First Scan Tomorrow, Need Prayers

GRAVEY Member Posts: 83
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi everyone, Im going this morning at 8:30 to have my first Pet/CT scan since my last treatment this last December, and I humbly am asking for any prayers you could say for me. I am really nervous, hence the fact that Im still up and It's 12:15 am here on the east coast. But seriously, any prayers and luck is greatly appreciated!

Thanks All,



  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    i am up too, but i am a terrible night owl. you have my prayers for a clean pet scan.....and a good night's sleep.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Positive thoughts heading your way...
    It's not that late in California. Here's hoping for clean scans.

    Deb L.
  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    D Lewis said:

    Positive thoughts heading your way...
    It's not that late in California. Here's hoping for clean scans.

    Deb L.

    Hey Gravey,

    All the best to you. Gods speed and Gods hand will be with you today. Remember He is the God of promise and possibility the God of healing and hope.

    Bless you,
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    stevenl said:

    Hey Gravey,

    All the best to you. Gods speed and Gods hand will be with you today. Remember He is the God of promise and possibility the God of healing and hope.

    Bless you,

    Hi Gravey,

    After reading your post I said a special prayer for you that your PET Scan would come back clean and you will be able to relax and enjoy life again. I know how stressful scans are, especially waiting for the results.

    Please stay strong and know that there are many on this site who are praying for you.

    Take care and stay strong,
  • pk
    pk Member Posts: 192
    Glenna M said:

    Hi Gravey,

    After reading your post I said a special prayer for you that your PET Scan would come back clean and you will be able to relax and enjoy life again. I know how stressful scans are, especially waiting for the results.

    Please stay strong and know that there are many on this site who are praying for you.

    Take care and stay strong,

    Praying for the best possible results for you.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Any Time Now
    15 minutes til your scan. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the results. Pulling for you - bring us some good news.
    - Pam
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member

    Prayers are outbound.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    You got it buddy, in my prayers all the way. God bless, keep and heal you
  • MaryRC
    MaryRC Member Posts: 114
    Thinking of you. Your scan results will be good.
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    MaryRC said:

    Thinking of you. Your scan results will be good.

    I didn't see your post until after your scan, but you still have my prayers for good results.

    --Jim in Delaware
    GRAVEY Member Posts: 83
    Thank you all for your kind
    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It's such a scary test too. They bring in the Radiated sugar syringe to your room in a lead box, then when they take it out of the box, the entire syringe is encased in a metal shell, but then they take the syringe, which I think has at least an 18 Gauge needle on it, and inject you with it. And yet the nurse cant even touch the syringe? Yipes. So now the wait is on. It will be at least Monday before I have any news. Thanks again all. Maybe a clean result will bring me one step closer to getting this peg and port taken out, the bane of my existence right now.

    Love to you all,

  • jgw7838
    jgw7838 Member Posts: 17
    GRAVEY said:

    Thank you all for your kind
    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It's such a scary test too. They bring in the Radiated sugar syringe to your room in a lead box, then when they take it out of the box, the entire syringe is encased in a metal shell, but then they take the syringe, which I think has at least an 18 Gauge needle on it, and inject you with it. And yet the nurse cant even touch the syringe? Yipes. So now the wait is on. It will be at least Monday before I have any news. Thanks again all. Maybe a clean result will bring me one step closer to getting this peg and port taken out, the bane of my existence right now.

    Love to you all,


    be fine
    i have been through everything you have ,its been a month since my peg removal and my first scans showed ok ,now im having to wait 3 months for another but i was scared also so i had them burn a copy of the scan and viewed it myself and waited but prayers can be answered, you are in my prayers
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    GRAVEY said:

    Thank you all for your kind
    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It's such a scary test too. They bring in the Radiated sugar syringe to your room in a lead box, then when they take it out of the box, the entire syringe is encased in a metal shell, but then they take the syringe, which I think has at least an 18 Gauge needle on it, and inject you with it. And yet the nurse cant even touch the syringe? Yipes. So now the wait is on. It will be at least Monday before I have any news. Thanks again all. Maybe a clean result will bring me one step closer to getting this peg and port taken out, the bane of my existence right now.

    Love to you all,


    Good Gravey
    Wishing you the very best of results Gravey, nothing but clear scans and nothing lit up.

    Thoughts and Prayers for you and yours.
  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    GRAVEY said:

    Thank you all for your kind
    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It's such a scary test too. They bring in the Radiated sugar syringe to your room in a lead box, then when they take it out of the box, the entire syringe is encased in a metal shell, but then they take the syringe, which I think has at least an 18 Gauge needle on it, and inject you with it. And yet the nurse cant even touch the syringe? Yipes. So now the wait is on. It will be at least Monday before I have any news. Thanks again all. Maybe a clean result will bring me one step closer to getting this peg and port taken out, the bane of my existence right now.

    Love to you all,


    My thoughts are with you
    I remember being extraordinarily calm while I waited for the PET/CT scan. I don't know why. Maybe because it was the first time I was left alone (other than bedtime) since this whole journey began?

    Anyway, hang in there.


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    My thoughts are with you
    I remember being extraordinarily calm while I waited for the PET/CT scan. I don't know why. Maybe because it was the first time I was left alone (other than bedtime) since this whole journey began?

    Anyway, hang in there.



    You'll be okay with the results- odds are it's too early for anything but false positives to show. My first came back as a possible under my tongue, but my ENT was not concerned about- said it's an area of common false positives, and I reckon he might be figuring it's too early, post-treatment, for something to really show at a PS/CS. Don't sweat it, Gravey. Things will be okay.


    GRAVEY Member Posts: 83
    Update WOOHOO!!!!
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers, I received a call from the doctor today and the PET/CT scan came back clear of my head and neck!!!!!! I wont even go off, just thank you all!

  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    GRAVEY said:

    Update WOOHOO!!!!
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers, I received a call from the doctor today and the PET/CT scan came back clear of my head and neck!!!!!! I wont even go off, just thank you all!


    Now that is what it's all about right?
    Great news man cancer free!!!!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    GRAVEY said:

    Update WOOHOO!!!!
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers, I received a call from the doctor today and the PET/CT scan came back clear of my head and neck!!!!!! I wont even go off, just thank you all!


    Great News
    Very happy for you, keep up the good work.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    GRAVEY said:

    Update WOOHOO!!!!
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers, I received a call from the doctor today and the PET/CT scan came back clear of my head and neck!!!!!! I wont even go off, just thank you all!


    to you Gravey I am very happy to hear the good news
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hondo said:

    to you Gravey I am very happy to hear the good news

    We celebrate with you, Gravey. Have many more of such good reports, and let the good news continue.
