I miss you guys



  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Just chiming in with Stef... Yes, we miss you. But, glad that you are well. One year - awesome! Best wishes to you for a clean mammo.

    Wholeheartedly agree with Stef regarding us "old timers" providing hope to the newcomeers, just by being here.

    Kind regards, Susan

    It is nice to see so many of
    It is nice to see so many of you posting on her to make Stef feel better. True friends, true sisters. I don't see a lot of you around anymore, so, it is great to all of you posting. Hope you are all doing well and just living your lives to the fullest!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Jeanne D said:

    ♥ I am here Sweet Stef ♥

    I am soooooooooooo happy if my PM lifted your spirits! I had noticed that you just didn't quite seem yourself on here and got worried. You are such a bright smile on here Stef that I notice when I don't see all of your pearly whites gleaming! lol

    I pray that everything in your life will calm down and be resolved. You know that we are all here to help you in anyway that we can! Always and forever Stef...that is what sisters do for each other!

    I discovered Facebook and Farmville! OMG...I have become an addict! My hubby just smiles and shakes his head when I say " I have to check my farm." lol But, it is fun and so many of our CSN sisters are there. Yep, farming right along side me. Gotta love it!

    Wishing you good luck with your tests this week. Please let us know anything when you can. I go in again to my plastic surgeon this week to get more injections of the steroid for the lumps I have. The one that he gave me the shots in last time is gone, which is a huge relief. Now, just one more lump to go and I am praying that it will be gone after this round of shots. I think David might wear gloves this time. I think I hurt him the last time when I not only squeezed his hand reallyyyyyyyyyy hard, but, I sunk my nails into his hand. I said I was sorry. Geeshhhhhhhh

    I miss the RAD B's! That was a fun thread, wasn't it? And, TJ's quest for pictures of us at all ages. Fun stuff! It is good that we move on somewhat, don't you think? But, I will always be some part of this site as it helped me thru so much. I owe all of you, everyone on here, all that I can give when needed.

    So Stef, your flock has come home! We all love you, a LOT!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    P. S. My new avatar pic is of one of the hearts that David made in the snow for me for Valentine's Day. He had them all over the acreage here so that I would see one out of any and all of the windows whenever I looked out! It was the best gift ever!

    Wow Jeanne. I think that is
    Wow Jeanne. I think that is the most special gift anyone could ever give. Give your husband a big hug from me for that!

    Hugs, Megan
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member

    Just chiming in with Stef... Yes, we miss you. But, glad that you are well. One year - awesome! Best wishes to you for a clean mammo.

    Wholeheartedly agree with Stef regarding us "old timers" providing hope to the newcomeers, just by being here.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Thanks guys
    This will be my second mammo which is probably why I'm not twitchy about this one. Work has been a b*tch but at least I'm working. I'm still on O2 at night but that will go on for a long time.

    Anybody want some snow? I shouldn't complain considering what the east coast has gotten but we got about 8" last night and I'm _ready_ for spring!!
