The Spirituality, Prayer, and Meditation thread



  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    lisa42 said:


    I'm sad to read that you're upset about this as, yes, we definitely had this topic front and center a few months back. To relegate any religious words to the "religion and spirituality" board or to delete references to prayer as Donna mentioned would, in my opinion, be censorship in a major way. I agree that people should respect others' beliefs. I've been reminded to keep my talk of prayer directed just to those whom I know would appreciate it. I will definitely attempt to do that, but I admit it is difficult because my faith is who I am. To talk about life and death without God seems so fake to me, because God and prayer are my life. I realize not everyone believes the same, but I can't not be who I am. People don't like to hear this, but the Bible does say to share the gospel with all the people unto the ends of the earth. That may offend some, but I didn't make it up- those are the words of Jesus. I haven't been preaching, but to share a prayer or verse with others who are hurting is what Christians are supposed to do. If others are offended by it, then they should just take it in the spirit it was intended- to comfort others in need. So many people don't go on the Religion and Spirituality thread, so they wouldn't see our thoughts there.
    Phil, I certainly don't want to get into it again after a few months back, but I wish (as a couple others mentioned) that you could just let it go and not take it as an attack. I believe each person on the board that has said "I'll be praying for you" or other spiritual words, has meant it as a means of comfort and were being sincere. If you don't want anyone to pray for you- fine.
    I realize some could be offended- but what about those who are offended by someone wanting to muzzle others' beliefs just because they are not shared by everyone? If someone were Muslim or Hindu and brought up that they were praying to Buddah or whomever they worshipped, I would not find that offensive in the least, even though I don't share their beliefs.
    That's my 2 cents-


    I won't say anymore, as I wasn't expecting this at all.

    Hey man don't go...I am so grateful for all of your wisdom, humor and thoughts.. You have helped me out more than once and I am grateful for that....Just continue on to post we need you..I need you....JULIE
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Thought about it
    Well, drove home from work and thought about it and truthfully, don't have much to add. I just take anyone's good thoughts, wishes and prayers in the spirit they were delivered. I would hate to lose all the people on here that are beating this thing for they are the source of much valuable experience and knowledge. When I posted good news on 1/18 I was very surprised that some did not respond but brushed it off as not being part of the "inner circle" but perhaps it was that there was so much bad and hurtful news it was hard to respond. I don't post religious stuff and don't really mind people that do, I take their prayers as words of comfort directed to us and do find comfort that someone is thinking of us and wishing us well. Take care - Tina
  • Swing chickens...

    Scan on Wednesday. I'm very nervous. I NEED this one to be good. I accept graciously all prayers, warm thoughts and swinging chickens! Glad to be back and hope to be of some help to those that are struggling.


    YIKES! That was a light hearted request Kimby had made and I'm very sure she meant she wanted all the good thoughts and well wishes she could get. I repeated her remarks in my response. NO harm was meant to anyone. In fact, on another forum, in response to Kimby, someone explained about swinging chickens, when it was done, chickens aren't hurt (actually held in two hands and raised over the head).

    Let's say I want to wish Adrian 'my best wishes'. Well MY best wishes are prayer. Maybe you'll wish Lisa warm thoughts or positive energy. If that is your best wishes, then I believe they would welcome those thoughts.

    Let's ban together against cancer and not attack each other! Let's not 'shoot' our wounded!

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • The real meaning of tolerance....

    I certainly hope that you won't leave this board.

    You have helped so many people here (my husband included). You have made us laugh, sometimes you have made us cry, and, most importantly, you have made us truly think about the importance of living a full life albeit one with cancer.

    I'm sure many others join me in thinking that you "keep it real" around here.

    To suggest that you should just "go quietly into the good night" because you dare to post that this board should jealously guard its religious impartiality is shameful and selfish in my opinion.

    I would be less than honest were I not to say that, like you, I have been uncomfortable with the decided uptick in religious posts here. This board paid a heavy price for the battle that erupted here months ago about the appropriateness of religious references and what was interpreted as the derision of people who didn't believe in a certain religious ethic. Do we want to go there again? I hope not.

    I join you in believing that everyone, whatever their beliefs or non-beliefs, who has the misfortune to have cancer (or who loves someone who does have cancer), should be made to feel welcome here. This place is, for colon cancer patients, the only place in town.

    Some have invoked the word "tolerance" in this discussion to defend the many religious posts on this board. To them, I would suggest that perhaps the word "tolerance" means ( or should mean) something more than demanding that those with whom we disagree simply grin and bear it when people (mis)use a public board (overtly or subliminally) to proselytize. The really tolerant among us understand that true tolerance is about respecting the rights of those with whom we disagree. Tolerance is about them, not about us.

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    maglets said:

    please don't go Phil
    I was here last spring too Kathy and it was indeed painful and upsetting. I too left for some time. I could not agree more that the main operating principle should be inclusiveness.
    I also agree that judgment should be left at the door.

    Conceivably we are all locked in a battle for our lives. How can we waste time and energy by bullying one another? Adrian is right that not all posts will appeal to all. As a Canadian I have no part in the many discussions of health care and insurance companies. Michelle is right....we have been here before it seems...time and time again.

    Phil has worked extremely hard here with an absolute wealth of knowledge and support to say nothing of his stunning sense of humour....see that I spell humour with a u....even that makes me different. I have recently been trying to edge my way back here. I too hope we do not descend into bickering and judgment.


    I Agree
    I hated when alot of our long time contributors left because of religious debating and verses being thrown here and there. I am a Catholic, but I don't like bringing it to this section of the board, I respect everyone's faith and not everyone here believes in a God either, and I respect that..I would get sick of seeing it too, prayers for this and prayers for that on EVERY post, without even giving any kind of answer to their question.

    This is not a religious/religion board, and I won't have someone "Dismiss" Phil like his departure would be "nothing", he's been here for a long time, making us laugh, and giving very informative information, and I be darned anyone slam him like he was nothing. I can tell with him not posting much, that this religious stuff was bugging him, we don't want all the topics to be about religion, prayers, verses, etc... that's why the Spirituality Board was made, to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed, and only information and some fun even to get to know the cancer and the people going through it, and give them some hope.

    This is now very upsetting to me. Not only losing alot of our brothers and sisters this month to this nasty disease, but to lose more contributors to the board, I know people are just being kind, but some people just don't want that kindness, they want information, hope, and encouragement. I think I now need a break from here, this is getting to be really too much, losing too many friends, and I'm not liking it. I'm getting very depressed now.

    I'd like to see a lock on this post ( TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM FIGHTING!)or just delete all the religion stuff (On this board to be moved to the Spirituality Board) so that people who don't share the same views are not afraid to join here, to talk about their DISEASE.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    geotina said:

    Thought about it
    Well, drove home from work and thought about it and truthfully, don't have much to add. I just take anyone's good thoughts, wishes and prayers in the spirit they were delivered. I would hate to lose all the people on here that are beating this thing for they are the source of much valuable experience and knowledge. When I posted good news on 1/18 I was very surprised that some did not respond but brushed it off as not being part of the "inner circle" but perhaps it was that there was so much bad and hurtful news it was hard to respond. I don't post religious stuff and don't really mind people that do, I take their prayers as words of comfort directed to us and do find comfort that someone is thinking of us and wishing us well. Take care - Tina

    Oh For Goodness Sakes.....
    ...Yeah, lets make this all about censhorship now, I guess I didn't explain myself too well at the end of my post, so I adjusted it to what I meant...not ALL the religion stuff deleted, just to put it on the other board where it should have been. Is that better?


  • lmliess
    lmliess Member Posts: 329
    Shayenne said:

    Oh For Goodness Sakes.....
    ...Yeah, lets make this all about censhorship now, I guess I didn't explain myself too well at the end of my post, so I adjusted it to what I meant...not ALL the religion stuff deleted, just to put it on the other board where it should have been. Is that better?



    I find a lot of comfort in
    I find a lot of comfort in all of your thoughts and prayers. I need them. It just seems silly that there are families grieving the lost of a family member to this beast and we get caught up in this again!

    For what it is worth, I feel a bit of comfort laying on the CT scan table knowing I have people praying for me and sending me happy thoughts. I really didn't think this has ever been forced on anyone here.

    Of all the things we have to go through, do we really have to go through this again?
  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438
    lmliess said:

    I find a lot of comfort in
    I find a lot of comfort in all of your thoughts and prayers. I need them. It just seems silly that there are families grieving the lost of a family member to this beast and we get caught up in this again!

    For what it is worth, I feel a bit of comfort laying on the CT scan table knowing I have people praying for me and sending me happy thoughts. I really didn't think this has ever been forced on anyone here.

    Of all the things we have to go through, do we really have to go through this again?

    Can't we
    just agree to disagree. I hate to see such a riff escalate from what I perceive to be sincere caring and good intentions. Prayers, positive thoughts, uplifting sentiment, I will accept any and all you care to send my way. Having said that, if I have offended anyone by my admission of praying for them, I sincerely apologize. I was unaware of something similar occuring last year on the board and I do hope that this situation can be rectified before ANYONE decides to leave.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey, Phil.
    This is why I

    Hey, Phil.

    This is why I put in my post about my sister that I was looking for prayers or good wishes. I am well aware after the last big thing we had on here, that there are those with differing opinions about faith. I try to respect that, and I hope I succeed.

    It's just a natural thing for me to say to people that I'll be praying for them, but I try to remember not to say it to you or anyone I'm aware of who would not wish that.

    I enjoy your posts so much, and I would be very distraught not to be able to keep up with your health. We have never become phone calling or even emailing buddies, but I like you very much and am in awe of how you have stayed in such good humor throughout such a tough battle.

    I certainly hope you will stay on the board, and I apologize if anything I have said has contributed to your thoughts of leaving.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    JDuke said:

    Can't we
    just agree to disagree. I hate to see such a riff escalate from what I perceive to be sincere caring and good intentions. Prayers, positive thoughts, uplifting sentiment, I will accept any and all you care to send my way. Having said that, if I have offended anyone by my admission of praying for them, I sincerely apologize. I was unaware of something similar occuring last year on the board and I do hope that this situation can be rectified before ANYONE decides to leave.

    For pete's sake......

    I am 52 years old, wife for 25 years, mother of 4, Nana to 11, been in a war zone, have cancer, live in the land of the free, about to lose my job, who gives a rat's ****!

    ....Oh, bite me.

    And who the heck is Pete!
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    JDuke said:

    Can't we
    just agree to disagree. I hate to see such a riff escalate from what I perceive to be sincere caring and good intentions. Prayers, positive thoughts, uplifting sentiment, I will accept any and all you care to send my way. Having said that, if I have offended anyone by my admission of praying for them, I sincerely apologize. I was unaware of something similar occuring last year on the board and I do hope that this situation can be rectified before ANYONE decides to leave.

    I'm also with Joanne...
    It's so common for me to offer to pray that if I've offended anyone on these boards, I sincerely apologize. It's just who I am. I am a pray-er.

    I had no idea that there was a previous riff on the boards before but am not too surprised.

    Again, I apologize if I said anything that would offend anyone.

  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438
    tootsie1 said:

    Hey, Phil.
    This is why I

    Hey, Phil.

    This is why I put in my post about my sister that I was looking for prayers or good wishes. I am well aware after the last big thing we had on here, that there are those with differing opinions about faith. I try to respect that, and I hope I succeed.

    It's just a natural thing for me to say to people that I'll be praying for them, but I try to remember not to say it to you or anyone I'm aware of who would not wish that.

    I enjoy your posts so much, and I would be very distraught not to be able to keep up with your health. We have never become phone calling or even emailing buddies, but I like you very much and am in awe of how you have stayed in such good humor throughout such a tough battle.

    I certainly hope you will stay on the board, and I apologize if anything I have said has contributed to your thoughts of leaving.


    I realized yesterday that I had missed seeing any posts from you. I hope that you will reconsider your thoughts of leaving the board. You are such an integral part of this family that it would not be the same without you here. I have already become a big fan of the sensibility, humor, intelligence and caring that you contribute with your posts. My references of praying for others was never intended to offend and I apologize, if by doing so, I unintentionally became a source of annoyance to you.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    JDuke said:

    I realized yesterday that I had missed seeing any posts from you. I hope that you will reconsider your thoughts of leaving the board. You are such an integral part of this family that it would not be the same without you here. I have already become a big fan of the sensibility, humor, intelligence and caring that you contribute with your posts. My references of praying for others was never intended to offend and I apologize, if by doing so, I unintentionally became a source of annoyance to you.

    Oh Joanne, you are fine!
    Oh Joanne, you are fine! We all have our share of offending and being offended. Talking about sex, positions and all, I mean come on!

    Off to watch American Idol! Got to laugh for a bit!
  • usakat
    usakat Member Posts: 610 Member
    Six billion, seven hundred ninety-eight million, nine hundred thousand!!!

    That is approximately how many people are estimated to be on planet Earth as of TODAY! That is a lot of different people with a lot of different ways to express themselves and a lot of people with a lot of different ways to just simply make it through each day.

    How many ways are there to say hello? I don't know exactly, but thinking of how many languages there are on Earth and how many synonyms there are for the word hello in each language, including sign language and friendly gestures, I know it must be a lot.

    I wonder how many ways there are to just let someone know I'm thinking of them, to wish them well, or good luck, or offer them hope. In a world so cold as the World Wide Web, if not for words alone, how can I share some positive energy? If I consider how many people I care about and how diverse they are from each other - geographically, culturally, spiritually, race, gender, age, who they love, politics, cat people, dog people, vegetarians, meat eaters, and on, and on, and on - I would never be able come up with just one word that would best wrap up my desire to give all of them collectively exactly what they need, or want, or believe in. So I struggle (sometimes more than others) in each attempt, with each individual person or people, to use the right word. Sometimes I don't get it right, but hopefully when I offer up positive energy, regardless of my word choice, the person or people receive it as the only gift I can give. A piece of me - my time, my energy, my thoughts, my wishes, my meditations, and yes, my prayers.

    Offering someone a "prayer" is like offering good thoughts, good vibes, well wishes, is positive energy. I really don't think one necessarily needs to "believe" in God, or anything else for that matter, to receive positive energy from someone else. And think about it. Offering positive energy to someone you barely know or someone you've never met, or receiving positive energy, is truly a gift. It's a gift of spirit or essence. It's free and costs nothing.

    The exact same gift can come in many different packages, but however it is delivered it is still a gift. As for prayers here, they are little gifts of energy wrapped in a little package of a single word. Why return the gifts?

    If one does not "believe" in prayer in the religious meaning of the word, perhaps then they could accept it in a more universal package - positive energy, good thoughts, good vibes.

    Synonyms are good. They allow us to understand, to interpret, to relate, to accept words that other people use so they can be made meaningful to us.

    Sometimes it is not what we say, but how we say it - sometimes it is not what we read, but how we comprehend it - that gives something worth...

    Just a thought...

    Phil, you have been here such a long time and have offered so much to so many. I hope that you have also received much in return. I hope though, that a simple word won't cause you to leave, especially because it was one horrible word that brought you here. All of us take what we need and leave the rest, sort of like those free hometown newspapers...some people like them for the crossword puzzle, some for the Suduko, some for the garage sale ads, some to line their cat litter boxes and bird cages....either way, they're useful. I hope Phil, that you can take what you need here and leave the rest... You're a good guy and it's nice having you here. Although there are many times I may not agree with what you say, I do appreciate your point of view.

    The older I get the more I'm learning to appreciate people for all of who they are and that I don't have to agree with everything they say or believe or are or look like or where they live to do it. I figure if I shut someone off for one aspect of who they they are I am the one who loses because people are a sum of their parts. I don't have to like all the parts to appreciate their humanity and their value. I learn more from people who are different than me.
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Nana b said:

    Oh Joanne, you are fine!
    Oh Joanne, you are fine! We all have our share of offending and being offended. Talking about sex, positions and all, I mean come on!

    Off to watch American Idol! Got to laugh for a bit!

    OK PHIL.......
    Let's see...... I am in the process of making you a movie. It is titled "This is Jennie showing Phil how she opens a can of whip **** to use on him for even THINKING about leaving this room!!!!"

    For real man.......... I will never be able to change my pic again without you. Now I love Craig and Eric but it's about time for a new pic. Please don't leave me Phil. I love you too!!!

  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    usakat said:

    Six billion, seven hundred ninety-eight million, nine hundred thousand!!!

    That is approximately how many people are estimated to be on planet Earth as of TODAY! That is a lot of different people with a lot of different ways to express themselves and a lot of people with a lot of different ways to just simply make it through each day.

    How many ways are there to say hello? I don't know exactly, but thinking of how many languages there are on Earth and how many synonyms there are for the word hello in each language, including sign language and friendly gestures, I know it must be a lot.

    I wonder how many ways there are to just let someone know I'm thinking of them, to wish them well, or good luck, or offer them hope. In a world so cold as the World Wide Web, if not for words alone, how can I share some positive energy? If I consider how many people I care about and how diverse they are from each other - geographically, culturally, spiritually, race, gender, age, who they love, politics, cat people, dog people, vegetarians, meat eaters, and on, and on, and on - I would never be able come up with just one word that would best wrap up my desire to give all of them collectively exactly what they need, or want, or believe in. So I struggle (sometimes more than others) in each attempt, with each individual person or people, to use the right word. Sometimes I don't get it right, but hopefully when I offer up positive energy, regardless of my word choice, the person or people receive it as the only gift I can give. A piece of me - my time, my energy, my thoughts, my wishes, my meditations, and yes, my prayers.

    Offering someone a "prayer" is like offering good thoughts, good vibes, well wishes, is positive energy. I really don't think one necessarily needs to "believe" in God, or anything else for that matter, to receive positive energy from someone else. And think about it. Offering positive energy to someone you barely know or someone you've never met, or receiving positive energy, is truly a gift. It's a gift of spirit or essence. It's free and costs nothing.

    The exact same gift can come in many different packages, but however it is delivered it is still a gift. As for prayers here, they are little gifts of energy wrapped in a little package of a single word. Why return the gifts?

    If one does not "believe" in prayer in the religious meaning of the word, perhaps then they could accept it in a more universal package - positive energy, good thoughts, good vibes.

    Synonyms are good. They allow us to understand, to interpret, to relate, to accept words that other people use so they can be made meaningful to us.

    Sometimes it is not what we say, but how we say it - sometimes it is not what we read, but how we comprehend it - that gives something worth...

    Just a thought...

    Phil, you have been here such a long time and have offered so much to so many. I hope that you have also received much in return. I hope though, that a simple word won't cause you to leave, especially because it was one horrible word that brought you here. All of us take what we need and leave the rest, sort of like those free hometown newspapers...some people like them for the crossword puzzle, some for the Suduko, some for the garage sale ads, some to line their cat litter boxes and bird cages....either way, they're useful. I hope Phil, that you can take what you need here and leave the rest... You're a good guy and it's nice having you here. Although there are many times I may not agree with what you say, I do appreciate your point of view.

    The older I get the more I'm learning to appreciate people for all of who they are and that I don't have to agree with everything they say or believe or are or look like or where they live to do it. I figure if I shut someone off for one aspect of who they they are I am the one who loses because people are a sum of their parts. I don't have to like all the parts to appreciate their humanity and their value. I learn more from people who are different than me.

    oh my
    cancer is stressfull enough with out all this starting. We need to focus on healing not fighting or finger pointing I joined this room because I had no clue about cc and what to expect and have learned alot here. I am sorry if anyone here has been offended by my post and answering the call for prayer. I don't believe that anyone should be forced to do something they don't want to do and if someone ask for prayer it is not an order just a request and if anyone feels offended by that post just move on. I for one will not post as much now because of all this and may not come in as offten. I have enough stress in my life that when the place I come to for peace and/or some normality (sp) gets full of the same stuff I put up with every day than it is time to sit back and rethink my being here at all. I have grown close to each of you and hate to see this room fall apart over something that we all need and are afraid to ask for if we don't stand for something we will fall for anything. Cancer is horrible and God leads you through it no matter if you pray or not.Just my point of view.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    My word..
    Hey Phil....

    Sending prayers doesn't bother me one bit, but I would much prefer
    to be sent money. You can't buy beer with prayers!

    Stay well, my friend!
  • mamalala
    mamalala Member Posts: 25
    New Member Comment
    I appreciate Phil bringing up this subject. I, too, am sometimes uncomfortable with the religious tone of some posts. I came here for information, support and hope. No place else have I been able to get that. I am 'hungry' for information and, therefore, usually open every post. I'll continue to do that. At this time, I'll overlook the individual ways people have of imparting information and expressing support, hope, and, yes, love and concern. Let's get back to 'business', the cc business. I appreciate your posts when they are direct and fill my needs; please just be a little more sensitive to our differences. We are who we are! We have have what we have; 'it is what it is.' Lynn
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    Even though I am a religious person, I do treasure my doctors, and I am always happy to give credit to them. I agree with you on that so much.

  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Jennie.... can of what?
    I thought you said you had a can of COOL WHIP and were going to use it on Phil. (Oh I wish we had eye popping smilies) Your post follows Nana's remarks... LOLOL!

    I love Phil. Phil loves me. I seek out Phil's replies because he is so durn smart. (thumbs up smilie goes here) I secretly pray for Phil to be healed, but don't tell him, okay?


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