It's been awhile...

christsj Member Posts: 17
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
I haven't been on this site for awhile. My Mother was diganosed with Lung cancer in both lungs, two different types of cancer and both stage one. She had CyberKnife done and was told in December that the tumors were shrinking and cells were dying. She has to have a PET scan at the end of February and then back to the CyberKnife docs to see if it's still there and slowed or gone.

CyberKnife wasn't bad for her (she is 83). They do a mold and also have you wear a top that's kinda like a deep sea diver outfit. It's very snug and you have to wear it each time. They sometimes have to seed the tumor so the cyberKnife can zero in on it but they said both of her tumors were where the cyberknife would find it so she didn't have to have that done. She had 4 treatments on one side and 4 on the other about three weeks apart. She didn't experience any side affects except bouts of tiredness which she still has but as I say we don't know if the cancer is still there or not so it could be the cancer or the COPD. It's not all the time. We have our fingers crossed! As for side affects the CyberKnife is the best...does it work? Don't know yet. Good Luck to you all!!


  • PBJ Austin
    PBJ Austin Member Posts: 347 Member
    Welcome back
    Hi Christsj, I remember how scared your mom was when they did the needle biopsy. That was scary for me too, in fact it was one of the scariest days of my life. She's a real trooper and it's good to hear she's handling her treatment well. Please do stay in touch and I'll keep prayers and good thoughts coming your way. :-)
  • christsj
    christsj Member Posts: 17

    Welcome back
    Hi Christsj, I remember how scared your mom was when they did the needle biopsy. That was scary for me too, in fact it was one of the scariest days of my life. She's a real trooper and it's good to hear she's handling her treatment well. Please do stay in touch and I'll keep prayers and good thoughts coming your way. :-)

    Hope things are going better
    Hope things are going better for you. We won't know for awhile if it worked or not. I'm not expecting a cure but I pray it slows it down until they find something else to slow it down or stop it. Thanks for the kind words, you are in my prayers. :)
  • cobra1122
    cobra1122 Member Posts: 244
    christsj said:

    Hope things are going better
    Hope things are going better for you. We won't know for awhile if it worked or not. I'm not expecting a cure but I pray it slows it down until they find something else to slow it down or stop it. Thanks for the kind words, you are in my prayers. :)

    Keep us updated
    With all the new advances in the fight against cancer, it is good to hear that this may be another useful tool against cancer.I am glad to hear that your mother is doing somewhat better, just keep the positive attitude and hold the strength together. Our hopes and prayers go out to you and your mom.
    I was also glad to see that you are not expecting things to be perfect( as we all dream of) you are being realistic and that is a truly good way to see things, we sometimes set ourselves up for a fall.
    But we will continue to follow up on you and your mom and keep you all in our prayers, even a slight improvment is a great thing, when I was given chemo as pallative care 2+yrs ago the only hope was it would buy me more time, and it has an then some. I have been given the chance to create some great memories for my family and my wonderful wife. We have weathered more than we ever dreamed anyone could, so keep the positive attitude and being realistic.

    Our Prayers and Best Wishes to Your Mom, You, Your Family and Everyone else,
    Dan (cobra1122) an Margi Harmon
  • PBJ Austin
    PBJ Austin Member Posts: 347 Member
    christsj said:

    Hope things are going better
    Hope things are going better for you. We won't know for awhile if it worked or not. I'm not expecting a cure but I pray it slows it down until they find something else to slow it down or stop it. Thanks for the kind words, you are in my prayers. :)

    Things are going MUCH better, thanks.
    I am feeling great!! After 3 biopsies and a PET scan they never could figure out what was wrong with me. Eventually I got so sick they removed my upper right lobe and found it was a really bad bacterial infection. I spent 7 days in the hospital and missed 5 weeks of work but I now feel like a million bucks. Thank you for your prayers, and of course you and everyone on this board are in mine.