Reconstruction - scared but still feel I want it

Minuz Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Thank you all for the information and kindness. I have been living so unhappy for these last 18 months mostly because of course I can't believe this has all happened but also because of how I feel about myself now. I couldn't get reconstruction at the time of the mastectomy so now that I have the ok I'm pretty sure it is the thing for me to do. I did see the surgeon on monday and was told as much as I guess is possible to tell me. I will be seeing them again next week so I guess the next thing I need to know is how dangerous is this surgery, no one has really addressed that. I am really frightened of going through all the pain again and I had trouble with the drains last time with infection and I lost blood that they had to give me 2 pints so now that too is a fear. I guess one of the main things I am interested in knowing is would you all do it again even if you did have problems of infection or extreme pain?
Looking for a way to come to terms with this decision. I feel like this big weight is with me but than again I also know that I hate how I have felt about myself since this all has occurred.
thanks again for any advice :)


  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Minuz,I had a few problems

    I know how difficult it is to decide to do something that other people may consider elective surgery. I struggled with whether to have one breast reduced to the size of the other one and whether to have nipples done. Subconsciously, I was afraid that something would happen during this surgery, because I didn't really 'need' it. But, I needed it for my own well-being. But, the most important thing is that you have to be content/happy/at peace with whatever decision you make.

    I had a few problems with my surgery, but nothing that was too serious. I found that I couldn't tolerate morphine, so I stopped taking it the second day after surgery. I went to tylenol and Motrin, but there are a lot of different painkillers. My doctor and the nurses really emphasized pain management, because you don't heal as well if you are in pain. I, too, had to have a pint of blood, but I had given my own blood, so I had two pints available if I needed them. You might want to do that also. It made me feel better knowing that it was my own blood.

    My drains were fine until the very end. Then, the last one became plugged and needed to come out early. So, I had to have fluid removed a couple times. My biggest problem was my reconstructed belly button which became infected. That was treated with an antibiotic and antibiotic cream. That took a few weeks to heal.

    Would I do it again? Absolutely, positively, yes! It was a few weeks of recovery, but I know that I'll feel much better for the rest of my life feeling whole and not having to deal with prostheses. It really was a quality of life issue for me. It sounds like it is for you, too.

  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    I had a bilateral mastectomy with expanders & yes I would absolutely do it again. I am still under reconstruction & won't be able to have the expanders removed until chemo is finished...about 5 mths. Other than an allergic reaction to morphine, sugical tape, & codiene...I thought it was bearable.

    I believe we have to do what we need to in order to feel good about ourselves. I wish you wisdom & strength in your decision.

    Huge hugs,
  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    Tinabug said:

    I had a bilateral mastectomy with expanders & yes I would absolutely do it again. I am still under reconstruction & won't be able to have the expanders removed until chemo is finished...about 5 mths. Other than an allergic reaction to morphine, sugical tape, & codiene...I thought it was bearable.

    I believe we have to do what we need to in order to feel good about ourselves. I wish you wisdom & strength in your decision.

    Huge hugs,

    to do or not to do ????
    I would 100 % do it again..I had the DIEP only for my right breast... the pain is totally managable...the peace you get is worth every must make the decison for what makes minuz happy and no one else...forget what we tell you, what your loved ones tell you...what do you tell you ?????? you'll figure it out...warm thoughts..wendy
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Minuz, I wanted to welcome
    Minuz, I wanted to welcome you. I didn't have the same surgery and cannot offer advice in that area but can tell you that whatever makes YOU happy is what you need to do. It's your life and you have got to live it!! Keep posting and good luck.
  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    MyTurnNow said:

    Minuz, I wanted to welcome
    Minuz, I wanted to welcome you. I didn't have the same surgery and cannot offer advice in that area but can tell you that whatever makes YOU happy is what you need to do. It's your life and you have got to live it!! Keep posting and good luck.

    One last thought - Reconstruction
    Thank you all for the honesty, sincerety, thoughtfulness you are giving me. One last question at this time is the struggle I am having with letting anyone else know I'm going in for this surgery. My husband, children, and sister do know but I can't seem to tell others. I feel like it is too personal and I don't want to keep explaining to people why I'm doing this. I also don't like the thought of people checking me out after surgery (if you know what I mean). I know I'm getting paranoid!!!! Did any of you feel that way? My family said that I shouldn't feel this way and that others would be supportive. I just think it is so personal. I'm worrying about everything right now - what to do!!!!!! :(
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    MyTurnNow said:

    Minuz, I wanted to welcome
    Minuz, I wanted to welcome you. I didn't have the same surgery and cannot offer advice in that area but can tell you that whatever makes YOU happy is what you need to do. It's your life and you have got to live it!! Keep posting and good luck.

    I didn't have the surgery
    I didn't have the surgery you are having, but, I wanted to say hi, welcome and to wish you good luck!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Minuz said:

    One last thought - Reconstruction
    Thank you all for the honesty, sincerety, thoughtfulness you are giving me. One last question at this time is the struggle I am having with letting anyone else know I'm going in for this surgery. My husband, children, and sister do know but I can't seem to tell others. I feel like it is too personal and I don't want to keep explaining to people why I'm doing this. I also don't like the thought of people checking me out after surgery (if you know what I mean). I know I'm getting paranoid!!!! Did any of you feel that way? My family said that I shouldn't feel this way and that others would be supportive. I just think it is so personal. I'm worrying about everything right now - what to do!!!!!! :(

    It sounds like you have a decision and I applaud you for that. Most people I know who have had the surgery feel very happy with the results. As for telling other people, you have no obligation to let anyone know the specifics. You can say you're having cancer-related surgery. Please don't feel that there is anything wrong or "elective" about what you're doing. You're getting this done because you had cancer and had to have a body part removed. Anyone who would judge you for that is nuts. This is not cosmetic surgery. If it was, insurance wouldn't cover it. Anyway, good luck with everything.
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Minuz said:

    One last thought - Reconstruction
    Thank you all for the honesty, sincerety, thoughtfulness you are giving me. One last question at this time is the struggle I am having with letting anyone else know I'm going in for this surgery. My husband, children, and sister do know but I can't seem to tell others. I feel like it is too personal and I don't want to keep explaining to people why I'm doing this. I also don't like the thought of people checking me out after surgery (if you know what I mean). I know I'm getting paranoid!!!! Did any of you feel that way? My family said that I shouldn't feel this way and that others would be supportive. I just think it is so personal. I'm worrying about everything right now - what to do!!!!!! :(

    Nobody's business

    First of all, it's up to you who you share your information with & if you don't want to share you don't have to. It sounds as if all the really important people in your life know and completely support you. Second of all, you owe nobody an explanation. This is YOUR body, you are the one who had cancer, who had to have a mastectomy, & who wants reconstruction to feel you've completed the process. However, I have learned, people are so understanding & caring. Sometimes they may not know what to say, but they try. Unlike you, I have been extremely open about what has happened to me emotionally & physically. I had bc in my left breast, but I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy which some people thought was radical(even my dad.) Quite frankly, it was my decision & I based it on what I wanted. In the end, everyone completely supported me even if it wasn't what they would have done. We all handle our journey in a different way & you have to follow your gut. I do believe, everyone would be 100% supportive of your decision to complete the healing process. Regardless, it is about you & what you want. Finally, as far as people checking you out, I find a lot of people avoid looking at my breasts(it's apparent.) I assume it's because they are afraid of making me uncomfortable. Just close your eyes & imagine the reconstruction is does that make YOU feel?

    Huge hugs,
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    susie09 said:

    I didn't have the surgery
    I didn't have the surgery you are having, but, I wanted to say hi, welcome and to wish you good luck!

    I, too, was quite open about

    I, too, was quite open about the surgery that I was having, partly because I wanted women to know that there is more than one kind of reconstruction available if they ever are in a position that they need it. But, no one needs to know, if that's your choice. I felt like you that people were going to look at me more, but I think that it might actually be less of a tendency with reconstruction than with only the mastectomy. One of my reconstructed breasts was much larger than the other one, and when I told my boss (who is also a good friend) that I was having one reduced, she said that she hadn't noticed before I said something, but she would after I told her.

    Please feel free to ask anything that you want.

  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    jk1952 said:

    I, too, was quite open about

    I, too, was quite open about the surgery that I was having, partly because I wanted women to know that there is more than one kind of reconstruction available if they ever are in a position that they need it. But, no one needs to know, if that's your choice. I felt like you that people were going to look at me more, but I think that it might actually be less of a tendency with reconstruction than with only the mastectomy. One of my reconstructed breasts was much larger than the other one, and when I told my boss (who is also a good friend) that I was having one reduced, she said that she hadn't noticed before I said something, but she would after I told her.

    Please feel free to ask anything that you want.


    Soul Searching
    I am sooooo happy that I finally had the nerve to start writing on this site. You have all helped me tremendously. I actually cried happy tears for a change and I thank you for that!!
    I'm pretty sure that the surgery is a go as long as I pass the pre op testing. I guess I will have to decide just who I want to know about this with the hopes that their support will get me through it. The surgery is set for about 3 weeks from now so I will have to do some soul searching as to how I handle talking about it.

    I hope I can support any and all of you whenever it is needed. Thank you, Thank you
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Minuz said:

    Soul Searching
    I am sooooo happy that I finally had the nerve to start writing on this site. You have all helped me tremendously. I actually cried happy tears for a change and I thank you for that!!
    I'm pretty sure that the surgery is a go as long as I pass the pre op testing. I guess I will have to decide just who I want to know about this with the hopes that their support will get me through it. The surgery is set for about 3 weeks from now so I will have to do some soul searching as to how I handle talking about it.

    I hope I can support any and all of you whenever it is needed. Thank you, Thank you

    I am glad that the tears you
    I am glad that the tears you cried were happy ones! And, I am glad that you found this site. It is great! Good luck with your surgery! Keep posting!

  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Breast Reconstruction
    I had 0 Stage DCIS in right breast. Margins were not clear with 2 surgeries, so I opted for bilateral mastectomy with immediate tissue expanders inserted at time of mastectomy. I had infection in left breast 5 weeks after mastectomy and in the right breast 6-1/2 weeks after mastectomy which meant that the tissue expanders had to be removed. I was quite over weight and had not exercised for a few years. I wanted to be successful with reconstruction and asked my doctor what precautions I needed to take. He responded, "Diet and exercise." Those 2 words and the desire to have breasts kept me dieting and exercising. I walked 5-6 days per week and joined Weight Watchers. When the tissue expanders were inserted for a second time, I had no problem. When the implants replaced the expanders, I had and continue to have no problem. There is nothing nicer than looking down at your body and seeing breasts. I can't imagine why any woman would not want to have them. Research what type of reconstruction you want and are able to have. Being that I was overweight, I was not a candidate for some types of reconstruction. Exercise is probably the most important thing to do while in breast reconstruction. You will heal much better. Make sure you know everything about your plastic surgeon and ask to talk to some of his patients who had breast reconstruction. Good luck.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Breast Reconstruction
    I had 0 Stage DCIS in right breast. Margins were not clear with 2 surgeries, so I opted for bilateral mastectomy with immediate tissue expanders inserted at time of mastectomy. I had infection in left breast 5 weeks after mastectomy and in the right breast 6-1/2 weeks after mastectomy which meant that the tissue expanders had to be removed. I was quite over weight and had not exercised for a few years. I wanted to be successful with reconstruction and asked my doctor what precautions I needed to take. He responded, "Diet and exercise." Those 2 words and the desire to have breasts kept me dieting and exercising. I walked 5-6 days per week and joined Weight Watchers. When the tissue expanders were inserted for a second time, I had no problem. When the implants replaced the expanders, I had and continue to have no problem. There is nothing nicer than looking down at your body and seeing breasts. I can't imagine why any woman would not want to have them. Research what type of reconstruction you want and are able to have. Being that I was overweight, I was not a candidate for some types of reconstruction. Exercise is probably the most important thing to do while in breast reconstruction. You will heal much better. Make sure you know everything about your plastic surgeon and ask to talk to some of his patients who had breast reconstruction. Good luck.

    Just wishing you good
    Just wishing you good luck.
