Emla Cream

JanInMN Member Posts: 149
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So port insertion went well, but it is still sore. Has anyone used the Emla cream, and if so, will that really help when I start chemo on Wednesday? The thought of anyone going near my port with a needle right now does not make me happy! :-)


  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    I just got some today for my 2nd treatment on Feb.12. My first treatment was on Jan. 18 and I did not enjoy that stick and said I would ask my dr about a numbing creme. So, it seems you will use it before me, so I'll be wondering how you like it. I was told to use it 2 hours before my treatment. I am so glad you have it now for your first treatment, because my port was put in on a Thur. and the next Monday I started treatment and I could have screamed when they stuck me!
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    rene9 said:

    I just got some today for my 2nd treatment on Feb.12. My first treatment was on Jan. 18 and I did not enjoy that stick and said I would ask my dr about a numbing creme. So, it seems you will use it before me, so I'll be wondering how you like it. I was told to use it 2 hours before my treatment. I am so glad you have it now for your first treatment, because my port was put in on a Thur. and the next Monday I started treatment and I could have screamed when they stuck me!

    Numbing cream
    works WONDERFUL! The port did not bother me for the first 3 times but after that it was sore, so I asked for some numbing cream and I apply it about 2 hours before my chemo... NO PAIN at all! It's wonderful! Might as well baby ourselves in any way we can. We have so much that we can't do anything about, it's nice to have something we can do to help.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Jan & Rene
    Glad to hear you both made it through the port placement pretty well. Believe it or not, you will forget it's there, so no sudden movements! It will be sore at first, but then you don't even think about it until they use it or you see it.
    Emla Cream-(or Lidocaine). I unfortunately didn't have it on the first round. The stick isn't so bad, it's just a different feeling than being shot in the arm. Second time I thought I went prepared, I put it on & covered it with a bandaid, but it wore off by the time I got there. So, that is one of the things NOT to do! The nurse recommended covering it with cellophane for the next Chemo treatment. I haven't tried it that way yet. All in all-Yes, it does numb it and it will help!
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Jan & Rene
    Glad to hear you both made it through the port placement pretty well. Believe it or not, you will forget it's there, so no sudden movements! It will be sore at first, but then you don't even think about it until they use it or you see it.
    Emla Cream-(or Lidocaine). I unfortunately didn't have it on the first round. The stick isn't so bad, it's just a different feeling than being shot in the arm. Second time I thought I went prepared, I put it on & covered it with a bandaid, but it wore off by the time I got there. So, that is one of the things NOT to do! The nurse recommended covering it with cellophane for the next Chemo treatment. I haven't tried it that way yet. All in all-Yes, it does numb it and it will help!

    Emla is great!
    You put a huge blob right on top of the port and then cut a small piece of Saran Wrap, just so it covers the port and then tape it down on all 4 sides with non-stick cloth tape and hour before your appt. It works like a charm! No pain of the needle stick at all. If you make the Saran Wrap too big the Emla (or the generic) will slide off and you won't get the desired numbness. n The first time we had too big of a piece of the Saran Wrap and it slid off and I felt the needle. It wasn't horriable, not like trying to find a vein, but why feel anything if you don't have too. We go thru enough.

    Yes, after a few days you will not even know the port is there. I have no veins and plan on keeping the port as long as I can...I've got port flushes scheduled thru Sept and then will continue from there.

    Good luck with your port, I know you will love it. Get the Emla!

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    The CCI I went to for Chemo
    The CCI I went to for Chemo used numbing spray that worked GREAT. Never had any pain from it being inserted. The only time I had any pain was when the hospital used my port for the last CT scan and they didn't have any of the numbing spray.
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    numbing cream
    I don't use any numbing cream i have had my port in since nov09 at first i was a little sore but now i don't pay it any mind, i have chemo treatment every Monday and when they get ready to use my post i just take a deep breath and do the same thing when they take it out and i have not felt anything, I have very bad veins and love my port...lol..i have had to get blood also and they use the port and didn't feel anything then...girl power
  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Press and Seal Wrap
    I used lidocaine creme on my port through all eight chemo treatments and it worked great. It definately took the fear out of the poke when they hooked it up for the infusion. It took about 90 minutes to make sure it was working before my appointment.

    The nurses in the blood clinic recommended using Glad Press and Seal. It's the plastic wrap that seals to itself or to a dish. It also sticks to your skin. I would put on the cream and then cover it with a small square of press and seal. Worked like a charm and it peels off easily so it didn't irritate the skin.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Cream works really
    Cream works really well....you have to have it on for over an hour though...they told me an hour before the appointment and that just wasn't long enough, I tried an hour and fifteen minutes and that worked perfect. I too was told to use the glad press and seal, it works great, just put the cream on and cut off a square of it and seal it up, great stuff!! Good luck with your port, they work wonderful and as stated, before you know it, you don't even know it's there.
    God Bless,
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I have used the cream my
    I have used the cream my last two treatments. Like Lorraine, my first two were fine and I didn't feel a thing, then my third time it hurt and it bothered me the entire time it was in. Personally, I think it was the nurse I had, as I've witnessed her hurting other patients. Not wanting to take the chance, I asked my doctor to prescribe the cream. My treatments are scheduled for 8am, so I put it on when I get up @ 6, put a regular bandaid on and I haven't felt a thing, although I haven't gotten that same nurse ever since, lol.

    I felt discomfort in the beginning for just a couple days and now, like most, don't even know it's there. Except one day I bumped it and I saw stars! The pain quickly subsided, but wow, that surprised me.

    I used to see posts about 'last treatments' and I wished I was already through it like them. My last is this Thursday and I can't believe how fast it went! You'll be giving the same advice in no time... you'll see :)

    Wishing you the best in all your treatments.

    Hugs ~ Mar
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    mickeymom said:

    Press and Seal Wrap
    I used lidocaine creme on my port through all eight chemo treatments and it worked great. It definately took the fear out of the poke when they hooked it up for the infusion. It took about 90 minutes to make sure it was working before my appointment.

    The nurses in the blood clinic recommended using Glad Press and Seal. It's the plastic wrap that seals to itself or to a dish. It also sticks to your skin. I would put on the cream and then cover it with a small square of press and seal. Worked like a charm and it peels off easily so it didn't irritate the skin.

    Wow, there are so many
    Wow, there are so many things they don't tell you at the dr.'s office. I'm off to buy Glad Press and Seal! Thanks everyone!
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Marlene_K said:

    I have used the cream my
    I have used the cream my last two treatments. Like Lorraine, my first two were fine and I didn't feel a thing, then my third time it hurt and it bothered me the entire time it was in. Personally, I think it was the nurse I had, as I've witnessed her hurting other patients. Not wanting to take the chance, I asked my doctor to prescribe the cream. My treatments are scheduled for 8am, so I put it on when I get up @ 6, put a regular bandaid on and I haven't felt a thing, although I haven't gotten that same nurse ever since, lol.

    I felt discomfort in the beginning for just a couple days and now, like most, don't even know it's there. Except one day I bumped it and I saw stars! The pain quickly subsided, but wow, that surprised me.

    I used to see posts about 'last treatments' and I wished I was already through it like them. My last is this Thursday and I can't believe how fast it went! You'll be giving the same advice in no time... you'll see :)

    Wishing you the best in all your treatments.

    Hugs ~ Mar

    So glad you are almost done!
    So glad you are almost done! It does seem like a long way off for me right now, but I'm trying so hard to keep a good attitude. I guess that is not possible all the time, but I love the encouragement I get here :).
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    JanInMN said:

    So glad you are almost done!
    So glad you are almost done! It does seem like a long way off for me right now, but I'm trying so hard to keep a good attitude. I guess that is not possible all the time, but I love the encouragement I get here :).

    Emla works!
    Just had my 2nd of 6th treatment yesterday and the Emla cream worked great even though I put it on 9:20am and was inserted at about 11:50am!!! My appt. was at 10:30-

  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    rene9 said:

    Emla works!
    Just had my 2nd of 6th treatment yesterday and the Emla cream worked great even though I put it on 9:20am and was inserted at about 11:50am!!! My appt. was at 10:30-


    I'm now a fan!
    no pain either time I've used it! :-)
  • dog_lover
    dog_lover Member Posts: 8
    EMLA Cream
    Hi, I have a port also and my dr prescribed the Emla cream before the first needle poke to my port. It works great! I'm such a weeney that I even put it on my inner elbow before my blood labwork too. Now I don't even feel that needle stick. The people at the labs aren't certified to use the port. I wish that they had this 13 years ago when I had my first mastectomy and chemo. I didn't have a port then either.

    I love this discussion board and all of the ladies!
    Thank you for all of the good information.