Osteoporosis diagnosis

MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a bone density test last Thursday and just received the call from my onco's office telling me I have osteoporosis and I needed to get an apppointment with my PCP to discuss treatment. I wasn't actually talking with the onco but one of the office staff and asked the question "what about continuing the Arimidex"? I know one of the side effects of this is osteoporosis. Anyone out there taking Arimidex and also been diagnosed with osteoporosis? If so, what are you doing for the osteoporosis? I'll wait to hear from my sisters. Thanks for any input. In the meantime, I'll also make the call to my PCP.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    for osteoporosis. I am surprised that oncologist did not give you prescription or discussed your situation. Weather or not it is side effect of Arimidex or you already had it before you started the med oncologist should be involved. I far as I understand you could take Boniva or get Zometa to treat osteoporosis.
    New Flower
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    I have osteopeana, it's
    I have osteopeana, it's before osteoporosis. Yes, Arimidex can weaken your bones. I was taking Fosamax for my osteopena and it gave me GERD after being on it 4 years. Then came my diagnosis of Celiac, which also is connected with osteoporosis! Many who have Celiac have underlying osteoporosis.
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    I'm on Arimidex, had a diagnosis of osteopenia before the bc came along. I'm taking the generic Fosamax, and also 1500mg of calcium with D3. I had a bone density scan before I started the Arimidex and was told that I'll have one yearly as long as I'm taking the Arim. I'll be very interested in seeing what difference, if any, that the extra load of calcium and the Arimidex are making. I'm sure stiff since starting the Arim. (hips, feet & hands mainly).
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    My Turn,
    I don't have any experience with this, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you're having to deal with this, when you were probably looking forward to at least a short "vacation" from doctors for awhile after finishing treatment.

    I guess the only bright side is that at least you get to show your PCP your fabulous new hair!


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm on year 3 of Tamoxifen, with osteoporosis:
    I take a once-a-month tab of Actonel. It has done WONDERS!!!! Changed me back to my pre-cancer osteopenia...I went deep into osteoporosis during my fight with my 2 cancers...

    Actonel can have side effects, but I have NONE....

    Good luck to you on this! The GOOD news is (and I am living proof) that it IS managable, and in my case (and others) reversible!!!! (Do you suppose it's because I am a registered look-alike for Sally Field??????).

    Hugs, Kathi
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    So sorry to hear this. That is a big concern of mine. Both Arimidex and Femera effect bone density. Time for more meds.

    Good Luck,

  • Cairmaid
    Cairmaid Member Posts: 64
    aztec45 said:

    So sorry to hear this. That is a big concern of mine. Both Arimidex and Femera effect bone density. Time for more meds.

    Good Luck,


    Osteoporosis and Femara
    I'll be taking my first dose of Femara in about 2 hours, right before bedtime. I already had bone changes, detected in a scan before my cancer diagnosis, and my PCP had me on calcium and vitamin D. When my blood tests were done for the oncologist, she saw a vitamin D deficiency and, along with my Friday Night Femara, I'll be taking a mega-dose of vitamin D once a week for 12 weeks. The doctor will test again at one of my monthly appointments. I intend to keep taking the calcium, too.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    So sorry
    you have to deal with this. I don't have any experience with this to share with you, but wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best with this new challenge.

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing.

  • karen0423
    karen0423 Member Posts: 67
    Hi- i 35 and was dx in 4/02
    Hi- i 35 and was dx in 4/02 with Stage III Breast Cancer, I took Tamoxifen for approx 2 years and am now on Aromasin. I started Actonel after I was dx with osteponenia. But in 2009 my bone density test showed it was Osteporosis. I continued on the Actonel, but recently had the Reclast infusion. I no longer have to take Actonel and hope that my next bone density test shows that the Reclast has helped. Reclast is only approved for Osteoporosis so you may be a candidate. Good luck.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    karen0423 said:

    Hi- i 35 and was dx in 4/02
    Hi- i 35 and was dx in 4/02 with Stage III Breast Cancer, I took Tamoxifen for approx 2 years and am now on Aromasin. I started Actonel after I was dx with osteponenia. But in 2009 my bone density test showed it was Osteporosis. I continued on the Actonel, but recently had the Reclast infusion. I no longer have to take Actonel and hope that my next bone density test shows that the Reclast has helped. Reclast is only approved for Osteoporosis so you may be a candidate. Good luck.

    I am taking Arimidex and
    I am taking Arimidex and have osteopeana too. My Onc. is having me take an infusion of zmeta once every 6 months along with regular calcium to strengthen the bones. I too will be curious to see what the next bone scan shows.
  • teachkids
    teachkids Member Posts: 3
    Arimidex and osteoporosis
    Have osteoporosis and am treating bc with Arimidex. Am taking D and calcium. Have been struggling with decision regarding Reclast (doctors are promoting this). Have been taking Fosamax but don't know if it is strong enough to counteract the Arimidex. Am very concerned about the side effects of Reclast and can't get myself to say yes to having it infused. Very difficult decisions. What have you heard ? Doctors I see are pushing Reclast (even twice a year!- sounds excessive but I don't know how quickly Arimidex wears bones away) Let's keep in touch. This is driving me up a wall!!!
  • karen0423
    karen0423 Member Posts: 67
    teachkids said:

    Arimidex and osteoporosis
    Have osteoporosis and am treating bc with Arimidex. Am taking D and calcium. Have been struggling with decision regarding Reclast (doctors are promoting this). Have been taking Fosamax but don't know if it is strong enough to counteract the Arimidex. Am very concerned about the side effects of Reclast and can't get myself to say yes to having it infused. Very difficult decisions. What have you heard ? Doctors I see are pushing Reclast (even twice a year!- sounds excessive but I don't know how quickly Arimidex wears bones away) Let's keep in touch. This is driving me up a wall!!!

    Hi Teachkids
    I was taking Actonel and Vitamin D and Calcium but did my first Reclast infusion in Jan 2010. I was also worried about the side effect seeing I had numerous reactions to other drugs/chemo etc, but I had NO problem with the Reclast. The infusion took about 20 minutes, I still take Calicum and Vitamin D daily but no longer have to take the Actonel. I am hoping that the Reclast will build up my bones, I will find out next year when I have my bone density test. Karen
  • teachkids
    teachkids Member Posts: 3
    osteoporosis and Arimidex
    Have had osteoporosis for some time. Arimidex will make it worse. Fosamax is o.k. but I need Reclast for two reasons: to keep hip fractures at bay and to hope that Reclast will keep breast cancer metastasis from occurring. Have not yet started Reclast. Asking a lot of questions, concerned about such a strong medication but there seems to be no other option that will work for both issues! Let me know what you've decided. Best of luck