An Open Letter...



  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731

    Fellow CSN Members:

    Many post here about the sense of family that pervades our site. Some of today’s posts, however, belie that description.

    I have reread my post (at the top of this thread) again and again to determine my level of culpability in this disaster of a day.

    I believe I did the honest and honorable thing by posting my concerns. I believe that I wrote a cogent and respectful dissent about what I believe to be a divisive issue relating to our board. A number of people have posted their similar concerns, so apparently I am not alone in my thoughts.

    I don’t believe I was rude. I didn’t call anyone names, nor did I call for censorship as some have claimed. Free speech is, I think, a two-way street allowing for both the expression of ideas and the criticism of those ideas and/or their effect on the larger community in a given setting.

    As a caregiver facing serious issues with my husband’s health, I made it very clear in my post that I need this board. Now, in at least one post, it has been suggested that I leave.

    Families don’t always agree or get along; I know that. But, to be very honest with you, I had hoped that our forum “family” was more like the Huxtables than the Osbournes.


    "Free speech is, I think, a
    "Free speech is, I think, a two-way street allowing for both the expression of ideas and the criticism of those ideas and/or their effect on the larger community in a given setting."

    I agree. So let us not make rules to prevent such criticism. If some want to post prayers or religious ideas, let them. If others want to criticize those religious expressions, let them. I'm happy to know that I misinterpreted what you said before that seemed to rule out such posts.

  • John23 said:

    spongebob - et al

    I don't like being singled out

    Perhaps some sort of inner rage caused you to miss my point,
    or perhaps I just did not get my point across properly?

    The comment "YOU (the anti-religious people)", -really- bothered me.

    This is exactly what was annoying some of us here... it's that
    feeling that gets sent, that unless you accept open prayer sessions
    and "join in praying", you are less than religious, or lack moral fiber.

    Some of us are quietly religious, some disregard religion, and some
    very religious; it isn't anyone's business but our own, what we believe in,
    if anything at all.

    I doubt you've ever heard anyone complain about the simple closing
    of a comment, with the words: "You're in my prayers".

    What we do see, are complete threads not of offering help with or
    from "experiences" of the posters, but simple "I'll say a prayer" statements.

    I may be privately saying a prayer, but that's not of concern. If I
    have nothing more to offer than a prayer, I'll do it here, behind my
    laptop, not shout it from the rooftop.

    And why would that be important? Because I don't feel it necessary
    to impose my need to say a prayer on anyone that does not subscribe
    to my beliefs.

    "I'll do a chant". "I'll get into my favorite Yoga position for you"...
    Does it really matter?

    No-one that's said anything here, including myself, has said that
    a simple "you're in my prayers" at the closing of a comment is a "bad thing",
    or unacceptable.

    What -was- said (if time is actually taken to read), is that complete
    threads consisting of nothing but: "you are in our prayers", is uncalled for.
    It will appear to any new reader, that this is some sort of a religious
    forum for people of some particular religious belief.

    It isn't, and it never should become that. And those that are "complaining",
    aren't "complaining", they are just stating what they feel should not
    be taking place in such a predominant manner.

    I'm sorry if that can't be understood better.

    We are all here due to cancer. We all would like to go the right path to
    stay alive. And we all need the input and experiences of others that are
    doing battle with the same affliction.

    I actually pray that you will understand that.


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  • papajedi
    papajedi Member Posts: 110
    PGLGreg said:

    "Free speech is, I think, a
    "Free speech is, I think, a two-way street allowing for both the expression of ideas and the criticism of those ideas and/or their effect on the larger community in a given setting."

    I agree. So let us not make rules to prevent such criticism. If some want to post prayers or religious ideas, let them. If others want to criticize those religious expressions, let them. I'm happy to know that I misinterpreted what you said before that seemed to rule out such posts.


    I think a "disaster of the day" is quite.....dramatic. Now Haiti THAT's a disaster.