Xeloda and oxalipaltin

lindadanis Member Posts: 235
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Ed has been on xeloda about 11 days and one iv infusion of oxalipaltin., he has been in bed every since, 24 hours a day, every day. He says "he is tired", eating a bit, drinking some. Is this normal?????????? He has until this sunday to finish the 14 day run of the xeloda. The dose of this drug is 3 pills in the morning and 3 pills at night, 500 mg each pill


  • chrisk06
    chrisk06 Member Posts: 110

    Could he be dehydrated. That will make him tired. I don't know anything about that type of chemo, but I would be calling the Dr.! I have wondered what is going on since I haven't seen you on here much. I am sure the pills have something to do with the tierdness, but he needs to try to eat and drink to get his energy up. Call me if you need to!

  • Pghmomma
    Pghmomma Member Posts: 141
    chrisk06 said:


    Could he be dehydrated. That will make him tired. I don't know anything about that type of chemo, but I would be calling the Dr.! I have wondered what is going on since I haven't seen you on here much. I am sure the pills have something to do with the tierdness, but he needs to try to eat and drink to get his energy up. Call me if you need to!


    My dad is on the same stuff too, but he takes 4...2 in the am and 2 in the evening... I would put a call into the dr because it just dont sound too normal to me. My dad is tired but nothing were he wants to sleep all day. Maybe just the day after chemo. But he takes the xolda daily and will not have any breaks.

    Good luck.
  • Ellie_E
    Ellie_E Member Posts: 50
    My husband, Jim, was

    My husband, Jim, was on oxalyplatin and xeloda. He started with 1250 mg twice a day. He was tired for a few days after chemo but was less so as days passed. He did develop severe diarrhea after a few weeks, so the dr. lowered his dose to 1000 mg twice a day. The dr. immediately gave him iv fluids and he felt better. I would definately call the dr. His dosage may need to be adjusted. The oxalyplatin made Jim very sensitive to the cold and he had some neuropathy in his fingers.

    It sounds like Ed may also be depressed--totally understandable! If this is the case, the dr. can give him something to help. Our prayers are with you and Ed. This disease is a BEAST!!

  • JaneE2366
    JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member
    Linda, Charlie is on the
    Linda, Charlie is on the same dose.....and he is not in bed all day.....he usually gets up around 9 and goes to bed around 11. Some days he is very tired and takes a couple of naps a day but he never stays in bed. If Ed has been in bed for 11 days and only "drinking some," he is definitely dehyrated. I would get him into the dr for hydration and it will make him feel better. He also needs to eat something...especially protein to rebuild those good cells that the chemo is killing off. Doesn't sound like he is fighting to me....he has to fight! Did you ever get the dosage of his paxil adjusted? I am sure depression is playing a huge part in this.
  • Betty in Vegas
    Betty in Vegas Member Posts: 290 Member
    Layne is on this
    AND erupicin. (probably spelled wrong but it has been a very long day and I am too tired to check) He has been on 1500 mg in the am and 2000 at night and he has been on this for seven weeks with infusions of oxy and erupy every three weeks. Just this week, he got severe diarrhea and had to stop. He sees the doc in a day or so to make the decision--go back on it or not? He is only 2 weeks from the end of his treatment. (God willing.)

    It takes some getting used to, the chemo. I'd be sure to mention his lack of energy to the doc next time you see him or her though!

  • ndmp
    ndmp Member Posts: 36

    That Xeloda is a tough drug, my dad had to be taken off it because he could not tolerate it at all. He had the same issues, not eating and just so run down. Have you spoken with the Dr.?? It might be to harsh of a chemo for Ed to tolerate. I know my Dad was put on Megase to try and get him to eat and it did work he built up strength and then tried another chemo.
    My best to you