Chemo Care Kit for Friend Getting Taxol, Cisplatin

Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello, friends and sisters,

Joe and I were crushed to learn that a dear friend here has liver mets to bone. He is having so much pain and starts chemo this week. I had Taxotere and vaguely recall that there were some differences with Taxol side effects. Can any of you who had Taxol share any products that I could give him? Also, if anyone has suggestions related to Cisplatin?

Really, any suggestions would be appreciated. I am drawing a blank, just devastated to see him suffering, him and his wonderful wife. I want to help them while they are in crisis and thought I'd drop by his first chemo session with some things. Maybe just seeing a familiar face who's been there, done that might help...?

I don't know why I feel so helpless when I should know exactly what to do. Chemo brain maybe.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. We are heartbroken to see our once strong, joyful friend in so much pain and fear.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Vitamin B Complex maybe.
    Vitamin B Complex maybe. Utter exhaustion was my biggest problem with Taxol and B Complex helped. (Hair was already gone as was appetite and taste) As I have problems with SAD here, Vit D helped when I remembered to take it and days I didn't were not as 'good'. Sorry I've had no pain so have no ideas on that.

    Had another thought - If you go with him - (based on my experiences) - once the benadryl starts IV, he may want to go to sleep so let him
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Rague said:

    Vitamin B Complex maybe.
    Vitamin B Complex maybe. Utter exhaustion was my biggest problem with Taxol and B Complex helped. (Hair was already gone as was appetite and taste) As I have problems with SAD here, Vit D helped when I remembered to take it and days I didn't were not as 'good'. Sorry I've had no pain so have no ideas on that.

    Had another thought - If you go with him - (based on my experiences) - once the benadryl starts IV, he may want to go to sleep so let him

    Thank you, Rague
    I will include the Vitamin B complex, Rague. Thank you for taking the time to reply, and for helping me to help my friend.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Thank you, Rague
    I will include the Vitamin B complex, Rague. Thank you for taking the time to reply, and for helping me to help my friend.

    Hey Moopy
    For me the side affects of taxol was not all that bad. I took the antinausea drugs and I did well. It was the 1st 4 rounds of Ac that was ruff. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, I know that you & Joe will be able to help him come through this. I will keep you all in my prayers.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Rague said:

    Vitamin B Complex maybe.
    Vitamin B Complex maybe. Utter exhaustion was my biggest problem with Taxol and B Complex helped. (Hair was already gone as was appetite and taste) As I have problems with SAD here, Vit D helped when I remembered to take it and days I didn't were not as 'good'. Sorry I've had no pain so have no ideas on that.

    Had another thought - If you go with him - (based on my experiences) - once the benadryl starts IV, he may want to go to sleep so let him

    I just finished Taxol and had very few side effects...
    but did have some dryness in my mouth, so lip moisturizers would be good. I like carmex, it seemed to work the best. Also there is a toothpaste and mouthwash called biotene that helps keep moisture in your mouth. I also used moisturizers on my feet and hands daily.
    The other thing I would LOVE to have would be one of those feet massagers. I don't know how well they work, but the numbness in your hands and feet is another issue many people on Taxol have to deal with. Snacks are always a bonus! I could eat everything and anything, so maybe some herbal tea, healthy crackers, nuts, ect. Maybe a fruit basket.
    Just my ideas of things I would have loved to have received.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Hey Moopy
    For me the side affects of taxol was not all that bad. I took the antinausea drugs and I did well. It was the 1st 4 rounds of Ac that was ruff. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, I know that you & Joe will be able to help him come through this. I will keep you all in my prayers.

    Mama G and Kathy
    Thank you for the prayers and the gift suggestions. I'm sure glad that nausea was not too bad with Taxol, Kathy. I do remember how tired you got. MamaG, great gift ideas--I would never have considered a foot massager or the moisurizer. With Taxotere, I did not experience much neuropathy or skin dryness.

    I am feeling a little better already, thinking of helping Ted, with prayer and practical things both. Thank you MamaG and Kathy.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Oh, dear Moopy...
    I am so very sorry to hear of your friend's recurrence. Your sadness comes quite clearly through your post.

    Already good ideas here. Yes - get him started on the Biotene oral care products right away. You know I'm a huge believer in those... And drinking lots of water. Am totally unfamiliar with Cisplatin - can't help there.

    The very best thing you can do: just REALLY "be there" for him. You know what I mean. Stay close, be available for whenever/whatever he may need as he goes forward.

    Sending hopeful thoughts and prayers his way, via you and Aortus.

    Kindest regards, Susan xo
  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    I had problems with neuropathy from Taxol. My nutrionist suggested Glutamine which is supposed to help. (I didn't start taking it until after I'd had my first infusion but the neuropathy never got any worse after that.) Glutamine is a powder you can buy at vitamin stores and online. It's a little pricy though. She also suggested Vitamin B6 specifically to help with neuropathy.

    The massage suggestion is great too. The neuropathy starts in your hands and feet and I got a lot of relief in my feet from massage.

    Taxol can cause a lot of joint and muscle pain. Hopefully he won't get it. It hit me a day or so after infusion and only lasted for a day or two, but it could get bad. Obviously things like Advil and Tylenol might help, but something else that might help is Zyrtec and Claritin (the allergy medications). It didn't work for me but helped a lot for other people I talked to The chemo nurses always suggested that.

    I hope things go well. You're all in my prayers.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Ahhh Moopy first let me say how sorry I am for this to be happening to your dear friend. Now, for me it was sturdy plastic forks to help eliminate a bit of the metal taste in the mouth. I also enjoyed a good heating pad for the aches and pains associated with that chemo. Not to rain on your parade I was just thinking that if there is too much serious type of gifts in there (things to ease pain and such) it could be overwhelming for you friend. Perhaps you could pepper your gift basket with fun things like cross word books, word search puzzle books, perhaps the adult version of find these things in these pictures, I love those kills time keeps my mind going and takes it off of the discomfort. Now by adult I do not mean crude adult I mean you know hidden things in mountains scenes etc. My sister often mailed a little something to me bi-weekly and I was always tickled to get it because it was an upper in a downer situation. Okay that's all I can think of. I wish your friend the best and will say a prayer for them.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    RE said:

    Ahhh Moopy first let me say how sorry I am for this to be happening to your dear friend. Now, for me it was sturdy plastic forks to help eliminate a bit of the metal taste in the mouth. I also enjoyed a good heating pad for the aches and pains associated with that chemo. Not to rain on your parade I was just thinking that if there is too much serious type of gifts in there (things to ease pain and such) it could be overwhelming for you friend. Perhaps you could pepper your gift basket with fun things like cross word books, word search puzzle books, perhaps the adult version of find these things in these pictures, I love those kills time keeps my mind going and takes it off of the discomfort. Now by adult I do not mean crude adult I mean you know hidden things in mountains scenes etc. My sister often mailed a little something to me bi-weekly and I was always tickled to get it because it was an upper in a downer situation. Okay that's all I can think of. I wish your friend the best and will say a prayer for them.


    I don't know what to

    I don't know what to say. I am so sorry that this is happening to your friend. But he is blessed to have you and Aortus in his corner. I didn't do chemo so I don't know what would be good to put in a care package, but it sounds like all the gals have come up with some great ideas. If he is going to have rads you might put in aquaphor or aloe. If you or Aortus knows his taste in books or DVD's those would be good.
    I will keep him in my prayers. And you and Aortus as well.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    (((((((hugs))))) to your
    (((((((hugs))))) to your friend and his family, and of course bless your hearts for being the friends you are.

    You already got great suggestions~ I know I liked snuggling up under a soft blanket during chemo; I think it was a security/hibernation blanket! So, a soft, lap blanket may be nice. NOT a Snuggly, or whatever they are called! LOL LOL

    A supply of Sports Illustrated, or golf Digest? I don't know if he is a sports kinda guy, but you do know that diversions are always called for!

  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    chenheart said:

    (((((((hugs))))) to your
    (((((((hugs))))) to your friend and his family, and of course bless your hearts for being the friends you are.

    You already got great suggestions~ I know I liked snuggling up under a soft blanket during chemo; I think it was a security/hibernation blanket! So, a soft, lap blanket may be nice. NOT a Snuggly, or whatever they are called! LOL LOL

    A supply of Sports Illustrated, or golf Digest? I don't know if he is a sports kinda guy, but you do know that diversions are always called for!


    Im currently taking Taxol
    Im currently taking Taxol along with Neupogen shots. Im having lots of bone pains. I told my sister I wished they made a body length heating pad. She brought me an electric blanket, I lay on top of it most of the time. It works great.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Thank you ALL for your help!!
    Thanks so much for the outpouring of good wishes and good ideas... they will all come in handy both now and over the long haul. I stopped in this afternoon and visited with T. as he was having his first round of chemo today and he was touched by everyone's concern. He was in good spirits, as was his wife: I can tell that they are both real fighters, like the folks around here.

    Thanks again and God bless,
  • SusaninKailua
    SusaninKailua Member Posts: 6
    All the best
    What a nice friend! I am currently in treatment and have Taxol once a week. I have found that the nausea us not as bad as AC so I hope this is a "positive" to share with your friends. Hydration is still important and eating well...get protein daily.

    My skin has become dry so lotion (esp. on feet and hands)and lip balm are good to save/give, and warm socks as your feet may become sensitive to cold. I wear my Ugg boots to chemo every week to keep my feet warm.

    There are many papers regarding the use of Acetyl LCarnitine and Glutamine for the nerves but, as always, please check with the Oncologist first!!

    All the best and much Aloha,
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    RE said:

    Ahhh Moopy first let me say how sorry I am for this to be happening to your dear friend. Now, for me it was sturdy plastic forks to help eliminate a bit of the metal taste in the mouth. I also enjoyed a good heating pad for the aches and pains associated with that chemo. Not to rain on your parade I was just thinking that if there is too much serious type of gifts in there (things to ease pain and such) it could be overwhelming for you friend. Perhaps you could pepper your gift basket with fun things like cross word books, word search puzzle books, perhaps the adult version of find these things in these pictures, I love those kills time keeps my mind going and takes it off of the discomfort. Now by adult I do not mean crude adult I mean you know hidden things in mountains scenes etc. My sister often mailed a little something to me bi-weekly and I was always tickled to get it because it was an upper in a downer situation. Okay that's all I can think of. I wish your friend the best and will say a prayer for them.


    Bless You All
    Thank you, every one, for your comforting words, ideas and suggestions. A blanket, warm socks, glutamine and balm/lotion and other specific things will surely help. RE, I had completely forgotten your tip about using plastic utensils, which helped me almost a year ago now. Ted is getting radiation, so Stef, the aloe will be good.

    Y'all are right too about not overwhelming them with health items but also including fun things like a DVD, music and/or puzzles. A big basket of pain/discomfort relievers without anything upbeat--that would be the real rainstorm on the parade.

    For your prayers also I give thanks. Ted has always had an irrepressible, exuberant boyishness about him, and his wife is his soulmate. They appreciate positive thoughts and prayers coming their way.

    Of course, I will enjoy all this retail therapy, as your suggested items will surely require at least one trip to Target or Walmart or Walgreens. Complete selflessness I cannot claim!

    On the eve of my port being removed, I thank my sisters and friends and this board for being here for me and Joe, not just tonight, but every day and night since my own treatment journey began January 2009.