Medical Records Vent

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Am I the only one or does this subject touch on others as well?
Mind you from the beginning of BC journey, I have gone to the SAME hospital for the tests, the port, Lumpectomy, more tests, etc...Yet EVERY time I have an appointment scheduled, they call to pre-register me asking alot of ?'s, then when I get there, they have me fill more papers out asking me more ?'s. Mostly all the same ones that have already been asked. The questions are usually ones that THEY have all the answers to! I realize things can change, granted, but all the medical history they keep asking me about is right there! Not to mention having to take a copy of my drivers license & insurance card every time also. (C'mon, I don't get a new drivers license or change my insurance daily, weekly, or even monthly). And yes, I do look alot different than the picture today because I don't have that hair anymore! I can't even begin to tell you how much time "I" have saved in this process by taking the advice of the the senior warriors here & getting copies of all my test results and taking them with me to new appointments. Having those copies has saved alot of time and hassle. Most of the time it was the only way I could know what was going on with me! For that, and so much more, I thank you!! I just basically fired my Onc. & General doc. and am now finally being "treated" at a Cancer Center closer to home. I have had to pick up alot of slack lately on the part of people not doing THEIR jobs! It's frustrating! I just can't help to see this as pure & simple ("WASTE")!!! Skyrocketing health care costs?! For what? Us doing their job and not getting paid for it? For all the copies they make, or for all the needless paperwork they have created duplicating all the information that should be right there in their computers? How about having treatment or results delayed because they need the paperwork? I'm sorry, but it really makes me mad!
Thanks for listening to me dump all that! I needed to get it out!
♥ Cathy


  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Vent all you want - You have a right to
    I am so sorry Cathy! What you went thru is not right. They do have all of that info there and shouldn't be asking it over and over again. And, why a driver's license? The only thing I get asked is if my medications have changed. You will love the cancer center. They treat us like we should be treated, with respect and compassion. Hope you like it!

    ♥ Noel
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    That sucks!
    They should not have to do that.

    You might try writing a letter to the hospital administrator to politely point out that their inefficiency probably costs the hospital money and certainly doesn't move you to recommend them to others.

    I haven't had that particular problem myself. The Cancer Center I've been going to had just put a new computerized record system in place about 4 months prior to my diagnosis. For the most part it works pretty well - my only problem has been in scheduling appointments which they still need to get some bugs out of.

    I think all of us want to feel like those that we're paying to take care of us are really taking care of us!

    Sis Cindy
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I'm so sorry you've


    I'm so sorry you've had to go thru all that. It's tough when you finally have to change Docs. Alot leads up to that decision, and none of it good. You are on your way to better care because you are in charge of it.

    Take care,

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Well, wen I was in the
    Well, when I was in the hospital which was OK, now for my Lumpectomy in July, my hernia in October, and then 3 more times. I think I must have told time my name and birthdate over 100 times. I'M serious! They ask it over and over again!

    EVEN when I got my meal trays!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    When they call to
    When they call to preregister me I just said I preferred to wait till I got there. I'm having a different problem. I've requested my records be sent to a follow-up doctor in another state and myself and they never send the treatment records. Just the follow-up records. So the follow-up docs just go by what I tell them. Always get copies of all treatments and visits so you don't have to go through this. I didn't.
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    It makes no sense for them
    It makes no sense for them to have us fill out paperwork over and over! It should all be in the computer, and if the system works, they should be able to get through it really fast with each patient. At the hospital where I work, they do have to go through registration and history items with each patient because if there are changes, and we don't ask, there could be legal problems and safety issues, but it should take minutes. Medical record...that's a whole other headache!!!! Good for you, for taking charge of keeping copies of all your records!
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    lost records
    From the very beginning ('abnormal mamtmogram') my records have not been where they should be, in the hands of those who should have them, WHEN they should be there. It drove me so nuts that the intake person at the imaging center took it upon herself to distract me and calm me down while I waited for the delivery person, who had 'forgotten' to drop them off, to revisit the office. My surgeon did not have my films on the day of my surgery so she had to take her own (=s more radiation to my poor breast)! So now I have multiple copies of all reports and results and ALL my films in MY hands. I take them to every doctor appointment. They have saved me untold trouble at least 4 times, when various docs did not have the info they should have. Nobody communicates with anybody else, apparently, even though I write all docs' names on forms I fill out.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    crselby said:

    lost records
    From the very beginning ('abnormal mamtmogram') my records have not been where they should be, in the hands of those who should have them, WHEN they should be there. It drove me so nuts that the intake person at the imaging center took it upon herself to distract me and calm me down while I waited for the delivery person, who had 'forgotten' to drop them off, to revisit the office. My surgeon did not have my films on the day of my surgery so she had to take her own (=s more radiation to my poor breast)! So now I have multiple copies of all reports and results and ALL my films in MY hands. I take them to every doctor appointment. They have saved me untold trouble at least 4 times, when various docs did not have the info they should have. Nobody communicates with anybody else, apparently, even though I write all docs' names on forms I fill out.

    I wanted to also tell
    I wanted to also tell everyone that at my cancer center, they give me free cd copies of all of my tests, my MRI, CAT scans and bone scans to keep for my own records. They are interesting to look at even though I don't know what I am really seeing. I don't have to take them with me as they are already in my records and any doctor at the cancer center can bring them up or anyone affiliated with the cancer center which is a major hospital that I go to also. They might not tell you that you can get copies of your tests, but, I am sure that you can. So, ask if you want them.

    Sue :)
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Ritzy said:

    I wanted to also tell
    I wanted to also tell everyone that at my cancer center, they give me free cd copies of all of my tests, my MRI, CAT scans and bone scans to keep for my own records. They are interesting to look at even though I don't know what I am really seeing. I don't have to take them with me as they are already in my records and any doctor at the cancer center can bring them up or anyone affiliated with the cancer center which is a major hospital that I go to also. They might not tell you that you can get copies of your tests, but, I am sure that you can. So, ask if you want them.

    Sue :)

    I agree with Sue,
    I have copies of every biopsy, path report, blood test, mammorgram and ultra sound report since I began this journey in July 09. My surgeon and onc just automaticaly give me a copy before I can ask for it. Both docs spend a lot of time going over these reports line by line. I raced ahead of my surgeon on one biopsy and read on the second page I was a Triple Negative.

    I don't mind being asked the same questions, although I don't have to pull out my ins. card in the hospital cause they have it on record. But the Driver's License is a must to prevent insurance fraud and someone getting treated using your insurance. I am happy the doc pulls out his steril marker and initials the area to be operated wrong breast being removed. I am happy in pre-op I was asked my name by everyone giving me drugs..don't want some one else's that could give me a bad reaction. Same with food trays, go ahead and ask away, what if I have food allergies and I'm given the wrong tray? I'm pretty sure much of this is to protect themselves against lawsuits but in turn in protects me too.

    It's frustating and miserable for us because we are scared of the procedures, afraid of possible more pain and hate having this horrible disease and having to put our lives on hold for a while plus all the other aggrevation we go thru and then we have to put with some clown asking the same stuff over and over. I hate just having to go thru all of this I am trying to cope and understand why it's done. Grrrrrrrr.

    Hope it get's better for you and will soon be over.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    sorry you have these issues
    and hope the new center will be better.
    I was asked about insurance in January as so mnay change the 1st of the year (I did)
    thanks for the advice about asking for records I will do that. I had 1 issue with being told that I had to get my mammos, crap I said, you had them, called my onco and he took care of that.
    All my info is on the pc, every Dr, it is awesome, esp w/heart issueseven my meds, hen asked, isay check my file for jan 3oth under dr Smith, they were updated then.
    Yes I am asked my DOB for everything including food trays but it is important that everything is checked 2x and 3x do that it goes to who it is for.
    The one time, I ws not asked before a heart proc, the RN was about to give me aspirin, when I said no,she persisted that I had to have it,when told to call my onco or approval,she backed off(one of my drugs interacts poorly w/aspirin, Onco had said "UNLESS THEY JUMP UP & DOWN NO ASPIRIN!" I am also on coumadin, dope, no aspirin, my blood gets any thinner I'll be leaking. So obv this facility did not read all my charts. They are all clearly noted as files, MEDS, Allergies etc.
    good luck