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  • changmi
    changmi Member Posts: 8
    Hi Jan! I was diagnosed also
    Hi Jan! I was diagnosed also on 12/3/2009 and I'm taking the same cocktail as you. I did my 1st treatment without a port because I wanted to start the process asap. I just had my port put in on Jan 20th and my 2nd chemo treatment is scheduled for tomorrow. I was also very anxious about the sedation for my port insertion surgery. They gave me a twilight anesthesia and told me that I may be awake, doze off/on or be out for the entire duration of the surgery. I was in the last category and was out for the entire thing. I woke up and said "is it in?" and was told yes! I just started losing my hair. You try to prepare for it, cause you know it is coming but it is difficult to see when it happens. My scalp is a little sore (like when you wear a ponytail for too long). People tell me if you shave your head it will go away, but I just can't do that. At this time, I'm not doing wigs but I have some really cute hats! Best of luck to you!

    PS: A tip for caring for your port wound. My surgeon recommended not getting my would wet for 7 days. When the nurse told me that I should not take a shower for 7 days, I looked at her like are you nuts! Anyhow the nurse gave me a great suggestion, Press & Seal Glad Plastic Wrap. :o)
  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    This too shall pass.
    It's all overwhelming at first, especially when you feel forced to make huge decisions in a very short time and events just keep coming without pause! Hang in there!

    Conscious sedation can be very conscious or really out of it, depending upon the dr. When I had my chemo port installed, I had "conscious" sedation from which I remember nothing. When I had a balloon catheter installed, I had a local anesthetic and I remember everything. Neither was painful at all.

    Regarding your hair, as others have mentioned, you can choose how that loss occurs. I chose to have a Shaving Party--if you do a search for my screen name, LadyParvati, you should be able to find that story. In sum--it was the most heartwarming and wonderful way to start chemo, and I'm really glad I did it! However, I recognize that it's not for everyone.

    I'll try to get some of the shaving party pics posted soon and will let you know. If you're on Facebook, pm me and I'll send you my Facebook info so you can see the photo album if you'd like.

    Hang in there--we're all rooting for you! Sandy
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    JanInMN said:

    Thanks for the advice on the
    Thanks for the advice on the numbing cream. I've heard it is very helpful. Did your port hurt after it was put in? I've heard some people say it hurts for a few days, and some have said longer.

    Hi Jan, I was dx in Nov. with IDC and had a mastectomy Dec.15. I am stage 2 with 2 out of 16 lymph nodes involved. I had a port put in 2 weeks ago. I received the same local you are going to get, but any and everything puts me out. The catheter of the port looks like a new vein under my skin in my neck. The port is right above my right breast right under the skin. It did bother me at first and I had to place an ice pack on my neck and it hurt to swallow. It's better now.I can deal with it for 4 months, but as soon as I finish chemo in early May, they can have this port 2 weeks later! They still stick me in my vein for blood draws and they said the port is just for chemo, especially the Adriamyacin that they do not like to infuse directly into your vein. I had my 1st chemo last week and I did not have any numbing creme. I asked my dr and she wrote me a prescription for some to use prior to my treatments, so that will be great! Don't forget the creme!!!
