start chemo on Mon



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Good Luck
    Tinabug. You will have a lot of people in that room on Monday - we will all be there with you in spirit. You will do fine - keep up the positive attitude!!!!
    Hugs - Pat
  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    Ritzy said:

    Good luck Tina!
    You will soon be dancing with NED!

    Sue :)

    What is NED?
    I see it referred to often, but have no idea what it is?
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    rrogers34 said:

    What is NED?
    I see it referred to often, but have no idea what it is?

    NED = No Evidence of Disease. Basically it means that the doctors consider us cancer free!
  • lisasmit
    lisasmit Member Posts: 11
    Starting Chemo next week

    I am also starting my chemo treatments next week. My first day is next Friday (1/29). I am having a different set of meds. Like you, I went wig shopping last weekend. I still hate the thought, but we deal with what we have. I feel as though I am going into the chemo phase totally blind. I am working hard at keeping an open mind as to what the side effects might be like. The last thing I want to do is to decide that they will be worse than they might me, or to waste my time worrying about something that may not happen. Friday will definitely be a day of suprises.

  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    lisasmit said:

    Starting Chemo next week

    I am also starting my chemo treatments next week. My first day is next Friday (1/29). I am having a different set of meds. Like you, I went wig shopping last weekend. I still hate the thought, but we deal with what we have. I feel as though I am going into the chemo phase totally blind. I am working hard at keeping an open mind as to what the side effects might be like. The last thing I want to do is to decide that they will be worse than they might me, or to waste my time worrying about something that may not happen. Friday will definitely be a day of suprises.


    Good Luck

    I wish you the best on this leg of your journey. I pray that you have NO side effects. I guess I am planning on the best, with little or no side effects, since I start chemo on Mon & I'm having my shaving party on Sat. I thought I could be a little tired, but I will just rest.

    Please keep me updated on your progress. Hopefully, chemo will be a breeze for both of us.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    I know that feeling!
    I was soooo ready to get this show on the road! I began chemo on Jan. 4, and I had a Shaving Party the same day--it was a blast! About 30 people showed up and the positive energy, encouragement, hugs, and love were palpable--such a spirit-lifting event!

    Hang in there, Tina! The way you're taking charge of this rather than just letting it control you, you'll do fine!


    Sending you lots of luck for
    Sending you lots of luck for Monday Tina!

    ♥ Noel
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Tinabug said:

    Good Luck

    I wish you the best on this leg of your journey. I pray that you have NO side effects. I guess I am planning on the best, with little or no side effects, since I start chemo on Mon & I'm having my shaving party on Sat. I thought I could be a little tired, but I will just rest.

    Please keep me updated on your progress. Hopefully, chemo will be a breeze for both of us.


    Good luck to you on Monday
    Good luck to you on Monday with your chemo Tina! Hoping it will be a breeze for you.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Tinabug said:


    Thank you for your sweet words. Ya'll are truly the BEST...this journey would be so difficult without your support & encouragement!!!

    I did get my hair chopped yesterday. Wow, what an adjustment, but I actually love it!!! Jan 30th is my shaving excited. Not about being bald, but I live in AL & I have best friends driving from NC, TN, & GA. I feel special...they probably just want to laugh at my ugly head(ha, ha.)

    I asked not to have the neulasta shot because of the pain associated with it. My doctor said from looking at my spinal xrays it was hard to believe I'm only 43. Years of hitting the ground from horses & dirtbikes has caused permanent damage which has already caused back pain. I'm a little bit of a tomboy. After the 1st treatment if my wbc is way too low, I will have to have the shot.

    Thank you for your encouragment!!!

    Huge Hugs,

    We are always here to
    We are always here to support and encourage you Tina! Good luck with your shaving party and with chemo!
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Alexis F said:

    Good luck to you on Monday
    Good luck to you on Monday with your chemo Tina! Hoping it will be a breeze for you.


    Thank you
    Thanks, Lex. I am getting very anxious & I am assuming this is a normal feeling. Ready for it to be behind me.

  • psavast
    psavast Member Posts: 1
    Tinabug said:

    Thank you
    Thanks, Lex. I am getting very anxious & I am assuming this is a normal feeling. Ready for it to be behind me.


    My thoughts and prayers are
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    I have completed my second session with Chemo Tax/Cytox. It IS frightening...anything new is but you will do fine. The medical staff in this area are so well trained and wonderful. They will keep a close eye on you and be there for your questions.
    My experience has been the 4th day is my "down" I just stay in bed. Pamper myself...drink ALOT of water. If the water tastes bad, flavor it with Crystal Light or something that is going to be palatable to your sense of taste may be way off on this Chemo.
    Hugs, Prayers, Love
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Tina
    I had the same for 6 rounds. I did have the shot too. It kept my white blood cells above normal every time. In the last 4 months of chemo, I've had one cold. I hope you don't have to take it. I think thats what made me feel bad, not so much the chemo. I had no nausea. I was back to normal after 6 days. The chemo did cause a strong metal taste, but that goes away slowly, just in time for the next round. I wish that would have stopped my appetite, but it didn't. I ate anyway. My last round was last Monday and I'm feeling better finally. It will go by quickly. Day 14 was my hair shedding time. That was hard. Now I'm waiting for the new growth to come back. I wish you well.
  • hamish1
    hamish1 Member Posts: 34
    Tina, praying your chemo treatments go well. I started my first one on the 7th of Jan. and did great except for a couple days diarreha, which was totally controlled with Immodium. Other wise, I felt no ill efects at all. My oncologist had hoped I wouldn't need the shot of Neulasta, so he let me wait a week, but when I went back for a check on my blood , my white blood count had dropped dramatically, so I had to take the shot, and it did kick my butt with fatigue and a rapid heart beat, a few aches here and there. But it is very doable. So don't be surprised if you end up having to take the Neulasta shot.
    I am taking the same chemo drugs you are taking. I will be having my 2nd treatment Wed. Hope this one goes as well as the first. I wasn't sick in the least. However, they sent me home with pills to take to prevent nausea, so I followed directions and took them even though I didn't feel sick, so maybe that's why I did so well. We'll see. ha.ha. God bless you as you begin. By the way, the hardest thing for me thus far, is losing my hair. It started for me on the 13th day. I keep cutting it shorter each day, but today I think I will have to make up my mind to buzz it. Too much of a mess, cleaning up hair.
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    hi Tina... I go for chemo on
    hi Tina... I go for chemo on wed (4th one)I will be on FEC (had 3 treatments of herceptin and docetaxol) you will be fine.. take some books with you and a good friend Take care (((hugs)))Lisa xox
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    hi Tina... I go for chemo on
    hi Tina... I go for chemo on wed (4th one)I will be on FEC (had 3 treatments of herceptin and docetaxol) you will be fine.. take some books with you and a good friend Take care (((hugs)))Lisa xox

    Good luck to you too Lisa!
    Good luck to you too Lisa! Let us know how you do.

    Hugs, Angie
  • Sally48
    Sally48 Member Posts: 5
    start cheom on Mon

    I have the same chemo cocktail, TC, 4 sessions every 3 weeks. I will have my 2nd infusion on Tuesday so I will be halfway through. My lst infusion went well and the only side effects I had were feeling like I had the flu and some fatigue (no nausea). These came around day 3 and lasted a couple of days. I am not sure why you chose not to have Neulasta but I take the neupogen shots after infusion and I had no joint paint so far from the shots.

    Drink lots of juice, water and soup. It really helps flush out the chemo.

    As of this weekend my hair is falling out in the form of very heavy shedding, so I guess I will getting my wig styled next week.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you have very little in the way of side effects.

    Take good care of yourself.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    On the road
    We're on the road with you. Past, present and future. Good luck and positive (((vibes))) ur way. Lots of fluids. Caffiene and alcohol is dehydrating, so be careful those fluids. lol
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Katz77 said:

    On the road
    We're on the road with you. Past, present and future. Good luck and positive (((vibes))) ur way. Lots of fluids. Caffiene and alcohol is dehydrating, so be careful those fluids. lol

    wishing you an easy time
    wishing you an easy time minimal side effects. Hugs
  • kick-ca-ass
    kick-ca-ass Member Posts: 10
    Tinabug said:


    Thank you for your sweet words. Ya'll are truly the BEST...this journey would be so difficult without your support & encouragement!!!

    I did get my hair chopped yesterday. Wow, what an adjustment, but I actually love it!!! Jan 30th is my shaving excited. Not about being bald, but I live in AL & I have best friends driving from NC, TN, & GA. I feel special...they probably just want to laugh at my ugly head(ha, ha.)

    I asked not to have the neulasta shot because of the pain associated with it. My doctor said from looking at my spinal xrays it was hard to believe I'm only 43. Years of hitting the ground from horses & dirtbikes has caused permanent damage which has already caused back pain. I'm a little bit of a tomboy. After the 1st treatment if my wbc is way too low, I will have to have the shot.

    Thank you for your encouragment!!!

    Huge Hugs,

    Love your attitude! I shaved
    Love your attitude! I shaved my head before chemo with my husband and surprisingly I loved the results. My adjustment was in keeping warm enough. I wore ski caps because it's amazing how you feel every little breeze and it's quite chilly. I love the convience of no hair; no blow drying or hair products, its a big time saver. With your doctor watch your white blood count (wbc) following each chemo treatment especially without neulasta. My oncologist didn't want to go below 15,000 otherwise we would have had to pospone a treatment or two. It was important for me not to miss a treatment and possibly end up hospitalized for an illness that I contracted because of low wbc's. I took the neulasta and had very little side affects. Good luck keep on drinking that water.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Just wanted to say I wish you luck tomorrow on your first treatment. Try to rest up tonight and make sure you eat something before you go so you can "pass the blood work test" and move forward! Think positive thoughts and bring something to do because your first one always takes several hours. Let us know how it goes.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Thought of you all day


    Thought of you all day long. How are you doing?

    Hugs & prayers,
