My PCP made me feel great

jk1952 Member Posts: 613
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my annual physical today, and the first thing my doctor, of almost 30 years, asked was how I was doing. I said that I'd had a sh*tty year but that I was good. I brought him up-to-date with my bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction, a D&C which showed polyps (those were removed and I've been fine since), and reconstruction adjustments. This past two weeks an MRI showing a bright area (which an ultrasound showed as a benign (he's pretty sure) lymph node that should be followed up in six months) and a CT scan (third in a year) which continues to show a nodule on the left lung but it hasn't increased in size, so another six-month retest.

We talked about my plans for retirement (in two years) and my husband's and my plans to live several months of each year on a sailboat. We talked about how fortunate we are to have such good leading-edge technology and physicians in little Syracuse, and how my plastic surgeon was such an artist. (My other doctors haven't really mentioned the reconstruction, other than to acknowledge it). This doctor was the doctor who told me initially that there was something suspicious on a mammogram, 10 years ago, and who referred me to a wonderful network of doctors. And, he's been the one that I go to when I just need to talk about treatment options or other decisions that I need to make.

The thing that really made my day was at the end of the visit, he said thanks for coming and giving me inspiration.



  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    What A Doctor

    How lucky you are to have such a doctor. To thank you for coming to see him and giving HIM inspiration - that touched my heart. May that doctor have a long, healthy life. Your doctor sounds like a "friend". You are very fortunate.

    May your health continue to be good.

  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member

    What A Doctor

    How lucky you are to have such a doctor. To thank you for coming to see him and giving HIM inspiration - that touched my heart. May that doctor have a long, healthy life. Your doctor sounds like a "friend". You are very fortunate.

    May your health continue to be good.


    how WONDERFUL!!!

    how WONDERFUL!!!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Joyce, after reading your
    Joyce, after reading your story, I totally understand why he's your "go to" doctor. They are few and far between and I'm glad you found yours. Take care.