Here's what they told me



  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    dorion said:

    more than that
    Hey there
    Yes well they did graduate me to broth and crackers, and icecream!!! Supper I had a cream of potatoe soup, some broth, but my absolute favorite was the beautiful gorgeous peice of cheddar cheese and a slice of bread that I made a mini sandwich out of. some cookies and that yummy butterscotch pudding which I almost licked the I will be here for the weekend and should be out by Monday or no later than Tuesday, at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I promise not to piss away any days feeling modlin or sad, I am going to keep as busy has I possibly can without running myself ragged. Thanks for all your support and information it means so much to me. Now if I only can poop! LOL

    Love and hugs to you all


    Thinking of you and

    Thinking of you and hoping you poop soon so you can go home! LOL!
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    dorion said:

    more than that
    Hey there
    Yes well they did graduate me to broth and crackers, and icecream!!! Supper I had a cream of potatoe soup, some broth, but my absolute favorite was the beautiful gorgeous peice of cheddar cheese and a slice of bread that I made a mini sandwich out of. some cookies and that yummy butterscotch pudding which I almost licked the I will be here for the weekend and should be out by Monday or no later than Tuesday, at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I promise not to piss away any days feeling modlin or sad, I am going to keep as busy has I possibly can without running myself ragged. Thanks for all your support and information it means so much to me. Now if I only can poop! LOL

    Love and hugs to you all


    Okay it sounds like you are
    Okay it sounds like you are getting better, slowly but surely right?

    So lets get that poop going so you can get out of there ASAP!

    Of course I'm joking out of love.

    Seriously, get well.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Linda,
    Hi Linda,

    Just getting back to my computer after a hellatious 2nd round of carbo/taxol. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this bowel obstruction and I hope that you are getting relief from the meds. I'll be checking back to hear how it's going ( no pun intended, my dear!).
    Our thoughts are with you and Megan........... (((HUGS))) Maria
  • pevvy
    pevvy Member Posts: 14
    bowel obstruction
    Unfortunately, the bowel obstruction is how my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. At first they thought she had rectal cancer but then the pathology came back that it is ovarian cancer. She has had a very "special case" of this (yes, I am certain that everyone's experience is unique, yet shared). She had to go in for a "temporary" colostomy surgery because the obstruction was creating great pain and she was unable to relieve herself. Well, of course, following the surgery, she found out the cancer was "more aggressive" than first thought. She was scheduled for 3 rounds of chemo and then debulking. Unfortunately, after the 3 cycles, the oncologist found the mass did not shrink. Because the cancer is around her rectum, they cannot remove it with surgery. She is now scheduled for an appointment to discuss radiation as an attempt to shrink the tumor. Something the Radiologist Oncologist did not want to do at first...what has changed?, I wonder... will find out next week!

    So sorry for your obstruction...hopefully, you do have a different outcome than my mother. She did not think she would ever take to the colostomy bag, but of course, she has managed to conquer this as well! Love her tenacity. Linda
  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    Hi Linda
    I've been reading about your progress, and sending the best wishes for your recovery.
    U asked about the abdominal distension, and yes I did have a swollen belly for quite a while till things settled down. Once the vomiting stopped it was only a few days till I felt back to normal size. Thankfully my obstrction resloved in about a week, without surgical intervention, but they kept me in hospital for 2 weeks.
    Funny isn't it..but the highlight for me then was to 'fart', and the nurses would celebrate with me!!! ...oh, the little things :))
    I have reintroduced 'solids' into my diet now but do follow the low residue diet format...downside of that is the extra kilos I have gained, having had this diet now going on and off for 12 mths.
    My most recent partial obtruction seems to have settled after 3 liquid days, and slow return to food...still got the niggles but not the intense pain and 'sick' feeling I had.
    I take this as just being how I have to manage my life now,to hopefully keep myself out of hospital for as long as I can.
    I really hope u can get home soon, and that u feel heaps betta,
    Lotsa love Carolyn xx