hare.” The race is not always won by the swiftest, rather slow and steady steps will still get you to the finish line.
“May your best days be ahead of you.”
Craig- my thoughts & also an idea
Hi Craig,
Wish I could give you a hug right now- I'm sending it across the miles. I'm sorry- this is so lousy. You said it well when you said you don't realize what you have until it isn't there anymore. Up until recently, I had everything paid for- I mean everything. I didn't pay one cent for scans and not one cent for my liver surgery and week long hospital stay. Wow- do I value what I have had- huge expenses completely covered. And now I've been balking because they dare to not cover something anymore. I still think it should be covered (the chemo gemcitabine), but it certainly puts it all in perspective. Like you've said, our income w/ my husband's work and my disability actually have us doing fairly decently financially, thankfully. But it did get tougher when we started having to shell out the $1500 a month out of pocket for health insurance 2-1/2 yrs ago(my school district used to cover the entire family at zero cost to me). Now add on monthly payments of my chemo and likely future procedures, we won't be doing very well anymore. Even with the monthly medical expenses starting up, we're considered to be making "too much". It doesn't seem that they take into consideration the very high cost of living in southern California either. When the average cost of a house here (even in this economy) still runs between $600K-$800K (and that does not give you a mansion, by ANY means!), you know that we have to make more to just survive here. My husband and I have even given thought to moving somewhere where it's less expensive to live, but that's about impossible because my husband's work ties him to California and we have family here that we'd hate to leave and we'd hate to uproot the kids. So, we're staying put- don't think we could even sell our house if we tried, anyhow- houses in our neighborhood have been on the market for over a year.
Craig, I know I haven't had it anywhere near as tough as you, but I'm worried we'll be heading in that direction soon with having to dish out of pocket for uncovered "experimental" drugs and procedures in my future. I'm sorry you have gotten to that financial point where you just can't do it anymore& don't qualify for financial aid or help either. Lousy- stinks- it's HORRIBLE! It seems like there would have to be somewhere to turn- keep unturning rocks in that area. I know it's tough, though, because if we were making 400% of the national poverty level (which is what they're now going by in talking about the nat'l healthcare plan of who "needs financial help")- we wouldn't even be able to afford a two bedroom apartment around here, let alone a house. If you own a house and a couple of cars, they look at those assets as well, which also "helps" disqualify you from any financial aid.
We're doing okay for now, but your heartfelt message really struck a chord with me- I may be there sooner than I realize, too. It's a CRIME that anyone has to be stuck in the position of saving their lives vs. paying the bills!
**Have you written/emailed your Texas state Congressmen and Senators about your situation? Especially since you had the media exposure with the DaVinci surgery, I bet you could get someone from a newstation to do a story on your difficult situation right now. Health care issues are hot in the news right now & I think that'd be a good thing for you to try to do! Maybe some good would come out of it for you, in someone seeing you/hearing your story and finding a way to get you help. Maybe someone even would step forward and donate to you. I'm getting excited with the thought, Craig! You can do this- write to your Congressmen, Senators, anyone you can think of- and contact your local and state newspapers, as well as the newschannel that covered your DaVinci story before!
Ok- here's a new plan for you... what do you think??
Lisa-0 -
Craiglisa42 said:Craig- my thoughts & also an idea
Hi Craig,
Wish I could give you a hug right now- I'm sending it across the miles. I'm sorry- this is so lousy. You said it well when you said you don't realize what you have until it isn't there anymore. Up until recently, I had everything paid for- I mean everything. I didn't pay one cent for scans and not one cent for my liver surgery and week long hospital stay. Wow- do I value what I have had- huge expenses completely covered. And now I've been balking because they dare to not cover something anymore. I still think it should be covered (the chemo gemcitabine), but it certainly puts it all in perspective. Like you've said, our income w/ my husband's work and my disability actually have us doing fairly decently financially, thankfully. But it did get tougher when we started having to shell out the $1500 a month out of pocket for health insurance 2-1/2 yrs ago(my school district used to cover the entire family at zero cost to me). Now add on monthly payments of my chemo and likely future procedures, we won't be doing very well anymore. Even with the monthly medical expenses starting up, we're considered to be making "too much". It doesn't seem that they take into consideration the very high cost of living in southern California either. When the average cost of a house here (even in this economy) still runs between $600K-$800K (and that does not give you a mansion, by ANY means!), you know that we have to make more to just survive here. My husband and I have even given thought to moving somewhere where it's less expensive to live, but that's about impossible because my husband's work ties him to California and we have family here that we'd hate to leave and we'd hate to uproot the kids. So, we're staying put- don't think we could even sell our house if we tried, anyhow- houses in our neighborhood have been on the market for over a year.
Craig, I know I haven't had it anywhere near as tough as you, but I'm worried we'll be heading in that direction soon with having to dish out of pocket for uncovered "experimental" drugs and procedures in my future. I'm sorry you have gotten to that financial point where you just can't do it anymore& don't qualify for financial aid or help either. Lousy- stinks- it's HORRIBLE! It seems like there would have to be somewhere to turn- keep unturning rocks in that area. I know it's tough, though, because if we were making 400% of the national poverty level (which is what they're now going by in talking about the nat'l healthcare plan of who "needs financial help")- we wouldn't even be able to afford a two bedroom apartment around here, let alone a house. If you own a house and a couple of cars, they look at those assets as well, which also "helps" disqualify you from any financial aid.
We're doing okay for now, but your heartfelt message really struck a chord with me- I may be there sooner than I realize, too. It's a CRIME that anyone has to be stuck in the position of saving their lives vs. paying the bills!
**Have you written/emailed your Texas state Congressmen and Senators about your situation? Especially since you had the media exposure with the DaVinci surgery, I bet you could get someone from a newstation to do a story on your difficult situation right now. Health care issues are hot in the news right now & I think that'd be a good thing for you to try to do! Maybe some good would come out of it for you, in someone seeing you/hearing your story and finding a way to get you help. Maybe someone even would step forward and donate to you. I'm getting excited with the thought, Craig! You can do this- write to your Congressmen, Senators, anyone you can think of- and contact your local and state newspapers, as well as the newschannel that covered your DaVinci story before!
Ok- here's a new plan for you... what do you think??
Craig that is all so sad...just reading the thoughts you have written today...right now I would say my response is speechless....there must be a way
mags0 -
OMG Craig
This is breaking my heart.It is not fair. How, in a country like this does someone have to quit having their medical needs performed because the money runs out? It isn't fair and I know surely we can help think of a solution....
I know you have thought long and hard about this decision...now we need a miracle!
For once I find myself speechless....I don't know what to say except you are a brave, kind person Craig and I don't cry easily but tears are falling from my eyes as I try to put into words how I feel about this...and I cannot find the proper words.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to update us. You are an inspiration.I know someone will come along who can properly say what I am trying to say.
Sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes your way.
-Pat0 -
Trying to get the news media who had publicized your caseJaylo969 said:OMG Craig
This is breaking my heart.It is not fair. How, in a country like this does someone have to quit having their medical needs performed because the money runs out? It isn't fair and I know surely we can help think of a solution....
I know you have thought long and hard about this decision...now we need a miracle!
For once I find myself speechless....I don't know what to say except you are a brave, kind person Craig and I don't cry easily but tears are falling from my eyes as I try to put into words how I feel about this...and I cannot find the proper words.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to update us. You are an inspiration.I know someone will come along who can properly say what I am trying to say.
Sending love, hope, sparks, well wishes, prayers, and good vibes your way.
previously, if sympathetic to your current needs, may be able to exert enough press(ure) on hopitals or doctors to do what needs to be done for free....Its ashame what you have to go thru....steve0 -
We are in almost the same boat
I just hate it. We are in almost the same boat. Our premiums went up so much and our deductable and out of pocket went up too. All I can do is put the medical bills on my credit card because the intrest is less than what the hospital charges.
I am affraid to call and see where we are at with the life time max. It is just crap.
We also fall into the make to much for help but are just making enough to get by. and that is on the edge of going over. I thought my MS stuff was expensive until cancer came into our life.
Sorry to hear you are in the same boat and glad you are venting. Good luck, Paula0 -
My Poor Lion....coloCan said:Trying to get the news media who had publicized your case
previously, if sympathetic to your current needs, may be able to exert enough press(ure) on hopitals or doctors to do what needs to be done for free....Its ashame what you have to go thru....steve
I'm where you are hun. I haven't even paid a penny to anything this past year...the hospital stays, the scans, the doctor visits, nothing. I just cant right now. Not living on unemployment, kids are first, but are they allowed to cut you off if you give them what you can??? I thought as long as you are giving them something, they can't bring you into collections?
Don't feel bad or ashamed talking about it to us, I'm glad you did. If I were rich, I'd pay off ALL your medical bills! What about this new health reform bill that the president just signed, and he said things will begin happening this year?? I am not sure how that's supposed to work, but hopefully it's something that will help us?
I wish you wouldn't stop going for your scans, you HAVE to keep a check on this growth somehow! I know we can't get assistance either, since when hubby goes back to work, he makes to much to apply for anything. I would soooo worry about you if you just let this thing grow and not take care of it, just go anyway, whether you can afford it or not, they don't say no to you, it'll just be another bill in the pile, don't worry about keeping up, your health is first! Harley needs you, and so do we! you keep on that growth!
Anytime you need to talk, I'm usually here, just give me a call!
Hugsss and Love!
~Chicky0 -
contact the media that ran your story and tell them you are giving up any further test or treatments because you ran out of money if they run that story they can have folks donate to a medical fund only account at your bank . If you feel like you cant do this than send me the info in a message and I will call them myself...0 -
Oh Gosh, Craig! I hate to
Oh Gosh, Craig!
I hate to hear this. I'm sure many are in your shoes or about to be in your shoes.
We're VERY low income but hubby went back to college at age 60 to get his teaching cert. During the last 3 years he's brought home around $850. a MONTH. That's after they take out $273 for ins. and $75 for dental, tho. Just this past year, Jim got social security and we are so thankful for the extra money. Still makes it almost impossible to pay doctor bills, tho. I'll have to pay my 20% on my CT scan and have put off my 1 year colonoscopy til the end of April when we'll get a check for excess funds from Jim's college grants. If it weren't for those grants, I couldn't afford my tests either.
My local hospital has funds through Uncompensated Patient Services and they paid my co pays for my original surgery last year. Gosh was I thankful for that!
Please check out www.modestneeds.org This is a group that donates money toward a cause. It might be 'Jimmy's roof' or 'Sally needs brakes for her car'.... but people can go there and choose a cause and donate $1.00 or $1 million dollars. It's not for those who have constant needs but those who have a one time type need. Do check it out.
We love you Craig and I don't want you to go 'untreated'. Certainly there must be an answer for all cancer patients in true need!0 -
CraigcoloCan said:Trying to get the news media who had publicized your case
previously, if sympathetic to your current needs, may be able to exert enough press(ure) on hopitals or doctors to do what needs to be done for free....Its ashame what you have to go thru....steve
I've very sorry to hear of your situation. It's too bad the reforms won't kick in faster for you. We all know deep down that there was trouble in River City and no one should face a decision between medical care and keeping the house.
Steve has an GREAT idea, contact the news group that ran your story. Make use you show pictures with you, your wife, and the "kids".
Hang in there Bud.
-phil0 -
Craig, this is so very hard
Craig, this is so very hard to read. We spend so much time and energy fighting this disease and the last thing we should have to worry about is the financial aspects of it. I was just commenting to my friend the other day that I am going to go broke just trying to stay alive!! Just plain awful. Have you thought about a fundraiser of some sort? I am truly contemplating having one of those myself. Anyway, I'm praying for you and Kim and the new puppy always.
-Sheri0 -
I am so sorry! I do not how, in this country, we allow people like yourself to "fall through the cracks".
I am currently waiting for my one year out scan, and truth be told I am facing the same thing you are. I have insurance and still we, my wife and I, have both cashed in our 401k's, depleted our savings, sold the extra vehicle, and we arent holding our own. So many outstanding hospital bills, collection agency mail fills the mail box because you forget to make some twenty dollar payment to someone you set up a payment plan with... I dont have answers, how I wish I did. Like many on here my reacation is "speechless", and then I get angry!!
My wish for you is peace, strength, and the ability to hold on to the person you are. I know I am new here but I have read quite a few of your posts and you seem to be one of the "good guys"! I dont know what else to say. Bless you.0 -
This is how you start
Hi Craig,
First off, reschedule your CatScan. Then you follow thru with surgery or whatever you and the doctors decide. Because here is the deal or big picture from me looking in. YOUR FAMILY NEEDS YOU, so you can work do your job at home as well, be the lion tamer, the shoulder to lean on the rock you have been, even if you need others to lean on like us, we're just guides your doing the work.
If you skip the scan, skip the surgery you won't know if you have cancer or not. If you do, your family won't have you because after six years you let it go. Now family still left with all the bills and so what if it goes to collection. It is not like you have been out shopping at the mall or hanging out in the bar ringing up the bills this was legitimate reasons.
Sometimes the best choice is to let it go (the bills) let it go to collection they can't squeeze it out of turnip. Here as long as you pay one dollar on a bill, it shows you are attempting to pay it back as long as you are not out ringing up Macy bills etc....
So if your not here because you didn't do the test or surgery your wife is still left with the mess, which she will probably have to let go to collections. One idea for extra cash may be Angies list and Craigs list for odd jobs you could do for extra cash. I know you probably been there already just throwing it out there.
I am looking at Bankruptcy issues right now. I don't want to file and I can't pull cash out of my a$$. I have done everything I can do for now,since I am still restricted by doctors orders. I just can't do the big B word so I understand you completely but come on.
Maybe some business friends of a little business for you!!! You never know. It never hurts to ask? Please take care of your health first, then let the freakin bills go, your not too old to remember the basics. I remember we always had more fun before everything got so phooo, phoooed and car payments, and extras etc......
Love ya,
Goofyladie (Cass)
That just sucks. I'm getting there very quickly. When I had to stop working a year ago we took quite a hit as I made much more money than my husband does. We've already filed bancruptcy. At that time we thought we could afford our house. We can't. We're in foreclosure now. My mom and best friend are in the process of organizing a fundraiser so I can continue with tests and treatments.
I know you like my quotes - so do I:
“Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.” ~ Helen Keller
‘Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
''If you are going through hell,keep going.'' ~~ Winston Churchill
You will figure this out and we'll be here to help how we can.
Love ya,
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.0 -
I wish there was a way for you to get a scan but I sure do understand. Sick that in this country fighting an illness can lead to this. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.
Kathleen0 -
Sounds so fimiliar
craig, i know where you are coming from, this cancer coupled with tthe economy has spelled finacial ruin for most of us.
Here is a crazy idea but it will help get your medical bills paid why don't you stop working and go on disability, you sure would qualify and with no insurance you could qualify for cancer state aide( if your state offers it, I used it when i had non hodgekins lymphoma, (in Georgia) and they paid for everything, . look into it. ( i don't have the option to use it now because i have insurance).
i wish you all the good vibes i am able to send
live, laugh, play
winnie0 -
ThAT IS NOT FAIR, But I was working full time until the stage IV I also had insurance but had to drop it couldnt afford it or the deductibles which is why it went from stage II
to stage IV my DR would have kept doing the test but I couldnt afford it and didnt think it would come back, anyways when I found out I had stage IV my DR told me apply for disability
I am only allowed to work 2 days a week but because of that
I get Medicaid which thank God pays for everything and I get the social security I do have to pay so much a month but not what I would have to be paying I dont know your work situation but if you can have a talk with your DR about the disability I really hope you are in a situation where you can do this I know it is hard but it is soo worth it
I did not want to accept the help either but I wanted to be with my family as long as possible and it is is hard to go from 5 days to 2 days but it is worth
\0 -
I cannot grasp that this could or should happen in a country such as the USA....
I also cannot add much more than everyone already has. Do push the media, and hopefully something can be done to help you.
Sending sparks, good mojo, and good old prayers for a speedy resolution to your situation.
Sue0 -
I too am angry and sad to read your post. To think, you have come all this way, fought so hard, and to give up now because you simply cannot afford it. Seems so very wrong to me.
i wish I knew the answer. I do not know where you can turn but wonder if your human resource department at work may have some answers?
Sending good vibes your way. I do hope the news coverage leads to something!
Take care. I always enjoy reading your posts. YOu are a great inspiration to us all here and we do not want to see your journey end.
Marie0 -
Craigsfmarie said:Craig
I too am angry and sad to read your post. To think, you have come all this way, fought so hard, and to give up now because you simply cannot afford it. Seems so very wrong to me.
i wish I knew the answer. I do not know where you can turn but wonder if your human resource department at work may have some answers?
Sending good vibes your way. I do hope the news coverage leads to something!
Take care. I always enjoy reading your posts. YOu are a great inspiration to us all here and we do not want to see your journey end.
You gotta listen to what these people are telling you. The heck with the bills...the collections... I agree FULLY with GOOFYLADIE...... Just go get what you need done....the tests...the surgery...whatever. You can't just give up now cause you're out of money.... NO...Quitting now..or ever..is just not an option. You are needed by way too many people at home....HERE...and every form of life you touch. Don't stop now...don't.
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