Mammo saved my breast & my kidney!

jbryant Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Breast and Kidney cancer at the same time!!! I went in for a routine mammo and they discovered a few small calcifications (cell level- stage 3 cancer) They then recommended a CT of the chest. I told them I was having some colon discomfort, so they ordered a CT of the chest and the abdomen. The colon came out fine- just too much rich food at Christmas time. Fortunately for me a 2 inch grade 1 tumor was found on my right kidney. I had DiVinci robotic assisted partial removel of my right kidney 10 days ago. Three days ago I had a lumpectomy of my right breast.

If you can have the DiVinci surgery for kidney surgery, I would whole heartly recommend it. I had the kidney procedure at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, just outside Chicago. Great hospital and nurses! Half the struggle with kidney surgery is the pain control and they were wonderful.I now have four small holes in my abdomen.

I had the breast surgery at Adventist LaGrange Hospital. Again great care. Two small incisions- one under the arm and the other across the top of the breast. The physician does not put drain tubes in. She has found that the empty space fills with fluid and then scar tissue develops. I will not have a depression in the breast!

I have 6 weeks of radiation for the breast as my next adventure.

My kidney surgery did not come back with clear margins. So I'm looking into follow up care and treatment for that.

One step at a time!

I'm going back to work in two days!


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    It's a good thing they
    It's a good thing they caught it all early. It's have the battle when you trust in your medical team. Good luck with treatment.
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    You have been through so
    You have been through so much. Take time to heal, emothionally and physically, and take good care of yourself. Let us hold your hand through this journey. The pink sisters and men on this board have given me so much courage and strength to face each step. Marilyn