bowel obstructions

dorion Member Posts: 183
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Well always something and I'm getting so tired of all of it at times. The terrified feelings. But I wanted to know if anyone here has had bowel obstructions. If so what was the treatment. I've had this over a year now, rushed to the hospital 3 times because of the excrutiating pain. Now I have no pain and they want to hospitalize me. I won't go, why now? When I've had this for a year. And now I'm feeling my stomach area and there are lumps in a few places which as thrown me into another tail spin. I just want to wake up. I don't meant to scare anyone but this sure is getting scarey for me. Words please! Love to you all I pray you guys are in a much better head space than myself.



  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    I had a bowel obstruction.
    I had a bowel obstruction. Within 10 days of my diagnosis I found myself in the ER with a totally obstructed bowel. They kept me on liquids for 3 days (my doctor was out of town) but it never resolved itself. My debulking surgery was scheduled that same week and they took out 8-10 inches of my intestine. That cleared the obstruction. I had a tumor, metastasized from the primary tumor on my left ovary, and that was what was backing everything up.

    If you've had it a year, it must be a partial obstruction. Even so, I would think if it were going to resolve itself, it would have done so by now.

    Have you asked your doctor why he wants to hospitalize you? What treatment he is considering?

    I feel your pain, Linda. A bowel obstruction hurts like hell.

  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    another rock in the road
    Well damn, Linda, if it ain’t one thing it’s another. Have you been seeing some reverse chow, my dear? That would be a sign of small intestinal blockage, which is one of the nasty tricks this beast keeps up its sleeve. My mother has what seems to be intermittent onset of this syndrome. When it’s been bad, switching to a mostly liquid diet has kept us out of the ER. Giving the guts a break is your best strategy for staying at home.

    Vanilla instant breakfast could win a throwdown with some of the best vanilla shakes out there.

    Do you have some help there, sweetie? If not, call one of those many friends and fam who love you and say three little words. I need help.

    Your best and highest good is my unceasing prayer.
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    bowel obstruction
    Hi Linda,
    I developed two bowel obstructions about a year after my original surgery. They were from scar tissue. Mine became totally blocked and while my doc tried to avoid surgery it was inevitable. I was to the point of not even being able to keep water down. I did have three trips to thr ER before the critical phase and they were very poor at diagnosing it.
    My surgery was pretty rough and it took a long while to recover. Unfortunately, I form scar tissue, so it may happen again. The worst is that they put an NG tube from your nose through to your stomach while you are awake, not fun! This drains everything out.
    I don't quite understand why you would be hospitalized now. They can do a test(think I had a CT) and see if you do have an obstruction.
    It sounds as if you are missing a few pieces of the puzzle. I sincerely hope you get this figured out soon. With this disease, it just seems to be one thing after another.
    'Best to you, Froggy
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    froggy1 said:

    bowel obstruction
    Hi Linda,
    I developed two bowel obstructions about a year after my original surgery. They were from scar tissue. Mine became totally blocked and while my doc tried to avoid surgery it was inevitable. I was to the point of not even being able to keep water down. I did have three trips to thr ER before the critical phase and they were very poor at diagnosing it.
    My surgery was pretty rough and it took a long while to recover. Unfortunately, I form scar tissue, so it may happen again. The worst is that they put an NG tube from your nose through to your stomach while you are awake, not fun! This drains everything out.
    I don't quite understand why you would be hospitalized now. They can do a test(think I had a CT) and see if you do have an obstruction.
    It sounds as if you are missing a few pieces of the puzzle. I sincerely hope you get this figured out soon. With this disease, it just seems to be one thing after another.
    'Best to you, Froggy

    went down like this.......
    My beautiful Ladies
    Well here's how it all went down today. First of all besides the bowel obstruction, from the ct scan of my chest they found some fluid there. The oncologist says that it is more likely the cancer cells making fluid in my lungs. Well I've had this nasty cough for two weeks and I am (ashamedly so) a smoker. I've been smoking more than usual in these past weeks and also I've had in the past bronchitis, so I figured and I am still convinced this is what it is. So I ruled her theory out. I am trying desperately to cut down. So anyway she suggests an inhaler, which is what I had prescribed to me years ago with the bronchitis, great. So I leave there and go to the pharmacy that day (Tues) to have my other perscriptions filled and realized the dumb cow didn't write me RX for the puffer. Oh well I thought, I'll get it today. I'm also working with the clinical trail co-ordinator, I don't think she's a nurse at all and she (on Tues) sends me home with a container because she wanted me to collect all my urine the following day (Wed) and return it today. She calls me lastnight and asked if I would mind meeting with this other lady so that she can disuss with me volunteering to give extra blood and urnine samples when (or even if at this stage) I get into chemo with the clinical trail.
    I've been doing all these tests the last week to make sure I qualify. The reason for the urnine collection was to see how much protein is in my urnine. You'ld laugh if you seen what she sent me home with, it looked exactly like a gasoline canister, huge! Besides the point, so she tells me to just drop it off where I have my blood drawn and then come upstairs. On the way there I was thinking that I didn't see any type of label on the canister so how can I just drop it off, they wouldn't know who's this is. So I tell them at the blood clinic,she tells me to take it upstairs to Joy (clinical trail coordinator) and she'll put a label on it. I'm telling you this so you'll realize how dumb these people are. When I bring it up to her she tells me like I was suppose to know that they had the label in the computer, well how the hell was I suppose to know, she didn't tell me that. Anyway, that got done and I met with this other lady and that was that. In the meantime I told Joy that the doc on Tuesday hadn't given me my Rx for the puffer so she is trying to page this woman to no avail, so I asked about this doctor, no he wasn't in then I mentioned another doctor who I know is always and there and he knows my history. "Excellant point" she says to me, paged him, had success. Now she is walking me back downstairs to the gyny sounth clinic to get my RX and on the way down I happened to mention that my stomach had felt distended yesterday, but all in all I"m passing gas and had a small bowel movement in the morning so she says that she was going to check with this same doctor and ask for the results of the abdominal ct scan that wasn't available the morning of Tuesday. OK, now she goes in to speak with the oncologist, the more I think of it the more angry I get because understand she is only the clinical trail co-ordinator. She comes back out and tells me that there is red circling on the ct scan and I said "so, what does that mean" she tells me that it appears that I have a bowel obstruction and now he wants me to get an xray right away, did that and then when I come back it was HER that comes out and tells me that he wants me to be admitted to the hospital as soon as a bed becomes available. "Why?" I asked "I'm not sure" is her response. So anyway on my way home I started to think about this and thought, hang on a tick, I've had this damn bowel obstruction for a year now and no one ever suggested I'd be admitted and I know that this particular doctor gets all excited about bowel obstructions because he told me that is what he wants to specialize in. I knew that way back when when I had the internal stints put and the urologist told me that I would more likely die of kidney failure, when I told this guy when I first met him what the urologist said he said "oh no it be from a bowel obstruction" so way back then I had a feeling. So after this long long story, I paged her when I got home and told her that I am not going in the hospital until this doctor tells me himself why it is nessary. Imagine, important news like this and I'm being handed down this message by some clinical trial co ordinator, this should have been relayed to me by the doctor, if it was that damn important then they should have called me when they got the results in right there and then. I feel like she is a used car saleperson trying to sell me a lemon now. I feel like a total guiney pig for sure. Sorry for the long story but this will give you the total picture now I'm afriad to press "send" that this won't go on the board, now that would make me mad. Love you guys tons. Your response really helped. I've not vomited either just to let you know,so what's the big deal, right?
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    froggy1 said:

    bowel obstruction
    Hi Linda,
    I developed two bowel obstructions about a year after my original surgery. They were from scar tissue. Mine became totally blocked and while my doc tried to avoid surgery it was inevitable. I was to the point of not even being able to keep water down. I did have three trips to thr ER before the critical phase and they were very poor at diagnosing it.
    My surgery was pretty rough and it took a long while to recover. Unfortunately, I form scar tissue, so it may happen again. The worst is that they put an NG tube from your nose through to your stomach while you are awake, not fun! This drains everything out.
    I don't quite understand why you would be hospitalized now. They can do a test(think I had a CT) and see if you do have an obstruction.
    It sounds as if you are missing a few pieces of the puzzle. I sincerely hope you get this figured out soon. With this disease, it just seems to be one thing after another.
    'Best to you, Froggy

    Yes........they do a test
    I was in so much pain, I don't remember if it was an x-ray or a CT scan. But they admitted me as soon as the test confirmed a bowel obstruction.

    Froggy, you are so right about the NG tube. My first one was placed while I was in surgery, but they took it out before I had good bowel sounds. I started throwing up and they couldn't stop the vomiting, so they put the NG tube back down.

    If you have to have an NG tube, you want them to do it while you are "under".
  • Megan
    Good Morning,
    I might be over stepping my bounds,but everytime I see you post, I think about your daughter. I also have a 12 year old, but he is a boy. I do not know where you live or your marital status or if you have alot of family around, but if you ever need help with Megan, please let us know. If things get really bad and you need someone to help you with her, we would be willing to come get her or buy a plane ticket or whatever you may need. I was a Stage 2B. I am fine. I have been off of chemo since November and I am feeling fine. I just did not know if you were worried about taking care of her or if you had alot of family around or if you were married. I hope I am not stepping on your toes. I just could not stand the thought of you being worried about your daughter. I hope you don't get mad about me offering this kind of help. Thank-You, Paula
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183

    Good Morning,
    I might be over stepping my bounds,but everytime I see you post, I think about your daughter. I also have a 12 year old, but he is a boy. I do not know where you live or your marital status or if you have alot of family around, but if you ever need help with Megan, please let us know. If things get really bad and you need someone to help you with her, we would be willing to come get her or buy a plane ticket or whatever you may need. I was a Stage 2B. I am fine. I have been off of chemo since November and I am feeling fine. I just did not know if you were worried about taking care of her or if you had alot of family around or if you were married. I hope I am not stepping on your toes. I just could not stand the thought of you being worried about your daughter. I hope you don't get mad about me offering this kind of help. Thank-You, Paula

    Hello Ladies
    Sorry for the long **** message posted lastnight, I just wanted you guys to get the full picture. Paula, you sweet Lady, no my darling you are not stepping on my toes, gosh not at all. So very sweet of you to be concerned about my Meghan. I do have family but none willing to step up to the plate to take her. However I do have a neighbor/friend that lives down the street who has offered numerous times to help me out. This would be good so that Meg doesn't miss any more school than she already has. I couldn't get her to go for the longest while so January and December was pretty much shot. Come to find out the reason why she wanted to stick to me like glue was because I have a very sweet lady that comes and sees me about once a month or twice, depending on her schedule, she's from Childerns Aid. She acts as a support for me and someone for Meghan to confide in. Well Meghan told me that everytime she has these chats with Meghan, Sarah makes Meghan feel that my days are numbered and so leaving Meghan feeling like I could die any day. I'm livid! I only found this out a few days ago.
    Sarah is on holidays but when she gets back she'll be hearing from me big time. This is not her place to be talking to Meghan about such delicate matters, I feel that when the time comes Meghan will know. Meghan is very very smart and so she knows the seriousness of my disease, she also knows by my telling her that I am fighting this damn thing the best I can. So she does feel better. But yeah I'm really angry. As far as ct/xray that was all done, yesterday they did the xray. However as I mentioned I don't feel that it's nessary at the moment for me to be hospitalized. Still waiting for this clown (oncologist) to call me today. I want to know what there is I can do to avoid going into the hospital. And Hissy I feel that they should have taken care of this a year ago or even on one of my three trips to the ER in terms of surgery or addressing this obstruction. Now you got me scared (pardon the pun) shitless! Someone mentioned her about resting the bowels. What should I do?

    Anyway I really appreciate all your responses, every time I post an SOS I so look forward to your replies because I know it so put my mind at ease. Paula, please don't you ever think that you've over stepped your boundaries. We are sisters in this disease and I totally get where you are coming from.

    Love to all of you and I look forward to peeking in next time.

  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    dorion said:

    went down like this.......
    My beautiful Ladies
    Well here's how it all went down today. First of all besides the bowel obstruction, from the ct scan of my chest they found some fluid there. The oncologist says that it is more likely the cancer cells making fluid in my lungs. Well I've had this nasty cough for two weeks and I am (ashamedly so) a smoker. I've been smoking more than usual in these past weeks and also I've had in the past bronchitis, so I figured and I am still convinced this is what it is. So I ruled her theory out. I am trying desperately to cut down. So anyway she suggests an inhaler, which is what I had prescribed to me years ago with the bronchitis, great. So I leave there and go to the pharmacy that day (Tues) to have my other perscriptions filled and realized the dumb cow didn't write me RX for the puffer. Oh well I thought, I'll get it today. I'm also working with the clinical trail co-ordinator, I don't think she's a nurse at all and she (on Tues) sends me home with a container because she wanted me to collect all my urine the following day (Wed) and return it today. She calls me lastnight and asked if I would mind meeting with this other lady so that she can disuss with me volunteering to give extra blood and urnine samples when (or even if at this stage) I get into chemo with the clinical trail.
    I've been doing all these tests the last week to make sure I qualify. The reason for the urnine collection was to see how much protein is in my urnine. You'ld laugh if you seen what she sent me home with, it looked exactly like a gasoline canister, huge! Besides the point, so she tells me to just drop it off where I have my blood drawn and then come upstairs. On the way there I was thinking that I didn't see any type of label on the canister so how can I just drop it off, they wouldn't know who's this is. So I tell them at the blood clinic,she tells me to take it upstairs to Joy (clinical trail coordinator) and she'll put a label on it. I'm telling you this so you'll realize how dumb these people are. When I bring it up to her she tells me like I was suppose to know that they had the label in the computer, well how the hell was I suppose to know, she didn't tell me that. Anyway, that got done and I met with this other lady and that was that. In the meantime I told Joy that the doc on Tuesday hadn't given me my Rx for the puffer so she is trying to page this woman to no avail, so I asked about this doctor, no he wasn't in then I mentioned another doctor who I know is always and there and he knows my history. "Excellant point" she says to me, paged him, had success. Now she is walking me back downstairs to the gyny sounth clinic to get my RX and on the way down I happened to mention that my stomach had felt distended yesterday, but all in all I"m passing gas and had a small bowel movement in the morning so she says that she was going to check with this same doctor and ask for the results of the abdominal ct scan that wasn't available the morning of Tuesday. OK, now she goes in to speak with the oncologist, the more I think of it the more angry I get because understand she is only the clinical trail co-ordinator. She comes back out and tells me that there is red circling on the ct scan and I said "so, what does that mean" she tells me that it appears that I have a bowel obstruction and now he wants me to get an xray right away, did that and then when I come back it was HER that comes out and tells me that he wants me to be admitted to the hospital as soon as a bed becomes available. "Why?" I asked "I'm not sure" is her response. So anyway on my way home I started to think about this and thought, hang on a tick, I've had this damn bowel obstruction for a year now and no one ever suggested I'd be admitted and I know that this particular doctor gets all excited about bowel obstructions because he told me that is what he wants to specialize in. I knew that way back when when I had the internal stints put and the urologist told me that I would more likely die of kidney failure, when I told this guy when I first met him what the urologist said he said "oh no it be from a bowel obstruction" so way back then I had a feeling. So after this long long story, I paged her when I got home and told her that I am not going in the hospital until this doctor tells me himself why it is nessary. Imagine, important news like this and I'm being handed down this message by some clinical trial co ordinator, this should have been relayed to me by the doctor, if it was that damn important then they should have called me when they got the results in right there and then. I feel like she is a used car saleperson trying to sell me a lemon now. I feel like a total guiney pig for sure. Sorry for the long story but this will give you the total picture now I'm afriad to press "send" that this won't go on the board, now that would make me mad. Love you guys tons. Your response really helped. I've not vomited either just to let you know,so what's the big deal, right?

    Hi Linda,
    First of all, I am in awe of you that you can remember all those details and relate them back! What a rough time you have been through. You must be SO frustrated. I am so envious of some of the ladies on this board that appear to have the perfect, pay attention to all details doctor. I want to go where they are!
    I'm not sure what the "admit to hospital" criteria is for a bowel obstruction. Mine was so bad there was no choice. But my doctor still hoped it would resolve itself(some do) and tried for 5 days to get it working again before surgery. Perhaps that is their intent. In that case, they put you in the hospital with the dreaded NG tube and take you off all food.
    I do know that many times the doctors just tell "an underling" to pass on a message. I found that the only way to talk to a doctor in my practice is to call after hours and get the doc on call. They have always called me back! LOL I can certainly understand you wanting to hear it from your doc...I do have a fantastic chemo nurse, who I trust and if she gave me a message, I would listen. She has a direct pipeline to the doc and I think knows more than he does sometimes!
    I am SO hoping you get some satisfaction soon. Please keep us posted. Luv, Froggy
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    i had a bowel obstruction when I was first diagnosed in Sept 08. I too was hospitalized. My debulking surgery left me with a temporary illeostomy because of the bowel obstruction. I had my ostomy reversed in Feb. 09. Since then I've had many episdodes that mimic bowel obstuction. The pain was so severe I'd go to the ER. No obstuction was seen each of these times. What I've learned is once I start having those symptoms I have to stop eating and do a clear liquid diet. Slowly advance clear liquids as tolerated. Sometimes I'll go 3 to 4 days not eating solid food. This gives the bowels a rest and hopefully the obstruction will resolve itself. I find it hard to imagine having a true bowel obstruction for a year. Maybe you were having partial ones that resolved on their own?
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    dorion said:

    Hello Ladies
    Sorry for the long **** message posted lastnight, I just wanted you guys to get the full picture. Paula, you sweet Lady, no my darling you are not stepping on my toes, gosh not at all. So very sweet of you to be concerned about my Meghan. I do have family but none willing to step up to the plate to take her. However I do have a neighbor/friend that lives down the street who has offered numerous times to help me out. This would be good so that Meg doesn't miss any more school than she already has. I couldn't get her to go for the longest while so January and December was pretty much shot. Come to find out the reason why she wanted to stick to me like glue was because I have a very sweet lady that comes and sees me about once a month or twice, depending on her schedule, she's from Childerns Aid. She acts as a support for me and someone for Meghan to confide in. Well Meghan told me that everytime she has these chats with Meghan, Sarah makes Meghan feel that my days are numbered and so leaving Meghan feeling like I could die any day. I'm livid! I only found this out a few days ago.
    Sarah is on holidays but when she gets back she'll be hearing from me big time. This is not her place to be talking to Meghan about such delicate matters, I feel that when the time comes Meghan will know. Meghan is very very smart and so she knows the seriousness of my disease, she also knows by my telling her that I am fighting this damn thing the best I can. So she does feel better. But yeah I'm really angry. As far as ct/xray that was all done, yesterday they did the xray. However as I mentioned I don't feel that it's nessary at the moment for me to be hospitalized. Still waiting for this clown (oncologist) to call me today. I want to know what there is I can do to avoid going into the hospital. And Hissy I feel that they should have taken care of this a year ago or even on one of my three trips to the ER in terms of surgery or addressing this obstruction. Now you got me scared (pardon the pun) shitless! Someone mentioned her about resting the bowels. What should I do?

    Anyway I really appreciate all your responses, every time I post an SOS I so look forward to your replies because I know it so put my mind at ease. Paula, please don't you ever think that you've over stepped your boundaries. We are sisters in this disease and I totally get where you are coming from.

    Love to all of you and I look forward to peeking in next time.


    No wonder
    No wonder we haven't heard from you with all of the appointments you have had with this bowel problem. Mine is not obstruced yet but I sure learn for all you ladies in the meantime. I will see a colorectal surgeon on the 22 nd. to see what he thinks about my diverticulitis and mishappened colonI I hope you will have all of this resolved soon. Keep on fighting... Saundra
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    nancy591 said:

    i had a bowel obstruction when I was first diagnosed in Sept 08. I too was hospitalized. My debulking surgery left me with a temporary illeostomy because of the bowel obstruction. I had my ostomy reversed in Feb. 09. Since then I've had many episdodes that mimic bowel obstuction. The pain was so severe I'd go to the ER. No obstuction was seen each of these times. What I've learned is once I start having those symptoms I have to stop eating and do a clear liquid diet. Slowly advance clear liquids as tolerated. Sometimes I'll go 3 to 4 days not eating solid food. This gives the bowels a rest and hopefully the obstruction will resolve itself. I find it hard to imagine having a true bowel obstruction for a year. Maybe you were having partial ones that resolved on their own?

    hello again
    Well I still haven't heard from the hospital or doctor yet which I'm finding it a relief. I am so scared to death now about this whole thing. I guess Nancy, this bowel obstruction has come and gone I guess. As I mentioned I had three attacts I know exactly when they are coming on. But no one has ever suggested at any time about being hospitalized or surgery. I guess these three have resolved itself. But this one they see on the xray, I guess it's there and I do feel some distention but I hear lots of rumbling going on down there in my tummy and I'm also passing gas. I know these are the things they look for. I haven't had bm today, yet.
    As far as I'm concerned when all these things are in place I am assuming then that there isn't anything to be alarmed about. That's my point. I'm so afraid of going in, because I think they are going to leave me there for weeks like just before xmas. My daugher can't take much more of this. And I'm starting to panic but trying to keep busy all day to take my mind off of this. They are putting my clinical trail treatment on hold as well until this is resolved. So they really have me by the short and curly's.

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    nancy591 said:

    i had a bowel obstruction when I was first diagnosed in Sept 08. I too was hospitalized. My debulking surgery left me with a temporary illeostomy because of the bowel obstruction. I had my ostomy reversed in Feb. 09. Since then I've had many episdodes that mimic bowel obstuction. The pain was so severe I'd go to the ER. No obstuction was seen each of these times. What I've learned is once I start having those symptoms I have to stop eating and do a clear liquid diet. Slowly advance clear liquids as tolerated. Sometimes I'll go 3 to 4 days not eating solid food. This gives the bowels a rest and hopefully the obstruction will resolve itself. I find it hard to imagine having a true bowel obstruction for a year. Maybe you were having partial ones that resolved on their own?

    bowel obstructions
    I am pipping in with everyone as I have had theses too.. and more painful than birthing for me. I was hospitalized the first for 10 days then again for another 14 days, but was throwing up bile it was so bad. I know with just a regular xray they could see I had one and I have had a few partial obstructions since, I have the magnisium nitrate in the cupboard to drink if/when it starts to happen.

    Dorion saying prayers for all to move right along and no more hospital time away for you. But do know that if they do put you in it is because they are concerned and want the all clear sign. :-D Sorry couldn't resist the puns .. but seriously I am praying for to move on out.

    HUGS ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    I have not had a bowel obstruction yet, so don't have any words of advice. I do have some kidney problem (ureter is blocked) and had some very sharp pains a few weeks ago. I will get a stent put in Tuesday, if it will go in, so sure can relate to the fear you are experiencing. Just adding my warm thoughts and prayers for you today.
  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    Hi Linda
    Hello again everyone, Hi Linda,
    I have been away from here lately, but pop in occasionally to see how u r all doing.
    I had a major bowel obstruction 12 mths ago due to adhesions, spent two weeks in hospital on 'fluids only' before it resolved.
    It resolved on its own, after having 'gastrografin" drinks used in x-ray (a heavy, oily liquid that shows up on x-rays) apparently an oldfashioned , last option before surgery. Luckily for me it worked.For the first few days I couldn't even keep water down, and the pain was horrendous!
    I am writing this now because I am at present 'nursing' another bowel obstruction, been on liquids now two days, the pain is starting to settle, and I do feel better. My surgeon suggested this stategy to me, as the adhesions from my debulking, do cause this problem every now and then...but so far so good...avoided surgery :)
    Warning tho...once the vomiting starts u need medical help to avoid dehyration which can make the obstruction worse.
    Take care, I hope it sorts itself out for you ok, you are certainly in a difficult position...I too feel your pain!!
    lots of love Carolyn xx
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    softD said:

    Hi Linda
    Hello again everyone, Hi Linda,
    I have been away from here lately, but pop in occasionally to see how u r all doing.
    I had a major bowel obstruction 12 mths ago due to adhesions, spent two weeks in hospital on 'fluids only' before it resolved.
    It resolved on its own, after having 'gastrografin" drinks used in x-ray (a heavy, oily liquid that shows up on x-rays) apparently an oldfashioned , last option before surgery. Luckily for me it worked.For the first few days I couldn't even keep water down, and the pain was horrendous!
    I am writing this now because I am at present 'nursing' another bowel obstruction, been on liquids now two days, the pain is starting to settle, and I do feel better. My surgeon suggested this stategy to me, as the adhesions from my debulking, do cause this problem every now and then...but so far so good...avoided surgery :)
    Warning tho...once the vomiting starts u need medical help to avoid dehyration which can make the obstruction worse.
    Take care, I hope it sorts itself out for you ok, you are certainly in a difficult position...I too feel your pain!!
    lots of love Carolyn xx

    hi Carolyn
    As I posted "here's what they told me" I'm in the hospital now with this thing. My stomach is so distended it's not funny. I hate having to hear these doctors talk as they sound so doom and gloom. But as I mentioned in new thread, he told me that surgery is no longer an option for us with ovarian cancer, that they found it would cause more harm than good. Did you have distention in you tummy Carolyn? They now have me on meds so let's pray that this will work. For now I'm staying calm and collected and focused. More words of comfort are always welcomed, despertately welcomes. Love to you and I sure as heck hope you are feeling better.