I miss you guys



  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    This entire thread...
    Was an awesome Valentine's Day gift!

    Thanks, Stef. You started it... :-)

    Kindest regards, Susan xo

    What a nice thing to

    What a nice thing to say. You make me smile. It was so great to hear from so many of our other sisters. I truly miss people when they are not here. I don't worry because I think it is way more likely for someone to be off the boards when life is full and wonderful. We definitely want the comfort of our family on here if things are not going well. They are our rocks, our touchstones, our links to sanity. So when sisters aren't writing I think they are off living life large and that's how it should be. But I miss them so they must check in once a month. That's the rule ladies, monthly check ins. LOL Seriously, it was so good to hear from each and everyone of you.
    A happy, valentine's day filled with the love of family, friends, lovers and everyone else.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    I'm glad you posted this.
    I'm glad you posted this. While I am new, I follow you all and miss and worry when "a regular" hasn't posted lately. I mostly read, post occaisionally and enjoy immensely.

    I am curious about the hedgehog!


    Okay Sue you asked for
    Okay Sue you asked for it.
    We had a great link for sharing recipes. I believe our dear Tasha added hedgehog, either as road kill or trapped in burning bushes. It digressed from there into a hilarous method of killing, cooking etc. If you type in hedgehog in the search you might be able to pull it up. When we go off track here, we can really go off track but in a totally funny, hilarous good way. I think that the Rad B's Virtual Band that started with Moopy's mohawk hair was one of our longest running funny. We had imaginary costumes, instruments, jobs, managers (Yes, Pammy that's right it wasn't real) and so much fun. But isn't it so great to see that we are so much more than our cancer. Glad you are part of the family. See aren't you glad you asked about the hedgehog.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    fauxma said:

    Okay Sue you asked for
    Okay Sue you asked for it.
    We had a great link for sharing recipes. I believe our dear Tasha added hedgehog, either as road kill or trapped in burning bushes. It digressed from there into a hilarous method of killing, cooking etc. If you type in hedgehog in the search you might be able to pull it up. When we go off track here, we can really go off track but in a totally funny, hilarous good way. I think that the Rad B's Virtual Band that started with Moopy's mohawk hair was one of our longest running funny. We had imaginary costumes, instruments, jobs, managers (Yes, Pammy that's right it wasn't real) and so much fun. But isn't it so great to see that we are so much more than our cancer. Glad you are part of the family. See aren't you glad you asked about the hedgehog.

    Stef is absolutely right that Tasha was the first to hijack the recipes thread by contributing a recipe for hedgehog.

    But after about a day or so of everybody gasping and guffawing (two sounds that follow naturally in Tasha's path), Stef herself "innocently" pointed out that the recipe said nothing about the hedgehog having to be dead. Her brilliant observation caused about a week of utter, glorious pandemonium.

    At the time, Moopy and I were living with our three yapping doggies in a St. Louis condo so she could get radiation treatment at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. We retain some happy memories of last summer, but overall, we needed all the yuks we could get. And that damned hedgehog thread helped us laugh our way through a pretty tough time.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Aortus said:

    Stef is absolutely right that Tasha was the first to hijack the recipes thread by contributing a recipe for hedgehog.

    But after about a day or so of everybody gasping and guffawing (two sounds that follow naturally in Tasha's path), Stef herself "innocently" pointed out that the recipe said nothing about the hedgehog having to be dead. Her brilliant observation caused about a week of utter, glorious pandemonium.

    At the time, Moopy and I were living with our three yapping doggies in a St. Louis condo so she could get radiation treatment at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. We retain some happy memories of last summer, but overall, we needed all the yuks we could get. And that damned hedgehog thread helped us laugh our way through a pretty tough time.

    Thank you Aortus (tongue
    Thank you Aortus (tongue firmly in cheek) for reminding me that I did indeed come to Tasha's defense about killing hedgehogs. Now everyone (well the newbies anyway) will realize that I as well as Tasha have a rather wicked, slightly twisted sense of humor. It was a fun thread and I do remember how much you and Moopy enjoyed the humor that it provided during her treatments and that tough time. I love that about this whole darn group, we laugh at ourselves, each other, our family and friends (even if they don't know it) and we relieve the tension brought on by our diagnoses. So I say Long Live (or die depending on your culinary persuasions) Hedgehogs.
    And you, dear Aortus, are not without a touch of the wicked humor either. Good thing you have Moopy the good and kind to keep you in balance.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    thank you so much Stef!
    I have missed this site and all the sisters here so much. it is hard for me to post, I read a few then the site freezes up on me.
    Been feeling a bit melancholy lately and had to come here and see how my friends are, and what is the first post I find?? You are wonderful!
    I am still having infection issues with my dear Frankenboobie/Picassoboobie, been ongoing since December and am getting very tired of being on antibiotics with all their wonderful side effects. Almost finished with round 3 double doses and don't think it's working. Oh well, we do keep smiling don't we?
    Glad to hear all the rest of our buddies chiming in, and I do remember Tasha posting that her "ex" got hold of her passwords etc and asked us to wait to hear from her under a different name, but it has been too long!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    cats_toy said:

    thank you so much Stef!
    I have missed this site and all the sisters here so much. it is hard for me to post, I read a few then the site freezes up on me.
    Been feeling a bit melancholy lately and had to come here and see how my friends are, and what is the first post I find?? You are wonderful!
    I am still having infection issues with my dear Frankenboobie/Picassoboobie, been ongoing since December and am getting very tired of being on antibiotics with all their wonderful side effects. Almost finished with round 3 double doses and don't think it's working. Oh well, we do keep smiling don't we?
    Glad to hear all the rest of our buddies chiming in, and I do remember Tasha posting that her "ex" got hold of her passwords etc and asked us to wait to hear from her under a different name, but it has been too long!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Welcome back
    It is so good to see the oldies back ( lol ). You are the one's that got me through this. Now it's my turn to give back, pay it forward. Thank you.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    cats_toy said:

    thank you so much Stef!
    I have missed this site and all the sisters here so much. it is hard for me to post, I read a few then the site freezes up on me.
    Been feeling a bit melancholy lately and had to come here and see how my friends are, and what is the first post I find?? You are wonderful!
    I am still having infection issues with my dear Frankenboobie/Picassoboobie, been ongoing since December and am getting very tired of being on antibiotics with all their wonderful side effects. Almost finished with round 3 double doses and don't think it's working. Oh well, we do keep smiling don't we?
    Glad to hear all the rest of our buddies chiming in, and I do remember Tasha posting that her "ex" got hold of her passwords etc and asked us to wait to hear from her under a different name, but it has been too long!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like Christmas and you guys are all my presents (well, everyone's presents). It is so good to hear from all of you. Hooray!!! Sorry about the infections and the antibiotic side effects. I love your we do keep smiling. Sometimes it's just us gritting our teeth, only looks like a smile. I know Tasha was having some problems with her ex and her information. I hope it gets straightened out cause I miss her too.
    Again, this was so happy making for me. I have been a little out of sorts lately and I hadn't been posting much either. Jeanne noticed and she sent me a pm that lifted my spirits. It's nothing specific and nothing cancer related just a bunch of little life stuff that needs resolution. I know if I need to share or need support or encouragement that all my bestest friends here will be right there for me. I am coping but occasionally I find it all pressing in on me. But I'm still happy I have my glass.
    Love to all my sisters and brothers here,
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    fauxma said:

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like Christmas and you guys are all my presents (well, everyone's presents). It is so good to hear from all of you. Hooray!!! Sorry about the infections and the antibiotic side effects. I love your we do keep smiling. Sometimes it's just us gritting our teeth, only looks like a smile. I know Tasha was having some problems with her ex and her information. I hope it gets straightened out cause I miss her too.
    Again, this was so happy making for me. I have been a little out of sorts lately and I hadn't been posting much either. Jeanne noticed and she sent me a pm that lifted my spirits. It's nothing specific and nothing cancer related just a bunch of little life stuff that needs resolution. I know if I need to share or need support or encouragement that all my bestest friends here will be right there for me. I am coping but occasionally I find it all pressing in on me. But I'm still happy I have my glass.
    Love to all my sisters and brothers here,

    It is sooooooooooo nice to see the love and sisterhood
    here on this site .. It brings tears to my eyes.

    Love you all .. and what you have done for me and so many others... The LOVE, SUPPORT, INFORMATION ...

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    fauxma said:

    What a nice thing to

    What a nice thing to say. You make me smile. It was so great to hear from so many of our other sisters. I truly miss people when they are not here. I don't worry because I think it is way more likely for someone to be off the boards when life is full and wonderful. We definitely want the comfort of our family on here if things are not going well. They are our rocks, our touchstones, our links to sanity. So when sisters aren't writing I think they are off living life large and that's how it should be. But I miss them so they must check in once a month. That's the rule ladies, monthly check ins. LOL Seriously, it was so good to hear from each and everyone of you.
    A happy, valentine's day filled with the love of family, friends, lovers and everyone else.

    I could not possibly count the many (many!) times your funny posts have made ME smile, friend.

    And, I'll totally back you up on your proposed "once a month check in" (at least, in my humble opinion) rule.

    Your reference to the reponses being kinda like Christmas gifts? So appropriate! Because Christmas Girl ran out and tried to round up as many as possible of our pink sisters you were calling out for...

    Kindest regards, always,
    to you, dear Stef, our fauxma,
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    I could not possibly count the many (many!) times your funny posts have made ME smile, friend.

    And, I'll totally back you up on your proposed "once a month check in" (at least, in my humble opinion) rule.

    Your reference to the reponses being kinda like Christmas gifts? So appropriate! Because Christmas Girl ran out and tried to round up as many as possible of our pink sisters you were calling out for...

    Kindest regards, always,
    to you, dear Stef, our fauxma,

    Good job with the round up,
    Good job with the round up, Christmas Girl. You are always so gentle and concerned in your responses here. We are all such different personalities but it all seems to blend very well, doesn't it?
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    RE said:

    Can't miss me I just won't go away! I too have been missing phoenixrising, bfbear, joycelouise amongst others. Hugs to all and sweet wishes of GREAT HEALTH going out to all.


    Our Debi/bfbear
    I hear from her, every once in a great while. She is doing well, and very busy with her very busy life.

    Debi is also currently providing her compassionate support to two local and newer to the journey BC pink sisters. Which should come as no surprise to those of us who got to know her here on the board. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Hope you are well. Even
    Hope you are well. Even though you may not be posting, it does not mean that we are not thinking of you:)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Eil4186 said:

    Hope you are well. Even
    Hope you are well. Even though you may not be posting, it does not mean that we are not thinking of you:)

    Thank you
    for this thread. It is nice to see everyone responding and being well. Happy Valentine's day.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    fauxma said:

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like Christmas and you guys are all my presents (well, everyone's presents). It is so good to hear from all of you. Hooray!!! Sorry about the infections and the antibiotic side effects. I love your we do keep smiling. Sometimes it's just us gritting our teeth, only looks like a smile. I know Tasha was having some problems with her ex and her information. I hope it gets straightened out cause I miss her too.
    Again, this was so happy making for me. I have been a little out of sorts lately and I hadn't been posting much either. Jeanne noticed and she sent me a pm that lifted my spirits. It's nothing specific and nothing cancer related just a bunch of little life stuff that needs resolution. I know if I need to share or need support or encouragement that all my bestest friends here will be right there for me. I am coping but occasionally I find it all pressing in on me. But I'm still happy I have my glass.
    Love to all my sisters and brothers here,

    ♥ I am here Sweet Stef ♥

    I am soooooooooooo happy if my PM lifted your spirits! I had noticed that you just didn't quite seem yourself on here and got worried. You are such a bright smile on here Stef that I notice when I don't see all of your pearly whites gleaming! lol

    I pray that everything in your life will calm down and be resolved. You know that we are all here to help you in anyway that we can! Always and forever Stef...that is what sisters do for each other!

    I discovered Facebook and Farmville! OMG...I have become an addict! My hubby just smiles and shakes his head when I say " I have to check my farm." lol But, it is fun and so many of our CSN sisters are there. Yep, farming right along side me. Gotta love it!

    Wishing you good luck with your tests this week. Please let us know anything when you can. I go in again to my plastic surgeon this week to get more injections of the steroid for the lumps I have. The one that he gave me the shots in last time is gone, which is a huge relief. Now, just one more lump to go and I am praying that it will be gone after this round of shots. I think David might wear gloves this time. I think I hurt him the last time when I not only squeezed his hand reallyyyyyyyyyy hard, but, I sunk my nails into his hand. I said I was sorry. Geeshhhhhhhh

    I miss the RAD B's! That was a fun thread, wasn't it? And, TJ's quest for pictures of us at all ages. Fun stuff! It is good that we move on somewhat, don't you think? But, I will always be some part of this site as it helped me thru so much. I owe all of you, everyone on here, all that I can give when needed.

    So Stef, your flock has come home! We all love you, a LOT!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    P. S. My new avatar pic is of one of the hearts that David made in the snow for me for Valentine's Day. He had them all over the acreage here so that I would see one out of any and all of the windows whenever I looked out! It was the best gift ever!
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867

    This entire thread...
    Was an awesome Valentine's Day gift!

    Thanks, Stef. You started it... :-)

    Kindest regards, Susan xo

    ♥ Susan ♥
    Thank you Susan for being such a great friend to all of us! And, thanks for letting us know about this thread! Now, get back to Farmville! lol

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    fauxma said:

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like

    Hi Cat,
    Gosh, it's just like Christmas and you guys are all my presents (well, everyone's presents). It is so good to hear from all of you. Hooray!!! Sorry about the infections and the antibiotic side effects. I love your we do keep smiling. Sometimes it's just us gritting our teeth, only looks like a smile. I know Tasha was having some problems with her ex and her information. I hope it gets straightened out cause I miss her too.
    Again, this was so happy making for me. I have been a little out of sorts lately and I hadn't been posting much either. Jeanne noticed and she sent me a pm that lifted my spirits. It's nothing specific and nothing cancer related just a bunch of little life stuff that needs resolution. I know if I need to share or need support or encouragement that all my bestest friends here will be right there for me. I am coping but occasionally I find it all pressing in on me. But I'm still happy I have my glass.
    Love to all my sisters and brothers here,

    sorry Stef
    issues, cancer related or not, can get annoying when they hang around too long. Hope you get everything resolved. You all lift my spirits whenever I visit here, and if you need to vent, you know we are here for you.
    I think my melancholy lately has been because it was President's Day weekend three years ago that I got my diagnosis. The actual date is Feb 19, but it was that holiday weekend that I hung around after having the needle biopsy, waiting for the news. But today is a better day (can smile for real, not just show teeth!), the infection seems to be letting go, and it is a beautiful warm sunny day. Maybe all I needed was the gift of all of you here.
    Smile like you mean it!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Our Debi/bfbear
    I hear from her, every once in a great while. She is doing well, and very busy with her very busy life.

    Debi is also currently providing her compassionate support to two local and newer to the journey BC pink sisters. Which should come as no surprise to those of us who got to know her here on the board. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan

    Thanks for the update on
    Thanks for the update on bfbear/Debi. I said that there were others and she is definitely one of the regulars I have missed. Glad she is busy and of course she would be doing compassionate work because that is so her. What a jewel you are Susan to let us know about some of our dear sisters.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411

    Thank you
    for this thread. It is nice to see everyone responding and being well. Happy Valentine's day.

    still around. I haven't logged on this site in awhile. I'm so glad to read so many of you are doing well. and will be thinking of you with your upcoming appointments. So many of you were there for me last summer and I joined in the middle of the hedge hog thread and thought whoa what are these ladies talking about.. But I was warmly welcomed into this group and have been forever grateful for the friendships...
    As for me latley ...well I haven't been doing too good to be honest. I've feel into a deep depression and am having a hard time with so many areas of my life.. That is why I haven't been on here. I didn't feel like I could be a good support for our sisters. I usually just play farmville as an escape to keep my mind away from my life for the time being... This is not how I am and I hope that in the next few months I can get me back... Sorry to sound so down but I hope you guys will keep me in your thoughts and prayers...

  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Calleen said:

    still around. I haven't logged on this site in awhile. I'm so glad to read so many of you are doing well. and will be thinking of you with your upcoming appointments. So many of you were there for me last summer and I joined in the middle of the hedge hog thread and thought whoa what are these ladies talking about.. But I was warmly welcomed into this group and have been forever grateful for the friendships...
    As for me latley ...well I haven't been doing too good to be honest. I've feel into a deep depression and am having a hard time with so many areas of my life.. That is why I haven't been on here. I didn't feel like I could be a good support for our sisters. I usually just play farmville as an escape to keep my mind away from my life for the time being... This is not how I am and I hope that in the next few months I can get me back... Sorry to sound so down but I hope you guys will keep me in your thoughts and prayers...


    So good to see some of the sisters who were
    here for me when I first posted back in Sept 09. I felt so much support and caring from you all - I'm due for my first mamo since my diagnosis almost a year ago - I haven't made the call but need to. Some days it's still not real to me -
    so what is "farmville?"
    love to all of you,
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Calleen said:

    still around. I haven't logged on this site in awhile. I'm so glad to read so many of you are doing well. and will be thinking of you with your upcoming appointments. So many of you were there for me last summer and I joined in the middle of the hedge hog thread and thought whoa what are these ladies talking about.. But I was warmly welcomed into this group and have been forever grateful for the friendships...
    As for me latley ...well I haven't been doing too good to be honest. I've feel into a deep depression and am having a hard time with so many areas of my life.. That is why I haven't been on here. I didn't feel like I could be a good support for our sisters. I usually just play farmville as an escape to keep my mind away from my life for the time being... This is not how I am and I hope that in the next few months I can get me back... Sorry to sound so down but I hope you guys will keep me in your thoughts and prayers...


    So good to hear from

    So good to hear from you but so sorry that you are feeling so down. You know that we are here and you can vent to us. You don't always have to be the supportive one here (and you have been many, many times). Sometimes it's your turn for comfort and support. Glad you are doing farmville as an escape. We often need one. Mine is hidden object games. I have a bunch of them and I really like doing them. My prayers and good thoughts will be that this depression lifts and you regain the real you. Meanwhile, know that we will listen, cyberhug you and try to lift your spirits. There are so many aspects to this disease and they all take a toll on us in many different ways and at many different times. Add to that the mix of regular life with it's ups and downs and it can be hairy and scary. So know that I and all the others will be keeping you in our hearts.