chest pain

iluvmms Member Posts: 134 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Has anyone had asthma like symptoms, i have never had asthma but i feel like there is a truck on my chest at times and pain in chest. It seems worse after contrast with scans. maybe it is my imagination. blood work was all good and cea is still only 2. i wonder if the theraspheres got to my lungs as well, i don't know just throwing out ideas. i am miseralbe!!!


  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    chest pains
    I can't have the dye the put into the vains to do the test because I am allergic to it and it will give me heart attack like symptons maybe you are the same way ...
  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    A big problem of mine
    But I think probably different than what you are experiencing? I don't know what chemo regime you are on, or what shots or other issues might be at play.

    Right now I have bad chest pain - from two sources. It is a side-effect for some people to get chest pain from 5-FU. (I've had a recent CT to rule out more trouble with PE's and an echocardiogram to rule out heart damage, so I'm not worried about my chest pain anymore.)

    For right now, I had Neupogen shots Friday and Saturday. The pain can get pretty strong as the sternum is busy making all those new neutrophils after those shots. This will let up a little more tomorrow for me (from past experience).

    I also have chest/neck pain from oxaliplatin. It was a lot less this cycle with a new desensitization we tried.

    I did have another source of bad chest pain - I had a PE. Chest pain is NOT something to take lightly. Talk to your oncologist and let them know about your troubles. Blod clots can and do happen on chemo. Heart damage, while rare, can and does happen. It might simply be somthing you just have to suck up and endure (like I do now), but first you really need to make sure nothing serious is causing it.

    Especially if your pain gets worse on exertion, you need it checked out.