I am new here

azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
New her and new with ovarian cancer
would like to make friends


  • New here & to posting
    I was diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer March 2008. I had 3 treatments of Carboplatin & Taxol then surgery July 2008 then 3 more treatments of
    carboplatin & Taxol. I have also been on Doxil & Femera. I read one of your other postings & am so sorry you are having problems with your treatments. I know it is very hard to deal with. MC
  • Friends
    all of us will be your friends. We already love you because you are like all of us. We can answer any questions you have and will try to help you or point you in the right direction. Thank-You, Paula
  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    So sorry you had to join our group! This is a bunch of great women tho.
    I had stage 2C. I have been out of chemo since Nov..
    Tell us about yourself, stage, treatment. We can answer a lot of questions, will listen to concerns, and lift your spirits when we can. :)
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    kathryn1 said:

    So sorry you had to join our group! This is a bunch of great women tho.
    I had stage 2C. I have been out of chemo since Nov..
    Tell us about yourself, stage, treatment. We can answer a lot of questions, will listen to concerns, and lift your spirits when we can. :)

    You are on a really good web site. We are all the same on here - we have the same beast that we are all fighting. Keep logging on to tell us how you are and it really helps to read other ladies stories.
    Tina xxx
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    hi AZ Grandma
    We're all in the same boat here...more or less. Nice to meet you.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi azgrandma, welcome. Please share a bit about your journey dx, what treatment you are in etc, when you get a chance.
  • catcan
    catcan Member Posts: 119
    Hi New
    It is nice to meet you. I am fairly new to the site and am so glad I joined (the group not the cancer). This is an awsome group of women.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Az, just wanted to post a quick welcome also. You well find this place a wealth or knowledge and compassion from all the wonderful teal warriors. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133
    BonnieR said:

    Hi Az, just wanted to post a quick welcome also. You well find this place a wealth or knowledge and compassion from all the wonderful teal warriors. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie

    Hello AZGrandma
    I too welcome you, but wish you weren't here because I wish none of us had to be here. But since you are, we welcome you with open arms. I used to live in Scottsdale. I do believe Arizona is one of the most beautiful states. I was diagnosed in November 2008 with 3C ovarian cancer. Had 7 months of remission and am back on Carboplatin and Taxol for 6 months.
  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103
    New Here

    Welcome!!!! This site can be so comforting at times. I have stage 4 ovc was dx Aug 2006.
    When I have questions or am going on a new chemo everyone is so helpful. This is such a wonderful group of teal warriors.

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    arbor3 said:

    New Here

    Welcome!!!! This site can be so comforting at times. I have stage 4 ovc was dx Aug 2006.
    When I have questions or am going on a new chemo everyone is so helpful. This is such a wonderful group of teal warriors.


    About me
    Well my story startes like this, about sept of 2009 I started experiencing alot of gas in my stomach. Doctor said i needed a bowel cleanse, it did not help. He then thought it was acid reflux, the irritable bowel.
    I had made friends with a wonderful doctor 25 years ago who worked at urgent care at phoenix, I was getting so sick I told my husband, lets go see Dr. Hammie. We went he ordered a cat scan , we went out to eat while he got the results, by the time we got back he had already found us an onocologist at Phoenix to go to. By this time it was november, a week later nov 16 I had surgery.

    Just before i had surgery they drained 5 and a half liters of fluid from my stomach

    I was in the hispital a week and went home. I do not tolerate pain pills at all, so have just suffered with the pain once i was taken off the morphine .I was home 2 days and was put back in hospital for two days.

    Two weeks after my surgery went to see dr and thought things were going ok, hte next day i get a call from him saying to go immediately and get a cat scan, this time i was allowed to go to one at mesa. They sent me to the hospital immediately, ii asked what was wrong, they said they could not say but my doctor was on the phone, i was told they needed to drain my lung and stomach and to go to hospital. The next morning this nurse comes in and says we are ready to give you heprin for the blood clot in your lung. I told him, you are not giving me anything until you talk to my doctor, I was told I was her for fluid removal. He said well this paper work says you have a blood clot. I immediately got on the phone to prayer warriors and asked for healing prayers. My docotr came in later and said it was a mix up, that they were draining the lung and stomach. I do believe God healed the blood clot, as paper work does not lie.

    It has been very rough for me to get the chemo, I have been in bed so long trying to recover from the surgery and chemo that my muscles hurt to do much of anything. I am making myself do dishes etc.

    I have had pain in my stomach so bad

    My cancer was stage 3 and had gone into the omentium, he took everything out that he tought needed to be cut, and said he thought the chemo would take care of the omentium.

    I have had almost a constant bladder infection, the ovary was attached to the urethea so they put a stint in, I do not know if this is what is causing the infection or the chemo.

    Is anyone else having problems with stomach and back pain and chest pain from the chemo i am taking Carboplatin and Taxol

    Oh another miracle that no one may think is much but is was alot to me, My nurse was going to be on vacation the week i took my last chemo, I thought to myself, I wish i could cancil and go next week. The next day the office called and said my platelets had dropped and i could not get anymore chemo until they came up this was on a tuesday, I went two days later on thursday to get blood checked again. Praise the Lord, prayer came through again, God broguth them up and I got chem four days later. This showed me that my Heavenly Father cares about the desires of my heart and I didn't even have to ask, he knows are thoughts before we even speak them. The reason I wanted my regular nurse is because I had been having problems with the benadryl and steriods they give you with the chemo, this nurse cut them back half and it was more tolerable.

    Right now I am trusting God to heal me

    I get chemo agaiin on Monday this will be my 4th, then I will have 2 more to go.

    My white count has been down so I do not allow any visitors, it is hard to not be with my family, I miss my grandkids so much and my daughter.

    Thank God I have my husband and he is so wonderful
    Am counting the weeks now till chemo will be done and I can start healing. Just start to feel a little better and I get chemo again and it knocks me down.

    Thanks for being my friends and listening
    If you need a prayer partner I am here for you

    Thanks Lynda
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    azgrandma said:

    About me
    Well my story startes like this, about sept of 2009 I started experiencing alot of gas in my stomach. Doctor said i needed a bowel cleanse, it did not help. He then thought it was acid reflux, the irritable bowel.
    I had made friends with a wonderful doctor 25 years ago who worked at urgent care at phoenix, I was getting so sick I told my husband, lets go see Dr. Hammie. We went he ordered a cat scan , we went out to eat while he got the results, by the time we got back he had already found us an onocologist at Phoenix to go to. By this time it was november, a week later nov 16 I had surgery.

    Just before i had surgery they drained 5 and a half liters of fluid from my stomach

    I was in the hispital a week and went home. I do not tolerate pain pills at all, so have just suffered with the pain once i was taken off the morphine .I was home 2 days and was put back in hospital for two days.

    Two weeks after my surgery went to see dr and thought things were going ok, hte next day i get a call from him saying to go immediately and get a cat scan, this time i was allowed to go to one at mesa. They sent me to the hospital immediately, ii asked what was wrong, they said they could not say but my doctor was on the phone, i was told they needed to drain my lung and stomach and to go to hospital. The next morning this nurse comes in and says we are ready to give you heprin for the blood clot in your lung. I told him, you are not giving me anything until you talk to my doctor, I was told I was her for fluid removal. He said well this paper work says you have a blood clot. I immediately got on the phone to prayer warriors and asked for healing prayers. My docotr came in later and said it was a mix up, that they were draining the lung and stomach. I do believe God healed the blood clot, as paper work does not lie.

    It has been very rough for me to get the chemo, I have been in bed so long trying to recover from the surgery and chemo that my muscles hurt to do much of anything. I am making myself do dishes etc.

    I have had pain in my stomach so bad

    My cancer was stage 3 and had gone into the omentium, he took everything out that he tought needed to be cut, and said he thought the chemo would take care of the omentium.

    I have had almost a constant bladder infection, the ovary was attached to the urethea so they put a stint in, I do not know if this is what is causing the infection or the chemo.

    Is anyone else having problems with stomach and back pain and chest pain from the chemo i am taking Carboplatin and Taxol

    Oh another miracle that no one may think is much but is was alot to me, My nurse was going to be on vacation the week i took my last chemo, I thought to myself, I wish i could cancil and go next week. The next day the office called and said my platelets had dropped and i could not get anymore chemo until they came up this was on a tuesday, I went two days later on thursday to get blood checked again. Praise the Lord, prayer came through again, God broguth them up and I got chem four days later. This showed me that my Heavenly Father cares about the desires of my heart and I didn't even have to ask, he knows are thoughts before we even speak them. The reason I wanted my regular nurse is because I had been having problems with the benadryl and steriods they give you with the chemo, this nurse cut them back half and it was more tolerable.

    Right now I am trusting God to heal me

    I get chemo agaiin on Monday this will be my 4th, then I will have 2 more to go.

    My white count has been down so I do not allow any visitors, it is hard to not be with my family, I miss my grandkids so much and my daughter.

    Thank God I have my husband and he is so wonderful
    Am counting the weeks now till chemo will be done and I can start healing. Just start to feel a little better and I get chemo again and it knocks me down.

    Thanks for being my friends and listening
    If you need a prayer partner I am here for you

    Thanks Lynda

    Hi Lynda
    Thanks for sharing your story with us. You certainly have someone looking out for you - like a guardian angel. All the very bet luck. Tina xxxx
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome, Lynda
    Welcome new friend,

    I have found inspiration, information and companionship here and I think you will also.
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    Mwee said:

    Welcome, Lynda
    Welcome new friend,

    I have found inspiration, information and companionship here and I think you will also.
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria

    we can all use friends
    firends are something we all need