6 years since diagnosis

crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
It has now been 6 years since I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I have very mixed feelings about it. I have been in treatment for most of the 6 years. I am still very much alive and feel very lucky to be here.

I am struggling right now because I have run out of chemo options and have been off of chemo for the last 5 weeks which I find very scary. I will hopefully be starting a drug trial in about a week

I have also run out of money and am trying to figure out how to pay the bills for the next 3 months until my daughter graduates high school and I move out of state.

As I am writing this I realize that it sounds very negative. Some days are like that, but for the most part my days are fairly positive. I keep going no matter what comes my way. It's my stubborn nature. I just need to focus on getting through this rough spot, think of moving as a new adventure(I'm not quite convinced)and remember all the good things I've experienced over the last 6 years and look forward to everything I have yet to experience.

There is always hope. Maybe some new drug will come along that will keep my cancer stable or maybe even cure it.

I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make with this post except that there is hope and life living with cancer.

I hope you all have a good week, find something to be excited about and live life!



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  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    You are obviously a strong lady. It sounds like you have lived a full life, including the past 6 years. You have much living to do. I am hoping a new drug comes along soon that will help you out.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Jamie
    I can relate to the 6 year make, I hit mine about a month ago. I've also been in treatment for almost the entire time. I've been fortunate in many ways, one being my treatment is still working. I have benefited from new treatments that came out during my cancer (Avastin and Erbitux) and also from a cracker jack team of doctors who are leading the fight against my cancer and have been innovators in their fields. They always are coming up with new ways to treat us. There is no reason why they can't come up with something for you.

    I just posted a thread on help with medical costs. I hope there is something in there for you Jamie.
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Hi Jamie
    6 years is quite a milestone no matter how you look at it. I do hope the drug trial is helpful and that some other options emerge for you. I'm 5.5 years into this journey. I've enjoyed 2 significant periods free of any sign of cancer and treatments. Like Phil I have also benefited from treatments that were not available when I started. Currently I'm on Erbitux.

    Another child graduating is another great milestone! Congrats MOM!

    Be well... Rob; in Vancouver


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