Parent of Child in Remission

germcellmom Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
My daughter is in her third year of remission for Dysgerminoma(Germ Cell Cancer). Prior to her period this month she begin to experience nausea. The last 2 periods were very light, but this one is more normal. She is a teen - is this normal or is this recurrance .. how can you tell??? The fear of recurrance is something that is eating at me when she displays any type of symptom Are there any survivors out there that went through their teen years that can give me some advise on handling the fear, helping her not to be scared, yet being vigilent. Am I overboard for taking her to the doctor? Something is knawing at me, doesn't feel right, but i am so fearful of recurrance that it is hard to have perspective.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • Dysgerminoma Germ Cell
    Good Morning,
    I just wanted to let you know that we are not ignoring you. It is just we have no experience with this kind of ovarian cancer. Most of us have had the same kind of ovarian cancer. However, 3 years of remission is fantastic. We all live with the fear of re-occurance. We do not even have periods, because we are either to old or we have no female organs left. If you ever, ever think there may be a re-occurance or a problem. Take her to the doctors. It will ease your mind. Thank-You, Paula
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I agree
    I agree with the previous poster. I know nothing about germ cell cancer. As also mentioned most of us on here have had a hysterectomy. Ovarian cancer is usually not a cancer that a teenager would get. So it is doubtful we have any women here who are survivors from their teen years. Fear of reoccurence is very real and something most of us can relate to. It is not overboard taking her to the doctor. Go with your gut!
    Good luck to you and you daughter.
  • germcellmom
    germcellmom Member Posts: 4
    nancy591 said:

    I agree
    I agree with the previous poster. I know nothing about germ cell cancer. As also mentioned most of us on here have had a hysterectomy. Ovarian cancer is usually not a cancer that a teenager would get. So it is doubtful we have any women here who are survivors from their teen years. Fear of reoccurence is very real and something most of us can relate to. It is not overboard taking her to the doctor. Go with your gut!
    Good luck to you and you daughter.

    Germ Cell
    I took her in and they did and ultrasound - no sign of recurrance. Best to you all and thank you.
  • Conrauch
    Conrauch Member Posts: 1

    Germ Cell
    I took her in and they did and ultrasound - no sign of recurrance. Best to you all and thank you.

    Checking in..
    Hello... How is your child? Please see my profile. You will see we have a lot in common. We are done with chemo as of two mos. Ago.
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    I just wanted to say that I
    I just wanted to say that I am so happy your daughter is ok. Living in fear of a recurrence is the worst. I try to take it one day at a time.
  • Kezhal926
    Kezhal926 Member Posts: 2
    Dysgerminoma Blog

    Hi all!


    My name is Kezhal Shah-hosseini. I'm 21 years old and was diagnosed with Dysgerminoma this past weekend after my surgery to remove the mass that was growing on my right ovary. Originally, I had gone into surgery thinking I had uterine fibroids (benign, non-cancerous tumors), so you could imagine the shock I was in when they told me I had this rare cancer. The mass was bigger than a volleyball, so my stomach was huge! 


    I decided to start a blog to document what life is like everyday with Dysgerminoma, how I feel, docotor's visits, and what I learn about the cancer. I'll even talk about the chemo once that begins next month. I thought this is a great way to reach out to others and hopefully meet or talk to others who have this and to show that there is nothing to be afraid of :) We're lucky it is curable! 

    Here is the link to it:


    Hope this is/becomes helpful! :)


    Best Regards,

  • reg08
    reg08 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I know it looks like its been awhile since anyone posted here....I was wanting to ask questions or get an update on your daughter. As of June 16, 2016 my 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with dysgerminoma. We have removed the tumor which was 16cm....along with her right ovary and fallopian tube. We are still waiting for a follow up with the oncologist because we are waiting for an MRI (having problems with the insurance approving the MRI)...I'm just not sure what to expect. Her CA125 levels are still elevated even after surgery. But that's all I know as of right now....she's scheduled for a CT scan and bone scan next week.....any advice would be greatly appreciated! She's so scared of having to so chemo. And like most here, I know this is a rare form of cancer, our pediatric oncologist even said he has not seen a patient with this in our area....should we seek a second opinion? Thanks in advance for the info.....

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    edited June 2016 #9

    reg08, it has been a long time since the individuals have been online at all.  Since your daughter's cancer were gynecologic in nature, have you seen a gynecologic oncologist?  They specialize in 'below the belt' cancers and may have some insight in treatment.