I think they missed and zapped my head - in the middle of rads, so tired I fall asleep on the ride h

sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yikes! Anyway, she is sooo sweet that I named her Honey. She was semi-welcomed by our 5yr old dog. I'm getting out more, about 17 times a day - even tho it's just outside to potty - the puppy, not me.

Something fun to post this time. I hope it helps to lift others spirits as it has mine.



  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    A puppy sure won't let you lie around
    doing nothing all day! What fun you're going to have! She will force you to get up quickly and get moving before you have to clean up a mess, and she'll force you to play with her . . . all good! I well remember when we brought our now 4-year-old golden retriever home as a puppy, and she's still fun!

    A wonderful way to lift your spirits, lower your blood pressure, and promote healing of both mind and body! Maybe she'll help you recuperate from rads and regain your energy more quickly.

    Congratulations, and Enjoy! Sandy
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Heartfelt congratulations, Sue!
    Awww, a new puppy... Love her name - Honey! Hope your older dog will adjust, and that everything will go smoothly.

    Yes, there certainly are many intense dog (and cat, and other pets) lovers amongst us here.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    I'm gonna try that excuse on my husband....even tho i finished rads in Jan! Any excuse for me to get a new puppy, kitten, llama, goat...whatever!!! LOL!
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    jbug said:

    I'm gonna try that excuse on my husband....even tho i finished rads in Jan! Any excuse for me to get a new puppy, kitten, llama, goat...whatever!!! LOL!

    wishing you the best
    wishing you the best with new puppy. i love animals they bring joy to our lives.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    How Fun
    Put your puppy's pic on the board so we can see her. That is a good idea. The puppy will get your blood moving and keep you on your toes. Plus, she will be there to love you no matter what.

    Have fun.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    A puppy sounds like just the
    A puppy sounds like just the right medicine...............for all of us!! I love puppies or any "babies" for that matter. Enjoy and get ready for your new exercise schedule!! Post a picture when you can. Take care.