Kim's dad-doing well---those with EC-keep hope!

K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

I am very torn writing this---so sad for recent passing of CSN friends..,It doesn't seem right to tell you that my dad seems to be doing very well-(except not gaining weight yet-but not loosing either). But--Lori (AKA Moe) said I should....

And I know my dad would want those that have EC--"Don't give up--have HOPE-it can be done!"

Since I haven't posted in awhile--recap (Again--this is so those with Esophageal cancer HAVE HOPE)--My dad is a young 72 year old (was an active volunteer firefighter before diagnosis), had his "mostly" laproscopic surgery at Duke 12/7/09. (after a clinical trial of chemo & rad. for 5 1/2 weeks). HE was in a cardio-thoracic surgery unit for his hospital stay--I think about 10 days with only minor ups & downs. He may have been there a day or 2 longer since they live 3 1/2 hours from Duke. He pushed himself almost too much---but walked every day in the hospital. He walked 3X the first day--adding up to 1 mile! using a rolling walker that supported all those drains, tubes and such. He was driven to get better and we are blessed!

His pathology tests post op were completely clear, but went home with feeding tube. He is now just on reg. food--pretty skinny but weight (although low) is steady. The exciting thing is that he finally has enough energy to drive, fix his tractor with a friend, and do "light duty" activities at the fire house!!! Neighbors have said he is more like the old Kenny that we know! He & my mom have grown spiritually through out this all which warms my heart!

I thank all of you here who have read about my dad and prayed for or thought of him. This site was a wonderful help for me when I did not have anyone one else to turn to for info & support (the kind form people who KNOW what you are going through..). I actually learned to "DANCE IN THE RAIN" and to "put on my BIG GIRL PANTIES" only with YOUR help!
I am so thankful for you all.

I feel a responsibility to make a difference for those that will develop EC in the future--- we have 1 of our 4 children that has reflux and she is only 11! WE ALL have to EDUCATE OTHERS AOUT TREATING REFLUX. I shared some educational web site & info on this site---(and I don't know if it was a coincidence), but then I was BLOCKED from this website for a period of time!!! (the staff never figured out why). It was very painful for me... I have not been as good at participating since.

All of you sharing on this site---you "touch" someone---even if that person does not "post". BY SHARING YOUR STORY, someone learns...has hope....cares....prays...reaches out to someone else...etc, etc,etc...

keep it up CSN!!!---and thank you all.


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  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    That is wonderful news.


    That is wonderful news.

    Keep us in the loop.

  • Kim,
    That is wonderful news.


    That is wonderful news.

    Keep us in the loop.


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  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    unknown said:

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    good news
    It is so good to hear about the good news esp since we all have been pretty shook up with the recent bad news and the passing of Dan and Al. We are always ready to hear about people doing good and to hear your Dad is getting back to his old self, makes me smile!! My hubby Ron says he wants the old Donna back, I am still pretty fragile and not too strong but I drove myself to church and was proud that I could do it. Small steps lead to bigger ones. Happy so happy for your good news. take care,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    good news
    It is so good to hear about the good news esp since we all have been pretty shook up with the recent bad news and the passing of Dan and Al. We are always ready to hear about people doing good and to hear your Dad is getting back to his old self, makes me smile!! My hubby Ron says he wants the old Donna back, I am still pretty fragile and not too strong but I drove myself to church and was proud that I could do it. Small steps lead to bigger ones. Happy so happy for your good news. take care,

    Congrats Dad, Kim and Mom
    Hey Kim!
    Thanks for your wonderful news! I am printing this for my dad to read. You and your dad are such an inspiration. So glad to hear he is able to get back to all the things he used to do. And to hear that your parents have grown more spiritual is great! Praise the Lord. My parents have too. You can get my dad's updates on my blog. Give dad and mom a hug, and one for you too my fellow caregiver. Please keep in touch.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    good news
    It is so good to hear about the good news esp since we all have been pretty shook up with the recent bad news and the passing of Dan and Al. We are always ready to hear about people doing good and to hear your Dad is getting back to his old self, makes me smile!! My hubby Ron says he wants the old Donna back, I am still pretty fragile and not too strong but I drove myself to church and was proud that I could do it. Small steps lead to bigger ones. Happy so happy for your good news. take care,

    Congrats Dad, Kim and Mom
    Hey Kim!
    Thanks for your wonderful news! I am printing this for my dad to read. You and your dad are such an inspiration. So glad to hear he is able to get back to all the things he used to do. And to hear that your parents have grown more spiritual is great! Praise the Lord. My parents have too. You can get my dad's updates on my blog. Give dad and mom a hug, and one for you too my fellow caregiver. Please keep in touch.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    good news
    It is so good to hear about the good news esp since we all have been pretty shook up with the recent bad news and the passing of Dan and Al. We are always ready to hear about people doing good and to hear your Dad is getting back to his old self, makes me smile!! My hubby Ron says he wants the old Donna back, I am still pretty fragile and not too strong but I drove myself to church and was proud that I could do it. Small steps lead to bigger ones. Happy so happy for your good news. take care,

    Congrats Dad, Kim and Mom
    Hey Kim!
    Thanks for your wonderful news! I am printing this for my dad to read. You and your dad are such an inspiration. So glad to hear he is able to get back to all the things he used to do. And to hear that your parents have grown more spiritual is great! Praise the Lord. My parents have too. You can get my dad's updates on my blog. Give dad and mom a hug, and one for you too my fellow caregiver. Please keep in touch.
  • marypatwilson
    marypatwilson Member Posts: 14
    Kim's Dad
    I'l make this short, as it seems every time I write a long note to you, I somehow delete it. Just to let you know I have not answered any of your personal notes as I haven't been on this site for quite a while. My husband was quite ill with pneumonia when you wrote in October and just today, I decided I needed to get back to see how everyone is doing. Some good news, some bad, unfortunately. Jack is a little older than your Dad and had the same stage EC as William Marshall. He had his surgery at Duke, by Thomas DAmico in May. He's certainly has had his ups and downs, but for the present, seems to be doing well. He lost a total of 55 pounds, at least 10 of that with the pneumonia, but lately has gained almost 18 of it back, with the help of Boost Plus, power drinks, and a determination to get in at least 2000 calories a day. It took months before he could get that much in. They told us his recovery would take at least a year, and we're finding out that's no lie. So far his scans are all negative, thank God. He goes for more on March 4th. When you talk to your Mom, tell her I can certainly relate to whatever she is going through. I hope you keep me posted as to your Dad's progress and I wish you all well. I'll add him to my prayer list. I'm thinking I did not make this short afterall! I'll try to get it off before I once again delete it Pat