Stage IV Breast Cancer

Golden Eyes
Golden Eyes Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

I am a 3 time cancer survivor.. I am stage IV..My last bout with cancer was in 2007 when it spread to my left lung...In the last few months. Ihave been having pain in my neck.. shoulders.. upper back. Each time I had was negative...I just had my yearly checkup.. with PET SCAN and it showed two HOT SPOTS on my Cervical Spine.. Soooo.. I was sent for MRI.. That also showed.. two spots...and also.. a lesion on the right side of my neck. I have been having NON stop pain.. aches.. soreness on the right side for months..shooting pain once in while down my arms and to my fingers.. with tingling sensations..My onc.said it COULD be mets to bones... But. the radiologist that read my scan.. said I have Degenerative Disc Disease and I have two OLD fractures.. (the hot spots)..The two hot spots.. were in the C 2- C-3 I beleive..Then I was sent to a Cervical Spine Specialist..HE said.. There IS a lesion on my neck.. that COULD be.. Mets to my neck.. COULD be.. But he wants me to try Steroids.. to see if that works. if swelling goes down first...Medrol? I beleive is the name.. IF I am still having pain and the swelling doesnt go down.. Then its most likely METS to neck...My question.. is.. I am very confused...If Scan picked up HOT spots..on my spine.. saying I have fractures there...OLD ones... WOuld that not be Bone Cancer?.. Surgeon told me..If they were fractures.. I would have Felt it.. I never did.. I dont know what to think now.. Is it cancer that srpead to my bones? Did it spread to my neck? Is it ONLY old fractures?., I just started the Steroids yesterday..I have to take them for 6 days.. then see my Onc...If anyone has gone through this.. Please...respond

Thank you

Golden Eyes


  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    I'm so sorry you're going through this!
    I wonder why they can't tell conclusively. Is it because it's bone involvement? It seems like valuable time is being wasted trying to determine what the heck it is.
    I will pray for the steroids to work! Are you feeling any less pain yet? My sister went through this when hers came back, but they determined right away that it was cancer.
    God bless,
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Mama G said:

    I'm so sorry you're going through this!
    I wonder why they can't tell conclusively. Is it because it's bone involvement? It seems like valuable time is being wasted trying to determine what the heck it is.
    I will pray for the steroids to work! Are you feeling any less pain yet? My sister went through this when hers came back, but they determined right away that it was cancer.
    God bless,

    I am sorry for recurrence
    We have several members here who have had similar diagnosis and in remission now. I am sure they will get in touch with yo.
    Please be positive, there are new good medications which are working. It is treatable and we will pray for you.
    New Flower
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    I am sorry for recurrence
    We have several members here who have had similar diagnosis and in remission now. I am sure they will get in touch with yo.
    Please be positive, there are new good medications which are working. It is treatable and we will pray for you.
    New Flower

    When i was diagnosed with bc
    When i was diagnosed with bc in july 2008 i had mets to t-10, which i believe is by the ribs. And this is wierd, because it sounds like your story, i had a spot on my neck which they said is arthritis. Now, i have been having pain in my back, neck and shoulder, like you. i just had a bone scan which showed the same 2 spots, nothing new. My oncologist is concerned, so more tests. I do get monthly treatments of Zometa. There are about 4 of us with bone mets, and i know this is treatable. My concern right now is that i work on the computer all day and it is affecting me, since i am so achy. I will put this in my favorites, as soon as i get more results i will let you know. Take care.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    So Sorry
    So sorry to hear of your recurrence. Like some of the ladies have mentioned, it is treatable. We are all here for you.

  • Golden Eyes
    Golden Eyes Member Posts: 7
    Mama G said:

    I'm so sorry you're going through this!
    I wonder why they can't tell conclusively. Is it because it's bone involvement? It seems like valuable time is being wasted trying to determine what the heck it is.
    I will pray for the steroids to work! Are you feeling any less pain yet? My sister went through this when hers came back, but they determined right away that it was cancer.
    God bless,

    Hi Mama G
    Thanks for the

    Hi Mama G

    Thanks for the reply..I dont know why they cant tell.. Maybe they want to see IF the steroids work first? I still have the pain.. it hasnt stopped...I also think its wasting time..They also want me to go for Physical Therapy for my neck and shoulder.. When the Dr.. (Surgeon) moved my neck around.. and my shoulder.. I almost fell off the exam table. My husband heard my bones crack when the Dr tried to push my arms back..How can they determine if its Cancer or something else? ON the Pet Scan.. it showed two hot spots and on the MRI..You can clearly see a lump or lesion.. whatever you want to call it.. on the right side of my neck. I saw it myself.. I have copies of all the scans and reports.. I have everything that I had done for the last 7 1/2 yrs lol...Thank you again for responding so fast.. I will Let you know when I know more
  • Golden Eyes
    Golden Eyes Member Posts: 7
    aztec45 said:

    So Sorry
    So sorry to hear of your recurrence. Like some of the ladies have mentioned, it is treatable. We are all here for you.


    Thank you so much aztec...

    Thank you so much aztec...
  • Golden Eyes
    Golden Eyes Member Posts: 7
    meena1 said:

    When i was diagnosed with bc
    When i was diagnosed with bc in july 2008 i had mets to t-10, which i believe is by the ribs. And this is wierd, because it sounds like your story, i had a spot on my neck which they said is arthritis. Now, i have been having pain in my back, neck and shoulder, like you. i just had a bone scan which showed the same 2 spots, nothing new. My oncologist is concerned, so more tests. I do get monthly treatments of Zometa. There are about 4 of us with bone mets, and i know this is treatable. My concern right now is that i work on the computer all day and it is affecting me, since i am so achy. I will put this in my favorites, as soon as i get more results i will let you know. Take care.

    Hi meena
    Is the spot on your

    Hi meena

    Is the spot on your neck.. a lesion? does it feel swollen and sore and achy too? How do they know if its arthritis or if its cancer? Do you know what other tests thay can do..besides the scans?...I have had so much done in the last 7 1/2 yrs.. scans bloodwork..biopsies.. et etc..Thinking of you.. let me know how you do hon
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    Thank you so much aztec...

    Thank you so much aztec...

    The uncertainty is terrible.
    Hi Golden Eyes,

    Are you on arimidex? If so, that can cause lots of joint, back and neck pain. My scans showed things I never knew I had. Some of the damage could have gone back to childhood. I had a dislocation of my collar bone that I don't remember as well as several hot spots which they believe are arthritis. Until they started me on arimidex these areas did not cause pain. Now they do. My left hip has a hot spot which they think is either arthritis or osteopenia. Big difference! I guess the bone scans aren't conclusive. My onc said that arimidex usually effects the small joints but if you have an arthritic joint, it will may hurt more. No kidding!

    I hope it is not mets, but if it is there are lots of women who are doing well in spite of them. One day at a time. Easier said than done. God bless.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Getting an Answer
    Hi Golden Eyes,

    I have had two bouts with cancer and just had a CT scan, PET Scan and ECHO Cardiogram and PFT test. I had been having pain in my chest and left side (mind you I just finished chemo on 1/6/10). I had two hot spots on the PET scan and the CT scan didn't really show anything. They may still have me get an MRI. I read the actual report and it says they are most likely bone mets. The Oncologist said they are not sure if they are bone mets, but when I went to my thoracic surgeon for a follow up he was great and said you know they can biopsy it but 1+1 usually equals 2 so lets get you on radiation therapy to releive the pain and he made some calls for me. I go back to see my oncologist on Feb 11. I'm doing hormone therapy but want to see if we can just do the radiation without the biopsy. I'm sick of being poked and prodded. I think it's hard to tell with bone mets because it's hard to biopsy a bone as compared to tissue. The thoracic surgeon told me how they do it and it doesn't sound very fun. Can you have radiation? If so you may want to inquire about it as I heard it can help eleviate pain and the actual met in some cases.
  • Golden Eyes
    Golden Eyes Member Posts: 7
    roseann4 said:

    The uncertainty is terrible.
    Hi Golden Eyes,

    Are you on arimidex? If so, that can cause lots of joint, back and neck pain. My scans showed things I never knew I had. Some of the damage could have gone back to childhood. I had a dislocation of my collar bone that I don't remember as well as several hot spots which they believe are arthritis. Until they started me on arimidex these areas did not cause pain. Now they do. My left hip has a hot spot which they think is either arthritis or osteopenia. Big difference! I guess the bone scans aren't conclusive. My onc said that arimidex usually effects the small joints but if you have an arthritic joint, it will may hurt more. No kidding!

    I hope it is not mets, but if it is there are lots of women who are doing well in spite of them. One day at a time. Easier said than done. God bless.


    Hi roseann4
    I am not on any

    Hi roseann4

    I am not on any medication now.. Just the Steroid.. Medron? I dont know what they will go by. .The Radiologist Report.. who said.. Fracture on my spine. .or the Onc.. who THINKS it could be cancer again.. OR the S pine Surgeon.. who said.. Possible mets to my neck..The waiting is horrible...Either way... whateve THIS is..I have been fighting for the last 7 1/2 yrs with cancer. .I can do it again... I am one stubborn woman lol...Wishing you Ladies all the best in your fight to beat this disease

    Thank you for your replies
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Old Fractures...........
    Yes, it is possible to have had a fracture and not know cousin had a bone density scan last showed and OLD fracture of her hip........she had no clue she had ever had a fracture.......she had had some hip pain years past and most likely that was when she had the fracture but was unaware of it until the bone scan........

    I am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this.....
    You have my best wishes
    Peace Be With You