Just for fun...tell about



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    They Say
    That "they" pick you. I never thought much about that until after my Gabby died and the house was too quiet and lonely without her. I went to the shelter to find a cat very similar to Gabs in temperment. One bit me, one hissed at me, one hid in the cage and one ran away from me. But this little imp follwed me all over the room. The minute I sat on the bench, she was on my lap paws on each shoulder staring into my face. She was named Cairo, but it didn't suit. I tried Missy, Angel, Sami, nothing fit. She is now my Sadie, which fits her to a T. She has been with me for almost 2 years and is still a delight every day. She snuggles in my chest and neck at night under the quilt and sits right up against me in the evenings. During the blizzards when I was home for a week, she was beside herself having me all day long. When the boys who shovelled came in, she was all over them too. She is just the friendliest, lovable, tabby (she's got orange tabby, black/gray tabby, brown and gold. I would have loved to meet her parents to see where she got these beautiful colors from. My Gabby died of renal failure and I held her until her last breath. She was part Saimese and part ?. The biggest blue eyes on a cat I've ever seen. I miss her so much, but Sadie has really filled the big empty.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    padee6339 said:

    They Say
    That "they" pick you. I never thought much about that until after my Gabby died and the house was too quiet and lonely without her. I went to the shelter to find a cat very similar to Gabs in temperment. One bit me, one hissed at me, one hid in the cage and one ran away from me. But this little imp follwed me all over the room. The minute I sat on the bench, she was on my lap paws on each shoulder staring into my face. She was named Cairo, but it didn't suit. I tried Missy, Angel, Sami, nothing fit. She is now my Sadie, which fits her to a T. She has been with me for almost 2 years and is still a delight every day. She snuggles in my chest and neck at night under the quilt and sits right up against me in the evenings. During the blizzards when I was home for a week, she was beside herself having me all day long. When the boys who shovelled came in, she was all over them too. She is just the friendliest, lovable, tabby (she's got orange tabby, black/gray tabby, brown and gold. I would have loved to meet her parents to see where she got these beautiful colors from. My Gabby died of renal failure and I held her until her last breath. She was part Saimese and part ?. The biggest blue eyes on a cat I've ever seen. I miss her so much, but Sadie has really filled the big empty.

    My Zoo
    Saint Bernard-Bandit
    Ducks-Huey,Dewey, & Louise
    What a great idea Jan! :-)
  • mirj523
    mirj523 Member Posts: 22
    This is fun... We have one puppy "Hobbes" he is a Yorkshire Terrier and weighs 5 pounds. We have had him for 3 months and he has truly complted our family
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    We have one dog, Dusty. Our
    We have one dog, Dusty. Our son found her wondering and decided we needed a dog. We didn't think so but to keep her out of the pound, took her intending to find her a home. We still have her 10 years later. She was only about 4-6 months old when found and had all the worms so we took her to the vet where he declared her a mutt. One lady said she had a lab/chow that looked just like her. Her picture is on my expressions page if you want to see. She doesn't get along with other dogs and hates cats. She likes being an only pet. She gets all the attention that way. And doggy treats.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    OK...here's my herd!
    3 dogs: Sasha (shepherd/chow mix), Zoe (dumbest dog in the whole world!) and Patch (schnauzer mix and loves me without question!)
    4 cats: Robin - 18 (i think)...oldest and always getting beat up, so she stays in our room and gets loved on at night; Desi - calico- and Lefty (who's black and very fat!) ...they're litter mates, didn't want anything to do w/me for about 3 years, then suddenly, they are petting ho's! Yetti is the last and youngest (3), he's dying of renal failure...giving him subq fluids twice a day. He's still happy and purring, but i'm dreading that fateful day. We're praying for a miracle in our sweet boy!
    4 horses: Cappy (cappucino) is our mini - he as an absolute hoot! So nosey, he hates when you are in the yard and he can't "help" you with whatever your doing. Jack - 4 year old; and the two old guys that we ride Jet and Elvis, both about 20 now and still going strong.

    I'd get a whole bunch more animals if my husband would let me! Blessings...
  • Tyari
    Tyari Member Posts: 36
    jbug said:

    OK...here's my herd!
    3 dogs: Sasha (shepherd/chow mix), Zoe (dumbest dog in the whole world!) and Patch (schnauzer mix and loves me without question!)
    4 cats: Robin - 18 (i think)...oldest and always getting beat up, so she stays in our room and gets loved on at night; Desi - calico- and Lefty (who's black and very fat!) ...they're litter mates, didn't want anything to do w/me for about 3 years, then suddenly, they are petting ho's! Yetti is the last and youngest (3), he's dying of renal failure...giving him subq fluids twice a day. He's still happy and purring, but i'm dreading that fateful day. We're praying for a miracle in our sweet boy!
    4 horses: Cappy (cappucino) is our mini - he as an absolute hoot! So nosey, he hates when you are in the yard and he can't "help" you with whatever your doing. Jack - 4 year old; and the two old guys that we ride Jet and Elvis, both about 20 now and still going strong.

    I'd get a whole bunch more animals if my husband would let me! Blessings...

    I have 2 cats, Tasslehoff
    I have 2 cats, Tasslehoff Burrfoot he's 11yrs old. I found him in my fathers barn. I went looking for the nest after I saw that the mama cat had been hit by a car. When I found it only Tass and his sister were still alive. I took them to the vet, the little girl didn't make it. They were 2 weeks old. Tasslehoff hasn't left my side since the day I picked him up, he's my little man. The second cat is Loki, He's around 5yrs old. I rescued him from a shelter, And boy does he live up to his name!

    I have a 3rd animal in the house, but I'm sure no one wants to hear about my husband! ;)

    Take care Everyone!
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    3 cats
    That are in the picture. The seal point siamese I adopted at 12 weeks old because no one wanted him--he is my boy at my left hip attachment at 16 years old. The flame point came from a shelter in Texas (we were in Colorado at the time) and had eye & sinus infection at the time but was a talker from the start. He is truely a red head with pale skin, the bluest eyes and freckles (I kid you not!). The youngest and brattest is the liliac point female--she was 5.2 pounds and over a year old when we got her from the shelter. She too had sinus issues--we had to give her nose drops. That was fun--not! She is about 8 pounds now and rules the boys, she smacks them around but the obviously let her so *we* let her.

    My son also has a dilute calico that hates everyone except him. She was a barn cat that was injured and paralyzed and we all fed her but he is her boy.

    And what they say is true--we humans are just the cat's staff.

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    padee6339 said:

    They Say
    That "they" pick you. I never thought much about that until after my Gabby died and the house was too quiet and lonely without her. I went to the shelter to find a cat very similar to Gabs in temperment. One bit me, one hissed at me, one hid in the cage and one ran away from me. But this little imp follwed me all over the room. The minute I sat on the bench, she was on my lap paws on each shoulder staring into my face. She was named Cairo, but it didn't suit. I tried Missy, Angel, Sami, nothing fit. She is now my Sadie, which fits her to a T. She has been with me for almost 2 years and is still a delight every day. She snuggles in my chest and neck at night under the quilt and sits right up against me in the evenings. During the blizzards when I was home for a week, she was beside herself having me all day long. When the boys who shovelled came in, she was all over them too. She is just the friendliest, lovable, tabby (she's got orange tabby, black/gray tabby, brown and gold. I would have loved to meet her parents to see where she got these beautiful colors from. My Gabby died of renal failure and I held her until her last breath. She was part Saimese and part ?. The biggest blue eyes on a cat I've ever seen. I miss her so much, but Sadie has really filled the big empty.

    I think
    I think they call her a Torby, a mix of tortoise shell and tabby. I think.
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077

    3 cats
    That are in the picture. The seal point siamese I adopted at 12 weeks old because no one wanted him--he is my boy at my left hip attachment at 16 years old. The flame point came from a shelter in Texas (we were in Colorado at the time) and had eye & sinus infection at the time but was a talker from the start. He is truely a red head with pale skin, the bluest eyes and freckles (I kid you not!). The youngest and brattest is the liliac point female--she was 5.2 pounds and over a year old when we got her from the shelter. She too had sinus issues--we had to give her nose drops. That was fun--not! She is about 8 pounds now and rules the boys, she smacks them around but the obviously let her so *we* let her.

    My son also has a dilute calico that hates everyone except him. She was a barn cat that was injured and paralyzed and we all fed her but he is her boy.

    And what they say is true--we humans are just the cat's staff.


    Fat little weiner~
    ~dog....she is short and thick (16 lbs) and doesn't eat her own poo anymore (thank goodness) but her breath is still bad. She is going on 9 years and I adore her, and she adores me...and all her squeeky toys.
    yes, I brush her teeth~
    she is red haired and full of personality!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Kathy09 said:

    Zippy is my bird. He likes meat and potatoes, actually almost anything but seeds.

    One cat named Monroe! He is
    One cat named Monroe! He is the biggest baby I have ever seen, so we cater to his every need. But, what we get back in return is 100 times bigger. He is big and black and so loving! Love him!

  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    I have a wonderful beautiful cat I call grey the vet calls blue HER name is Figaro, my daughter named her after her favorite movie at the time. Fig is what we call her is the coolest cat she uses the doggie door and does her business outside so no litter box -- the best! Fig is about 8

    Cookie is my poodle rescue - he is about 7 yrs old, blind in one eye was probably abused by a man because he is so skittish around men, but he loves the ladies! I have had him about 4 years or so. Also named by my daughter - Cookie for a boy poor guy! lol I call him "The Cookster".

    Gracie a/k/a Goo Goo - is my little red chiweenie. My sons friends dog had puppies and her boyfriend was gonna toss them in a field in the dead of winter so in tears the girl brought all 3 to me. I kept Gracie, my sister took Max and my son kept Lucy. Gracie is the ultimate lap dog loves to snuggle. GooGoo is 3.

    Daisey is a beautiful blonde golden retriever I want so badly to adopt from the shelter. She is heartworm positive so before I can get her I have to find a vet to treat her. My personal vet said the treatment would be $1000.00!!! I called a lowcost vet and was told $260-$280 but they have to be sure the have the medication in stock so I am waiting to hear -- keep your fingers crossed for Daisey!!!!!