second surgery for GBM

everhopeful Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
My husband was diagnosed with GBM in Oct 2008. He had surgery then. He recently had resection surgery again on Feb 5, 2010. I am concerned as he is not progressing. His walking and thinking skills are impaired. I am worried that this is disease progression although the surgeon says he needs more time to recover. He had the Gliadel wafers implanted on Feb 5 and is due to start Avastin this week. I need to know that some of what I am seeing is normal post surgery. I am very scared and worried. I need some hope! Thanks.


  • RLR
    RLR Member Posts: 36 Member
    2nd surgery
    I am sorry to hear your husband had to have the 2nd surgery. I was diagnosed with GBM grade 4 on 12/15/08 and surgery on 1/13/09 with glio wafers at the time of surgery,the tumor has stayed about the same ever since. So I am sorry I can not tell or help with the recovery of the 2nd surgery. I just wanted to respond so you know you are not out there alone.

    God bless you
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    a few questions
    Hi, I hope you won't mind my asking a few questions. I am currently recovering from throat cancer and I'm having some symptoms that worry me a little. My hands shake pretty bad at time, my right hand more so than the left. When I use my perifial vision, it looks like that is there on my face, my pupils stay big for no reason, I get very dizzy and feel like I will pass out (happens several times a day). All this has just started to happen in the last 4 - 5 days. I did have a benigh tumor many years ago so I am wondering now with the symptons if something is wrong. I would greatly appreciate your reply. I will put you and your husband in my prayers.
    May God Bless You,