Time for men to take a stand on PC

dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
We have all read different comments on this site about Prostate Cancer(PC), and how little a lot of people know about it, and that many think it is just a slow cancer that is a good type of cancer to have, and it sure dosen't look like we have anything wrong with us if we have PC.

As men, we don't push the issue like we should. Admit it guys, PC is affecting our lives, our families, and all those around us. It is time to stand up and face the world and say "I've got Prostate Cancer and I am going to kick its ****".

Women are blessed with Breast Cancer(BC), and men with Prostate Cancer(sarcasim). Take a look at the number of posts/comments on the BC discussion site, and the number of the posts/comments on the PC site. Are we unable to communicate, or are we embarressed, or just to plain dumb to discuss it. PC is not a sin to have. I do not wear it like a medal or badge of courage, but I do believe in talking to my friends and co-workers about it. It does not take to much to put a bug in someones ear to get a PSA check, or to have them suggest that their husband, father, uncle, brother or friend get a check. Many people do not know diddly-squat about PC, or how easy it is to do a basic check for it. I remember telling the members on my management team at work that I had PC, and the woman that was our health benefits manager asked is she should worry about getting checked for PC. Like I said, many people don't know diddly-squat.

Several comments have been made about the Susan B. Komen run against BC. I participated in my home-towns first run 2 years ago. Approx. 1700 people participated in the inagural event. Men, women, children, seniors, and they all had a good time. It took effort on the part of many people to ull it off. BUT, an event like this always has to start on a small scale somewhere. We PC'ers can do the same thing. You do not have to have a huge event to make a difference. PC'ers are spread across the nation and the world. You probably have more of them within 50 miles of you than you think. We can work together within our smaller geographical areas to not only put on a run to raise PC awareness, but we can provide a network of people for newly diagnosed PC'ers to talk to. Much like AA, a person with PC can more readily relate and talk to a newly diagnosed PC'er.

So it is time to stand up to PC. We can talk the talk, but can we walk the walk?? All PC'ers can have a part in kicking PC's butt. Maybe just to talk to someone who just found out he has it, maybe by holding a public discussion, maybe by promoting a community event like a run. Heck, if nothing else, a guy can just dribble on PC(said tongue in cheek). WE CAN DO IT.

I hope this lights a fire under our PC **** that will get us off our butt and doing something about PC. You can email me at kickincancer@hotmail.com

Best to all. Dakotarunner


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  • HIFUgal
    HIFUgal Member Posts: 58
    Do you know about HIFU?

    Do you know about HIFU?
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    HIFUgal said:

    Do you know about HIFU?

    Do you know about HIFU?

    Just what I have been able to read on this site. Looks interesting so far.

    Thanks, dakotaruner
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    I do talk to men about having their PSA levels checked, but I am not comfortable discussing this problem in mixed company, or with just any man. Actually, I am embrassed by PC and feel for some reason I am standing a little less tall than I once did.

    My I hate this thing.

    But I am interested in pushing awareness of PC, too. Fw men understand what "the shot" means to a man's life. Or what surgery means, or could mean. So I am conflicted about seeking privacy and pushing public awareness.

    I guess it is how I am feeling from day to day- you know, "the shot" effect.
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Trew said:

    I do talk to men about having their PSA levels checked, but I am not comfortable discussing this problem in mixed company, or with just any man. Actually, I am embrassed by PC and feel for some reason I am standing a little less tall than I once did.

    My I hate this thing.

    But I am interested in pushing awareness of PC, too. Fw men understand what "the shot" means to a man's life. Or what surgery means, or could mean. So I am conflicted about seeking privacy and pushing public awareness.

    I guess it is how I am feeling from day to day- you know, "the shot" effect.

    "the shot"
    When I was first diagnosed with PC, my Dr. at that time thought it had mets to rib cage. Called off surgery, gave me a "the shot", told me to come back in 3 months for another shot, and we would see what things looked like in 6 months. My biopsy was 4+3, and numbers had been going up for approx. 4 yrs. During the hour drive home, I decided to get a 2nd opinion and went to Mayo, and ended up with RP surgery. No regrets. I did get hot flashes about 6 weeks after the shot - gave me a whole new look on what women go thru.

    I don't feel embarassed about talking about PC, either to men or women. Usually the person I am talking to expresses embarassment that they have so little knowledge of what PC really is and what it involves. I am still the same person I was before PC, and I think maybe I am a little bit better for having PC. To me, it is a disease, not a scarlet letter.

    Everyone has their own feelings and thoughts about talking about PC to others. I fully respect your feeings and like you, I hate this thing, but I am stuck with it, and recently found out is back. Dumb PC, it just doesn't know what it is up against.

    Best to you. I have enjoyed your posts. Keep up the good fight, and keep posting.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member

    "the shot"
    When I was first diagnosed with PC, my Dr. at that time thought it had mets to rib cage. Called off surgery, gave me a "the shot", told me to come back in 3 months for another shot, and we would see what things looked like in 6 months. My biopsy was 4+3, and numbers had been going up for approx. 4 yrs. During the hour drive home, I decided to get a 2nd opinion and went to Mayo, and ended up with RP surgery. No regrets. I did get hot flashes about 6 weeks after the shot - gave me a whole new look on what women go thru.

    I don't feel embarassed about talking about PC, either to men or women. Usually the person I am talking to expresses embarassment that they have so little knowledge of what PC really is and what it involves. I am still the same person I was before PC, and I think maybe I am a little bit better for having PC. To me, it is a disease, not a scarlet letter.

    Everyone has their own feelings and thoughts about talking about PC to others. I fully respect your feeings and like you, I hate this thing, but I am stuck with it, and recently found out is back. Dumb PC, it just doesn't know what it is up against.

    Best to you. I have enjoyed your posts. Keep up the good fight, and keep posting.

    Good Outlook
    I will be doing a funeral for a man on Thursday who just died on Saturday morning. The "I Looked Death in the Face" post tells some of the story. I have seen this ugly cancer before. And at times I want to rattle PCa's gage and do him some real harm. But then the eligard swings around, or I wet my pads, or my pants, and I want to just run for cover until my emotions settle down. And so it goes. Under the right conditions, I do want to stand up and fight this thing.

    I am planning to make a contribution to ACS on behalf of Don this week.

    That is also one way to fight back. But I also want to know what organization has the best track record for fighting PC- that is the one I want to really support. I do not want my sons to go through what I have.

    Remember Gregory Peck as Capt. Ahab in Moby **** crying out, "Death to Moby ****!"

    That is how I feel about PC most days.

    I hate this thing!
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    great post..........there is an organization........Us Too tht does a great job..1800-808-7866......... www.ustoo.org

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    HIFUgal said:

    Do you know about HIFU?

    Do you know about HIFU?

    What does Hifu have to do with prostate cancer awareness
    Please stop spamming
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member

    great post..........there is an organization........Us Too tht does a great job..1800-808-7866......... www.ustoo.org


    Thanks for the link. I checked it out and have added it to my favorites. More info. and chances for involvement are appreciated.

    Fight on!
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member

    Thanks for the link. I checked it out and have added it to my favorites. More info. and chances for involvement are appreciated.

    Fight on!

    Our Own ASN
    Just to the left there is an opportuntiy to "donate Now." I made a small gift yesterday and I hope to make more next year. However, PC has used a lot of my money this year. Besides what insurance pays, there are a lot of co-pays and deductibles and pads, and travel, and....

    But every bit hurts so I sent them something.

    Fight on!

    And Run Dakota, run!!
  • HIFUgal
    HIFUgal Member Posts: 58
    Trew said:

    Our Own ASN
    Just to the left there is an opportuntiy to "donate Now." I made a small gift yesterday and I hope to make more next year. However, PC has used a lot of my money this year. Besides what insurance pays, there are a lot of co-pays and deductibles and pads, and travel, and....

    But every bit hurts so I sent them something.

    Fight on!

    And Run Dakota, run!!

    So sad....that dakatorunner
    So sad....that dakatorunner has only heard about HIFU from what I've written, see? How will men hear about it if I quit..."spamming"....telling men there is another option, one that has verrry little chance of any side effects....my paticipation here makes me a bad girl? I've helped so many and recieved so many thank yous...the few of you who are nasty to me won't quiet me, not until HIFU is approved and available to everyone. Stop the misery.

    Here's another letter from a guy:
    "HIFU works and works well. Dr. Suarez did the procedure on me almost 4 years ago. My PSA is 0.5 and I have a great sex life. Sadly I got this disease in my late 40s. Hopefully the FDA will do the right thing and approve HIFU in the US and give guys another choice in the battle vs. cancer."

    He still has a PSA of .5 because he still has the gland capsule, with surgery the capsule is gone ~ that's why the PSA should be lower.
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    Trew said:

    Our Own ASN
    Just to the left there is an opportuntiy to "donate Now." I made a small gift yesterday and I hope to make more next year. However, PC has used a lot of my money this year. Besides what insurance pays, there are a lot of co-pays and deductibles and pads, and travel, and....

    But every bit hurts so I sent them something.

    Fight on!

    And Run Dakota, run!!

    Mind gap
    How could I have typed "every bit hurts?" Of course I meant, every bit helps.

    Run Dakota, run!!
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    HIFUgal said:

    So sad....that dakatorunner
    So sad....that dakatorunner has only heard about HIFU from what I've written, see? How will men hear about it if I quit..."spamming"....telling men there is another option, one that has verrry little chance of any side effects....my paticipation here makes me a bad girl? I've helped so many and recieved so many thank yous...the few of you who are nasty to me won't quiet me, not until HIFU is approved and available to everyone. Stop the misery.

    Here's another letter from a guy:
    "HIFU works and works well. Dr. Suarez did the procedure on me almost 4 years ago. My PSA is 0.5 and I have a great sex life. Sadly I got this disease in my late 40s. Hopefully the FDA will do the right thing and approve HIFU in the US and give guys another choice in the battle vs. cancer."

    He still has a PSA of .5 because he still has the gland capsule, with surgery the capsule is gone ~ that's why the PSA should be lower.

    What is your problem?
    Go away with your spam HIFUgal
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    bdhilton said:

    What is your problem?
    Go away with your spam HIFUgal

    I personally don't mind hearing about HIFU,
    or any treatment option, but the hifugal posts generally have no substance, and interupt discussions that are ongoing...........In my opinion this hifugal is a troll, or is missing something.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    I personally don't mind hearing about HIFU,
    or any treatment option, but the hifugal posts generally have no substance, and interupt discussions that are ongoing...........In my opinion this hifugal is a troll, or is missing something.

    I support and wish anyone the best with any treatment
    I support and wish anyone the best with any treatment (or no treatment). I researched every available treatment and considered each one. My Urologist even said he would have flown up to Canada with me to have HIFU if I meet other criteria (he treats folks that have HIFU, Radiation therapy, Surgery, etc)…I am just tired of hearing one-sided statements misrepresenting the actual facts… best to you
  • shane59
    shane59 Member Posts: 86
    yes I say tell the world about PC
    Yes Dakotarunner I agree we need to be proactive ,If a friend had not warned me I would not be here today.In all the hostpitals and docs surgeries you always see breast cancer screening or on the media very rare to see have you had a psa checkup.I think if more men new about the blood test as apposed to the magic finger test they would all get it done. good luck for the future hope alls on the mend keep up the good work thanks again Shane
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Trew said:

    Mind gap
    How could I have typed "every bit hurts?" Of course I meant, every bit helps.

    Run Dakota, run!!

    mind gap ditto
    I knew what you meant. Thanks.

    Keep up the good fight POPC!
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    shane59 said:

    yes I say tell the world about PC
    Yes Dakotarunner I agree we need to be proactive ,If a friend had not warned me I would not be here today.In all the hostpitals and docs surgeries you always see breast cancer screening or on the media very rare to see have you had a psa checkup.I think if more men new about the blood test as apposed to the magic finger test they would all get it done. good luck for the future hope alls on the mend keep up the good work thanks again Shane

    Yes, tell'em
    I was visiting with my main boss on the job I am on today. He had recently had a check up and I asked him if he had a PSA blood check done, along with a DRE. He had no idea of what I was talking aobut. He is approx. 55-57 yr. old. He knows now of the importanace of the two procedures. Whether he will follow up or not, I don't know, but you can bet I will follow up on this with him in the next few weeks.

    Take care of that grandchild.

    Keep up the good fight,and POPC!
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    HIFUgal said:

    So sad....that dakatorunner
    So sad....that dakatorunner has only heard about HIFU from what I've written, see? How will men hear about it if I quit..."spamming"....telling men there is another option, one that has verrry little chance of any side effects....my paticipation here makes me a bad girl? I've helped so many and recieved so many thank yous...the few of you who are nasty to me won't quiet me, not until HIFU is approved and available to everyone. Stop the misery.

    Here's another letter from a guy:
    "HIFU works and works well. Dr. Suarez did the procedure on me almost 4 years ago. My PSA is 0.5 and I have a great sex life. Sadly I got this disease in my late 40s. Hopefully the FDA will do the right thing and approve HIFU in the US and give guys another choice in the battle vs. cancer."

    He still has a PSA of .5 because he still has the gland capsule, with surgery the capsule is gone ~ that's why the PSA should be lower.

    not sad
    Sorry HIFU,but I had RP back in '04. I felt it was the best deal then, and still stand by my decision.

    Call me old fashioned, but I kinda like an approved procedure. To each their own, so please don't put me in as your topic of "So sad...that dakotarunner".
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Yes, tell'em
    I was visiting with my main boss on the job I am on today. He had recently had a check up and I asked him if he had a PSA blood check done, along with a DRE. He had no idea of what I was talking aobut. He is approx. 55-57 yr. old. He knows now of the importanace of the two procedures. Whether he will follow up or not, I don't know, but you can bet I will follow up on this with him in the next few weeks.

    Take care of that grandchild.

    Keep up the good fight,and POPC!

    Tell'em all the time
    I tell anyone that listens when the opportunity comes around…Had a friend last month that listened, got tested and had a PSA over 10. He is waiting now for his biopsy results…but without these conversations I have found many guys just do not think about getting them done…
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    shane59 said:

    yes I say tell the world about PC
    Yes Dakotarunner I agree we need to be proactive ,If a friend had not warned me I would not be here today.In all the hostpitals and docs surgeries you always see breast cancer screening or on the media very rare to see have you had a psa checkup.I think if more men new about the blood test as apposed to the magic finger test they would all get it done. good luck for the future hope alls on the mend keep up the good work thanks again Shane

    I tell my male friends and also non friend to
    have both a PSA and a digital rectal exam........I guess some men do not feel comfortable getting a dre..but early detection is where its at.

    By the way, (a little humor) I've seen various doctors at teaching hospitals where there are residents and fellow following them around......well the main doc at these different institution do DREs and the the residents and fellow also want to do a DRE which I decline...........I guess that I'm a s l u t, but I don't do orgies.



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