not looking good- Saturday update



  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Wish I knew of something to say
    Lisa, For the first time in a L-O-N-G time I'm lost for words. If you ever just want to get out of the house PLEASE PM me and we can do luch and maybe take a walk on the O'Side Peir. I'm open to anything to help you. Maybe I can cook you guys dinner and drop it by? I hear I'm a heck of a cook!! LOL...


    dearest lisa
    this is indeed crappo news...I hate when the CEA is up and yours is have worked so hard for this and invested so much...

    re blood pressure...don't freak over that i had shingles on my face after shingles on back in Nov....189!!!! then when I calmed down ...knew I was going to see my doc for antiviral it was 120

    Oh Lisa hang on...back to one step ...breathe...hold our hands...

    GOOFYLADIE Member Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Superwoman
    Today you need to catch your breath. Or already be at an Urgent Care center or Hospital for blood pressure it always better to be safe. Who knows, you never know whos path your gonna cross at the right time. Stranger things happen. Read over this board and look at what you have accomplished girl you have come so very far and you can do this. I am sorry this miserable disease has laid its claws into you, but tomorrow you are going to be recharged with new energy to fight this morphodite SOB of a disease. LOL got a little carried away!!lol
    You PM if you need me, want to talk on the phone, anytime day or night since my neck surgery, I don't sleep well so I am awake. So pm me and I can give you my phone # if you need it. I live on the central coast so I am not too far from you or Brooks.
    Love ya Girl,
    Goofyladie (Cass)
  • ann2008
    ann2008 Member Posts: 118
    You have always given such support and encouragement to everyone so I want to give that back to you. I do hope your scan totally disputes the CEA results. That would be consistent with other stories here where the damage/killing of cancer cells raises the CEA results. Please,take a deep breath and TRY to relax and get your b/p under control. My internist had to add a second med to get mine under control. He kept increasing my dose but that didn't do it. I haven't been through anything like you have in my treatment but please know that you are in my prayers . Please keep us updated. Ann
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Lisa my Friend,
    I'm sorry that Dr. C's treatment may not be working. You are a strong woman and I am hopeful for you that you will find a clinical trial that works for you and gets you back to good health. I will hold you in my prayers. I think of you often.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    So Very Sorry
    This is not the news that any of us expected. You are sure in a difficult situation and just hoping the best for you. Maybe you can try that experimental treatment and if your oncologist thinks that is an option than you probably should try it, or think about it. Always thinking about you and wishing and hoping that things will get better.

  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member

    I am sorry that you are going through this right now. It can be worrisome when the CEA goes up but I have read countless stories where it has gone up and then gone down, gone up when nothing is present on the scan and gone up as a result of treatment. As others have mentioned it is possible that the current treatment is having an impact and tumors are dying off and expressing the marker. Keep positive thoughts and enjoy this weekend and wait to hear your scan results.

    My husband has hypertension so I know that high blood pressure can be scary but given your worrying it is not surprising. I carried three children and each BP reading while pregnant always read 107/70, without fail. Once I found out that I had cancer and started treatments my BP runs 120/80. Worrying has certainly elevated mine so I imagine yours has gone up as well. If your BP starts to get too elevated do not hesitate to get immediate attention from your ER.

    As always, you are in my thoughts and in my prayers...tonight and every night. There are so many people here that love you. Please keep that love and affection in your mind as you go to sleep tonight.

    Love and best wishes to you,
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, Lisa.
    Lisa, dear. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm also very worried about that blood pressure issue. Both of my parents have had strokes, and I also deal with high blood pressure. I think your numbers sound dangerously high. I know my doctor would be very concerned about those numbers. Since I'm replying late to this, I hope by now you have either gone to the ER or seen your doctor.

    Please let us know how you are! I know you need to decide for yourself what course to take, but my vote would be with a clinical trial. I'll be praying for good results, no matter what you decide.

  • chicoturner
    chicoturner Member Posts: 282
    not looking good
    Lisa, first I want to tell you thank you for sharing your story. You may not realize how many of us were holding our breath as you began Dr. Cantrell's program. You are such a pioneer and I appreciate all you have done and will no doubt continue doing! Next I want to tell you to keep fighting! You have already proven that it is worth it! You are in my prayers. Jean
  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    Oh Lisa
    Dear Friend,

    I am so sorry that you are going through this. I will continue to pray for you. You have been so helpful and caring to everyone who comes to this forum. I would like to thank you for all that you do for us. You're always here for us with information and facts, yet you give it to us with such love and compassion. I hope you feel the love and support from all of us. I think of you often and hold only good thoughts for you.

    Blessings to you,

    Debbie (gramma)
  • kapper48
    kapper48 Member Posts: 85
    Oh Lisa, You hang in there
    Oh Lisa, You hang in there and don't give up hope. You might be surprized when your c/t results come in. I feel in my heart that you will be fine. If you need to talk to someone you have my phone number call me anytime.
  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
    Hey Lisa
    I am praying for you hard!! Find a really good clinical trial and keep on fighting. I know you need a day to get your head around this, but let's just see what the scan says. I am like you my cea levels are very telling. We will be with you every step of the way. Patti
  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    So sorry
    I'm sorry this treatment doesn't seem to be working for you. You were very brave to try it, and we are all thankful for the information you've give us about it. Since it has worked for some people, your posting the information may make a difference for someone else. So no matter what, this was not a failure at all. It was a brave risk that will help others.

    So now if your scans aren't more promising than CEA, you have to do it again. Take another brave risk - clinical trials. Think of all the advancements in colon cancer treatment in the last 5 years or so. There is a good chance that one of the ongoing or upcoming trials will be something new that is even better.

    I'm hoping you get answers and new options soon.
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Lisa, I know you've always
    Lisa, I know you've always been there for me when I've needed you. I'm really hoping that there are more options out there, like the clinical trials you've mentioned.

    I'm not sure if you're going to keep your appt with Dr. Cantrell, but if he has other options, maybe something worth trying, the trip could be worth it.

    Seriously, about the blood pressure, I learned about 25 years ago from an internist that when both numbers equal 300, you're headed for a major stroke. There are so many variables when it comes to blood pressures. It's probably stress related, which mine would be as well, but just keep an eye on it.

    Love you, girl.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Thanks everyone for reading what I wrote and for your comments and prayers. I wrote an update at the top under my original post about my experience of going to ER yesterday evening. Blood pressure is still up today.

  • lmliess
    lmliess Member Posts: 329
    lisa42 said:

    Thanks everyone!
    Thanks everyone for reading what I wrote and for your comments and prayers. I wrote an update at the top under my original post about my experience of going to ER yesterday evening. Blood pressure is still up today.


    II am so sorry
    you are dealing with this! I get migraines on occasion so I know how hard it is to have those where it feels like your eye is pulsating! And don't you just hate ER rooms! Ugh...the 2 times I went after my surgery I was so annoyed because I felt like no one knew really what to they just observed me.

    Just know we are all thinking of you and I will keep you on my prayers!

    GOOFYLADIE Member Posts: 232 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Thanks everyone!
    Thanks everyone for reading what I wrote and for your comments and prayers. I wrote an update at the top under my original post about my experience of going to ER yesterday evening. Blood pressure is still up today.


    Hi Lisa
    Good I am so glad you went to hospital. I know it didn't seem like much but your blood pressure did come down that was the concern. I can only imagine the wait time. I still hate waiting in any Dr's office today for any appointment. I felt I did enough time for everybody on the board. I am praying everyday for you and you promise to RUN not walk if your blood pressure goes that high again. At least if something should happen with your blood pressure you will be at the right place where everyone can take care of you.
    Goofyladie (Cass)
  • abmb
    abmb Member Posts: 311
    lisa42 said:

    Thanks everyone!
    Thanks everyone for reading what I wrote and for your comments and prayers. I wrote an update at the top under my original post about my experience of going to ER yesterday evening. Blood pressure is still up today.


    Lisa, I have been reading
    Lisa, I have been reading all the support you have on this board They are always here to help when we need it the most. I do agree the CEA levels do rise when cancer cells are dying off. So try to think on that one positive note. I know everyone tells you not too worry, but how can you not. I see someone here offered to take you to lunch, that is probably a good idea, get out of the house, away from the computer for awhile. I see you have family, I do not know the ages of the children, but maybe do a family day movie in house, with popcorn and snacks. Just take the family and cuddle for the day. All good vibes from kids when we need it the most. Mostly, take care of your self, talk to God and ask him for help and strength. He is always available to us. Take care and God Bless. Margaret
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    I hope you are getting lots
    I hope you are getting lots of rest and feeling better today. You are so very much loved. We are all right there with you.
    Take care.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Sending hugs

    Hope things get better today.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Sending hugs

    Hope things get better today.

    Lisa, I have been out of pocket most of the week, I am so sorry to hear about your recent health. Please try as you might to relax and don´t worry too much. I know that would sound so stupid from most people, but what can we do but try and eleviate the symptoms. I know stupid!

    You are in my thoughts, and will continue to keep you there!
