My Scan Results are in....



  • mark440
    mark440 Member Posts: 63
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    lcarper2 said:

    Take that satan
    Well God has won another one...great news keep on keepin on you rock...

    Enough said....
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    eric38 said:

    Naked Dance
    After all that, you should go right out to the middle of a public street and do the naked happy dance! Modesty sort of goes out the window with all of our exams and oral probing. When you tell them what happened maybe you can get the cops to do the naked happy dance with you. I expect to see a censored video version on you tube with one lone civilian woman and a bunch of cops dancing naked for cancer patients.


    Now that would be funny, especially since I am a cop, I bet it would be the best video on YOU TUBE...Or maybe I would just get arrested, either way it would be worth it...Naa I am a chicken, getting arrested would mean I would have to report that to my supervisor and to have to explain this would be a bit hard, funny as hell but hard....

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Doug_B said:


    CONGRATULATIONS!! When will you be appearing on "Dancing with the Stars"?

    Oh heck, who needs TV? You are a shining star! Keep on dancing.



    Thank you
    Kate gosslin took my place, dang her, I thought I was a better choice but she beat me out...LOL

    I will keep dancing anyway, someday I will be noticed, but for now I am just happy to be here and free of cancer, I just pray that all of you guys here are free of this beast soon too..

    God Bless
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Aww Beth..Im sorry I missed the first post yesterday
    But I see it now...GREAT !!!!!!!!!!! I love it sweetie...Its awesome isn't it...Nekkid dance.......go for of many victories for you to come....Have a great week and many many more....Life is Good...Love Hope and Friendship....Buzz

    Thank you and you are so right LIFE IS GOOD and GOD is even GREATER....Thank you for being here, I really cant tell you how much of an inspiration you have been and continue to be to me. Even if things had not turned out so great for me, I still would be thankful for everyone here, and having the honor to share in their lives.

    Love to All
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member

    Is Awesome great news . Take care miss you


    Thank you hon, I miss you too. How are you doing girl? I pray for you all the time, and I honestly cant even look at my bike much less be on it, without thinking of you and angel. I wish I would have had the opportunity to meet him and you. From what little I know about you, I just really feel that you and Angel are just wonderful people. I am honored to have been able to get to know you and share a bit of your life.

    Love ya
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member

    Congrats Beth! Texas is a warm state. There are probably nudist colonies there where you can go and do a NED line dance if you like!

    I need to google nudist colonies in Texas and join right up.. Heck I bet I can get a whole lot of people doing the naked NED dance...LOL

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    lisa42 said:


    So happy for you- I knew it would be good news!


    Thank you, I had a feeling, because I truly feel the cancer is gone, I just feel it in my heart, but one can never be to sure, so I was a bit nervous. I see the ONC on the 23rd, and he will then tell me how far out I can go before the next scans. I am hoping for 6 months but with my history I am thinking he will want to repeat the test in 3 months, which is fine, better safer then sorry I say....

    The bone scan was clear too, so that was a big relief. I am pretty sure I wont have to do that one for a while. I just wish I had the words to express how thankful I am....

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    msccolon said:

    That is excellent news, Beth! I know you've been really worried, so continued dancing with NED is outstanding!

    Msccolon aka Mary
    Thank you hon, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you were one of the first to ever talk to me here, and all of your support and advice was just awesome.

    Love ya
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    CanadaSue said:

    The greatest news

    What great news!

    I am dancing with you!



    Ms Canada Sue
    Going to have to plan a trip to Canada....Do you think you might make it to Texas for the palooza this year?

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    kimby said:

    Beth, that is just excellent news! Dance with NED and save a spot for me, will ya? I'm so ready to be where you are right now. I'm THRILLED for you. And naked? You go girl and live it up.

    Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.


    I have a spot right next to me, come on over anytime...I will be waiting and praying for you..

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Just Knew It :)
    Too many good and clear scans for you to go the other way now, Beth.

    You've got it all in your rear view mirror glad all went well though, it's nice to get a confirmation. Always nerve wracking even when you think you know what the outcome will be.



    Thank you Craig
    from your post to God's ears my friend... Cant wait to meet you this fall!! I will be there!!

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    geotina said:

    Oh Beth
    I am overjoyed for you, clean scans, a new grandchild, go out and enjoy life, you certainly deserve it. Tina & George

    Thank you, I believe we all deserve it, and I will never stop praying until that happens..

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    scouty said:

    You go girl!!!

    See you in Ft Worth and I'll buy you one of whatever you want, carrot juice included.

    I'm very happy for you Beth.

    Bet you sleep like a babe tonight.

    Lisa P.

    Lisa P
    Thank you and I will take you up on that. I cant wait to meet you and all the guys and gals here. I am so excited. Any new news on the dates or the hotel?

  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    Such wonderful news!!! I'm sooo happy to hear this!

    I told my husband about you since your stories are similar and you've given him some hope. He was just as thrilled to hear about your clean scan.

    What a relief!! Yay! :D
  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    Double post

    but still FANTASTIC !!
  • Muzzy
    Muzzy Member Posts: 175 Member
    I really happy for you.That is great new. I'm doing the dance with you!
    Just happy to be here!!


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