Did anyone choose a mastectomy over radiation?



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I would have preferred
    I would have preferred lumpectomy with radiation but don't have that choice. Now I've been told that even when I have my masectomy and I will still have radiation. I remember when my mom had her masectomy they didn't do radiation and her cancer came back in the scar tissue. I'm convinced that if they had done radiation on her she would have survived longer. So I'm going along with my drs and will have radiation after my surgery. Good luck on whatever decision you make.

    My choice was a bi-lateral mastectomy .. My doctors tried
    to sway me into conserving my breasts -- I live out here in Southern California .. and according to the City of Hope clinical trials .. this is the newest and greatest way to go. Even with a single or double (aka - bi-lateral) mastectomy - doctors preserve your nipples and re-plant single or double nipples back onto new constructed breast (s).

    Ok .. here is my story .. left breast cancer, DCIS & Her2. Biospy turned in lumpectomy .. 2nd opinion received, changed surgeons and hospital (45 mins to 1 1/2 hours each way) depending on traffic here in Southern California. Waiting for incision to heal, so aggressive chemo started .. every week for 18 weeks, TCH .. tax, carbo and hercp .. killer .. crawled on my hands and knees for weeks .. killer chemo is all I can say .. no rest, or gaps in 18 weeks of treatment - EVERY Tuesday. Some weeks, all I would do is throw up, and cry and then /// cry some more. Finished my chemo on 12/15/09, bi-lateral on 1/12/10. Never had a second thought!!!

    Every story, every person that I have met since being diagnosised on 8/14/09 .. has told me the same story - over and over ... it started in 1 breast and within 5 years breast cancer in the 2nd breast .. chemo and radiation given .. but each story ended the same ..
    Clinical trials results did not impress me either. Again, my body, my decision.

    Good Luck and God Bless
