Do anyone talk about weight gain,menapause, unblance hormones,and how to get your body back?
what do we suppose to eat? to keep the weight off. I have tried so many things and learned since i don't have any hormones its hard for me to lost weight. sex, wow...didn't know that was going to stop Completely. I have used all creams dilators and even seen a sex therpist but nothing. hot flashes what the Hell!! this is a nightmare. I don't want to do the HRT. because i just got over all the radation and chemo why do i want to go back. tried all the herds, soy,veggies. but my hot flashes are still here.
Can we all talk about it please.
Thank You.
I will gladly discuss
I will gladly discuss whatever is on your mind, although I may not be experiencing everything you are. I am in remission for stage IV cervical at this time and can relate to some of your issues. I had already experienced menopause prior to my diagnosis. Post-menopausal at 46. My acupuncturist gave me herbs (little pills that looked like rabbit droppings - took 8 three times a day)that worked wonders for me. Some I took for a number of years, but there was a certain one that when I started cycling through the hot flashes, I took those. Worked like a charm. Without him I would have been one miserable b***h! I also gained weight that I can't get rid of. For the most part, I've always eaten healthy. Lots of fruits and vegs. Since treatment I have had a hard time digesting these. Increased fiber causes increase gi distress. I've tried numerous herbs and over the counter things for this without success. I've always walked a lot, but this hasn't help with the weight. As for the libido problem...that started to drift off after menopause, but still worked. After treatments, ZERO interest. Performing was very painful at first, but that has lessened over time. After intercourse is when I experience the most pain. Feels like someone just attacked my guts with a jackhammer. I experience intense abdominal/pelvic cramping that can last several days. I'm not sure if it's lack of hormones that's causing most of the problem or knowing what the after effects are. I spoke to my gyn about this and he said that everything I'm experiencing is "normal". Gosh how I hate my new "normal". I've worked a lot with essential oils over the years and have just purchased and started using one that's helped others with frigidity. I'm game for anything at this point...I'll keep you updated on whether it's working or not:)
My husband has been wonderfully patient throughout all this, but he is a male...and he does have needs.
Look forward to more posts from you. I know this site isn't real active for cervical ca...I often feel alone here too.
((HUGS))0 -
glad to hear from youbeckyracn said:yoyo,
I will gladly discuss
I will gladly discuss whatever is on your mind, although I may not be experiencing everything you are. I am in remission for stage IV cervical at this time and can relate to some of your issues. I had already experienced menopause prior to my diagnosis. Post-menopausal at 46. My acupuncturist gave me herbs (little pills that looked like rabbit droppings - took 8 three times a day)that worked wonders for me. Some I took for a number of years, but there was a certain one that when I started cycling through the hot flashes, I took those. Worked like a charm. Without him I would have been one miserable b***h! I also gained weight that I can't get rid of. For the most part, I've always eaten healthy. Lots of fruits and vegs. Since treatment I have had a hard time digesting these. Increased fiber causes increase gi distress. I've tried numerous herbs and over the counter things for this without success. I've always walked a lot, but this hasn't help with the weight. As for the libido problem...that started to drift off after menopause, but still worked. After treatments, ZERO interest. Performing was very painful at first, but that has lessened over time. After intercourse is when I experience the most pain. Feels like someone just attacked my guts with a jackhammer. I experience intense abdominal/pelvic cramping that can last several days. I'm not sure if it's lack of hormones that's causing most of the problem or knowing what the after effects are. I spoke to my gyn about this and he said that everything I'm experiencing is "normal". Gosh how I hate my new "normal". I've worked a lot with essential oils over the years and have just purchased and started using one that's helped others with frigidity. I'm game for anything at this point...I'll keep you updated on whether it's working or not:)
My husband has been wonderfully patient throughout all this, but he is a male...and he does have needs.
Look forward to more posts from you. I know this site isn't real active for cervical ca...I often feel alone here too.
I am Glad to hear from you(beckyracn), that i am not alone in this. Acupuncture,does that work? because im waiting for my give me a referral to go see someone. I also work out, and walk also,but like my Dr say that I will have to work out 10 times harder.I just want to be balanced again.
Thank you very much for your quick response.0 -
yoyo,yoyobrown said:glad to hear from you
I am Glad to hear from you(beckyracn), that i am not alone in this. Acupuncture,does that work? because im waiting for my give me a referral to go see someone. I also work out, and walk also,but like my Dr say that I will have to work out 10 times harder.I just want to be balanced again.
Thank you very much for your quick response.
Balanced...hmmmm. Yes,
Balanced...hmmmm. Yes, it would be nice to be balanced again. Not sure if that's easily obtained within the realm of our new "normal". I have come to accept what I consider a balance in my life...and it's all based on a daily "wait and see" aspect. I work out on a Wii system without a lot of results. I've seen what it can do for others doing the same workouts I am. I'm okay with that though. I feel better for taking that time for me. And it's helped with my endurance and physical balance.
For me, balance is just finding a way to adjust to all that's going on and remain positive. For example, in Dec. I had my port removed. Ten days later it became infected and I ended up having it recut open and packed twice, just to be hit two days later with an outbreak of shingles! Ran a temp. throughout the whole order, but never lost a day of work...and no one at work ever knew what was going on. I've had to fight to keep my it's a game not to let anyone know what I'm really going through. I try to find humor in all that's happening; sometimes it can be very dark.
My acupuncturist has been instrumental in helping me through all this. He's also a certified social worker and massage therapist, so on many occassions it's been necessary for him to use all his talents. I've been going to him since 2001, so he knows me pretty well and I can't often fib to him without him calling me on it. Sometimes it takes several attempts before we find the right combination that works, but we never give up trying. I trust him explicitly! He accepts payments on a sliding scale, so I pay him what I feel I can on that visit. During my illness, he allowed me to build a tab and I paid him off eventually.
I wish you luck in the days ahead. Keep's good for the soul!
Becky0 -
gald to hearbeckyracn said:yoyo,
Balanced...hmmmm. Yes,
Balanced...hmmmm. Yes, it would be nice to be balanced again. Not sure if that's easily obtained within the realm of our new "normal". I have come to accept what I consider a balance in my life...and it's all based on a daily "wait and see" aspect. I work out on a Wii system without a lot of results. I've seen what it can do for others doing the same workouts I am. I'm okay with that though. I feel better for taking that time for me. And it's helped with my endurance and physical balance.
For me, balance is just finding a way to adjust to all that's going on and remain positive. For example, in Dec. I had my port removed. Ten days later it became infected and I ended up having it recut open and packed twice, just to be hit two days later with an outbreak of shingles! Ran a temp. throughout the whole order, but never lost a day of work...and no one at work ever knew what was going on. I've had to fight to keep my it's a game not to let anyone know what I'm really going through. I try to find humor in all that's happening; sometimes it can be very dark.
My acupuncturist has been instrumental in helping me through all this. He's also a certified social worker and massage therapist, so on many occassions it's been necessary for him to use all his talents. I've been going to him since 2001, so he knows me pretty well and I can't often fib to him without him calling me on it. Sometimes it takes several attempts before we find the right combination that works, but we never give up trying. I trust him explicitly! He accepts payments on a sliding scale, so I pay him what I feel I can on that visit. During my illness, he allowed me to build a tab and I paid him off eventually.
I wish you luck in the days ahead. Keep's good for the soul!
Im glad to hear from you, I thought i was the only one that bought a Wii system,I should be a sponser. the system didn't not work for me either. good system but not for me, It makes me sweat a lot, but it was from my hot flashes. I am going to join a Boot camp gym next month to see if it can shock my system to do varies different work out, just going to the gym is not working,even though I spent money for a personal trainer and no results. You have shingles Im sorry to hear that.I will be going to the acupunture doctor soon, I will never give up!I'm going to find out what works for me. but thank you for opening my eyes to see that there is some one and something that I can do to help me.
I will keep posting what has help me or didn't
Yoyo0 -
Hi, when I was diagnosed I
Hi, when I was diagnosed I signed up for this site, but stopped the discussions because everything posted on this site is public knowledge and what we're talking about is some pretty private stuff. Anyway, if you're looking to talk with a lot of women who have cervical cancer, I suggest that you sign up at There are so many woman on this site who actively and openly discuss all of their concerns about cervical cancer on a daily basis. I wish you all the best.0 -
Good luck yoyo. Keep me upyoyobrown said:gald to hear
Im glad to hear from you, I thought i was the only one that bought a Wii system,I should be a sponser. the system didn't not work for me either. good system but not for me, It makes me sweat a lot, but it was from my hot flashes. I am going to join a Boot camp gym next month to see if it can shock my system to do varies different work out, just going to the gym is not working,even though I spent money for a personal trainer and no results. You have shingles Im sorry to hear that.I will be going to the acupunture doctor soon, I will never give up!I'm going to find out what works for me. but thank you for opening my eyes to see that there is some one and something that I can do to help me.
I will keep posting what has help me or didn't
Good luck yoyo. Keep me up to date...and never give up!0 -
Cheft,Cheft said:Hi, when I was diagnosed I
Hi, when I was diagnosed I signed up for this site, but stopped the discussions because everything posted on this site is public knowledge and what we're talking about is some pretty private stuff. Anyway, if you're looking to talk with a lot of women who have cervical cancer, I suggest that you sign up at There are so many woman on this site who actively and openly discuss all of their concerns about cervical cancer on a daily basis. I wish you all the best.
Your correct,
Your correct, everything here is open to public eyes. I've searched, but never ran into that website...I will check it out. Thank you.0 -
Beckyracn,beckyracn said:Cheft,
Your correct,
Your correct, everything here is open to public eyes. I've searched, but never ran into that website...I will check it out. Thank you.
If you sign up on
If you sign up on (under Cervical Cancer & HPV), on your profile page you will have an option for all of your discussions/journals to be marked "Private--only seen by Members" or "Public--seen by the entire world". Hope this helps and that you sign up on the site. I've met a lot of great woman who have been a great support system for me during my diagnosis and treatment.
Take care,0 -
updateCheft said:Beckyracn,
If you sign up on
If you sign up on (under Cervical Cancer & HPV), on your profile page you will have an option for all of your discussions/journals to be marked "Private--only seen by Members" or "Public--seen by the entire world". Hope this helps and that you sign up on the site. I've met a lot of great woman who have been a great support system for me during my diagnosis and treatment.
Take care,
update...... My Dr. would not give me a referral to see the acupunture, but thats okay, I'm not upset because I know there is someone out there that is going to help me with my situation... Thank you guys for all the responses. I will sign up on Never knew of the site, Everyone just kept telling me about this one.
thank you0 -
yoyo and cheft...lookyoyobrown said:update
update...... My Dr. would not give me a referral to see the acupunture, but thats okay, I'm not upset because I know there is someone out there that is going to help me with my situation... Thank you guys for all the responses. I will sign up on Never knew of the site, Everyone just kept telling me about this one.
thank you
yoyo and cheft...look forward to sharing with you both on this site...major confusing for me at this time!0 -
HRTbeckyracn said:yoyo and cheft...look
yoyo and cheft...look forward to sharing with you both on this site...major confusing for me at this time!
Well, I went on that other website, It was ok, i signed up. read most of the stories, they were on HPV. really sad stories, didn't really find anyone that was going threw what i was going threw, I will give it some time. Went to the DR. He advise me that i should be taken the HRT... he said that I need it Do anyone take HRT... Please let me know what side effects that You are having, weight gain is my concern.
Thanks0 -
yoyo,yoyobrown said:HRT
Well, I went on that other website, It was ok, i signed up. read most of the stories, they were on HPV. really sad stories, didn't really find anyone that was going threw what i was going threw, I will give it some time. Went to the DR. He advise me that i should be taken the HRT... he said that I need it Do anyone take HRT... Please let me know what side effects that You are having, weight gain is my concern.
Yes, I wasn't real
Yes, I wasn't real successful in finding others experiencing what I am on that website either...but will still visit it. I've never been offered the HRT, so I can't help you with that. Hopefully, someone else has experience and will respond.0 -
When can i have HRT, after Radacle hysterectomy.
Hi everyone, i am 42 years old and was diagnosed with cervical cancer and Endeometriosis last october, i had a full Hysterectomy 17th December, i have since been given the all clear, i just have to go for regular vaginal checkups etc. I feel great, but am learning to deal with the symtoms of menopause, i have started getting the odd hot flush now and again, have tried to keep my sex life going , but is hard as i feel the drive is going, my main concern really is the mood swings, i can be fine one minuit, then the next i can be screaming like a mad women, havent really been told much about hrt, or when i can have it, does anyone have any clues on this, thanks so much x0 -
Jilly.taylorJilly.taylor said:When can i have HRT, after Radacle hysterectomy.
Hi everyone, i am 42 years old and was diagnosed with cervical cancer and Endeometriosis last october, i had a full Hysterectomy 17th December, i have since been given the all clear, i just have to go for regular vaginal checkups etc. I feel great, but am learning to deal with the symtoms of menopause, i have started getting the odd hot flush now and again, have tried to keep my sex life going , but is hard as i feel the drive is going, my main concern really is the mood swings, i can be fine one minuit, then the next i can be screaming like a mad women, havent really been told much about hrt, or when i can have it, does anyone have any clues on this, thanks so much x
ask to be put on effexor xr, it is a commonly prescribed anti-depressant that works very well for women who cannot take hrt medications. It will help with mood swings and hot flashes. My nurses had told me it was going to be my best friend and they have been right on the money with it...I am 37 and had radical surgery in Sept 2008 and went instantly into menopause... So I can totally relate! I hope you see this message.
Melinda0 -
Jilly & Melinda,roses4friends said:Jilly.taylor
ask to be put on effexor xr, it is a commonly prescribed anti-depressant that works very well for women who cannot take hrt medications. It will help with mood swings and hot flashes. My nurses had told me it was going to be my best friend and they have been right on the money with it...I am 37 and had radical surgery in Sept 2008 and went instantly into menopause... So I can totally relate! I hope you see this message.
It's not
Jilly & Melinda,
It's not bad enough that all of us have the wonderful effects of menopause to look forward to, but such a shame that the two of you had to experience them sooner than was intended...on top of everything else going on. I started peri-menopause at 35 and it's full effects hit me in my early 40's. Finished it all at 46. I started going to my current accupuncturist when I turned 41 and he was a god send! He provided me with these little pills (cheap) that I took 3 x day. They worked wonderfully and I sailed right through it. Melinda, I'm glad you found something that worked for you. Jilly, I hope you find the right concoction too. And may you remain cancer free forever.0 -
Thanks for the replies , ibeckyracn said:Jilly & Melinda,
It's not
Jilly & Melinda,
It's not bad enough that all of us have the wonderful effects of menopause to look forward to, but such a shame that the two of you had to experience them sooner than was intended...on top of everything else going on. I started peri-menopause at 35 and it's full effects hit me in my early 40's. Finished it all at 46. I started going to my current accupuncturist when I turned 41 and he was a god send! He provided me with these little pills (cheap) that I took 3 x day. They worked wonderfully and I sailed right through it. Melinda, I'm glad you found something that worked for you. Jilly, I hope you find the right concoction too. And may you remain cancer free forever.
Thanks for the replies , i had to for a vaginal examination last week as i bled quite heavily after intercourse, this isnt the first time we have had intercourse since the op, all the other times i have been fine, they examimed me, and say there is something there that needs to come out , they also want to have another good look around, they say they dont think its anything cancerous, but just want it out to be on the safe side,. They have told me not worry but as you know thats just impossible, wondered if anyone else has had this kinda thing.x0
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