new here~~ have a question

charelaine Member Posts: 36
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am actually an intruder from the colon cancer board. I was diagnosed with colon cancer 4 years ago, and am currently undergoing testing to determine if I have a recurrence of colon cancer, or if I have breast cancer.

I know the two seem totaly unrelated, but my tumor markers are up, a CT scan showed areas of concern, and a PET scan uncovered even more areas, one of which was my right breast.

Yesterday I had a mammogram and ultrasound. They took about 30 pictures on mammogram. It was my first and I have very small breasts. (I am feeling very bruised now.) They showed me the area of concern. It looks like a bunch of grapes-- it just doesn't look right compared to the areas around it. They aren't sure what it is.

Anyway, they want me to come back Tuesday for a core needle biopsy, ultrasound guided. Can anyone tell me what to expect? They said after the numbing shot I won't feel anything. Is that true?

They also said I could wear my EMLA cream, but that doesn't make sense, because they said it will take 45 minutes to get me set up for the procedure. If they clean off my emla and make me wait 45 minutes, the emla will no longer work, right?

Thanks for the help.


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Welcome, Intruder!

    Seriously...I had to laugh at your "intruder" comment -- you're welcome here anytime!

    I had a stereotactic biopsy on one side and an ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy on the other, and I can say that the ultrasound-guided core needle was by far the easier of the two. I wouldn't say I didn't feel *anything* after the numbing shot, but it was more pressure than pain.

    After the numbing shot, once the core needle is inserted, they can always give you more lidocaine through the needle (and my radiologist was happy to give me all the lidocaine I wanted), so don't be shy about speaking up if you feel any pain.

    The entire procedure didn't take 45 minutes in my case, let alone the set-up. The ultrasound tech took maybe 15-20 minutes to set me up, then the radiologist came in, the procedure took maybe 10 minutes, bandaged me up, and out the door I went. Maybe your center has different procedures, or maybe they're including time for paperwork?

    I didn't have a port, so can't answer your question about the Emla cream -- but I'm sure others here will be along soon who can help you with that.

    After everything I'm sure you've already been through, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, but know that you're welcome here anytime, and we'll try to help you any way we can.

  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Welcome to this board! My biopsy was MRI guided, but still required lidocaine for local numbing and deep numbing...They won't necessarily remove the EMLA right away, so it should still have time to stay active. You should put it on a while before your acts as superficial anestetic, so the first pokes of the lidocaine might not be as uncomfortable...but you'll feel pressure from the fluid and it'll burn a bit until it gets numb. They'll advance the needle and inject lidocaine all the way to the biopsy site...then wait a few minutes until you are good and numb. The radiologist will use the US machine to find the area of concern and they'll keep the probe on your breast until as they advance the biopsy needle...they are watching as they go...when they feel the biopsy needle is in the right space, they'll take the biopsy and you'll be done.

    I had MRI guided biopsy and then stereotactic guided guidewire placement for my went thru a couple rounds of local anesthesia to my breast. The key is to tell your doc if your NOT numb...they can always give you more lidocaine.

    Good luck w/your biopsy...will be praying this is not new cancer OR recurrence!
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    jbug said:

    Welcome to this board! My biopsy was MRI guided, but still required lidocaine for local numbing and deep numbing...They won't necessarily remove the EMLA right away, so it should still have time to stay active. You should put it on a while before your acts as superficial anestetic, so the first pokes of the lidocaine might not be as uncomfortable...but you'll feel pressure from the fluid and it'll burn a bit until it gets numb. They'll advance the needle and inject lidocaine all the way to the biopsy site...then wait a few minutes until you are good and numb. The radiologist will use the US machine to find the area of concern and they'll keep the probe on your breast until as they advance the biopsy needle...they are watching as they go...when they feel the biopsy needle is in the right space, they'll take the biopsy and you'll be done.

    I had MRI guided biopsy and then stereotactic guided guidewire placement for my went thru a couple rounds of local anesthesia to my breast. The key is to tell your doc if your NOT numb...they can always give you more lidocaine.

    Good luck w/your biopsy...will be praying this is not new cancer OR recurrence!

    I would like to add my
    I would like to add my welcome to you here too, even tho I hope at the same time you won't need to be here becaue of bc. As Traci and Julie had already said, just be sure to ask for more lidocaine if you feel any pain at all. The first biopsy I had they were kind of stingy with the lidocaine and my blood pressure went up and I almost fainted. But it doesn't have to be that way. I went to another place for a second biopsy and told them my story. They told me not to worry, they had buckets of lidocaine if needed, and I didn't feel anything. So just be sure and let them know how you're doing, don't try to be brave and endure. You'll be fine. Let us know the results please. We're here for you. Lots of hugs to you.
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Welcome to the board and I
    Welcome to the board and I too laugh at 'intruder'. There are an amazing group of women here and you are welcome anytime.

    I had a core needle biopsy ultrasound guided. Once I was in the room it took about 10 -15 minutes to set up. Then the doctor came in. For me the biopsy took about 30 minutes, there were several places in my breast that they needed to biopsy. While I didn't feel the needle go in, I did feel the pressure and a slight pinch when they took the sample. However it seems from the others that they didn't even have this experience. Perhaps I didn't have enough lidocaine.

    They bandaged me up and sent me home. I did have some bruising, not bad at all considering how much of my breast was biopsied.

    It is possible that they have told you 45 minutes for setup time to include time for any problems that might arise. I know the clinic I go to does something similar and setup never takes as long as they say.

    Best wishes for your biopsy and the outcome.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Sunrae said:

    I would like to add my
    I would like to add my welcome to you here too, even tho I hope at the same time you won't need to be here becaue of bc. As Traci and Julie had already said, just be sure to ask for more lidocaine if you feel any pain at all. The first biopsy I had they were kind of stingy with the lidocaine and my blood pressure went up and I almost fainted. But it doesn't have to be that way. I went to another place for a second biopsy and told them my story. They told me not to worry, they had buckets of lidocaine if needed, and I didn't feel anything. So just be sure and let them know how you're doing, don't try to be brave and endure. You'll be fine. Let us know the results please. We're here for you. Lots of hugs to you.

    I also want to welcome you,
    I also want to welcome you, though sorry for the reason. When I had the needle core biopsy done, they numbed me first, so, I felt nothing but that first prick of the numbing agent. Praying for good news from you.
  • charelaine
    charelaine Member Posts: 36
    thank you
    You have all really helped calm my nerves some. I guess there is no getting around being scared. My next question is about working the next day. Can I? I am a middle school teacher, but I could probably teach from my desk. Just don't know what to expect the next day.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    thank you
    You have all really helped calm my nerves some. I guess there is no getting around being scared. My next question is about working the next day. Can I? I am a middle school teacher, but I could probably teach from my desk. Just don't know what to expect the next day.

    Should be fine to work the next day.
    I worked the day after both of my biopsies (I have a desk job), and had no problems -- and I'm a big wimp about pain and medical procedures! I was a little sore, but ibuprofen worked fine -- just make sure to have some with you if you need it.

    The core needle leaves just a small hole -- they just bandaged me up with one small steri-strip -- so you don't have to worry about changing bandages or anything like that.

    The radiology tech warned me that some women bruise really badly, and reassured me that it's normal, to not let it frighten me. I did have a pretty large bruise that took maybe a week to heal completely, and went through all the colors of the rainbow, but it didn't really hurt. So just don't let it freak you out if you take off your PJs the next morning and have some new "decoration"!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    needle biopsy
    Once they had me ready probly took about 20min. then the biopsy took about an hour because for some reason the sist kept moving.So it was hard for them to get it in one spot.I don,t think that is verry common to happen though.good luck to you.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I would like to add my
    I would like to add my welcome to you here too, even tho I hope at the same time you won't need to be here becaue of bc. As Traci and Julie had already said, just be sure to ask for more lidocaine if you feel any pain at all. The first biopsy I had they were kind of stingy with the lidocaine and my blood pressure went up and I almost fainted. But it doesn't have to be that way. I went to another place for a second biopsy and told them my story. They told me not to worry, they had buckets of lidocaine if needed, and I didn't feel anything. So just be sure and let them know how you're doing, don't try to be brave and endure. You'll be fine. Let us know the results please. We're here for you. Lots of hugs to you.

    Welcome to the board. I am
    Welcome to the board. I am not for sure what was in the shot, but, they gave me one before the core biopsy and it numbed me totally. I also took a nerve pill before I went to calm me down. Good luck!
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Welcome Charelaine, I just
    Welcome Charelaine, I just want to say I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, as if colon cancer isn't enough. You can intrude her anytime you like and I hope you get all the help you need as I do. My needle core biopsy took about 20-30 minutes, as my doc was getting plenty of samples to make sure he had enough to get a good reading. I didn't really feel a whole lot so as for the pain part, it was not bad at all. Like already stated here, it was more pressure than pain for me. I too had what looked like a cluster of grapes on an ultrasound a few years ago and the biopsy was negative for cancer, they were cysts, I had, very cystic breasts, so lets pray its just that for you too. My thoughts are with you and please keep us posted as too your results.
    Mountains of Love and Big Cyber Hugs,