Just for fun...tell about

JanInMN Member Posts: 149
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Your pet! I have a basset mix (not sure what he's mixed with, but he's a bit on the tall side) who is adorable, stubborn, and not so bright, but we love him anyway! Our other dog is a lab/corgi mix, who is has black curly hair and is very short. His favorite thing to do is to bounce through the deep snow. He is 15 yrs. old. Then there is Ginger the cat who meows "hi" to me every morning...really, it sounds like "hi". My husband thinks I am imagining it, but I think I have a deep connection with the cat...:-)


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  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    How fun!
    We are the proud parents of 3 cats 15, 14, and 8. The older 2 are both regulars at the vets these days, but respond well to treatment. Absolutely love the woodstove and spend 23.5 hrs a day there.

    From my picture, well, not MY picture, you can see our 2 Papillons. 5yr old Howie and 2 month old Honey. What joy! It sure helps to get me going when I would rather be in bed or on the couch.

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member

    Is the name of my Papillonn who turned 1 year old the day of my diagnosis on September 3rd.

    He is a bundle of energy, and would play 18 hours a day if I had the energy to keep up with him. Fortunately, he likes to chase the laser pointer so I can sit in one spot and watch him run all over the house.

    We also have a calico cat named Spot who decidedly does NOT want to play with Rocky, but so far Rocky refuses to take the hint and still tries to play with the cat.
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member


    Is the name of my Papillonn who turned 1 year old the day of my diagnosis on September 3rd.

    He is a bundle of energy, and would play 18 hours a day if I had the energy to keep up with him. Fortunately, he likes to chase the laser pointer so I can sit in one spot and watch him run all over the house.

    We also have a calico cat named Spot who decidedly does NOT want to play with Rocky, but so far Rocky refuses to take the hint and still tries to play with the cat.

    I have 2 silky terriers and a long haired dachshund.
    They are Leo, Sassy and Nixon (after the baseball player, not the President). Nixon belonged to my son but I inherited him. The dogs have been a real source of comfort and joy especially over my past year of treatment. They love me warts and all. LOL.

  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    roseann4 said:

    I have 2 silky terriers and a long haired dachshund.
    They are Leo, Sassy and Nixon (after the baseball player, not the President). Nixon belonged to my son but I inherited him. The dogs have been a real source of comfort and joy especially over my past year of treatment. They love me warts and all. LOL.


    Mostly rescues
    are what my dh and I have we have 7 (yes, I did say that) dogs and one cat. Our first rescue is a little Springer/X that was dumped on the highway not far from us 12 yrs. ago. In the middle of the summer, and no house around, this dog was not going to survive. So, we picked him up, and he was the second rescue we had, and named him Mowgli. Our first rescue was a little walker hound someone so kindly dumped, but we lost her to a car accident. So, Mowgli now is lonely (so says my daughter) and we go to a shelter, and we adopt Milly. She is also twelve, and is a canine mammmary gland cancer survivor. Go Millie! Then, we rescued a little lab/X, who was SUPPOSED to have found a forever home. I guess she has. Then, one of Millie's pups was returned, because the owner's father was abusive to the dog. So there are four outside dogs.

    Inside, we have terriers. I as given my Kashoe (pronouced as cashew, because he really is a nut!) as a birthday present, and he is a Jack Russell. Very protective of his 'momma". THEN, we rescued a mini-terrier. We scooped him up, and he just laid that little head on my chest, and I thought he'd make a great dog for my aunt. BUT, when we checked him out, we discovered that he had heartworms, and $300 later, CB is still with us. (CB stands for Coyote Bait. No, I did NOT name this poor little thing!) THEN, dh rescues this crazy little terrier/X, and her name is Sweetie, because...well, that's what she is.

    Then, lastely comes Queenie. She is our rescued cat that we just spayed. She came quite feral, with a gaping hole between her eyes. We decided that if she survived that, then she could stay. The rest is history.

    So there you are. Please.....no dumping alowed! (LOL!)
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Biggest to littlest
    Biggest to littlest -
    Hubby's Appaloosa gelding - Doe
    G-daughter's Appaloosa gelding - Jelly Bean
    My Appaloosa mare - Rague
    My Gordon Setter - Cody
    Hubby's Black and tan **** Hound - Dixie
    My Holland Lop - Funny Bunny

    That's all we have for now.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Rague said:

    Biggest to littlest
    Biggest to littlest -
    Hubby's Appaloosa gelding - Doe
    G-daughter's Appaloosa gelding - Jelly Bean
    My Appaloosa mare - Rague
    My Gordon Setter - Cody
    Hubby's Black and tan **** Hound - Dixie
    My Holland Lop - Funny Bunny

    That's all we have for now.

    My black lab. She's wonderful!
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    We have two dogs, two cats, two snakes, and a 55-gallon aquarium with tropical fish.

    The dogs:

    Merah (May'-rah), who is about 4.5 years old, is a Golden Retriever who is always positive and loving. Sometimes when I've been sitting at the computer for a long time, she'll come up and spit one of her little 1" foam (hard foam) balls into my lap--time to play! The balls originally belonged to one of the cats, but after Merah appropriated them, he disdains them--they have dog slobber on them now! Merah loves to chase them. She also loves to put them under a china cabinet or book shelf and then try to retrieve them, and she loves to play toss with them by herself--she'll toss one up and try to catch it over and over.

    Kelly, who we think is about 14 years old, is a mutt that an international student friend of mine found in her apartment complex back in 1997 near the end of the spring semester. Ting Li called me and asked what the dog pound does with dogs; I explained that they would keep them a few days and if no one claimed them, they would put them to sleep. "You mean they will *kill* them?! Oh, NO!" She and her husband kept trying to find an owner, but no one came forward, When they had to return to Singapore, their home country, we ended up with the dog--they brought a huge bag of food and paid for an ad to run in the paper for a month. She wasn't housebroken, but was clearly over a year old, so it took awhile to convince her that we really did NOT like messes in the house and that going outside was better. She came to us when my middle son was about 12 years old. He fell in love with Kelly. Obviously, we still have her!

    Kelly hates the rain, but she loves snow. She and Merah will go out and run in the snow, though Merah runs more than Kelly does nowadays!

    The cats:

    Willow is a dilute calico, which means she's gray, peach, and cream, but mostly gray. She has the most incredibly plush and soft coat. She's the cat that we drove nearly 200 miles to get from the Humane Society . . . My youngest son, Brandon, decided he wanted a Siamese cat. We looked for cats shows so he could go see what they look like in real life. We found a cat show in Dallas, which is nearly 200 miles away, and drove down early one Saturday. Brandon found that show-quality Siamese looked too rat-like in the face for his taste, but as we were leaving the show, we saw that the Humane Society had a display set up and were adopting out some kitties . . . Brandon fell in love with a little fuzzy, motley gray kitten . . . we drove home with said kitten! She's now about 9 years old, and Brandon, nearly 21, is still her boy. She hates it when he leaves and cries for him. Oh--that's another unique thing about her--her voice never grew up--she still has a tiny, high mew like a kitten! Sometimes I call her Squeak! But she answers to Willow, and she comes running when Brandon whistles for her!

    Ozzie (actually named Aslan, but everyone calls him Ozzie and he comes to that name!) is a big Siamese male (neutered). He's about 8. He beats up on Willow sometimes, so then I shoot him with some water from a sprayer. He's a demanding, talkative, loving beast of a guy who likes to come sit with me in the bathroom and purr at me, touching me every once in awhile with his paw. Thank goodness he has learned to be gentle!

    The snakes:

    We have a normal ball python (Python regius), male, that is about 3.5 feet long; he'll be two years old in May. He lives in a 55-gallon vivarium. He's very easy-going and handleable, so he's our "teaching" snake for people who have never held a snake but want to touch one. Our oldest granddaughter named him Slither.

    The other snake is a buckskin morph Honduran Milk Snake, also male. He has black diamond marks in two of his yellow bands; these marks are exactly symmetrical on his body. The middle yellow band has no black diamonds, while the yellow bands to either side of the middle one have the black markings. This guy is not good as a teaching snake, as he tends to be pretty bitey. Of course, his teeth are very tiny, so the bites are very tiny pinpricks. Even so, I'm not handling him while my WBC is down . . . I'll wait til after chemo & rads are over and then I'll work on taming him down! Oldest granddaughter named him Diamond.

    The fish--what can I say? They include platties, hatchet fish, neon tetras, guppies . . . just a colorful community tank. The grandkids like to feed them.

    Thanks for a fun thread--I needed a lift today! Now I'll go let the dogs in!

  • Kathy09
    Kathy09 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Zippy is my bird. He likes meat and potatoes, actually almost anything but seeds.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Kathy09 said:

    Zippy is my bird. He likes meat and potatoes, actually almost anything but seeds.

    Three cats, Cricket and
    Three cats, Cricket and Cocoa are 10 year old brothers and Karma a 2 year old noisy little girl.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    three cats
    kinda like Stef's! Two neutered males that grew up together, Sam & Seven, now 9. And Robert's little Fuzzball who is not so little any more and is about 1 1/2 years old. The boys still hate her as she pounces on them when they come in the house, but the bed seems to be a neutral zone where all is nice.
    Cat (I am my cats toy...)
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    A dog & a cat
    We have a pekingnese we call Cookie and a cat that's bigger than Cookie that we call Buddy. They are three months apart and we had them since they were 3 months & 6 months. They are extremely entertaining to watch when they play! I had mentioned in another thread how, since I've lost my hair, Buddy loves to sleep behind my head. It's like it's his job to keep my head warm. We are all animal lovers!
  • tambow
    tambow Member Posts: 42
    RockE and HoneyB
    I have two dogs - A female Miniature American Eskimo mix 16 months old and a male Catahoula Hound mix 11 months old. Both are fixed,of course! We adopted Honey from a neighbor kid who couldn't keep her. We got RockE from the local humane society. We had lost our original "gang of 4" dogs over the past 3 years due to disease and old age. And, after some time passed we decided it was time to adopt again. Not that one pet can ever replace the other....but they sure do fill the void and always make the days brighter!!!
    Our dogs love each other and are a joy to watch as they romp and play....
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    tambow said:

    RockE and HoneyB
    I have two dogs - A female Miniature American Eskimo mix 16 months old and a male Catahoula Hound mix 11 months old. Both are fixed,of course! We adopted Honey from a neighbor kid who couldn't keep her. We got RockE from the local humane society. We had lost our original "gang of 4" dogs over the past 3 years due to disease and old age. And, after some time passed we decided it was time to adopt again. Not that one pet can ever replace the other....but they sure do fill the void and always make the days brighter!!!
    Our dogs love each other and are a joy to watch as they romp and play....

    Lola is my 1 year old
    Lola is my 1 year old bishon/shishtzu mix. She is very smart, lovable and sweet. She hates to be alone and loves attention. She loves to dance and can even sing! I would love to get another dog, however, Lola is scared of dogs, and she is so lovable i am afraid that another dog may be mean to her. I would definitely get another bishon
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Have one dog...
    Lulu, our 2nd Jack Russell Terrier - of "broken" coat type (sorta wiry, sorta smooth combo). She's now 5 years old - adopted via Russell Refuge over three years ago. There is a photo of her within the Expressions section of my home page. Originally, her name was Kahlua - which we "morphed" into Lulu. Her first owner was an elderly woman who had to move out of her own home and into an assisted living facility. Lulu is very cute, loving and quirky.

    My I.D. photo here is of Abigail - our 1st JRT, a smooth coat. She was my sole 24/7 companion during the worst year of my life - cancer treatment. I use her photo to honor her memory, hoping that her pretty little face may bring a smile to those here. Hoping that, in some small way, she might do for others what she so often did for me.

    Our beloved pets are great (and natural) therapy - for our minds, hearts and souls.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209

    Have one dog...
    Lulu, our 2nd Jack Russell Terrier - of "broken" coat type (sorta wiry, sorta smooth combo). She's now 5 years old - adopted via Russell Refuge over three years ago. There is a photo of her within the Expressions section of my home page. Originally, her name was Kahlua - which we "morphed" into Lulu. Her first owner was an elderly woman who had to move out of her own home and into an assisted living facility. Lulu is very cute, loving and quirky.

    My I.D. photo here is of Abigail - our 1st JRT, a smooth coat. She was my sole 24/7 companion during the worst year of my life - cancer treatment. I use her photo to honor her memory, hoping that her pretty little face may bring a smile to those here. Hoping that, in some small way, she might do for others what she so often did for me.

    Our beloved pets are great (and natural) therapy - for our minds, hearts and souls.

    Kind regards, Susan

    One dog
    Crystal...a 10 year-old Lhasa Apso as seen in picture. Best dog ever..

  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    I have a 4 1/2 year old Newfoundland. That's him in the picture. He is such a goof-ball. He always makes me laugh!!!

  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Our animals bring so much
    Our animals bring so much joy and comfort! Can't imagine being without them!
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    JanInMN said:

    Our animals bring so much
    Our animals bring so much joy and comfort! Can't imagine being without them!

    i have a malti-poo thats his picture he is my best friend his name is grant!

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    He's our almost 10-year old Jack Russell Terrier and named appropriately. He is a smooth coat and loves people. He's not too happy about any other dog in his space, especially if the dog is bigger than him. He shares his birthday (3/21) with my husband and the 2 of them are like glue. The birthday cake I order each year celebrates both of them.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    He's our almost 10-year old Jack Russell Terrier and named appropriately. He is a smooth coat and loves people. He's not too happy about any other dog in his space, especially if the dog is bigger than him. He shares his birthday (3/21) with my husband and the 2 of them are like glue. The birthday cake I order each year celebrates both of them.

    8 Kitties here!
    All of our furkids are rescues, except one and that was was adopted from our Humane Society to be a companion to a kitten we had rescued. The tuxedo kitty in my picture is a real hoot (arent' they all) and we got her when a lady brought her in a pet food store at 5 weeks old and asked if anyone wanted her.

    Lots of fur to clean, could vacuum everyday, lots of litterboxes, lots of love, lots of cuddling. They were such comfort during all of my down time during chemo. There is nothing like the love and adoration of our pet-companions.

    Over the years, we have adopted many outdoor strays (many have gotten old and have crossed the Rainbow Bridge) and none of them have ever shown the slightest interest in going back outside. We have a big enclosed porch just for them and they love that. All have their claws but are kept busy with the various cat climbs etc. my husband has built. Also buy furniture with 100% cotten covers that are smooth and are very boring to cats 9and we clip their nails every couple of weeks0. They don't even try to sharpen nails on this material, just sleep on it. lol

    What fun this thread is, thank you for starting it!

    Hugs, Judy :-)


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