Tossed from Surgeon to Surgeon????

crissy1234 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok - I have a recurrance of BC in right breast again that the CT scan shows some mets to bone....Oncologist sent me to Plastic Surgeon that originally said she could do a Lat Flap, But needed a thorasic surgeon to remove the bone if indeed it reached there. Saw a great guy, said he could do it, and now the Plastic Surgeon has backed out - He said she said she didn't think she had enough experiance to do the Flap....So here I wait, the Thorasic guy said he knows 3 other plastic surgeons that have done pleanty of flaps and will send them all copies of the CT and disscuss with them, he will pick one and then I will go meet him...
Has anyone out there had anything like this before....I am just nervous about the surgery and they seem to keep putting it off - are they telling me the truth?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Thank goodness the plastic
    Thank goodness the plastic surgeon backed out, especially if he didn't think he was experienced enough. I'd do some research and talk to additional plastic surgeons. A recommendation from the thorasic surgeon would be good. I'd get the names of the doctors he is recommending and call myself. Don't try to rush into this until you have all your information AND you're comfortable and confident in the plastic surgeon. Good luck!!
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Plastic Surgeons
    Be happy that the surgeon admitted to not having enough experience to do the Flap. Count your lucky stars!!!!

    Now, the Thorasic guy states that he knows 3 plastic surgeons who have plenty of experience. Find out the names of all three surgeons. Then look them up on the internet and view their bios and where they went to school. You also have the choice of interviewing all three of them before deciding which surgeon you would like to do your surgery. You also can ask to speak to the patients that they operated on.

    When you visit your plastic surgeons, have your questions written down and make 2 copies of your questions. Give one to the surgeon and one for you. Make sure that the surgeon answers each question. You can ask them how times they have done that particular surgery.

    Also, is there a particular reason why they want you to have the Lat Flap reconstruction, such as a medical reason for this specialized plastic surgery? There are various reconstructions for breast. Have you investigated any of them or does your particular situation only offer you the Lat Flap?

    I am happy to hear that you have three plastic surgeons to choose from.

    I have no knowledge/experience about bone mets so I can't advise you in this area. Maybe one of the other sisters can help you with this one.

    I also have a recurrence and I can relate to what you are feeling right now. They are only putting it off because the surgeon is not skilled enough to do the surgery.

    I wish I could wrap my arms around you to take away your nervousness - like in the movie The Green Mile. Wouldn't that be wonderful if such a healing power existed.

    Lots of Hugs and Lots of Love,
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Thank goodness the plastic
    Thank goodness the plastic surgeon backed out, especially if he didn't think he was experienced enough. I'd do some research and talk to additional plastic surgeons. A recommendation from the thorasic surgeon would be good. I'd get the names of the doctors he is recommending and call myself. Don't try to rush into this until you have all your information AND you're comfortable and confident in the plastic surgeon. Good luck!!

    I would be glad that the
    I would be glad that the plastic surgeon was honest and told you she didn't know how to do it. Talk to the other surgeon's and see what they say, see who you are comfortable with. There is no hurry, is there? Take your time and feel good about your choice. Good luck!

    ♥ Noel
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    I agree with everyone's assessment that you should be glad the plastic surgeon backed off because she didn't feel she had enough experience with the LAT Flap. When you're dealing with something like reconstructive surgery, you want the best. I had a DIEP Flap surgery in December, and the plastic surgeon I had is one of only three who even do this kind of surgery in my area. It is a very delicate micro surgery where blood vessels, etc have to be connected to keep the flap viable, or it will die and has to be removed. Don't rush into something. Make sure you've checked out the surgeons that the thorasic surgeon recommended and know what you're getting into before you dive in. You want the surgery to be successful and well done. Connie
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    contrail said:

    I agree with everyone's assessment that you should be glad the plastic surgeon backed off because she didn't feel she had enough experience with the LAT Flap. When you're dealing with something like reconstructive surgery, you want the best. I had a DIEP Flap surgery in December, and the plastic surgeon I had is one of only three who even do this kind of surgery in my area. It is a very delicate micro surgery where blood vessels, etc have to be connected to keep the flap viable, or it will die and has to be removed. Don't rush into something. Make sure you've checked out the surgeons that the thorasic surgeon recommended and know what you're getting into before you dive in. You want the surgery to be successful and well done. Connie

    I think it is best that your
    I think it is best that your surgeon was up front and honest in telling you. You will be a lot better off for it. You will find a plastic surgeon that can do it. Just hang in there.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Plastic Surgeons
    Be happy that the surgeon admitted to not having enough experience to do the Flap. Count your lucky stars!!!!

    Now, the Thorasic guy states that he knows 3 plastic surgeons who have plenty of experience. Find out the names of all three surgeons. Then look them up on the internet and view their bios and where they went to school. You also have the choice of interviewing all three of them before deciding which surgeon you would like to do your surgery. You also can ask to speak to the patients that they operated on.

    When you visit your plastic surgeons, have your questions written down and make 2 copies of your questions. Give one to the surgeon and one for you. Make sure that the surgeon answers each question. You can ask them how times they have done that particular surgery.

    Also, is there a particular reason why they want you to have the Lat Flap reconstruction, such as a medical reason for this specialized plastic surgery? There are various reconstructions for breast. Have you investigated any of them or does your particular situation only offer you the Lat Flap?

    I am happy to hear that you have three plastic surgeons to choose from.

    I have no knowledge/experience about bone mets so I can't advise you in this area. Maybe one of the other sisters can help you with this one.

    I also have a recurrence and I can relate to what you are feeling right now. They are only putting it off because the surgeon is not skilled enough to do the surgery.

    I wish I could wrap my arms around you to take away your nervousness - like in the movie The Green Mile. Wouldn't that be wonderful if such a healing power existed.

    Lots of Hugs and Lots of Love,

    What is your breast surgeon opinion?
    they usually work as a team: breast an plastic. Yes the major question for plastic:how many time have you done this procedure? How often do you perform this procedure. Do not be nervous about reconstruction if you have time research and schedule consultations at least with 2 out of 3. If you feel you need to move fast, move on and do delayed reconstruction.
    Good luck,
    New Flower