doubts and wondering about 2nd opinion

GSchmidt Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My history:
Diagnosed with Stage III BC in 2007, followed by mastectomy, chemo, radiation into 2008. Since then, taking tamoxifen to prevent recurrence.
Updated diagnosis, Feb 2010: now Stage IV, metastatic disease to bone (extensive disease, in spine, ribs, pelvis, etc.).
Oncologist recommending revised hormone therapy (switching from tamoxifen to arimidex, already done), starting radiation sometime soon. He said no need for chemo because pet/ct showed ONLY metastatic disease to bone and not additional organs (brain, lungs, liver checked closely on pet/ct).
I had my ovaries removed last month to shift me into the post-menopausal category (I'm 35) so that I could start the arimidex.
HOWEVER, the post-surgical pathology report showed breast cancer cells on the ovaries. Not 100% sure why the pet/ct scan didn't show this, possibly overies hiding behind bladder on scan.
My question to my oncologist was: does this mean I DO need chemo because it IS in my ovaries (even though they are out, clearly it metastasized not only to bone but additional tissue)?
His response: no, still no need for chemo.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd appreciate your input. My surgeon who did the operation and first saw the pathology report recommended I get a 2nd opinion from another oncologist.



  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    I am so sorry you are going
    I am so sorry you are going thru this again. I had recurrance last year. I was very scared and anxious. I think a 2nd opinion is the right decision for you if it gives you peace of mind. I am sure you will hear from someone with more experience about your situation. This site has been an invaluable source of info and support for me. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you. Take good care of yourself. Marilyn
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    2nd opinion
    I, personally, would get a second opinion. It's your life we're talking about and it's important that you have full confidence in your oncologist. I sense that you're having some real doubts. I visited with 2 oncologists prior to my chemo treatments and went with the one that I felt I could trust more. I'd get in touch with a hospital with a good cancer center. Are you in a metro area with lots of choices?
    I'll pray that God opens the right doors and puts you in contact with somebody that can assure you of your treatment. I'm glad you're being assertive in your health care!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    BethInAz said:

    2nd opinion
    I, personally, would get a second opinion. It's your life we're talking about and it's important that you have full confidence in your oncologist. I sense that you're having some real doubts. I visited with 2 oncologists prior to my chemo treatments and went with the one that I felt I could trust more. I'd get in touch with a hospital with a good cancer center. Are you in a metro area with lots of choices?
    I'll pray that God opens the right doors and puts you in contact with somebody that can assure you of your treatment. I'm glad you're being assertive in your health care!

    I am so sorry that you had a
    I am so sorry that you had a recurrence after all that you have been thru. I definitely would get a 2nd opinion. We only have maybe one chance to rid ourselves of the beast and I want to do whatever it takes. You are not feeling right about your current doctor's treatment, so, that says a "lil bell" is going off in you saying that this doesn't sound right. Get the 2nd opinion please and let us all know what he or she says. Good luck!

    Sue :)
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Hi, Glynnis, and welcome to
    Hi, Glynnis, and welcome to this amazing group of warriors. I'm so sorry to read that you are once again fighting with this beast. From the sounds of your post, you're not convinced with the treatment recommended by your current onco. If that is the case, if for no other reason than peace of mind, please get a second opinion. Your insurance will cover this cost. Good luck to you and let us know how you progress. Take care.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    From what
    you have said,if it were me,I would get a second opinion. I am not an onc and so don't know why they make the decisions that they do-but that doesn't sound right..Maybe I'm wrong,I don't know.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Second opinion, yes
    When I talked with my doc about getting my ovaries removed, she said it would be best to remove uterus at the same time. The connection between ovaries and uterus (fallopian tubes?) can't be completely, cleanly severed, so there are still ovarian cells on the uterus. Just another thing to consider, I'm sorry to say. Second opinion, definitely!!
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    From what
    you have said,if it were me,I would get a second opinion. I am not an onc and so don't know why they make the decisions that they do-but that doesn't sound right..Maybe I'm wrong,I don't know.

    It is always so sad to read
    It is always so sad to read of a recurrence. I am so very sorry. I would get a 2nd opinion if it were me. Good luck!