Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I haven't been very active on here and just wanted to see if what I'm feeling is normal. I am on TAC (Taxotere, Adriamycin & Cytoxan). I will have my last of 6 in 2 weeks. I had my 4th on Christmas Eve morning and haven't returned to normal ever since. Usually I was sluggish and tired for the weekend after chemo and then bounced back. I also pulled my back out the Sunday after Christmas and THAT hasn't returned to normal which is the reason I haven't been on here much. I come on here and brief through the posts. Staying on here long enough to write is just not an option. I wake up and go through all I'm going to try to accomplish that day and am lucky if I get to one. Prior to diagnosis, I worked out every morning at home and I was very energetic. Now, just to go downstairs to start laundry gets me out of breath. I bring this up to my oncologist and he tells me it's normal, but it's hard to imagine that feeling this tired is 'ok'. Does or did anyone feel this exhausted??


  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Yes I was also exhausted. I
    Yes I was also exhausted. I was on Adriamycin & Cytoxan for 4 rounds with 1 round of Taxol. I would get so tired my whole body would shake. Stairs also made me out of breath. So yes you're "normal". Just rest as much as you can and keep drinking. I got dehydrated (not fun) so I warn everyone drink, drink and drink some more. My oncol. also told me light exercise like walking will help. You're almost done!! Great Job!

  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    just t and c here but yes exhausted
    it too will pass.
    It took me close to 4 weeks to have some energy
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Lynda53 said:

    just t and c here but yes exhausted
    it too will pass.
    It took me close to 4 weeks to have some energy

    I think the exhaustion is
    I think the exhaustion is normal for all of us. Just think of what we have put ourselves thru, mentally and physically. Give yourself some time to heal.

    Sue :)
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Marlene I hear you. This
    Marlene I hear you. This past Thursday I slept all day and then went to bed and slept thru the nite. Some days I get a spurt of energy but it doesnt last. I capitalize on those moments when I do have energy. Sometimes I wonder if it's boredom because I'm not working right now?

    I dont like this feeling. Some days I can get things done and then there are those days that follow which require me getting lots of rest. I know age has something to do with it--but you are quite a bit younger than I am. It will be so nice to get my life back.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    natly15 said:

    Marlene I hear you. This
    Marlene I hear you. This past Thursday I slept all day and then went to bed and slept thru the nite. Some days I get a spurt of energy but it doesnt last. I capitalize on those moments when I do have energy. Sometimes I wonder if it's boredom because I'm not working right now?

    I dont like this feeling. Some days I can get things done and then there are those days that follow which require me getting lots of rest. I know age has something to do with it--but you are quite a bit younger than I am. It will be so nice to get my life back.

    I was sooooo tired also, for
    I was sooooo tired also, for months. It is normal. Try taking a walk if that really does help, let your body rest. Sleep for hours if you need to ,it will help. And if that doesn't help, close your eyes and think about sitting on the beach...drinking a margarita! Hey, 4 months til MemoriaL Day!!
  • lisamnovak
    lisamnovak Member Posts: 27
    Me too!
    I was not on the same "cocktail" as you, but my dr told that the exhuastion is accumlitive. You get more and more tired everytime. I had my last treatment on Dec 22nd, and I am just now starting to feel better. Do what you can, and don't worry about the rest. There was a time when taking a shower was to much. It will get better. Hugs!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Incredible Fatigue
    Before I began chemo - I was warned about the incredible and unique fatigue to come. The chemo SEs were cumulative. Like for you, I seemed to "bounce back" after a few days following the first couple of treatments. At about the halfway point, there was no "bouncing back" - at all.

    When I finally completed treatment - my med onc told me that most patients who voluntarily choose to opt out of chemo (i.e., simply quit) do so at that critical midway point.

    Please do keep your own doctor appraised of the SEs that concern you. And continue to do whatever you have to do to get through it. Rest when you feel the need, ask for and accept help with chores and errands. Just take good care of yourself.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    HI marlene
    I just finished chemo in october. I was a runner prior to chemo and yes I was short of breath walking up a flight of stairs or climbing a hill by my house when I took the dog for a walk. Chemo is tough on you and I was told taxol is hard on the heart. For what its worth, exercise is truly the ticket to lessen the fatigue. Even 3 months out of chemo, I still need to sleep 10 hours per day but I make myself do 30 minutes on the exercise bike every day and walk the dog for about an hour.

    Hang in there
    Linda T
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Incredible Fatigue
    Before I began chemo - I was warned about the incredible and unique fatigue to come. The chemo SEs were cumulative. Like for you, I seemed to "bounce back" after a few days following the first couple of treatments. At about the halfway point, there was no "bouncing back" - at all.

    When I finally completed treatment - my med onc told me that most patients who voluntarily choose to opt out of chemo (i.e., simply quit) do so at that critical midway point.

    Please do keep your own doctor appraised of the SEs that concern you. And continue to do whatever you have to do to get through it. Rest when you feel the need, ask for and accept help with chores and errands. Just take good care of yourself.

    Kind regards, Susan

    My oncologist and my rads
    My oncologist and my rads oncologist told me that exhaustion and fatigue would be part of how I would feel after going thru surgery and rads, so, I kind of expected it. It just takes time to get your energy back, but, you will.
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    mlmjt1 said:

    HI marlene
    I just finished chemo in october. I was a runner prior to chemo and yes I was short of breath walking up a flight of stairs or climbing a hill by my house when I took the dog for a walk. Chemo is tough on you and I was told taxol is hard on the heart. For what its worth, exercise is truly the ticket to lessen the fatigue. Even 3 months out of chemo, I still need to sleep 10 hours per day but I make myself do 30 minutes on the exercise bike every day and walk the dog for about an hour.

    Hang in there
    Linda T

    Marlene, I am so sorry you
    Marlene, I am so sorry you are having difficulties, but just know that it is completely normal to be tired after very little exertion. I had the same chemo cocktail that you are taking, and my fourth treatment was by far the worst. I had questioned the doctor about whether or not he would adjust my meds to be consistent with my weight loss during chemo. (I lost 25 pounds from the time I started until the end of my third treatment cycle.) He said it wasn't necessary, and I thought I was actually going to die after I had my fourth treatment. Not only did it completely take every bit of energy I had, but I also was diagnosed with walking pneumonia two weeks after the fourth treatment. My immune system was completely down, and it seemed like I just would not make it through the last two sessions. When it came time for my fifth chemo, I again discussed cutting the dosage with my oncologist, and he made an adjustment to the drugs. I managed to get through the last two okay, although my strength was gone. One thing he did tell me was that I shouldn't expect to feel good for at least one year following completion of treatment (that included 40 radiation treatments). Just rest when you feel the need, stay hydrated, and don't worry about what everyone thinks....it is your body, and your soul that are going through this, and no one can possibly understand how you feel unless they have been through it themselves. I send you lots of good thoughts, and hope you do well with the next treatments. Hugs, Judy
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I've only finished 2 cycles of C/T and am already feeling tired pretty much all the time. I also bounced back well after the first treatment and found the second one harder to recover from. I go for my 3rd out of 4 this Wednesday, so we'll see if it gets worse!

    I know I should probably be excercising to at least keep in shape, and I do at least try to get as much walking in as I can, but even thinking about doing a few things on my WII makes me tired, and just squatting down to put dishes away in the lower cupboards makes my legs feel like I've just been out jogging, so I haven't been taking care of myself like I know I should.

    Hang in there - it will get better, and one day we'll all feel like we've got the energy of a 40' tall woman!

    Take care,
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I'm very tired. I just didn't bounce back like I did at first. I'm done with my chemo and hoping I'll make an upswing and get my energy back. And I want my taste back too. And hair. The stairs are terrible for me too. Heart pounding and out of breath. I'm glad my job isn't physical, I wouldn't have been able to work. Congratulations on your last one coming up!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Thanks so much Everyone!
    What an amazing bunch of ladies/men on this board. I am just astounded by the wealth of information I get whenever I post a concern about anything! Thank you all so much for helping me feel that what I'm feeling is the norm. I guess I have been fortunate that I haven't had many s/e from chemo that this exhaustion has concerned me. I suppose we all worry about any little ache or pain being something more than just a s/e. My hours at work have been cut back and I've spent the last three days resting. I'm working 8 hours today and hope I can cut it.

    Thanks to all of you for your warm hearts and for taking the time to write!

    Love, Mar
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Marlene_K said:

    Thanks so much Everyone!
    What an amazing bunch of ladies/men on this board. I am just astounded by the wealth of information I get whenever I post a concern about anything! Thank you all so much for helping me feel that what I'm feeling is the norm. I guess I have been fortunate that I haven't had many s/e from chemo that this exhaustion has concerned me. I suppose we all worry about any little ache or pain being something more than just a s/e. My hours at work have been cut back and I've spent the last three days resting. I'm working 8 hours today and hope I can cut it.

    Thanks to all of you for your warm hearts and for taking the time to write!

    Love, Mar

    I'm still tired ... finished chemo on 12/15

    I'm so sorry that you are experiencing the exhaustion of chemo. I did NOT have any breaks .. went week after week for chemo . .. I noticed many of my sisters in PINK - chemo was once every 21 days ... Chemo is poision, and wears you down.

    Please take care .. rest when possible, and try and not to worry about every ache and pain ... hard to do // been there! If you have stairs, try and stay downstairs if possible.

    KUDOS to you for working a full time job during your chemo treatments.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I didn't get tired at all
    I didn't get tired at all after the 1st A/C but with the next 3 I got tired 2 days after for 2 days and then it passed til the next one (every 2 weeks). It was just tired - not EXHAUSTED - and laying down for a while or naps helped a lot. Taxol has been another story entirely though. I was on weekly doses for 12 weeks (last one yesterday) and all I can say is TOTAL EXHAUSTION, like nothing I've ever felt before) for 4 -5 days each week - it has been progressivly worse with time. When I saw Dr. before 10th dose, he waid that I could stop if I couldn't handle it as by then I had gotten between 85% and 90% of what the whole 12 would do but I wasn't about to go that far and quit without 100% of what could be done. Also haven't been able to sleep at all on it without taking Ambien.

    Will start Rads on Thursday so will see what that brings.

    But Yes - tired/exhausted is 'part of the game'.

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Rague said:

    I didn't get tired at all
    I didn't get tired at all after the 1st A/C but with the next 3 I got tired 2 days after for 2 days and then it passed til the next one (every 2 weeks). It was just tired - not EXHAUSTED - and laying down for a while or naps helped a lot. Taxol has been another story entirely though. I was on weekly doses for 12 weeks (last one yesterday) and all I can say is TOTAL EXHAUSTION, like nothing I've ever felt before) for 4 -5 days each week - it has been progressivly worse with time. When I saw Dr. before 10th dose, he waid that I could stop if I couldn't handle it as by then I had gotten between 85% and 90% of what the whole 12 would do but I wasn't about to go that far and quit without 100% of what could be done. Also haven't been able to sleep at all on it without taking Ambien.

    Will start Rads on Thursday so will see what that brings.

    But Yes - tired/exhausted is 'part of the game'.


    Rague I'm right behind you....
    Sp please keep me updated as to how it goes with rads.

    I did the exact treatment you did and will be taking my last Taxol on Wed, then a 3 week break before rads. I am finding that I crash on Saturday after each taxol on wed. But after that I'm ok. So glad it's near the end, because it seems each time I get more tired.

    Lots of WATER WATER WATER. Eat healthy foods and MOVE even if you don't feel like it....
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Mama G said:

    Rague I'm right behind you....
    Sp please keep me updated as to how it goes with rads.

    I did the exact treatment you did and will be taking my last Taxol on Wed, then a 3 week break before rads. I am finding that I crash on Saturday after each taxol on wed. But after that I'm ok. So glad it's near the end, because it seems each time I get more tired.

    Lots of WATER WATER WATER. Eat healthy foods and MOVE even if you don't feel like it....

    The answer is
    YES! After all that you have been thru, your mind and body are exhausted. It will take some time for recovery. Try and be patient and just take it easy. I hope you feel stronger and better real soon!</♥</font>

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    The answer is
    YES! After all that you have been thru, your mind and body are exhausted. It will take some time for recovery. Try and be patient and just take it easy. I hope you feel stronger and better real soon!</♥</font>

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    I finished chemo a week ago
    I finished chemo a week ago and want too feel good now!!!! today I got up then went back to bed and slept for 2 hurs. i have been so housebound that i want the energy to do something and I dont have any oomph. toward the end of taxol I noticed how exhausted I was.I have th have 2 day surgeries soon so want to enjoy this time "off" alittle guess not going to happen. then rads. (provided my wbc is ok.for surgery) I guess its the opposite of medicine that you feel better hen its done this you feel worse.