Doing great- I think? Herc-Taxotere, Carboplatin

rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, everyone. Just wanted to update you on how I am doing. I had my first chemo on january 8th. Taxotere, carboplating and Herceptin. I have had 2 more treatments of herceptin. My next chemo (all three) treatment is Tuesday the 26th. I'm nervous, because I hear people can have different side effects with each treatment? I hope I do as well with this one as I did with the last one. The main side effects I had were constipation and fatigue. I have been more active since then and am back to work full time. So far, so good. I havent lost any hair yet, though I had it cut like GI Jane on January 7th. I dont know if anyone else has this opportunity, but where I go, they have what they call a second opinion clinic. It is where, a group of specialists, Oncologist, surgeon, radiologist oncologist, breast nurse. They look at all of your tests and path reports and give you a second opinion. It is free. They actually sit with you in a room and you can ask them anything you want to. As I understand it typically this is done prior to treatment, however it can used for affirmation.
Which is what I am using it for. They serve you lunch. It takes about 3 hours. Can you believe it, you actually get to meet with the best in field (in the area) and they review and discuss your case among themselves and then sit with you? I decided to take advantage of this program hearing all of inconsistancies some of you have gone through? I had one concern that my Oncol said he was not planning on doing an PET scans since my cancer was so small. Then I hear about a woman who after six years has bone mets? Please remember me in your prayers as I go through this next treatment. Then it will be 2 down 4 to go. Is anyone else having he same cocktail and had more than one treatment? If so, how did you do? I know we are all different. My Oncol says I can take vitamins, I guess I wonder why some say yes and some say no. I'm also curious as to a previous post where originally they said she was Her+ and now she is not? Geesh! Well everyone have a blessed day.

Hugs and kisses and lots of prayers


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Glad you are doing so well
    Glad you are doing so well Becky! That is really great about being able to sit down with experts and talk one on one with them! I was told no vitamins as you don't want your cells getting stronger and healthier and that is what vitamins do. And, you do not want your cancer cells getting stronger. You want them weak so that the chemo and rads kill them. I never understand why some oncologists say it is ok. Good luck!

    Sue :)
  • chipoo
    chipoo Member Posts: 32
    I have the same treatment meds.
    Hi Becky,
    I will be having my 5th cycle of chemo. next Friday. I need to have 6 cycles of the Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. This will be followed by 6 weeks of radiation and 11 more cycles of just Herceptin. I found my first cycle of chemo. difficult because I had a lot of stomach upset. The doctors adjusted my medicines and I have not had a problem since. Other than losing my hair, my last three cycles have gone well and I feel pretty much normal. What I found very helpful is I let my doctors know if I get any symptoms or side effects right away so that they can prescribe something before it gets to be a problem. Good luck with your treatment.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Hi Becky
    I had the same cocktail as you and although there are a few side effects, there are plenty of remedies for them. I was diagnosed Nov. 08, mastectomy Dec. 08, followed by chemo 6 rounds and 6 weeks of rads. I just finished my year of Herceptin and yesterday had my port taken out. I survived this and you will too. I had a couple bone scans and bones are OK. Heart made it through the Herceptin witout much damage and my hair is growing back pretty fast really. I know at the time it seems it will never end, but it does and you will be able to go on to live a long and happy life.
    God Bless,
  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    Same treatment - did well
    Hi Becky,
    I too had the same chemo drugs. I started in August 08' with 6 treatments, than 32 rounds of radiation and continued the herceptin every 3 weeks for 1 year.
    I did get fatigued and constipated also. The other thing which was quite annoying and still is with me today is a dry mouth. I didn't start to lose my hair until about 2 weeks after the second treatment. I never really was nauseous but I took the pills they gave me diligently (even set my alarm to stay on schedule). I was allowed to take my vitamins also.
    I was like clock work when it came to the fatigue. My treatments were always on tuesdays and by thursday afternoons it hit and it was like magic and was gone midday sundays. I just planned things around days I knew I would be ok. The constipation did still stay with me after treatment was over but not as severe.
    You will do fine. I can't believe it has been 18 months already. My hair did grow back but of course not as quickly as I would have liked. Today my new challenge is reconstruction. :)
    As far as the PET scan you need to advocate for yourself. I would keep track of everytime I had any tests taken, mammo's, bloodwork, chest x-rays etc and I would always research whatever I could. I still ask my onc isn't it time for another mammo (etc). He wasn't doing another PET either but I think I bugged him enough and it did get taken. Hang in there!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Hey Becky! Sending you hugs
    Hey Becky! Sending you hugs and prayers!
  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    Hey Girl
    I had same cocktail, same number of treatments..done about a month ago. Yes, my side effects were a little different each time. I was always fatigued and had constipation but there were a few others that popped up, such as mouth sores, hemmorroids.
    Keep on trucking can do it!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Sam726 said:

    Hey Girl
    I had same cocktail, same number of treatments..done about a month ago. Yes, my side effects were a little different each time. I was always fatigued and had constipation but there were a few others that popped up, such as mouth sores, hemmorroids.
    Keep on trucking can do it!

    Hope your chemo continues to
    Hope your chemo continues to go well for you!

  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    same cocktail!
    I just posted for the first time here today, and was a bit concerned/questioning why I had never heard others talk about Carboplatin. I'm so very new, and nervous that everything freaks me out a little. I love this message board! Great to see others post about the same cocktail as I'll be getting soon.