had Moh's Surgery and worried
Hey there. First... breath! MOH's is procedure performed on the face because of it sensitive nature. They don't let you leave the office until they know they have gotten all the cancerous cells. I understand your fear of it being elsewhere in your body.... have you discussed with your doctors have any further tests done. I had a PET scan years ago right after my initial diagnoses and there was nothing of notable concern. I see my oncologist once a year for blood test and chest x-rays on top of my check ups with my derm.
With the MOH's they take the lest amount permitted and run the biopsy in the lab, if they still see cancer cells, they go back in and take a bit more. They do this until the results come back clean which means they got it all.
The best thing about BCC and SCC is that when caught early, 100% is curable. WIth SCC, it can reoccur in the same area. SO become familiar with your body and marks. Your doctor may have you come in every three to six month for check ups until they feel your in the clear, but in that same moment, know your skin. If something looks out of place... have it checked.
I hope this helps some...0 -
Mohs surgeryKisma said:MOHS
Hey there. First... breath! MOH's is procedure performed on the face because of it sensitive nature. They don't let you leave the office until they know they have gotten all the cancerous cells. I understand your fear of it being elsewhere in your body.... have you discussed with your doctors have any further tests done. I had a PET scan years ago right after my initial diagnoses and there was nothing of notable concern. I see my oncologist once a year for blood test and chest x-rays on top of my check ups with my derm.
With the MOH's they take the lest amount permitted and run the biopsy in the lab, if they still see cancer cells, they go back in and take a bit more. They do this until the results come back clean which means they got it all.
The best thing about BCC and SCC is that when caught early, 100% is curable. WIth SCC, it can reoccur in the same area. SO become familiar with your body and marks. Your doctor may have you come in every three to six month for check ups until they feel your in the clear, but in that same moment, know your skin. If something looks out of place... have it checked.
I hope this helps some...
I was told I have 3 spots that came back basal cell, the one most concerning to me that I will have surgery on is on my forehead and it has been there for 5 years of more. I thought it was a burn from my curling iron that just never healed. Know I feel as though my eye droops, is it me or can this happen. Surgery is on March 23rd for that one. I have one on my back that they say I can use a cream on for 5 weeks. Also another one on my forehead that I think is going to be just taken out, but it is near the one that has to have surgery on. After everything is done they want to biopsy two more spots on my face, one under my nose that I assumed was a pimple that just wouldn't go away and another beside my nose that I thought I picked at and scared and it doesn't look right to them. Wow, things do happen fast. Kisma will they stop the surgery if it is to deep or near things such as nerves?? I just do not know what to expect and I think the unkown is what is getting to me.0 -
Hi gammys52,gammys52 said:Mohs surgery
I was told I have 3 spots that came back basal cell, the one most concerning to me that I will have surgery on is on my forehead and it has been there for 5 years of more. I thought it was a burn from my curling iron that just never healed. Know I feel as though my eye droops, is it me or can this happen. Surgery is on March 23rd for that one. I have one on my back that they say I can use a cream on for 5 weeks. Also another one on my forehead that I think is going to be just taken out, but it is near the one that has to have surgery on. After everything is done they want to biopsy two more spots on my face, one under my nose that I assumed was a pimple that just wouldn't go away and another beside my nose that I thought I picked at and scared and it doesn't look right to them. Wow, things do happen fast. Kisma will they stop the surgery if it is to deep or near things such as nerves?? I just do not know what to expect and I think the unkown is what is getting to me.
My most recent
Hi gammys52,
My most recent one was pretty deep too and was removed via regular surgery (not Mohs test). My dr kept going and she just wouldn't stop, LOL! But she got it all. I know it is very hard to wait and not know what's going to happen but maybe the thought of you knowing that you are already doing something about this situation will help you get through this period and give you some peace of mind. When I was in your situation (both times), I kept focusing on the fact that I'm doing something to change the situation and that gave me some relief until surgery. I don't know if this will work for you but I hope it will :-). It helped me cope better. You'll be in my thoughts!0 -
Thank you so much, on top ofRocky76 said:Hi gammys52,
My most recent
Hi gammys52,
My most recent one was pretty deep too and was removed via regular surgery (not Mohs test). My dr kept going and she just wouldn't stop, LOL! But she got it all. I know it is very hard to wait and not know what's going to happen but maybe the thought of you knowing that you are already doing something about this situation will help you get through this period and give you some peace of mind. When I was in your situation (both times), I kept focusing on the fact that I'm doing something to change the situation and that gave me some relief until surgery. I don't know if this will work for you but I hope it will :-). It helped me cope better. You'll be in my thoughts!
Thank you so much, on top of it all, I have to have a colonscopy on the 11th of March due to fatigue and bowel changes and unexplained weight loss. My biologicial mother died of colon cancer so it was highly recommeded that this be done. I can't wait for all of this to be over with.0 -
Wishing you the very best.gammys52 said:Thank you so much, on top of
Thank you so much, on top of it all, I have to have a colonscopy on the 11th of March due to fatigue and bowel changes and unexplained weight loss. My biologicial mother died of colon cancer so it was highly recommeded that this be done. I can't wait for all of this to be over with.
Wishing you the very best. Will send positive energy for your March 11th and 23rd appointments!0 -
Hey theregammys52 said:Mohs surgery
I was told I have 3 spots that came back basal cell, the one most concerning to me that I will have surgery on is on my forehead and it has been there for 5 years of more. I thought it was a burn from my curling iron that just never healed. Know I feel as though my eye droops, is it me or can this happen. Surgery is on March 23rd for that one. I have one on my back that they say I can use a cream on for 5 weeks. Also another one on my forehead that I think is going to be just taken out, but it is near the one that has to have surgery on. After everything is done they want to biopsy two more spots on my face, one under my nose that I assumed was a pimple that just wouldn't go away and another beside my nose that I thought I picked at and scared and it doesn't look right to them. Wow, things do happen fast. Kisma will they stop the surgery if it is to deep or near things such as nerves?? I just do not know what to expect and I think the unkown is what is getting to me.
My left eye drooped for a few days after the surgery and actually swelled shut for day because I layed down to soon after the procedure. As for how far they go, they are pretty equipped in this procedure and will take as little as they can until they get it all. I have no feeling on that spot on my forehead because they did sever the nerves, but I am ok with that.
The unknown is always scary, but we are here to help you through it!0 -
Thank you so much everyone.Kisma said:Hey there
My left eye drooped for a few days after the surgery and actually swelled shut for day because I layed down to soon after the procedure. As for how far they go, they are pretty equipped in this procedure and will take as little as they can until they get it all. I have no feeling on that spot on my forehead because they did sever the nerves, but I am ok with that.
The unknown is always scary, but we are here to help you through it!
Thank you so much everyone. Where do they get the skin to close this site. I know he said he can't pull from below because it will raise the brow to much. Woke up this morning and felt another scaley spot on my back beside the one they want to treat with a cream. Do I wait until I go in to ask them about this spot. Is this going to be a never ending thing?? I feel like Molly-Jo how do they know it is not spreading everywhere. I know I am just wiggy, but feeling the new scaley spot and having to wait even until my hubby comes home this evening to ask him to look for me seems like the end of day will not get here fast enough.0 -
Your doing ok!gammys52 said:Thank you so much everyone.
Thank you so much everyone. Where do they get the skin to close this site. I know he said he can't pull from below because it will raise the brow to much. Woke up this morning and felt another scaley spot on my back beside the one they want to treat with a cream. Do I wait until I go in to ask them about this spot. Is this going to be a never ending thing?? I feel like Molly-Jo how do they know it is not spreading everywhere. I know I am just wiggy, but feeling the new scaley spot and having to wait even until my hubby comes home this evening to ask him to look for me seems like the end of day will not get here fast enough.
I know its a lot to take in and after the first few, you start questioning every spot you find. You can't do that to yourself. I am unsure as to where they will pull skin from because I didn't have that much removed and was able to have the site closed. I will say I got a little brow life for a while until the site healed and relaxed.
The best advice I can give is to be aware of your body. Check yourself about once a month, if something looks off, call. I go in every three months and if something comes up before then, i monitor it. If it changes even a little I call and get in sooner.
Keep your chin up!0 -
Hi gammys52,gammys52 said:Thank you so much everyone.
Thank you so much everyone. Where do they get the skin to close this site. I know he said he can't pull from below because it will raise the brow to much. Woke up this morning and felt another scaley spot on my back beside the one they want to treat with a cream. Do I wait until I go in to ask them about this spot. Is this going to be a never ending thing?? I feel like Molly-Jo how do they know it is not spreading everywhere. I know I am just wiggy, but feeling the new scaley spot and having to wait even until my hubby comes home this evening to ask him to look for me seems like the end of day will not get here fast enough.
I second what
Hi gammys52,
I second what Kisma said. Self check is very important. It's hard to say whether or not this will reoccur and if so, when and how many times. But if there's a silver lining in the situation, now that you know what it looks like and what to watch for, you will be able to sooner identify any changes or suspicious spots. I have become VERY diligent about self check and every time I see something unusual I make an appointment. After my first one, my dermatologist recommended that I come back in a year, but I decided to go back every 3 or so months...and that's how I was able to catch the second one too.
Have a great weekend!!0 -
AldaraRocky76 said:Hi gammys52,
I second what
Hi gammys52,
I second what Kisma said. Self check is very important. It's hard to say whether or not this will reoccur and if so, when and how many times. But if there's a silver lining in the situation, now that you know what it looks like and what to watch for, you will be able to sooner identify any changes or suspicious spots. I have become VERY diligent about self check and every time I see something unusual I make an appointment. After my first one, my dermatologist recommended that I come back in a year, but I decided to go back every 3 or so months...and that's how I was able to catch the second one too.
Have a great weekend!!
My question to everyone has has anyone used this cream? I am suppose to start this actually last week and haven't yet, well I finally picked it up yesterday and decided to investigate it on the net and WOW is all I have to say. Spent the day with my grandchildren today and hubby also researched now we are not sure if I should use this cream the side affects that people report sound so dangerous, and on Thursday I have to have a colonoscopy and don't want this stuff in my body with other drugs they use to put you to sleep. Any help on this drug would be greatly appreciated!!!0 -
creamgammys52 said:Aldara
My question to everyone has has anyone used this cream? I am suppose to start this actually last week and haven't yet, well I finally picked it up yesterday and decided to investigate it on the net and WOW is all I have to say. Spent the day with my grandchildren today and hubby also researched now we are not sure if I should use this cream the side affects that people report sound so dangerous, and on Thursday I have to have a colonoscopy and don't want this stuff in my body with other drugs they use to put you to sleep. Any help on this drug would be greatly appreciated!!!
I am not sure about the cream and when I have some down time today I will look into it.
what exactly are they having you use it for?
I know in the past I have been given some creams for dry patches of skin on my face, but not because we feared it was any kind of cancer or cause for concern, it was just severe dry skin.
If your not comfortable with what the doctor is suggesting, seek a second opinion or ask them for an alternative solution.0 -
I was offered to use thegammys52 said:Aldara
My question to everyone has has anyone used this cream? I am suppose to start this actually last week and haven't yet, well I finally picked it up yesterday and decided to investigate it on the net and WOW is all I have to say. Spent the day with my grandchildren today and hubby also researched now we are not sure if I should use this cream the side affects that people report sound so dangerous, and on Thursday I have to have a colonoscopy and don't want this stuff in my body with other drugs they use to put you to sleep. Any help on this drug would be greatly appreciated!!!
I was offered to use the cream on one of my superficial cancer spots but decided against it. To be honest, I didn't do my research on its side effects but since it was going to take about 6 weeks and I just wanted the cancer gone, I opted for surgery.0 -
aldaraKisma said:cream
I am not sure about the cream and when I have some down time today I will look into it.
what exactly are they having you use it for?
I know in the past I have been given some creams for dry patches of skin on my face, but not because we feared it was any kind of cancer or cause for concern, it was just severe dry skin.
If your not comfortable with what the doctor is suggesting, seek a second opinion or ask them for an alternative solution.
They want me to use it a a superficial cell on my back. I know when people get good results they have don't remember to post good things, it seems when you don't then you just want to trash it. Kisma I would welcome your thoughts when you get the chance to look into it. I sort of like Rocky's idea just take the darn thing and be done with it. Not sure how insurance will feel about it, since it is now in my chart to use it first. Thanks again everyone!!!!0 -
I had the same insurancegammys52 said:aldara
They want me to use it a a superficial cell on my back. I know when people get good results they have don't remember to post good things, it seems when you don't then you just want to trash it. Kisma I would welcome your thoughts when you get the chance to look into it. I sort of like Rocky's idea just take the darn thing and be done with it. Not sure how insurance will feel about it, since it is now in my chart to use it first. Thanks again everyone!!!!
I had the same insurance question/concern and both times the surgeries were covered up to the max. allowable amount (not sure what that number is for you, it depends on your insurance). I get insurance through work, not sure if you do too.0 -
follow upgammys52 said:aldara
They want me to use it a a superficial cell on my back. I know when people get good results they have don't remember to post good things, it seems when you don't then you just want to trash it. Kisma I would welcome your thoughts when you get the chance to look into it. I sort of like Rocky's idea just take the darn thing and be done with it. Not sure how insurance will feel about it, since it is now in my chart to use it first. Thanks again everyone!!!!
I did a little reading on the cream and personally with my history of BCC, no matter the degree of it, I would prefer them to just cut it out. My skin is so sensitive to just about everything so I would hesitate putting a cream on when I know that having the doctor cut it out is going to guarantee me better results. This is just my opinion though.
I have never been offered the cream and I have had several superficial spots, they have always just taken the area by incisions and left with a small scar. I read the side effects and although they are not too horrible, its not enough to sell the stuff to me. I will ask my doctor the next time I see her which is next month and maybe she can provide me some feedback as well which I will pass your way.
Really this is something you have to decide if its worth it. To me, the discomfort of having a spot shaved or cut out and stitches is better then having to apply a cream that may or may not work only to result in having surgery anyway. Does that make since? I hope this helps. I know your having a tough time and I am here for you.
Kisma0 -
Hi gammys52,gammys52 said:Thank you so much, on top of
Thank you so much, on top of it all, I have to have a colonscopy on the 11th of March due to fatigue and bowel changes and unexplained weight loss. My biologicial mother died of colon cancer so it was highly recommeded that this be done. I can't wait for all of this to be over with.
Just want to
Hi gammys52,
Just want to check to see how you're doing. Hope everything went well yesterday.0 -
Hi gammys52,gammys52 said:Thank you so much, on top of
Thank you so much, on top of it all, I have to have a colonscopy on the 11th of March due to fatigue and bowel changes and unexplained weight loss. My biologicial mother died of colon cancer so it was highly recommeded that this be done. I can't wait for all of this to be over with.
Just want to
Hi gammys52,
Just want to check to see how you're doing. Hope everything went well yesterday.0 -
ThursdayRocky76 said:Hi gammys52,
Just want to
Hi gammys52,
Just want to check to see how you're doing. Hope everything went well yesterday.
Well that is done and over with. The prep make me sick as a dog, but got through that. Founde 3 polyps so they were taken out and went to be biopsyed. One was bigger then she thought so she had to burn the area and had to leave a little piece of that one. When they call with results we then will discuss when to have the little piece taken out. So now we do the waiting game again! Wish they could just tell you right then and there. Thank you so much the board helps with stress, try not to show it here at home the guys have enough on the plates at their job right now. So thank you again!!!0 -
Anytime!!gammys52 said:Thursday
Well that is done and over with. The prep make me sick as a dog, but got through that. Founde 3 polyps so they were taken out and went to be biopsyed. One was bigger then she thought so she had to burn the area and had to leave a little piece of that one. When they call with results we then will discuss when to have the little piece taken out. So now we do the waiting game again! Wish they could just tell you right then and there. Thank you so much the board helps with stress, try not to show it here at home the guys have enough on the plates at their job right now. So thank you again!!!
Anytime!!0 -
creamRocky76 said:I was offered to use the
I was offered to use the cream on one of my superficial cancer spots but decided against it. To be honest, I didn't do my research on its side effects but since it was going to take about 6 weeks and I just wanted the cancer gone, I opted for surgery.
Well after alot of thought, I decided not to use the cream hope the derm doesn't get mad at me. I feel the way Kisma and you do just take it out and be done with it. I figured I would tell him when I go on the 23rd for the Mohs surgery. Like you, the 5 wks is just to long and having to have someone here every night to do it is also hard. Sometimes hubby has to go out of town for business a night or two and I am not going to feel as though I have to go just to have this done every nite.0
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